Другие названия и синонимы
bry, Bryonia alba, переступень белый гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica Pura – Samuel HahnemannФармакологическая группа
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(White вriony.
(The juice expressed from the fresh root dug up before the flowering time, is mixed with equal parts of alcohol, and, for homeopathic use, is diluted and potentized as directed in the introduction to pulsatilla, up to the thirtieth potency.
The duration of the action of a somewhat large dose of this vegetable juice can be perceived for a couple of weeks.
The similarity of its effects to many of the symptoms of Rhus toxicodendron cannot fail to be noticed; in the preface to the latter medicine I have sufficiently dwelt upon this. At the same time bryonia affects the disposition quite differently, its fever consists chiefly of chilliness, and its symptoms are mostly excited or aggravated by corporeal exertion, although its alternating effects, when the symptoms are relieved by movement, ate not very rare.
Hence, when using bryonia in diseases, there occur cases where the remedy, although chosen as homoeopathically as possible and given in sufficiently small dose, does not render adequate service in the first twenty four hours. The reason of this is that only one, and that the wrong series, of its alternating actions corresponded. In such cases a fresh dose administered after twenty-four hours effects amelioration by the production of the opposite alternating actions. The same happens with respect to all drugs, a second dose given immediately arid quickly after the first one partially destroys the action of the first dose. This happens with only very few other medicines having alternating actions (vide the preface to ignatia), but it occurs not rarely with bryonia.
When it has been really wrongly selected and was not truly homoeopathic, the bad effects are generally removable by Thus, or, according to circumstances, by some other medicine corresponding more exactly to the bad effects produced, such as camphor.
From the rich treasury of symptoms it causes in the healthy human body, a number of artificial morbid states may be put together, of which we may happily avail ourselves for the homoeopathic relief of many ailments of daily occurrence, especially certain fevers, and some kinds of the so-called abdominal spasms of the female sex. Hence its remedial powers are of great extent.
In severe acute diseases, with great excitement, the most serviceable dose is a very high attenuation, one higher than I have previously used to wit, a very small globule of the decillionfold potency. The more or less strong olfaction of a globule the size of a mustard seed moistened with this attenuation acts more gently and certainly, and is equally efficacious in its effects upon the vital force-so amenable to accurately selected homoeopathic remedies-which has been appointed by the wise сreator for bringing about the cure.
[The following assisted HAHNEMANN in his proving of bryonia:-FRIED. HAHNEMANN, HERRMANN, HORNBURG, MICHLER; E. F. RUCKERT, STAPF.
The only reference to another authority is in Symptom 682 where the name NICOLAI appears, but without any reference to enable us to identify him.
The 1st edit, gives 510 symptoms, the 2nd and 3rd 781.
(The juice expressed from the fresh root dug up before the flowering time, is mixed with equal parts of alcohol, and, for homeopathic use, is diluted and potentized as directed in the introduction to pulsatilla, up to the thirtieth potency.
The duration of the action of a somewhat large dose of this vegetable juice can be perceived for a couple of weeks.
The similarity of its effects to many of the symptoms of Rhus toxicodendron cannot fail to be noticed; in the preface to the latter medicine I have sufficiently dwelt upon this. At the same time bryonia affects the disposition quite differently, its fever consists chiefly of chilliness, and its symptoms are mostly excited or aggravated by corporeal exertion, although its alternating effects, when the symptoms are relieved by movement, ate not very rare.
Hence, when using bryonia in diseases, there occur cases where the remedy, although chosen as homoeopathically as possible and given in sufficiently small dose, does not render adequate service in the first twenty four hours. The reason of this is that only one, and that the wrong series, of its alternating actions corresponded. In such cases a fresh dose administered after twenty-four hours effects amelioration by the production of the opposite alternating actions. The same happens with respect to all drugs, a second dose given immediately arid quickly after the first one partially destroys the action of the first dose. This happens with only very few other medicines having alternating actions (vide the preface to ignatia), but it occurs not rarely with bryonia.
When it has been really wrongly selected and was not truly homoeopathic, the bad effects are generally removable by Thus, or, according to circumstances, by some other medicine corresponding more exactly to the bad effects produced, such as camphor.
