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brom, Bromium, бром гомеопатия.Источник описания
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashФармакологическая группа
An element proven and arranged by Hering and an important remedy in laryngeal affections. Also in scrofulous and tubercular affections of the glands. It is well known to act best on persons with LIGHT вLUE EYES, fLAXEN HAIR, lIGHT EYE-BROWS, fAIR, dELICATE SKINS, rED сHEEKED SCROFULOUS GIRLS. It will be remembered how almost exactly opposite, so far as temperament is concerned, is IOD., which is also one of our chief anti-scrofulous remedies. In glandular affections, three remedies that are not as often thought of as they perhaps should be, are сARB-AN.,CON., and вROM., in all three the glands are STONY HARD WITH A сANCEROUS TENDENCY. In вROM., the pains are not characteristic, but with сON., and сARB-AN., they are lancinating, cutting or burning, more like cancer pains. In diphtheria, where it has done some wonderful work, the membrane first forms in the bronchi, trachea or larynx, running upward, just the opposite of LYC., which often forms first in the nose and runs downward.
In membranous croup, there is great rattling of mucus like HEPAR, but no expectoration. There seems to be great danger of suffocation from accumulation of mucus in larynx (in bronchi, ANT-T.,).
Sensation of cobweb in face (BAR-C., gRAPH., and вOR.,).
Fan-like motion of alae nasi (ANT-T., lYC.,).
Hypertrophy of heart from gymnastics (CAUST.,).
Membranous dysmenorrhoea (LAC сAN.,).
In membranous croup, there is great rattling of mucus like HEPAR, but no expectoration. There seems to be great danger of suffocation from accumulation of mucus in larynx (in bronchi, ANT-T.,).
Sensation of cobweb in face (BAR-C., gRAPH., and вOR.,).
Fan-like motion of alae nasi (ANT-T., lYC.,).
Hypertrophy of heart from gymnastics (CAUST.,).
Membranous dysmenorrhoea (LAC сAN.,).
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