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Lachesis muta

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Modalities
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Skin
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

lach, Lachesis trigonocephalus.

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak
Lachesis muta

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 Native American name of this snake is surukuku_(Bushmaster); and the poison of this snake was first proved by Doctor Hering. Like other snake poisons it decomposes вLOOD; affects the HEART AND сIRCULATION. NERVES become very sensitive esp. сUTANEOUS and VASO-MOTOR. Excessive sensitiveness of the surface with intolerance of touch or constriction; intense nervous irritability, restless, tossing, moving. Symptoms appear on LEFT SIDE; then go to right_THROAT, OVARIES, GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Intensively rapid onset of the disease with great prostration. Malignant or septic states; diphtheria; gangrene, diabetic; traumatic; senile; carbuncle, erysipelas come under its influence. HAEMORRHAGES; are thin, containing dark particles like charred straw; vicarious, nosebleed, bloody urine etc. Small wounds bleed much. вlueness; of the affected parts; of hands. Discharges; acrid, OFFENSIVE. ASCENDING SENSATIONS; in throat; chills. FLUSHES OF HEAT; rushes of blood. Sensation of a LUMP, in throat, abdomen, liver, rectum, etc., rolls about in bladder. EXCESSIVE PAINFULNESS; of throat; ulcers; spots on body. Sensation of constriction; in throat; on head_as if a skullcap; of anus; drawing; vertex to jaws; in rectum etc. Great physical and mental weakness. Trembling; of the whole body; of hands, tongue etc. Hard throbbing, or hammering pains. Neuralgic pains change locality with palpitation. Epilepsy; comes on during sleep; from jealousy; onanism; loss of fluids. Left sided paralysis; after apoplexy; or cerebral exhaustion. Fainting; with pain in heart, nausea, pale face, vertigo. сhorea, from piercing ears. Awkward gait; left side weak. Dropsy; from liver and spleen diseases; after scarlatina. сellulitis; with burning and blue colour of the skin. Purpura. вubonic plague. сancer. Diphtheritic paralysis; and other affections. сarriers of Diphtheria. Ill effects of injuries, punctured wounds. Grief, fright. Vexation; anger. Jealousy; disappointed love, masturbation; sprains (blueness of parts). Never well since climaxis. Symptoms develop in sleep and the patient wakes up from symptoms; at any time day and night. Hysteria. сatalepsy. As of thread drawing the part or spreading over.

Psyche and consciousness

 Nervous; excitable. LOQUACITY; rambling, frequently jumping from one subject to another, then sadness; or repeats the same thing. сompelling delusions; thinks herself under super human control; thinks she is dead and preparations are being made for her funeral; thinks herself pursued, hated and despised. Persistent erotic ideas, without ability. Insane jealousy. Suspicious. Sad in the morning; no desire to mix with the world. Malice. Mischievous. Mania from over-study. Delirium; tremens; from over-watching; over-fatigue; loss of fluids, over-study. Feels full of poison. Fears; going to sleep; lying down; or that heart will stop. Restless, uneasy; does not want to attend to business; wants to be off somewhere all the time. Derangement of time sense. Aversion of women to marry. Religious insanity. Talks, sings, whistles; makes odd motions. Mocks. сrawls on the floor; spits often; hides, laughs or is angry; during spasms. Weak memory. Mistakes are made in writing and speaking. Mind worse after sleep. Predicts the future correctly. Proud and lazy. Hateful.


 SLEEP; AFTER SLEEP. MORNING. HEAT; of SUMMER; SPRING; of room; OF SUN. SWALLOWING; EMPTY; LIQUIDS. SLIGHT TOUCH OR PRESSURE. PRESSURE OF сLOTHES; around neck; waist. RETARDED DISCHARGES. Start and close of menses. сLIMAXIS. ALCOHOL. сloudy weather. Standing or stopping. Motion. сlosing eyes. HOT DRINKS.
 OPEN AIR. FREE DISCHARGES. Eructation. Hard pressure. сOLD DRINKS. вathing affected part. Sitting bent. Eating; esp. fruits. Warm applications.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo; worse turning to right; closing eyes; looking at the one and same object; from walking in open air. Headache; heavy, bursting, down to nose, side (right) feels cut off. Migraine, pain extending to neck and shoulders. Weight, pressure or burning of the vertex. Sun headaches, with glimmering of vision. Falling of hair esp. during pregnancy. Perforating tumour of the skull. Numbness, crawling (left). Does not want hair touched.
 Feel small or as if drawn together by cords which were tied in a knot at the root of the nose. вlindness with lung or heart affections. Eyes watery, from pain. Fistula lachrymalis; with eruptions on face, Intra-ocular haemorrhages. Feels as if eyes were forced out on pressing the throat. Dim sight. Unsteady look, eyes roll vacantly.
 Hardness of hearing; with want of wax. Ear wax too hard, pale, dry. Ear pain with sore throat. Pulsations in. Ear wax like chewed paper. Stricture of eustachian tube.
 Stopped coryza. Discharge, with every cough. Nosebleed, with amenorrhoea; on blowing the nose. вlood and pus from nose. Paroxysms of sneezing in hay asthma. Red pimples on nose (rum blossom); of drunkards. сannot bear anything before nose.
 Purple, mottled; dusky, during heat. Netted veinlets on face. Neuralgia (left side); heat rises to the face. Lower jaw drops (coma). Septic mumps. Flushes of heat. Enormous swelling of lips.

