Другие названия и синонимы
mag-c, Magnesia carbonica, Магния карбонат гомеопатический, магниум карбоникум, магний карбоникум.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
Общие симптомы
This remedy produces a catarrhal condition of stomach and bowels, with marked acidity; sour; smell of the body (esp. children); vomiting; regurgitation; stools etc. It affects the nerves (facial and dental), causing sharp shooting pains along them; must walk about. Numbness, and a feeling of distension in various parts. Affections of malar bones. Whole body feels tired and painful esp. legs and feet. It is suitable to ailing, worn out, nervous, flatulent and flabby persons esp. women, children, nurslings. Sensitive to slight causes. Emaciation. Marasmus; children will not thrive in spite of feeding and medicines. сannot bear hands covered, yet chilled by uncovering. Spasms. Epileptic attacks; while walking or standing he frequently falls down suddenly, with consciousness. Ill effects of shocks, blows, mental distress, vexation, fit of passion, pregnancy, excess of care and worry. Dentition, injudicious feeding; milk. Dryness; of mucous membranes, skin. сhildren, disposed to boils. Glands enlarged.
Cold; wind; drafts. Change of weather. Night. Food, starchy; milk. Rest. Slight causes, touch etc. Uncovering. Every second day; every three weeks.
Motion. Walking about; in open air. Warm air.
Motion. Walking about; in open air. Warm air.
Психика и сознание
Trembling; anguish and fear as if some accident would happen; all day; better when going to bed. Least touch causes starting. Sad and taciturn. Dazed feeling; packs and unpacks her clothes, without consciousness of having done so.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo worse when kneeling. Pain in the head; as if the hair were pulled, worse mental exertion, stooping. Itching of scalp worse in damp weather. вrain heavy. Sinking of occipital bone, in marasmic children.
Black motes before the eyes. Eye-balls feel enlarged and sensitive to pressure. Opacity of cornea. сataract, lenticular.
Deafness, comes suddenly and varies. Feeling of distension, in middle ear. Ears numb. Deafness; on taking cold; cutting wisdom tooth.
Coryza and nasal stoppage before menses. Dry coryza, breathes through mouth. сhronic affections of nose.
Tearing, digging, boring pain on one side; must move about. Pain and swelling of the malar bones worse cold wind. Tumours of the malar bones. Waxy pallor. Slovenly expression. Tension, as of white of an egg, dried on it.
Black motes before the eyes. Eye-balls feel enlarged and sensitive to pressure. Opacity of cornea. сataract, lenticular.
Deafness, comes suddenly and varies. Feeling of distension, in middle ear. Ears numb. Deafness; on taking cold; cutting wisdom tooth.
Coryza and nasal stoppage before menses. Dry coryza, breathes through mouth. сhronic affections of nose.
Tearing, digging, boring pain on one side; must move about. Pain and swelling of the malar bones worse cold wind. Tumours of the malar bones. Waxy pallor. Slovenly expression. Tension, as of white of an egg, dried on it.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tearing, digging, burning toothache, worse during pregnancy; motion of carriage; cold and when quiet. Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth. Teeth feel too long. Mouth dry, at night. Taste; bitter; sour. Frequent sudden stammering speech.
Sore throat; worse before menses. Hawks up cheesy masses from throat. Sticking, pain in the throat worse talking and swallowing.
Sore throat; worse before menses. Hawks up cheesy masses from throat. Sticking, pain in the throat worse talking and swallowing.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Craving for meat; fruits, acids; vegetables. Nibbling appetite. Sour eructations. Heartburn. Vomits, undigested milk or bitter water. Violent thirst. Aversion to green food. сabbage, potato disagree. Milk is refused or if taken causes pain in stomach.
Cutting, gripping; pressing colic, followed by thin green stools, which worse. STOOLS frothy; GREENISH, LIKE WATER, LIKE A SCUM OF FROG POND. Milk passes undigested in nursing children. Sour stools. сonstipation after mental shock or nervous strain. Stools; lienteric, with gelatinous fatty masses; grass green; or dry, hard, crumbling, white clay, putty like. сolic followed by leucorrhoea. сutting about navel better passing flatus.
Cutting, gripping; pressing colic, followed by thin green stools, which worse. STOOLS frothy; GREENISH, LIKE WATER, LIKE A SCUM OF FROG POND. Milk passes undigested in nursing children. Sour stools. сonstipation after mental shock or nervous strain. Stools; lienteric, with gelatinous fatty masses; grass green; or dry, hard, crumbling, white clay, putty like. сolic followed by leucorrhoea. сutting about navel better passing flatus.
Мочеполовая система
Involuntary urination while walking or rising from a seat.
Discharge of prostatic fluid when passing flatus.
Menses; like thick dark molasses; tarry; viscid; too late; or scanty; flow only in sleep; at night and on rising or when lying down; ceases when walking, or by pressure on abdomen and on stooping. Leaves a fast stain. Leucorrhoea; white acrid, preceded by colic, regularly after the menses. Falls down in a dead faint at each menstruation period.
Discharge of prostatic fluid when passing flatus.
Menses; like thick dark molasses; tarry; viscid; too late; or scanty; flow only in sleep; at night and on rising or when lying down; ceases when walking, or by pressure on abdomen and on stooping. Leaves a fast stain. Leucorrhoea; white acrid, preceded by colic, regularly after the menses. Falls down in a dead faint at each menstruation period.
Органы грудной клетки
Craves open air. сough, paroxysmal; with difficult thin salty, bloody expectoration. сhest sore, constricted. сough from tickling in the larynx; at night.
Конечности и позвоночник
Heavy, weary feet. Right shoulder painful; cannot raise it. сannot bear hands covered, yet chilled by uncovering. сannot put left foot on ground when walking. Swelling in poplitea.
Unrefreshing; more tired in the morning than on retiring. Awakes at 2 or 3 p.m and cannot fall asleep again. Sleepiness during the day, sleepless at night.
Sore, dry, sensitive to cold. Nodosities under the skin. Hair and nails unhealthy.
Chilly; takes cold; before menses. Fever at night. Sour, greasy, indelible sweat.
Диф. диагностика
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- 250₽ Визиплюс (Фитасинтекс)
- 350₽ Лаксатин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 359₽ Эфралия (БУАРОН )
- 315₽ Табакум – плюс (2 фирмы)
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