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spig, Spigelia anthelmia, спигелия противоглистная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashФармакологическая группа
Violent beating of the heart, shakes the chest; sometimes audible several inches away.
Left sided neuralgias of head, face and eyes; pains increase and decrease with the rising and setting sun; watering of the eye, on affected side.
Modalities: worse from motion, noise, inspiration, moving eyes, cold, damp rainy weather, rising sun; better quiet; dry air: and setting sun.
In this we have another valuable heart. The pains in the heart in this remedy are as severe as those under сACTUS and the action is more violent then under either сACTUS or DIGITALIS. It is so violent as often to be VISIBLE TO THE EYE THROUGH TH сLOTHES, SHAKING THE WHOLE сHEST, and THE SOUNDS ARE OFTEN AUDIBLE SEVERAL INCHES AWAY. It is not only a very valuable remedy in acute attacks of the heart but in chronic valvular affections following the acute attack, where we have the loud blowing sound and ATTACKS OF VIOLENT PALPITATION. I have seen the violent attacks of palpitation quickly relieved, and not only that, but the valvular troubles gradually and perfectly cured, under the action of this remedy. In these troubles the patient can often only lie on THE RIGHT SIDE (PHOS., nAT-M.,) OR WITH THE HEAD VERY HIGH; least motion worse (NAJA). It is one of our best remedies for neuralgic affections of the head, face and eyes.
The headaches are generally one sided, beginning in the occiput and extending forwards and settling over the left eye (right, sANG., and SIL.,) They are worse by the least noise or jar. They INCREASE WITH THE RISING OF THE SUN and DECREASE WITH ITS GOING DOWN (NAT-M., tAB.,), and the eyes on the affected side often runs clear water. CHELI., right side with water gushing out.
SPIGELIA is very useful in ciliary neuralgia, the pain being of the same character as the headaches. The pains are also stabbing, running through into the back of the head, or like ACTEA they press outward, as if the eyeballs were too large for the sockets. COMOCLADIA).
In any or all of the above named affections, for which SPIGELIA is so efficacious, the patient is made worse from motion, noise, inspiration or moving the eyes, and especially in сOLD, DAMP, RAINY WEATHER. It makes us think of вRY., KALMIA., and NAT-M., and ACTEA (motion), вELL., (noise,) and сHINA (touch, especially light touch). It is certainly a very valuable remedy, though not one, so far as known, of very wide range of action.
Left sided neuralgias of head, face and eyes; pains increase and decrease with the rising and setting sun; watering of the eye, on affected side.
Modalities: worse from motion, noise, inspiration, moving eyes, cold, damp rainy weather, rising sun; better quiet; dry air: and setting sun.
In this we have another valuable heart. The pains in the heart in this remedy are as severe as those under сACTUS and the action is more violent then under either сACTUS or DIGITALIS. It is so violent as often to be VISIBLE TO THE EYE THROUGH TH сLOTHES, SHAKING THE WHOLE сHEST, and THE SOUNDS ARE OFTEN AUDIBLE SEVERAL INCHES AWAY. It is not only a very valuable remedy in acute attacks of the heart but in chronic valvular affections following the acute attack, where we have the loud blowing sound and ATTACKS OF VIOLENT PALPITATION. I have seen the violent attacks of palpitation quickly relieved, and not only that, but the valvular troubles gradually and perfectly cured, under the action of this remedy. In these troubles the patient can often only lie on THE RIGHT SIDE (PHOS., nAT-M.,) OR WITH THE HEAD VERY HIGH; least motion worse (NAJA). It is one of our best remedies for neuralgic affections of the head, face and eyes.
The headaches are generally one sided, beginning in the occiput and extending forwards and settling over the left eye (right, sANG., and SIL.,) They are worse by the least noise or jar. They INCREASE WITH THE RISING OF THE SUN and DECREASE WITH ITS GOING DOWN (NAT-M., tAB.,), and the eyes on the affected side often runs clear water. CHELI., right side with water gushing out.
SPIGELIA is very useful in ciliary neuralgia, the pain being of the same character as the headaches. The pains are also stabbing, running through into the back of the head, or like ACTEA they press outward, as if the eyeballs were too large for the sockets. COMOCLADIA).
In any or all of the above named affections, for which SPIGELIA is so efficacious, the patient is made worse from motion, noise, inspiration or moving the eyes, and especially in сOLD, DAMP, RAINY WEATHER. It makes us think of вRY., KALMIA., and NAT-M., and ACTEA (motion), вELL., (noise,) and сHINA (touch, especially light touch). It is certainly a very valuable remedy, though not one, so far as known, of very wide range of action.
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