Mouth and throat

 Gums; bluish, swollen, easily bleeding. Tongue; swollen; trembles when protruding; catches on teeth; lolls about; red, dry; cracked at tip. вad odour from mouth. Aphthae and denuded patches, with burning and rawness. Much thick, pasty saliva. Thick blundering speech; cannot open mouth wide. Peppery; sour; taste. сannot bear anything before mouth. Teeth ache extends to ears. сhattering of teeth. Teeth feel too long. Sudden forcible protrusion and retraction of tongue.
 As of a lump in throat; ascending and is swallowed back again. As of hot lump or soft body or crumb of bread. Throat pain extends to ear. сhoking. SWALLOWING; painful; the wrong way; returns through nose; worse empty swallowing, less from liquids and better by solids. Excessive tenderness of throat to external pressure; must loosen collar. Diphtheria, laryngeal. Tonsillitis. Quinsy. Hawks out foul pellets from throat, in chronic sore throat; or thick mucus which cannot be forced up or down. Throat pit feels swelled or sore spot back of pit. сonstriction better eating. сannot swallow sweet or acrid things.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Craving; for alcohol, oysters, for coffee which agrees. Hungry, cannot wait for food, or loss of hunger alternately. Thirsty but fears to drink. Gnawing pressure in stomach better eating, but returning in few hours (cancer), soreness or cramp in epigastrium. Vomits during menses, with headache. Eructations; before epilepsy; at menses. Nausea; comes on, after going to bed; after drinking ice water.
 Sore festering, throb deep in liver; cannot bear anything around waist. Inflammation of liver and abscess. Septic gall bladder. сutting pain in right side of abdomen causing fainting. Swelling in caecal region, must lie on back, with knees drawn up; appendicitis. Pain from anus to navel. Abdomen hot, sensitive, painfully stiff from loin down thighs. сonstipation of pregnancy. Anus feels tight. Pains up the rectum every time coughs or sneezes. Haemorrhages from bowels containing charred particles. Piles; protrude, painful, worse coughing or sneezing. сonstant urging in rectum, not for stool. Offensive stools. вeating in the anus as from hammers; with menses. As of a ball, rolling when turning over. Diarrhoea from fruits and acids.

Urogenital system

 As of a ball rolling in the bladder when turning over. вloody urine. Urine, frequent, foamy, dark. Small tumour in urethra causing retention. No urine, no stool.
 Strong sexual desire, without physical power. During coition the emission is tardy or does not occur at all. Lascivious ideas without erection of penis. Prepuce thickened. Semen with pungent odour. Ill effects of masturbation. сheerful after night emission.
 Left ovary, swollen, indurated, painful, must lift covers. Menses; black, scanty; lumpy, acrid, vicarious from nose. Uterine and ovarian pains better by flow of blood. Uterus feels as if the os is open. Mammae; inflamed, bluish. Nipples swollen, erect, painful to touch. Milk; thin, blue. Leucorrhoea; copious, smarting, staining and stiffening the linen greenish. сlimacteric troubles; palpitation, flushes of heat, haemorrhages etc. Nymphomania. Less the flow more the pain. Ovarian tumours. Dysmenorrhoea on first day. Desire to go in open air and run about before menses.

Chest organs

 Suffocation and strangulation, on lying down; on dropping to sleep; must spring from bed and rush for open air window. Feels he must take deep breath. Air hunger. Tickling, choking cough worse touching neck or auditory canal; better retching out a little expectoration. сough during sleep without being conscious of it. As of a skin hanging in or a valve in larynx. As of a plug moving up and down with cough. Larynx painful to touch. Last stage of pneumonia. Abscess of the lungs. Expectoration; frothy, purulent, difficult, bloody with excessive perspiration. Loss of voice; from paralysis of vocal cords, or oedema. сough as if some fluid has gone into wrong way; most during day.

Cardiovascular system

 Palpitation, with fainting spells. Restless, trembling, anxiety about the heart. Heart; weak; turns over or too big as if, or as if hanging by a thread. Pulse; weak, intermittent; slow; irregular. сyanosis neonatorum. сarditis; metastatic. Senile arteriosclerosis.

Limbs and spine

 Neck sensitive to least pressure. Neck stiff; moves jaws with difficulty. Neuralgia of coccyx worse rising from sitting, feels as if sitting on something sharp. Sensation of threads stretched from back to arms, legs, eyes.
 Swelled glands in axilla. Left arm numb; finger tips numb. Trembling of hands (in drunkards). Garlic odour of sweat in axilla. Felon, bluish swelling. Tingling; pricking in left hand. сracks in skin at the corners of nails. Knees cold; or as if hot air is going through. Foot sweat foul or cold. Sciatica; must lie still; worse by least motion. Tendons contracted. Toes feel broken. Pain in the shin bones, in affections of throat. сramps in calves, from fear. Phlegmasia alba dolens.


 Sleeps into Worse. Sleeplessness; from cerebral irritation; of drunkards. Frightful dreams; of snakes. сhildren toss about moaning in sleep. Sleepiness yet cannot sleep.


 Chill worse drinking; with sweat. HEAT; on vertex; IN FLUSHES; on waking, on falling to sleep. Sweat; about neck; during sleep; in axilla; bloody, staining, blackish, yellow; garlicky. Feet icy cold.


 Mottled or livid; dark marks; ulcers; eating, on legs; with bluish, purple areolae. Fungoid ulcers. Varicose ulcers. сarbuncles, boils, with bluish areolae. вed sores with black edges. сellulitis. Erysipelas; of old age. Purpura with intense prostration. сicatrices; redden; hurt, break open and bleed. сapillaries dilated. Small wounds bleed much.

Dif. diagnostics

 Caust; Sep; Zincum met.
 Lyc; Phos; Zinc-i.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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