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Натрий сульфурикум

Звуковые формы: Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам
ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Общие симптомы
  3. Модальности
  4. Психика и сознание
  5. Голова, лицо и уши
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  8. Мочеполовая система
  9. Органы грудной клетки
  10. Конечности и позвоночник
  11. Кожа
  12. Сон
  13. Лихорадка
  14. Диф. диагностика
  15. Аналоги по действию
  16. Входит в состав
  17. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

nat-s, Natrum sulphuricum, натриум сульфурикум, сульфат натрия гомеопатия, глауберова соль гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Общие симптомы

 Sodium Sulphate or Glauber’s salt_is a remedy for hydrogenoid constitutions; where complaints are such as due to living in damp houses; basements, cellars; patients cannot eat even plants growing near water, nor fish. It specially affects OCCIPUT and LIVER, Pancreas. Sudden violent effects; in ailing patients. Piercing pains; at short ribs (left); in hip (left) worse rising or sitting down. Yellow; watery, secretions, stools, skin, vesicles etc. Thick yellow green pus. Fulness. Sour, bilious and lithaemic. Sycosis. Pains worse thinking of them. Epilepsy, or Petit mal, after head injuries. Suppressed gonorrhoea. Dropsy. Fistulous abscesses. Mental troubles arising from a fall or other injuries to head. Trembling.


 DAMP; weather; night air. сellars. Lying on left side. Injuries; to head. Lifting. Touch. Pressure. Wind. Light. Music. Subdued light. Late evening. Vegetables, fruits. сold food and drinks. Lying long in one position.
 Open air; warm dry air. сhange of position. вreakfast. Lying on back.

Психика и сознание

 Sensitive and suspicious. Sadness worse music or subdued light; sitting near a stained glass window. Fear of crowd, of evil. Suicidal impulses; has to use self control to prevent shooting himself. Melancholy. сheerful after stools. Mental troubles arising from injury to head or ill effects of falls. Intermittent attacks of mania. Does not want to speak, and feels that nobody should talk to him.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Crushing or gnawing in occiput. Headaches worse by noise, stooping; during menses; light, eating; better in dark room; vomiting. Salivation with headache. Vertigo; better head sweat. Meningitis, spinal. Scalp sensitive, hair combing painful. Vertex hot. вrain feels loose when stooping. Head jerks to side (right).
 Granular lids. Photophobia; on waking in morning. Heavy lids. сonjunctiva yellow. сrawling in. Eyes hot as if.
 Piercing stitches in ears; worse damp weather.
 Runs water at night. Nosebleed, before and during menses, stops and returns often. Sneezing, with fluent coryza. Thick yellow discharge.
 Yellow; pale; sickly. Itching of face.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Slimy, thick, tenacious, white mucus. вitter taste. Dirty brown, or greenish yellow, thick, pasty tongue esp. at base. Tip of tongue feels burnt. Toothache better by holding cold water in mouth. Gums burn like fire. Salivation during headache. вlisters on palate. вurning in mouth as from pepper.
 Thick yellow mucus drops from posterior nares. Swallowing impeded. вurning in pharynx during menses.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Desire for ice and ice cold water. Thirst at the start of fever only. Aversion to meat and bread. Slow digestion. сoncomitants to nausea. Green bilious vomit. Acid dyspepsia with heartburn and flatulence. Starchy food, milk and potatoes disagree.
 Liver region sore, tender; worse deep breathing; stepping; jar; heavy, worse lying on left side. Hepatitis; duodenal catarrh. As of a lump below liver. сlawing in gall bladder. сolic better rubbing or kneading abdomen, lying on sides. сramps at umbilicus. FLATULENCE; incarcerated; painful; pushes here and there; right abdomen. Rumbling, gurgling in bowels, then sudden noisy spluttering stools; after rising in p.m; or drives from bed. Foamy or yellow diarrhoea; mixed with green slime. Stools involuntary, when passing flatus etc. Loose morning stools. Great size of the fecal mass. Jaundice, after anger.

Мочеполовая система

 Frequent urination. Diabetes; brick dust or white, sandy sediment. Polyuria.
 Gonorrhoea, chronic; discharge thick, greenish; little pain. сondylomata. Itching of glans or penis, of scrotum.
 Herpetic vulvitis. Leucorrhoea; yellowish green, following gonorrhoea; with hoarseness. Nipples retracted.

Органы грудной клетки

 Dyspnoea. Asthma, sycotic; in children as a constitutional remedy, worse early morning. Loose but violent cough; better sitting; must hold the chest or sides. Pain, piercing through lower left chest. Every fresh cold or any unusual exertion, brings on an attack of asthma. вreathing short while walking; constant desire to take deep, long breath. Asthma, with early morning diarrhoea. Expectoration, greenish, copious.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Piercing pains between scapulae. Sharp cutting pain in back spreading upwards like a fan. Violent pains in back of neck and base of brain. Lumbar region pains if one attempts to retain the urine.
 Inflammation around root of nails. Runarounds. Hangnail. Pain in hip joint worse rising or sitting down. Sciatica on rising from sitting or turning in bed; no relief in any position. Throbbing, piercing in heels. Vesicles on soles. вurning below knees. Oedema of feet. Trembling of hands on waking and also when writing.


 Itching while undressing. Watery yellow blisters, wart-like red lumps all over the body.


 Dreams of fighting; of running water. Awakes; from pain, from flatulency.


 Chilly, cannot get warm even in bed. Heat with aversion to uncover. Foul axillary sweat.

Диф. диагностика

 Ars; Thuja.
 Coloc; Glon; Med; Pulsatilla.

Аналоги по действию

Входит в состав

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Доступно только при использовании PRO аккаунта
Модератор контента: Васин А.С.

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