From the rich treasury of symptoms it causes in the healthy human body, a number of artificial morbid states may be put together, of which we may happily avail ourselves for the homoeopathic relief of many ailments of daily occurrence, especially certain fevers, and some kinds of the so-called abdominal spasms of the female sex. Hence its remedial powers are of great extent.
In severe acute diseases, with great excitement, the most serviceable dose is a very high attenuation, one higher than I have previously used to wit, a very small globule of the decillionfold potency. The more or less strong olfaction of a globule the size of a mustard seed moistened with this attenuation acts more gently and certainly, and is equally efficacious in its effects upon the vital force-so amenable to accurately selected homoeopathic remedies-which has been appointed by the wise сreator for bringing about the cure.
[The following assisted HAHNEMANN in his proving of bryonia:-FRIED. HAHNEMANN, HERRMANN, HORNBURG, MICHLER; E. F. RUCKERT, STAPF.
The only reference to another authority is in Symptom 682 where the name NICOLAI appears, but without any reference to enable us to identify him.
The 1st edit, gives 510 symptoms, the 2nd and 3rd 781.
Vertigo, as if he were whirled round, or as if everything whirled round him, when standing.
In the head a dull, giddy confusion, [Mch.
A kind of vertigo as if he were intoxicated, and as if the blood rushed violently towards his head. [Hrr.
5. He feels as if intoxicated, he is disposed to lie down. [Fr. H-n.
Vertigo as soon as he rose from his seat; all turned round about him; after walking for some time this went off.
Vertigo as if from intoxication, all day (after 8 d.
Staggering in the morning. [Fr. H-n.
Vertigo, with feeling of heaviness, he felt as if all whirled round him in a circle. [Hrr.
10. Vertigo and fullness in the head. [Hbg.
Giddy, as if whirling, when she sits up in bed, and nausea in the centre of the chest, as if about to faint.
In the evening (after 8 ) such vertigo when standing that he staggered backwards, and would have fallen backwards.
When he attempts to walk he staggers as if he would fall backwards.
When walking staggering to either side, as if he could not stand firmly (after 48 h.
15. After moving, when standing, she sways to one side.
In the morning, on rising from bed, so giddy and whirling, as if all went round in a circle in his head.
All day long giddy in the head and weak in the limbs.
He can hardly turn his head on account of a feeling of fullness in it. [Hbg.
In the region of the crown and forehead dull movements in the head, which causes vertigo and cessation of thought. [Mch.
20. Rather dizziness in the head than vertigo.
So weak in mind that his thoughts leave him, as if he were about to faint, at the same time heat of face, chiefly when standing.
Illusion of the mind; her own head seems to her much too heavy. [Fr. H-n.
Stupid in the head, with striking forgetfulness. [Fr. H-n.
She did not rightly know what she was doing (in the room), worse when lying, for twenty-four hours (immediately) [Fr. H-n.
25. She did not know what she was doing, and let everything fall out of her hands (in the room). [Fr. H-n.
The head is stupid, thinking difficult. [Hrr.
He wishes for things that are not present.
He wishes for things immediately, and then will not have them.
Want of memory, forgetfulness (after 4 h.
30. His head felt very heavy.
Excessive heaviness of the head (frequently, and after 4 d. [Hrr.
Great heaviness of the head and pressure of the whole brain forwards.
Stupefaction of the head.
Head feels empty (after 1 h. [Hrr.
35. Dulness in the head until he goes to sleep.
In the morning the headache commences not on awaking, bat on first opening and moving the eyes.
In the morning on awaking the head is dull and painful, as if he had been drinking and dissipating the previous evening; he is unwilling to get out of bed.
(On treading a pressure in the head.
In the occiput obtuse pain. [Hbg.
40. Dull aching in the occiput. [Rkt.
Throbbing headache in the forehead, so that he must lie down. [Fr. H-n.
Digging pressure in the front part of the brain, with pressing towards the forehead, especially violent when stooping or walking quickly; a walk tires him very much (aft. 24 h. [Hrr.
A pain in the forehead, aching so much that he can hardly stoop. [Hbg.
Pressure from within outwards above the left orbit, in the brain, which passed into a pressure from above inwards in the eyeball (after3 d) [Hrr.
