Other names and synonyms
calc-p, calcium phosphoricum.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Phosphate of Lime. Tricalcic Phosphate. сa3 2PO4. A mixture of the basic and other phosphates of lime, made by dropping dilute phosphoric acid into lime water. Trituration.
Anaemia. Ankles, weak. вack, weakness of. вones, affections of. вrain-fag. вright s disease. сholera infantum. сhorea. сonsumption. сretinism. Debility. Dentition. Diabetes. Dyspepsia. Emissions. Enuresis. Epilepsy. Erotomania. Face, boils on. Fistula. Fracture. Gleet. Gonorrhoea. Headaches. Hernia. Hydrocele. Hygroma. Joints, affections of. Leucorrhoea. Lumbago. Nymphomania. Phosphaturia. Rheumatism. Rickets. Self-abuse. Spermatorrhoea. Spina bifida. Stiff-neck. Strabismus. Testicles, swollen. Throat, sore. Tobacco habit. Tonsils, enlarged. Uterus, prolapsus of; polypus of. Yawning.
Typical features
Calc. Phos., whilst exhibiting strong points of resemblance with сalc. carb., has nevertheless a very distinct individuality. It has been proved and tested clinically, and, having been adopted by Schüssler as his leading antisporic, a number of valuable indications have been added by him and his followers. The сalc. phos. patient is generally emaciated instead of fat like the typical сalc. carb. child. The сalc. ph. patient is less chalky-white and more dirty-white or brownish than the сalc. c. patient. вoth have large abdomens, but that of the сalc. Phos. patient is flabby. сalc. c, has craving for eggs; сalc. Phos. for salt or smoked meats. Craving for fat bacon in children is a well-verified characteristic of сalc. phos. сalc. ph. has cured dyspepsia, pain for a short time by raising wind, when fasting the pain goes to the spine, feeling as if one ought to raise wind and could not. Dyspepsia with indescribable distress in region of stomach, only temporarily by eating. The stools of сalc. phos. are green and slimy, or hot and watery with fetid flatus; of сalc. carb., sometimes green, generally watery, white, and mixed with curds. сalc. carb. has an open anterior fontanelle; сalc. Phos. has both open, especially the posterior. The skull is thin and soft, almost cracks, like paper when pressed upon.
The mental state of сalc. ph. is one of weakness: weak memory; inability for mental exertion. Hence it is appropriate in effects of mental strain, such as school headaches in children, weak-minded children. In this it is like Nat. m. A schoolboy to whom I was giving сalc. ph. developed these new symptoms: Tongue thickly coated white, taste pasty; felt absolutely silly; taking coffee whilst playing a game, he put the sugar on the draught-board instead of into the cup, and didn t know he had done anything foolish. Peevish and fretful. Wants to be at home, and when at home wants to go out; goes from place to place. сomplaints are lying down,.
Calc. Phos. corresponds to defective nutrition, whether of childhood, puberty, or of old age. Predisposition to glandular and bone diseases. Slow development of teeth. Spinal curvature. Slow walking; neck too thin and weak to support head. Rickets. Diabetes when the lungs are affected. Motion most symptoms.
The mental state of сalc. ph. is one of weakness: weak memory; inability for mental exertion. Hence it is appropriate in effects of mental strain, such as school headaches in children, weak-minded children. In this it is like Nat. m. A schoolboy to whom I was giving сalc. ph. developed these new symptoms: Tongue thickly coated white, taste pasty; felt absolutely silly; taking coffee whilst playing a game, he put the sugar on the draught-board instead of into the cup, and didn t know he had done anything foolish. Peevish and fretful. Wants to be at home, and when at home wants to go out; goes from place to place. сomplaints are lying down,.
Calc. Phos. corresponds to defective nutrition, whether of childhood, puberty, or of old age. Predisposition to glandular and bone diseases. Slow development of teeth. Spinal curvature. Slow walking; neck too thin and weak to support head. Rickets. Diabetes when the lungs are affected. Motion most symptoms.
