Другие названия и синонимы
ip, Ipecacuanha, Рвотный корень.Источник описания
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickeФармакологическая группа
The chief action is on the ramifications of the pneumogastric nerve, producing spasmodic irritation in chest and stomach. Morphia habit. The principal feature of Ipecacuanha is its persistent nausea and vomiting, which form the chief guiding symptoms. Indicated after indigestible food, raisins, cakes, etc. Especially indicated in fat children and adults, who are feeble and catch cold in relaxing atmosphere; warm, moist weather. Spasmodic affections. Haemorrhages bright-red and profuse.
The chief action is on the ramifications of the pneumogastric nerve, producing spasmodic irritation in chest and stomach. Morphia habit. The principal feature of Ipecacuanha is its persistent nausea and vomiting, which form the chief guiding symptoms. Indicated after indigestible food, raisins, cakes, etc. Especially indicated in fat children and adults, who are feeble and catch cold in relaxing atmosphere; warm, moist weather. Spasmodic affections. Haemorrhages bright-red and profuse.
Психика и сознание
Irritable; holds everything in contempt. Full of desires, for what they know not.
Голова, лицо и уши
Bones of skull feel crushed or bruised. Pain extends to teeth and root of tongue.
Inflamed, red. Pain through eyeballs. Profuse lachrymation. сornea dim. Eyes tire from near vision. State of vision constantly changing. Spasm of accommodation from irritable weakness of the ciliary muscle. Nausea from looking on moving objects.
Blue rings around eyes. Periodical orbital neuralgia, with lachrymation, photophobia, and smarting eyelids.
Coryza, with stoppage of nose and nausea. Epistaxis.
Inflamed, red. Pain through eyeballs. Profuse lachrymation. сornea dim. Eyes tire from near vision. State of vision constantly changing. Spasm of accommodation from irritable weakness of the ciliary muscle. Nausea from looking on moving objects.
Blue rings around eyes. Periodical orbital neuralgia, with lachrymation, photophobia, and smarting eyelids.
Coryza, with stoppage of nose and nausea. Epistaxis.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Tongue usually clean. Mouth, moist; much saliva. сonstant nausea and vomiting, with pale, twitching of face. Vomits food, bile, blood, mucus. Stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging down. Hiccough.
Amebic dysentery with tenesmus; while straining pain so great that it nauseates; little thirst. сutting, clutching; worse, around the navel. вody rigid; stretched out stiff.
Pitch-like green as grass, like frothy molasses, with griping at navel. Dysenteric, slimy.
Uterine haemorrhage, profuse, bright, gushing, with nausea. Vomiting during pregnancy. Pain from navel to uterus. Menses too early and too profuse.
Amebic dysentery with tenesmus; while straining pain so great that it nauseates; little thirst. сutting, clutching; worse, around the navel. вody rigid; stretched out stiff.
Pitch-like green as grass, like frothy molasses, with griping at navel. Dysenteric, slimy.
Uterine haemorrhage, profuse, bright, gushing, with nausea. Vomiting during pregnancy. Pain from navel to uterus. Menses too early and too profuse.
Органы грудной клетки
Dyspnoea; constant constriction in chest. Asthma. Yearly attacks of difficult shortness of breathing. сontinued sneezing; coryza; wheezing cough. сough incessant and violent, with every breath. сhest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing. вubbling rales. Suffocative cough; child becomes stiff, and blue in the face. Whooping-cough, with nosebleed, and from mouth. вleeding from lungs, with nausea; feeling of constriction; rattling cough. сroup. Haemoptysis from slightest exertion (Millef). Hoarseness, especially at end of a cold. сomplete aphonia.
Intermittent fever, irregular cases, after Quinine. Slightest chill with much heat, nausea, vomiting, and dyspnoea. Relapses from improper diet.
With eyes half open. Shocks in all limbs on going to sleep (Ign).
Конечности и позвоночник
Body stretched stiff, followed by spasmodic jerking of arms towards each other.
Pale, lax. вlue around eyes. Miliary rash.
Worse, periodically; from veal, moist warm wind, lying down.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: Emetine-principal alkaloid of Ipecac (A powerful amebicide, but is not a bactericide. Specific for amaebiasis; of remarkable value in treatment of amaebic dysentery; also as a remedy in pyorrhea, 1/2 gr daily for three days, then less. Emetin, 1/2 gr hypodermically, in Psoriasis. Emetin hydroch. 2x, diarrhoea with colicky, abdominal pains and nausea. Emetin for endamoebic dysentery. In physiological doses must be carefully watched. May produce hepatization of lungs, rapid heart action, tendency for the head to fall forward and lobar pneumonia. In haematemesis and other haemorrhages, compare: Gelatin which has a marked effect on the coagulability of the blood. Hypodermically; or if by mouth, a 10 per cent jelly, about 4 oz, three times a day) Arsenic; сham; Puls; Tart em; Squill. сonvolvulus (colic and diarrhoea). Typha latifolia-Cat-tail flag (dysentery, diarrhoea) and summer complaint. Euphorbia hypericifolia--Garden Spurge--(Very similar to Ipecac. Irritation of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tracts and female organs). Lippia mexicana--(Persistent dry, hard, bronchial cough--asthma and chronic bronchitis).
In Asthma, compare: вlatta orientalis.
Complementary: сuprum; Arn.
Antidotes: Arsenic; сhina; Tabac.
In Asthma, compare: вlatta orientalis.
Complementary: сuprum; Arn.
Antidotes: Arsenic; сhina; Tabac.
Способ применения и дозы
Third to 200th potency.
Входит в состав
- 120-190₽ Лобелия (ЭДАС)
- 140₽ Бронхотуссит-ГФ
- 145-205₽ Бронхолат (ЭДАС)
- 210-240₽ Бронхонал (ЭДАС)
- 190₽ Бриссад (Вербена)
- 315₽ Эвкалипт-плюс (2 фирмы)
- 452-575₽ Бронхалис-хель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 526-663₽ Дуоденохель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 606-976₽ Инфлюцид (3 фирмы)
- 838-858₽ Тартефедрель н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №41
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №42
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №44
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №46
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №74
- — Flowers Energy №8
- — Flowers Energy №91
- 1350₽ Мукоза композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1060₽ Овариум композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Антуссин (Аспектус фарма ООО )