45. Aching pain in the head, mainly on one side, together with tiresome aching feeling in the eye of that side (afternoon). [Rkt.
An obscure compression in the head, in the forehead above the eyes.
First the blood mounted to the head, then ensued a compression from both temples.
Sensation as if the head were compressed from both ears.
Compressive pain at both sides of the head. [Hbg.
50. Headache: a compression with jerks in the brain, like beating of the pulse.
In the morning, before day-break, pain as if the head were bound round, with weight in it, mingled with stitches; on account of pain she could not raise her eyes, and when she stooped she could not rise up again (after 60 h.
Violent headache like great heaviness in it, as if it inclined to all sides; with pressure in the brain outwards, and great desire to lie down (immediately).
Headache, after a meal, and when walking an outward pressure in the forehead.
Headache as if all would come out at the forehead (Comp. 395).
55. Headache when stooping as if all would fall out at the forehead. The sensation of asunder-pressing corresponds almost completely with that of compression 46,47,48,50. 51, as it is felt by the brain enclosed in the unyielding skull; the organic sense cannot then distinguish whether the pain is owing to the great distension or from the resistance of the skull, and yet both are to blame for it.
When sitting (stooping) and reading, giddy heaviness in the head, which is allayed by raising up the head.
Headache only when stooping, a pressing out at the forehead mingled with stitches.
In the head an aching as if the brain were full and pressed asunder, chiefly when sitting.
An out-pressing pain in both temples.
60. Headache as if something pressed the skull asunder.
In the morning, in bed after awaking, when lying on the back, headache in the occiput, which extends to the shoulders, like a weight which presses on a sore place.
Semilateral headache: a (digging) pressure on a small spot of the right half of the brain, as from a kind of digging or tearing along the bones of the upper and lower maxillae, stands in connexion with a painful submaxillary gland (after 30 h.
Headache: in the morning after rising a twitching drawing in the bones of the cheeks and jaws.
Twitching tearing from the right malar bone up to the right temple externally, more violent when touched. [Hrr.
65. Tearing pain in the left side of the head (after 24 h. [Fr. H-n.
(Tearing pain over the forehead then tearing in the cervical muscles, then tearing in the right arm.
While walking in the open air a stitch in the head through the temple.
Anteriorly in the forehead single stitches, with dulness of the head. [Hbg.
Shooting in the head from the forehead to the occiput.
70. A whirling sensation in the right side of the forehead, and a stitch in the left side of the forehead.
More twitching than throbbing pain in the head, with hot face.
In the right side of the head a throbbing, which can also be felt externally by the hand.
In the morning, on waking, headache on the crown, a painful throbbing.
In the forehead and occiput pain, a hollow throbbing (after 2 h.
75. A throbbing headache, which includes the eyes, so that she cannot see well; on moving the beating in the head is quicker, she imagines she hears it.
In the head a chirping as from grasshoppers.
A clucking in both temples.
Pain on the temple, as if someone pulled him by the hair there.
On the top of the head a spot, the size of half-a-crown, with burning pain, which is not painful when touched.
80. The head is especially painful when touched, chiefly on the sinciput, for twenty-four hours. [Fr. H-n.
Sore feeling on one side of the occiput when touched. [Hbg.
A smarting erosion on the occiput (at night).
In the morning great greasiness of the hair of the head, the head itself is cool; the hands became quite greasy on combing the hair (aft 10 h.
On combing out the hair great itching on the head.
85. A painful throbbing in all parts of the face, which is also felt under the fingers when touched.
Itching needle-pricks in the right frontal muscle. [Hrr.
A tension in the frontal muscles beneath the skin, on moving the eyes.
Heat in head and face, with redness.
Great heat in head and face. [Hbg.
90. Flying heat over the face. [Hbg.
A tension in the skin of the face, on moving the facial muscles.
Red spot in the face and on the neck (for two days).
Paleness of the face for twenty-four hours. [Fr. H-n.
Red, hot. soft swelling of the face. [Fr. H-n.
95. Swelling of the left side of the face, more down along the nose, with some pain in it (during the diarrhoea). [Fr. H-n.
