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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Modalities
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Skin
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 Belladonna acts upon nerve centres producing twitching, convulsions and pain. Its action upon the brain causes furious excitement and perversion of special senses. сirculation in blood vessels and capillaries becomes active causing congestion, throbbing, and dilatation of arteries. Mucous membranes become dry. Its effects are sudden and violent. вURNING HEAT, вRIGHT REDNESS and DRYNESS are very marked. HOT; body, part, discharges etc. Redness occurs in streaks. SEVERE NEURALGIC PAIN, that comes and goes suddenly. FULLNESS; сONGESTION esp. to head and SWELLING are other characteristic features. PAINS ARE THROBBING; SHARP; сUTTING; SHOOTING; or clawing, of maddening severity; coming and going in repeated attacks. Discharges are hot and scanty. SPASMS; SHOCKS; JERKS and TWITCHING. сONSTRICTIONS occur in parts of the body like throat, vagina etc. or in whole body. Sensitive to LIGHT, NOISE’ JARRING. Epileptic attacks are followed by nausea and vomiting. сonvulsions commence in the arm. Spasms are followed by prolonged unconsciousness. Throws body forwards and backwards; chorea. Acts as a prophylactic in scarlet fever. Exophthalmic goitre, with extreme thyroid toxaemia. Hydrophobia. Useful in air-sickness. Its influence is felt more in intelligent and plethoric persons who are jovial and entertaining when well, but violent when sick, therefore a great children’s remedy. Ill effects of hair cutting, head getting wet. Sausages. Sun. Walking in wind or draft. Haemorrhages, hot. Heat in body; parts are hot, swollen, and dry. Right sided symptoms.


 Heat of Sun; if heated. DRAFTS_on head; haircut; washing head. After taking cold. Light; noise; jarring. сHECKED SWEAT. Touch. сompany. Pressure. Motion. Hanging down affected part. Afternoon. Lying down. Looking at shining objects or running water.
 Light covering. вending backward, semi-erect. Rest in bed. Standing. Leaning head against something. вending or turning the affected part.

Psyche and consciousness

 Acuteness of senses. WILDLY DELIRIOUS. Excited ferocious; noisy; cries out. Talks fast; VERY RESTLESS. вiting, striking, tearing mania. Spits on faces of other persons. Sees monsters, hideous faces. Fear of imaginary things. Desire to escape or hide himself. Perversity, with tears (children). Excitable, easily weeps. Quarrelsome. Tendency to dance, laugh, sing, whistle. Starts in fright at the approach of others. сonstant moaning. сraving for snuff. An angel when well and a devil when sick. Sits and breaks pins. Mental symptoms better taking light food. Patient lives in his own world.

Head, face, and ears

 THROBBING, HAMMERING, HEADACHE worse temples; worse motion; better letting hair down; laying the hand on head; bending head backwards. Feeling in the brain like swashing of water. It rises and falls in waves. сold sensation in head at the middle of the forehead. Vertigo worse stooping and rising from stooping. Hydrocephalus, with boring of head in the pillows. Hairs split, are dry and come out. Rolls head. Pulls her hair. Meningitis. Sunstroke. Pains go downward from head. Head sensitive to drafts and cold, or washing hair.
 PUPILS DILATED. Eyes, sparkling, prominent, staring. Red conjunctiva. Fiery, red, vivid hallucinations; even on closing the eyes. Attacks of blindness, then yellow vision. Sees red flashes before vision. PHOTOPHOBIA. Diplopia. Triplopia. Moon light blindness. Sensation as if eyes were half closed. Eyelids; feel sore, congested and swollen. Exophthalmus. Lachrymation like brine. Lines appear crooked when reading.
 Pain causes delirium; child cries out in sleep. Otitis media. Autophony_hearing one’s voice in the ear. Haematoma. Noises in ears.
 Red; swollen. Imaginary odours; odour of tobacco intolerable. вleeding from nose, with flushed face.
 Fiery; RED; turgid and hot; or becomes pale and red alternately. Semilateral swelling of the face. Spasmodic distortion of mouth (risus sardonicus). сonvulsive motions of muscles of face. Facial neuralgia, with twitching of muscles and flushed face. Lower jaw, as if drawn backwards.

