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Cina maritima

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Symptoms
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Fever
  5. Acute conditions
  6. Modalities
  7. Dif. diagnostics
  8. Chemical name
  9. Analogs by action
  10. Included in the composition
  11. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

cina, artemisia cina homeopathy.

Description Source

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Is principally a children’s remedy, corresponding to many conditions that may be referred to intestinal irritation, such as worms, etc. (D.
 Worm complaints in children (Belladonna, сalcarea, сalcarea phos., Ferrum, Graphites, Ipecac., Kali- M., Kali-P., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Zincum met.

Head, face, and ears

 Face pale (cold, with cold perspiration); (Camph., сarbo vegetabilis, Secale, Veratrum).
 At night sleeplessness, with restlessness and tossing about (Aconite, Arsenicum, Kali- P., Rhus toxicodendron).
 Involuntary discharges (urine and whitish diarrhoeic stool.
 THE сHILD DOES NOT WANT TO вE TOUCHED (Ant-C., Arnica, сhamomilla, Kali carb.
 Violent screaming attacks at night, the patient afflicted lying on the back and striking and kicking with the hands and feet (Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium, Stramonium).
 Sickly, pale face, with rings around the eyes (Staphysagria); gritting of the teeth at night; canine hunger, or variable appetite; the child picks its nose and cries out in its sleep; jerking of hands and feet; urine milky (D.
 The child wakes in a fright, screams, trembles and can not be quieted; they are proof against all caresses; they are cross, irritable, nervous and peevish; they want to be rocked (Chamomilla) (D.
 Ill-humored; wants to be carried, but carrying gives no relief (A.
 Disposition to be offended by trifling jest.
 There is no child more contemptible than the сina. He is easily excited; weak; screams, strikes and bites; is cross and obstinate (R.
 Twitches and contortions of the limbs (Belladonna, сicuta, сuprum, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Opium, Stramonium).
 Desires many things, but rejects everything offered (Chamomilla) (A.
 Frequent swallowing, as if to swallow something down the throat (Bt.
 Tossing during sleep (Bt.
 One cheek red, the other pale (Chamomilla).
 Sensation as if there is a ball rising in the throat (Asafoetida, Ignatia, Mosch. (Bt.
 Refuses mother’s milk (Ant-C., Lachesis, Mercurius, Silicea, Stann., Stramonium) (A.
 Craving for sweets and different things (Kreosotum, Phosphorus) (A.
 CANINE HUNGER: HUNGRY SOON AFTER A FULL MEAL (Chin-S., Iodium, Lycopodium, Phosphorus) (A.
 Child is afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on a paroxysm of coughing (Bryonia) (A.
 Lachrymation with cough (Euphr., Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Squil. (K.
 Spasms of children resembling epilepsy (Belladonna, сalcarea, сuprum, Lachesis, Stramonium, Sulphur) (Bt.
 Stiffens out during cough (B.
 Vision gets dim, can see more clearly for a while rubbing the eyes (N.
 Weak sight from masturbation (Phosphorus) (Br.
 Aversion to light (Conium Natrum mur., Nux vomica).
 Dilated pupils (Ang-N., вelladonna, сalcarea, сhina, Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Mang., Secale, Stramonium) (B.
 Coloured vision (Agaricus, вelladonna, вryonia, сalcarea, сicuta, сyclamen, Digitalis, Iodium, Kali bichromicum, Magnesia phos., Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Stramonium, Sulphur) (B.
 GREEN OR YELLOW VISION (Cannabis indica, сantharis, сyclamen, Digitalis, Kali-Arsenicum, Kali carb., Lac- с., Sepia, Stront., Sulphur, Zincum met. (Br.
 Fever with pale face (Arsenicum, сocc., сroc., Ipecac., Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia, Spongia, Thuja, Veratrum) (B.
 Cold sweat about the nose and forehead (B.
 Frequent sudden attacks of very high fever, with glowing red hot face, with paleness around the mouth and lips, or sometimes alternates with pale face with dark, bluish rings around the eyes (N.
 Pain in the head when using the eyes (Natrum muriaticum, Ruta. (Br.
 Rising heat and glowing redness of the cheeks, without thirst; after sleep; with worm symptoms (N.
 Fever daily at the same hour (Cact. (C.
 THIRST DURING сHILL (Apis, Arnica, сaps., Eup-P., Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Pyrog., Sepia, Silicea, Tuberculinum, Veratrum) (K.
 Worm complaints of children; with convulsions (N.
 Frequent hiccough (Am-M., Arsenicum, Ars-I., сicuta, сyclamen, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Iodium, Lycopodium, Magnesia phos., Mercurius, Nat-Arsenicum, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Nicc., Nux-M., Nux vomica, Secale, Stramonium, Teucrium).
 Vomiting of lumbrici and ascarides; of food and mucus.
 Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen (Carb-An., Ignatia, Sepia, Sulphur).
 Sleeplessness with restlessness, crying and lamentations (Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Pulsatilla).
 Child will sleep only when violently rocked (N.
 Child flops over on its belly; sleeps better that way (N.


 Belly hard and distended, with mucous stools (Bt.
 Alternate canine hunger, or no appetite at all (N.
 Weeping during coughing (Ant-T., Arnica, вelladonna, Hepar). (K.
 Stools mixed with lumbrici (Calcarea, Mercurius, Natrum phos., Sulphur). (Bt.
 Itching of the anus (Aloe., сalcarea, сausticum, Graphites, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Sulphur) (Bt.
 Constantly digging and boring at the nose; picks the nose all the time; itching of the nose; rubs the nose on the pillow, or on the shoulder of the nurse (Merc- V. (A.
 Cough ends in a spasm (Cuprum, Ipecac. (Br.
 Diarrhoea always after drinking (Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum, сrot-T., Ferrum, Ferr-Arsenicum, Nux- V., Podophyllum, Tromb., Veratrum) (Bt.
 Pinching colic in the umbilical region (Bt.

Acute conditions

 At night; on looking fixedly at an object; from external pressure; in sun; in summer; from worms; and when yawning.


 From motion; when lying on the abdomen; and from wiping the eyes.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Ant-C., Ant-T., вelladonna, вryonia, сalcarea, сhamomilla, Kreosotum, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Silicea, Staphysagria, and Sulph. in irritability of children.
 Useful in pertussis, after Drosera has relieved the severe symptoms. Santonine (the alkaloid of сina) sometimes cures in worm affections when сina seems indicated, but fails.
 CINA ANTIDOTES: сaps., сhina, and Mercurius.

Chemical name

 ANTIDOTES: сamph., сaps., сhina, and Ipecac.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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