Great swelling of the upper half of the face, especially a great swelling under the eyes and over the root of the nose, with swelling of the eyelids; he could not open the left eye for four days (after 3 d. [Fr. H-n.
Contractive pain in the right palpebral muscle. [Hrr.
Redness and swelling of the eyelids, with aching in them, for three days (after 3 d. [Fr. H-n.
In the left lower eyelid a pimple the size of a pea, painful when touched, for sixteen days (after 24 h. [Fr. H-n.
100. Soft boil at the inner canthus of the left eye; from time to time much pus escapes from it, for ten days (after 6 d. [Fr. H-n].
In the morning on waking he can scarcely open the eyes, they are stuck together by a purulent mass. [Hrr.
Pain as from a burn above the left eye and on the left side of the nose, which is somewhat allayed by pressing on it. [Fr. H-n.
Pain like burning out at the left eye (after24 h. [Fr.H-n].
Aching in the eyes, with burning itching sensation in the eye-lids[Hbg.
105. Aching in the eyes for sixteen successive days. [Fr. H-n.
Pressure on the right eyeball, more from above downwards (after 3 d. [Hrr.
A fine throbbing in the right eyeball. [Fr. H-n.
Frequent lachrymation of the eyes. [Hrr.
A dimness of vision of the left eye, as if it were full of water.
110. In the morning weakness of vision; when she attempted to red all the letters ran together.
(Presbyopia): she could see at a distance, but not near (after 24 h.
The lower eyelid sometimes red and inflamed, the upper quivers.
In the left inner canthus raw pain and soreness.
In the morning the eyelids as if gummed together, somewhat red and swollen, and with pain as if rubbed and heated.
115. In the morning, on awaking an aching in the eye, as if pressed on by the hand, or as if in a room full of smoke.
In the morning the integuments of the eyes are swollen and as if gummed up with matter.
Swelling of the lower eyelid, internally aching pain; eyes gummed up in the morning.
Smarting in the eyes, as if sand (?) were in them, which compels rubbing.
In the afternoon sensation in the right eye, as if a grain of sand were in it.
120. In the forenoon sudden swelling of one eye with pain, without redness; matter exudes, and the conjunctiva is dark red and swollen.
The eyes water in the air.
On the border of the left upper eyelid an itching mingled with burning and tearing.
Itching in the left outer canthus mingled with some smarting, not removed by rubbing (after 6 h.
The eyes full of tears and the eyelids itch, as if something were healing; he must rub.
125. A small tetter on the right cheek (after 4 d. [Fr. H-n.
Swelling of the right cheek close to the ear, with burning pain (after 4 d. [Fr. H-n.
Painful pressure under the right malar bone, removed by external pressure (aft. 1 h. [Hrr.
Pinching pressure in the cavity of the joint of the right jaw, increased by movement. [Hrr.
Ringing before the left ear, as of small bells (after 1 h. [Fr. H-n.
130. In the meatus auditorius a contractive pain, which at first went off by clearing away the wax with the finger, but always came back again, with hardness of hearing. [Mch.
Sensation in the external meatus as if a finger were pressed upon it, which is increased by bending down to read. [Rkt.
Obtuse pain round about the left ear. [Hbg.
Pain like a burning out at the left ear (after 6 h. [Fr. H-n.
Burning in the lobe of the ear. [Hbg.
135. Hard boil behind the ear, which often changes its size (after 24 h. [Fr. H-n.
Boil-like swelling in front of the ear, which after twelve hours burst, discharged, and formed a yellow scab. [Fr. H-n.
Humming before the right ear.
Sensation as if the ears were stopped up, and no air could penetrate into them.
When he walks in the open air, and after his walk comes into the house, he feels stitches, now in one, now in the other ear.
140. вlood comes out of the ears.
Violent aching on the right concha.
(Ulcerated concha.
A frequent formication and tickling in the septum of the nose, especially when blowing the nose.
On the left side of the tip of the nose a swelling, with twitching pain in it, and, on touching it, as if it were going to gather.
145. An ulcer inside the left nostril with smarting pain.
Swollen nose with epistaxis for several days (after 5 d. [Fr. H-n.