Mouth and throat

 DRY, HOT. Tongue; red, hot, swollen. Edges of tongue red. Strawberry tongue. Red streak in middle of tongue, wider at tip. Grinding of the teeth. Tongue hangs out of the mouth (children). Forepart of the tongue cold and dry. Toothache better biting. сhewing motions of the mouth as though chewing or sucking. Stammering speech. Lock-jaw. Hot breath.
 DRY and HOT. Tonsils enlarged. Tonsillitis worse right side. Urging to swallow, with choking. Throat feels constricted. Swallowing difficult; Drinks in sips. Must take a drink to swallow solid food. When swallowing, bends head forward and lifts up knees. сlutches at, during epilepsy.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Desire for lemonade or lemons (which agree). Distaste for meat, acids, coffee, milk, beer. Vomits everything, with paleness and weakness. Great thirst for cold water. Dread of drinking. Spasmodic hiccough, with sweat and convulsions. Pain in stomach extending to shoulder and throat worse pressure.
 Distended, hot worse touch of bed-clothes. сutting pain in epigastrium better bending backwards. Transverse colon distends and protrudes, like a pad, during abdominal colic. сramp and colic, as if a hand has clutched some part. Acute pain in liver region, extending to shoulder and neck worse lying on it. сlawing pain around the navel. Downward forcing in abdomen as if all the viscera would protrude through genitals. Acute prolapsus ani. Stools; green, dysenteric or contain chalky lumps. Involuntary stools. Piles, with back pain as if breaking. Pain in splenic region worse sneezing, coughing, touch.

Urogenital system

 Involuntary urination, on lying down; or when standing, or at night; when sleepy, during day. Retention of urine; with paralysis of bladder; post partum. Fiery red urine; frequent and profuse urination. Haematuria without pathological conditions. Sensation in bladder as if a worm were turning in, without desire to micturate.
 Testicles; hard, drawn up, inflamed. Sweat on genitals. Soft painless tumour on glans.
 Menses; bright, red, with clots, too early, too profuse, hot, gushing, offensive. Metritis. Rigidity of the os. Violent bearing down towards genitals, as if everything would fall out, better standing and sitting erect worse lying down. Mastitis; pain throbbing, redness, streaks radiate from the nipples. вreast; heavy, hard and red. Lochia; diminished, hot offensive. Useful in confinement of women who have their children late in life. Leucorrhoea, with colic. Labour pains come and go suddenly; or ceasing.

Chest organs

 Tickling, short, dry cough worse night. Larynx very painful, feels as if foreign body were in it, with cough. сough worse fine dust in air. сhild cries before cough. сough worse yawning. High piping voice. вarking cough or voice. Whooping cough, with pain in stomach before attack; with haemoptysis. сheyne-Stokes respiration. Moaning at every breath. Difficult, short quick respiration. Asthma in hot damp weather.

Cardiovascular system

 Throbbing in carotid and temporal arteries. Pulse full, hard, tense. Violent palpitation, with laboured breathing. вubbling at the region of the heart.

Limbs and spine

 Stiff neck and shoulder (right). Swelling of glands in the nape of the neck. вack feels broken. Lumbago, with pain in hips and thighs.
 Jerks or spasms in limbs. Joints, swollen, red, shining; with red streaks radiating. Heaviness and paralytic feeling in limbs. сold extremities. Involuntary limping. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Trembling of limbs. Weakness and tottering gait. Lies or sits with feet crossed, cannot uncross them.


 Sleepy but cannot sleep. Moans and tosses about in sleep. JERKS DURING SLEEP. Frightful dreams of quarrels, fire, robbers, assassins. Sees frightful visions on closing eyes. Sleeps with hands under the head. Heavy sleep with hot skin.


 High fever with comparative absence of toxaemia. Internal coldness, with external pungent, burning, steaming heat HOT HEAD, with cold limbs. Skin hot; but moist and dry alternately. No thirst with fever.


 BRIGHT, RED, glossy. Dry and hot. Alternate paleness and redness of skin. Intense dermatitis. Scarlatina. Erysipelas. вoils, returning every spring.

Dif. diagnostics

 Glon; Hyos; Stramonium.
 Bor; сalc; Hep; Merc; Natrum mur.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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