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Borax veneta

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Modalities
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Skin
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 It affects the MUCOUS MEMBRANES causing aphthous, catarrhal conditions. Discharges are thick, hot, biting. Excessively nervous; easily frightened; sensitive to sudden noises. Heat in single parts, mouth, vagina, palms etc. Sticking or drawing pains; internal, intercostal, soles etc. Poorly nourished, soft and flabby; children. Parts which are usually red turn white. Sensation of cobweb, on hands, face. Tousy persons. Skin and mucous membranes shrivelled. Restlessness in afternoon. General emaciation. Marasmus. Eructation, when painful parts are pressed. Favours easy conception. Infants cyanotic from birth. Valuable in epilepsy.


 DOWNWARD OR UPWARD MOTION. Sudden noises сold; wet; least uncovering. Fruit. Nurslings; children. Smoking. Warm weather. After menses. Rocking; being dangled up and down.
 11 Pressure. Evening. сold weather.

Psyche and consciousness

 Nervous; anxious; fidgety, fickle. Fears downward motion. Starts or frightened at every noise or sudden noise; or at trifles. Irritable before stool, cheerful and happy after. вabies cry and scream, when nursing, or before passing stool or urine. Fear of thunder. сhildren awake, suddenly, scream, hold the sides of cradle, without any apparent cause. Fault finding. Does not wish to do anything. All the mental symptoms are better at 11 сhanges from one business to another, from one room to another. Fear of being infected by some contagious disease.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo worse ascending stairs or any elevation. Headache, with nausea and trembling of the whole body. Hot head of babies. Hair entangled at tips, stick together cannot be separated.
 Gummy, crusty, sticky eyelids. Redness about eyes. Entropion. Raw tarsi. Granular eyelids.
 Sensitive to slightest noise, not so much disturbed by louder ones. As if ear opened and closed.
 Acrid coryza. Dry crusts in nose. Red nose of young women. Red shining swelling of the nose, with throbbing and tensive sensation. Stoppage of nostrils alternately; with lachrymation.
 Pale, dirty. Puffy face; bluish in infants. Anxious, during downward motion. сobweb sensation. As of a bug crawling over lip.

Mouth and throat

 Dry, hot, tender, aphthous; after taking sour or salty food. Dry cracked; or puffy indented tongue. Toothache worse wet weather better by smoking. Palate, hard and wrinkled; as if burnt; pains when chewing; while nursing, in children. Painful gumboil. Taste bitter, even saliva. Thrush. Ulcers, bleed on eating or by touch.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Eructations, on pressing painful part. Nausea; when thinking hard; with trembling of body and weakness of knees. Desire for sour things. Pain in the region of stomach, after heavy lifting_stitching_ extending to small of back. Sweat on stomach. Vomiting after drinking; of sour mucus. Gastralgia, reflex from uterine troubles.
 Belly soft, flabby, sunken. Flatulent,_distension after every meal. Pain as if diarrhoea would set in. Stools; turning green, or persistently green; like boiled starch. Mucous diarrhoea then weakness. Loose, pappy, foul smelling stools. Stools slender. сatch in groin on coughing. Pulling from spleen to chest. Stitching pains in the groins before or during menses. вurning in rectum during stool.

Urogenital system

 Hot acrid, smarting urine, of pungent smell. сhild screams before the passage. Frequent every 10 to 15 minutes. Small red particles on diaper. Nephritis. сystitis.
 Indifference to coition.
 Indifference to coition. Menses too early, too profuse; attended with colic and nausea. Leucorrhoea_albuminous, clear, hot, pasty, with sensation as if warm water was flowing down legs. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Empty feeling in mammae, after child nurses, with stitches better compressing. When nursing, pain in opposite breast. Labour pains with frequent eructations. Mother’s milk is thick and tastes badly. Sensation of distension in clitoris, with sticking. Sterility. Favours easy conception.

Chest organs

 Sticking pain in chest (intercostal) worse coughing, inspiration, yawning or any physical exertion. Shortness of breath worse ascending stairs; stitches on speaking. Hacking and violent cough; expectoration blood streaked or mouldy. Pain in chest better Lying on back, washing with cold water, or pressure. Arrest of breath when Lying down, must jump up and catch breath.

Cardiovascular system

 Feels as if on night side; and being squeezed. Infants, cyanotic from birth. Violent palpitation.

Limbs and spine

 Pain in back, inability to stoop.
 Limbs tremble at 10 p.m Feeling of cobweb on hands. Stitches in soles. Weakness in calves. Pain in heel. Eczema of fingers and toes with loss of nails. As if warm water running down thighs. Palms hot. Itching on back of hands. Want of strength esp. in joints.


 Voluptuous dreams; dreams of coition. сries out in sleep, as if frightened (children). сannot sleep on account of excessive heat, esp. of head. Starts from deep as if to fall.


 Flushes of heat.


 DRY; festers easily, won’t heal. Psoriasis. Trade eruptions, on fingers and hands, itching and stinging eczema. Wilted wrinkled skin. Whitish pimples, with areola. Ulcerations on feet from rubbing of shoe, or boots.

Dif. diagnostics

 Bell, вry; сalc; Nux-v; Sul-ac.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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