Epistaxis on three successive days (the 10th. 11th, and 12th d. [Fr. H-n.
Epistaxis, several times a day, for fourteen days. [Fr. H-n.
Epistaxis (after 10, 16 d. [Fr. H-n.
150. Epistaxis from the right nostril (after 9 d. [Fr. H-n.
Daily profuse epistaxis (after 14 d. [Fr. H-n.
First epistaxis and then ulcerated nostrils (sore nose).
Epistaxis (after 48, 72 h.
In the morning after rising, epistaxis for a quarter of an hour.
155. Epistaxis in sleep, about 3 p.m, so that he is woke up by it. (after 4 d.
Epistaxis without having previously stooped.
(A pimple on the chin, which causes shooting pain when touched.
Drawing, with pressure in the throat up to the ear. [Hbg.
Pain in the posterior part of the throat, felt when moving. [Hbg.
160. Tensive stiffness of the left side of the neck. [Hbg.
Rheumatic stiffness in the side of the neck towards the nape. [Hbg.
Tension in the nape on moving the head. [Hbg.
On the left side of the nape and neck, of the facial and masseter muscles, sore pain on moving, which rendered turning the head and chewing difficult and almost impossible (after 24 h. [Hbg.
Itching needle-pricks on the neck (especially when he has walked quickly) which cause him to scratch; they are removed by scratching (aft. 24 h. [Hbg.
165. сhap in the lower lip. [Fr. H-n.
Burning in the lower lip. [Hbg.
On the lower lip small ulcerated fissures, which cause burning pain when touched. [Fr. H-n.
On the right commissure of the mouth, and more on the lower lip, a small elevation, which from time to time bleeds profusely for six days. [Fr. H-n.
A vesicle on the red part of the lower lip with burning pain.
170. Eruption below the left commissure of the lips with smarting pain.
Eruption on the lower lip beyond the red part, with itching smarting pain as from salt.
Between the under lip and gum a shooting, very acute twitching (in the morning in bed), as in cancer of the lip.
Toothache, twitching and shooting in the teeth towards the ear, which compelled her to lie down. There are several symptoms caused by bryonia which compel the person to lie down; comp, 285,479,631,708, or, at least, to sit down, 296, and several that are increased by walking and standing, e. g. 308; but, on the other hand, the alternating actin, where the symptoms are relieved by movement, and cannot bear quiet lying and sitting is much more frequent with bryonia.
In the evening, in bed, twitching toothache, now in the upper, now in the lower molars (for an hour); when the pain was above, and the point of the finger was applied there, the pain suddenly ceased and went into the opposite lower tooth (after 5 d.
175. Twitching toothache during the (accustomed) tobacco-smoking (after 1 h.
Drawing, Sometimes twitching toothache in the molars of the left upper jaw, only during and after eating, at the same time the teeth felt too long and as if they waggled to and fro (aft. 6 h. [Hrr.
Drawing pain in the molars of the upper and lower jaw (after 24 h. [Hrr.
Looseness of all the teeth observable when touching them and biting.
Pain in a molar tooth only when chewing.
180. When at rest, and especially in bed, a horrible toothache, which is alleviated by chewing. [Hbg.
Toothache on taking something warm into the mouth.
While eating there occurs a tearing shooting toothache (that extends down into the cervical muscles), which is especially aggravated by warmth.
Pain as if the tooth were screwed in and then raised up (which is only relieved for an instant by cold water, but is better by walking in the open air); at the same time tearing in the cheek and pinching in the ears, at night until 6 p.m.
Toothache; on opening the mouth the air entering causes pain.
185. Toothache after midnight (about 3 p.m) as if an exposed nerve in a hollow tooth were painfully affected by cold air penetrating to it; the pain is increased to an intolerable degree by lying on the unaffected side, and only goes off when lying on the cheek of the affected side.
On drinking cool liquid a sore pain comes into the tooth. This symptom is given here as it stands in the 2nd edit. In the 3rd the transcriber has introduced a superfluous not that destroys the sense of the symptom.
The gums are painful as if sore and raw, with painful loose teeth.
In the morning after waking sensation as if all the molars were too long; they could be moved to and fro by the fingers so loose were they; she could bite nothing with them, and when she bit with them there was pain as if the teeth fell out, for fifteen hours (after 48 h. [Stf.