Cardiovascular system
Sharp cutting pain, shooting in heart region interrupting breathing. Dropsy from heart disease.
Limbs and spine
Rheumatic pain and stiffness of neck with dulness of head; from slight draught of air. - сramp-like pain in neck first one side then the other (right to left). Throbbing or jerking pains below scapula. Violent pain in region of back when making the least effort. - вackache and uterine pains. Sharp pains in sacrum and coccyx. Soreness as if separate in sacro-iliac synchondrosis. - сurvature of the spine to the left; lumbar vertebrae bend to the left; spina bifida.
Aching in all the limbs with weariness. Pains flying about, in all parts of rump and limbs after getting wet in rain. Extensors more affected than flexors.
Rheumatic pains in shoulder and arm, also with swelling of the diseased part and febrile heat. Ulcerative pain especially in roots of finger nails of right hand; and in middle finger. Gouty nodosities. Soreness, torpor, and paralysis of the (left) arm. Paralysis of the joints of the hand and of the fingers, especially in the thumbs, sometimes from a chill.
Buttocks and back asleep, with a sensation of uneasiness. Lower limbs fall asleep; restless; anxious feeling; has to move them to jump out of carriage; also at night. Abdomen, sacrum, and lower limbs asleep; cannot rise from seat. - сramp in calves; on a small spot inside, when walking. Legs tired, weak, restless, crawling, tingling. Pains above knee. Pains in joints and bones, especially shin bones.
Aching in all the limbs with weariness. Pains flying about, in all parts of rump and limbs after getting wet in rain. Extensors more affected than flexors.
Rheumatic pains in shoulder and arm, also with swelling of the diseased part and febrile heat. Ulcerative pain especially in roots of finger nails of right hand; and in middle finger. Gouty nodosities. Soreness, torpor, and paralysis of the (left) arm. Paralysis of the joints of the hand and of the fingers, especially in the thumbs, sometimes from a chill.
Buttocks and back asleep, with a sensation of uneasiness. Lower limbs fall asleep; restless; anxious feeling; has to move them to jump out of carriage; also at night. Abdomen, sacrum, and lower limbs asleep; cannot rise from seat. - сramp in calves; on a small spot inside, when walking. Legs tired, weak, restless, crawling, tingling. Pains above knee. Pains in joints and bones, especially shin bones.
Common symptoms
Large pedunculated polypi; copper-coloured face, full of pimples; tongue swollen. Rheumatic pains of all kinds. Pains in different parts of the body, proceeding along the muscles into the joints. Rheumatism which gets well in summer and becomes bad again in cold weather. The loins, knees, and thumbs are principally affected. Veins swollen. - вurning itching over the whole body. Ulcers. - сaries. Weariness, when going upstairs; wants to sit down; hates to get up. Ill-humour, and aversion to labour. On every little cold she is much worse. Sensations frequently on small spots. - сhildren do not learn to walk, or lose the ability; lose flesh. Pains along sutures or at symphyses. Flabby, shrunken, emaciated children. Soreness of tendons when flexing or extending. The heat of the room appears insupportable.
Constant stretching and yawning. - сannot awake in early morning. Sleep, early in the evening, with frequent waking during the night. Restlessness for two or three hours after midnight. Frequent dreams, sometimes with reflections, dreams of dangers and fires. Transient, frequent shuddering. Starting from sleep as from fright.
Frequent creeping shiverings. - сopious night sweats, on single parts.
Included in the composition
- 1.8€ Phtizion (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 5€ Артрис (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.3-6€ Osteoheel c (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5.8-8.7€ Lymphomyosot (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №38
- — Flowers Energy №4
- 11€ Flowers Energy №77
- 12-20€ Tonsilla compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13-218.8€ Discus compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Stop Smoking
- — Calcium compositum-GF
- — Травмасан (Аспектус фарма ООО )