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Cocculus indicus

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Psyche and consciousness
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Gastrointestinal tract
  5. Urogenital system
  6. Chest organs
  7. Limbs and spine
  8. Common symptoms
  9. Sleep
  10. Fever
  11. Skin
  12. Modalities
  13. Analogs by action
  14. Included in the composition
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Materia Medica - Adolf zur Lippe

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Psyche and consciousness

 Mind and Disposition.
 He sits as if wrapped in deep, sad thoughts, and does not take notice of any thing ; anxiety.
 The time passes too quickly.

Head, face, and ears

 Giddiness, with nausea, when raising himself up in bed.
 Vertigo, as from intoxication.
 [5] Stupid feeling in the head (cold perspiration on forehead and hands).
 Cloudiness in the head, increased by eating and drinking.
 Sensation of emptiness in the head.
 Headache, with nausea.
 The headache is aggravated after sleeping, eating or drinking (coffee), in the open air, while riding in a carriage ; and is relieved in a warm room, or when becoming warm in bed.
 [10] Spasmodic trembling of the head, caused by weakness of the muscles of the neck ; worse after sleeping and in the open air, from coffee and tobacco better in the warm room.
 Pain in the eyes, as if they were torn out of the head (wit headache).
 At night the eyes cannot be opened ; they are aching.
 Dim-sightedness (after reading a short time the print is all blurred).
 Black spots before the eyes.
 [15] Dryness of the eyelids.
 Hardness of bearing, with noise.
 The right ear feels closed.
 Very acute sense of smell.
 Swelling of the right half of the nose.
 [20] Heat in the face and redness of the cheeks.
 Flushes of heat in the face after drinking.
 Swelling and induration of the submaxillary glands.
 Mouth and Throat.
 Dryness of the mouth (in the night, without thirsty).
 Dryness of the oesophagus, with feeling of heat.
 [25] Inability to swallow ; the oesophagus feels paralyzed.
 Difficulty of speech, as from paralysis of the tongue.
 Foamy phlegm before the mouth.
 Taste in the mouth coppery, metallic, sour (after eating and coughing).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Stomach and Abdomen.
 Aversion to food, drinking, tobacco and acids.
 [30] Intense thirst, especially while eating.
 Frequent empty eructations, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth and throat.
 Eructations, with nausea and sticking pains in the pit of the stomach.
 Paroxysms of nausea with tendency to faint.
 Excessive nausea and vomiting when riding in a carriage, or from becoming cold.
 [35] Nausea, with headache and pains in the intestines, as if bruised.
 Spasm of the stomach (cramp) during and after a meal, with griping tearing.
 Fulness and pinching in the stomach, with oppressed breathing.
 Constrictive pain in the stomach, preventing sleep.
 Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen.
 [40] Hysterical spasms in the abdomen, in women.
 Distention of the abdomen.
 Flatulent colic, at night, aggravated when coughing.
 Stool and Anus.
 Constipation ; the hard stool is expelled with difficulty.
 After the evacuation, violent tenesmus.
 [45] Ineffectual desire for stool, with constipation.
 Contractive pain in the rectum, preventing sitting (in the afternoon).
 Diarrhoea, with emission of flatulency before the stool.

Urogenital system

 Urinary Organs.
 Frequent desire to urinate, with small discharges.
 Watery (pale) urine.
 Sexual Organs.
 [50] Men. Increased excitability of the sexual organs.
 The testicles feel bruised, especially when touched.
 Women. Menstruation too early, blood coagulated, or suppressed, with violent uterine spasms or abdominal colic.
 Discharge of bloody mucus during pregnancy.

Chest organs

 Respiratory Organs.
 Oppressed breathing, from contractive sensation in the trachea, as if irritated by smoke, causing constant coughing.
 [55] Oppression of the chest, caused by cough.
 Tightness and constriction of the right side of the chest.
 Stitches in the chest (sternum) when walking.
 Burning in the chest, extending into the throat.
 Sensation of emptiness of the chest.
 [60] Hysterical spasms in the chest, with sighing and moaning.
 Palpitation of the heart, nervous, with anxiety.

Limbs and spine

 Back and Neck.
 The muscles of the neck are weak ; they do not support the head.
 Cracking of the cervical vertebrae.
 Tremor in the back.
 [65] Paralytic pain and paralysis of the back and small of the back.
 Upper. Pain, as if bruised, in the shoulder and bones of the arms, when lifting them up, and when touching them.
 Lameness of the arm (cannot write).
 The arms go to sleep, are insensible.
 Hot swelling of the hands.
 [70] The hands are alternately hot and cold.
 Lower. сracking in the left hip-joint.
 Paralytic immobility of the lower limbs.
 Paralysis of the lower limbs, from the small of the book downwards.
 The thighs feel paralyzed and bruised.
 [75] сracking of the knee during motion.
 Inflammation and swelling of the knee, with stitches.
 Hot swelling of the feet (evening, the left foot).
 Burning of the feet.
 Cold perspiration of the feet.
 [80] Pain in the heel (os calcis), as if bruised.

Common symptoms

 Paralysis, one sided with numbness in the limbs.
 Paralytic immobility of the limbs, with drawing pains in the bones.
 Sensation of emptiness, or of constriction in internal parts.
 Disposition to tremble (trembling of all the limbs).
 [85] Hysterical spasms, with anguish.
 Great debility from slight exertion and inclination to faint.
 Attacks of gout, with swelling of the affected parts.


 Constant drowsiness.
 Sleeplessness on account of anxiety and bodily restlessness.
 [90] Vivid dreams, exciting fear.


 Pulse small and spasmodic ; sometimes it cannot be felt.
 Chilliness alternating with heat.
 Chill in the afternoon and evening, principally on the legs and in the back ; not relieved by heat.
 Continuous chilliness, with hot skin.
 [95] Dry heat during the night.
 Flushes of heat, with burning heat of the cheeks and cold feet.
 Perspiration during the night, which is only cold on the face.
 Morning sweat, especially on the chest.
 Slight perspiration over the whole body, from the exertion.
 [100] Perspiration of the affected parts.
 Intermittent fever, with colic and lameness of the small of the back.


 Induration ; cold swelling of the glands, with stinging pains.
 Pale (chlorotic) skin.
 Ulcers very sensitive to contact.


 [105] Great sensitiveness to the open (cold and warm) air.
 Aggravation from eating, drinking, riding in a carriage, talking and sleeping.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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