The teeth appear to him to be too long. [Fr. H-n.
190. Spongy gums.
Simple pain of one of the submaxillary glands. as if from being pinched (after 12 h.
Painful stiffness of all the cervical muscles on movement, and roughness in the throat on swallowing.
Vertigo, as if he were whirled round, or as if everything whirled round him, when standing.
In the head a dull, giddy confusion, [Mch.
A kind of vertigo as if he were intoxicated, and as if the blood rushed violently towards his head. [Hrr.
5. He feels as if intoxicated, he is disposed to lie down. [Fr. H-n.
Vertigo as soon as he rose from his seat; all turned round about him; after walking for some time this went off.
Vertigo as if from intoxication, all day (after 8 d.
Staggering in the morning. [Fr. H-n.
Vertigo, with feeling of heaviness, he felt as if all whirled round him in a circle. [Hrr.
10. Vertigo and fullness in the head. [Hbg.
Giddy, as if whirling, when she sits up in bed, and nausea in the centre of the chest, as if about to faint.
In the evening (after 8 ) such vertigo when standing that he staggered backwards, and would have fallen backwards.
When he attempts to walk he staggers as if he would fall backwards.
When walking staggering to either side, as if he could not stand firmly (after 48 h.
15. After moving, when standing, she sways to one side.
In the morning, on rising from bed, so giddy and whirling, as if all went round in a circle in his head.
All day long giddy in the head and weak in the limbs.
He can hardly turn his head on account of a feeling of fullness in it. [Hbg.
In the region of the crown and forehead dull movements in the head, which causes vertigo and cessation of thought. [Mch.
20. Rather dizziness in the head than vertigo.
So weak in mind that his thoughts leave him, as if he were about to faint, at the same time heat of face, chiefly when standing.
Illusion of the mind; her own head seems to her much too heavy. [Fr. H-n.
Stupid in the head, with striking forgetfulness. [Fr. H-n.
She did not rightly know what she was doing (in the room), worse when lying, for twenty-four hours (immediately) [Fr. H-n.
25. She did not know what she was doing, and let everything fall out of her hands (in the room). [Fr. H-n.
The head is stupid, thinking difficult. [Hrr.
He wishes for things that are not present.
He wishes for things immediately, and then will not have them.
Want of memory, forgetfulness (after 4 h.
30. His head felt very heavy.
Excessive heaviness of the head (frequently, and after 4 d. [Hrr.
Great heaviness of the head and pressure of the whole brain forwards.
Stupefaction of the head.
Head feels empty (after 1 h. [Hrr.
35. Dulness in the head until he goes to sleep.
In the morning the headache commences not on awaking, bat on first opening and moving the eyes.
In the morning on awaking the head is dull and painful, as if he had been drinking and dissipating the previous evening; he is unwilling to get out of bed.
(On treading a pressure in the head.
In the occiput obtuse pain. [Hbg.
40. Dull aching in the occiput. [Rkt.
Throbbing headache in the forehead, so that he must lie down. [Fr. H-n.
Digging pressure in the front part of the brain, with pressing towards the forehead, especially violent when stooping or walking quickly; a walk tires him very much (aft. 24 h. [Hrr.
A pain in the forehead, aching so much that he can hardly stoop. [Hbg.
Pressure from within outwards above the left orbit, in the brain, which passed into a pressure from above inwards in the eyeball (after3 d) [Hrr.
45. Aching pain in the head, mainly on one side, together with tiresome aching feeling in the eye of that side (afternoon). [Rkt.
An obscure compression in the head, in the forehead above the eyes.
First the blood mounted to the head, then ensued a compression from both temples.
Sensation as if the head were compressed from both ears.
Compressive pain at both sides of the head. [Hbg.
50. Headache: a compression with jerks in the brain, like beating of the pulse.
In the morning, before day-break, pain as if the head were bound round, with weight in it, mingled with stitches; on account of pain she could not raise her eyes, and when she stooped she could not rise up again (after 60 h.
Violent headache like great heaviness in it, as if it inclined to all sides; with pressure in the brain outwards, and great desire to lie down (immediately).
Headache, after a meal, and when walking an outward pressure in the forehead.
Headache as if all would come out at the forehead (Comp. 395).
55. Headache when stooping as if all would fall out at the forehead. The sensation of asunder-pressing corresponds almost completely with that of compression 46,47,48,50. 51, as it is felt by the brain enclosed in the unyielding skull; the organic sense cannot then distinguish whether the pain is owing to the great distension or from the resistance of the skull, and yet both are to blame for it.
When sitting (stooping) and reading, giddy heaviness in the head, which is allayed by raising up the head.
Headache only when stooping, a pressing out at the forehead mingled with stitches.
In the head an aching as if the brain were full and pressed asunder, chiefly when sitting.
An out-pressing pain in both temples.
60. Headache as if something pressed the skull asunder.
In the morning, in bed after awaking, when lying on the back, headache in the occiput, which extends to the shoulders, like a weight which presses on a sore place.
Semilateral headache: a (digging) pressure on a small spot of the right half of the brain, as from a kind of digging or tearing along the bones of the upper and lower maxillae, stands in connexion with a painful submaxillary gland (after 30 h.
Headache: in the morning after rising a twitching drawing in the bones of the cheeks and jaws.
Twitching tearing from the right malar bone up to the right temple externally, more violent when touched. [Hrr.
65. Tearing pain in the left side of the head (after 24 h. [Fr. H-n.
(Tearing pain over the forehead then tearing in the cervical muscles, then tearing in the right arm.
While walking in the open air a stitch in the head through the temple.
Anteriorly in the forehead single stitches, with dulness of the head. [Hbg.
Shooting in the head from the forehead to the occiput.
70. A whirling sensation in the right side of the forehead, and a stitch in the left side of the forehead.
More twitching than throbbing pain in the head, with hot face.
In the right side of the head a throbbing, which can also be felt externally by the hand.
In the morning, on waking, headache on the crown, a painful throbbing.
In the forehead and occiput pain, a hollow throbbing (after 2 h.
75. A throbbing headache, which includes the eyes, so that she cannot see well; on moving the beating in the head is quicker, she imagines she hears it.
In the head a chirping as from grasshoppers.
A clucking in both temples.
Pain on the temple, as if someone pulled him by the hair there.
On the top of the head a spot, the size of half-a-crown, with burning pain, which is not painful when touched.
80. The head is especially painful when touched, chiefly on the sinciput, for twenty-four hours. [Fr. H-n.
Sore feeling on one side of the occiput when touched. [Hbg.
A smarting erosion on the occiput (at night).
In the morning great greasiness of the hair of the head, the head itself is cool; the hands became quite greasy on combing the hair (aft 10 h.
On combing out the hair great itching on the head.
85. A painful throbbing in all parts of the face, which is also felt under the fingers when touched.
Itching needle-pricks in the right frontal muscle. [Hrr.
A tension in the frontal muscles beneath the skin, on moving the eyes.
Heat in head and face, with redness.
Great heat in head and face. [Hbg.
90. Flying heat over the face. [Hbg.
A tension in the skin of the face, on moving the facial muscles.
Red spot in the face and on the neck (for two days).
Paleness of the face for twenty-four hours. [Fr. H-n.
Red, hot. soft swelling of the face. [Fr. H-n.
95. Swelling of the left side of the face, more down along the nose, with some pain in it (during the diarrhoea). [Fr. H-n.
Great swelling of the upper half of the face, especially a great swelling under the eyes and over the root of the nose, with swelling of the eyelids; he could not open the left eye for four days (after 3 d. [Fr. H-n.
Contractive pain in the right palpebral muscle. [Hrr.
Redness and swelling of the eyelids, with aching in them, for three days (after 3 d. [Fr. H-n.
In the left lower eyelid a pimple the size of a pea, painful when touched, for sixteen days (after 24 h. [Fr. H-n.
100. Soft boil at the inner canthus of the left eye; from time to time much pus escapes from it, for ten days (after 6 d. [Fr. H-n].
In the morning on waking he can scarcely open the eyes, they are stuck together by a purulent mass. [Hrr.
Pain as from a burn above the left eye and on the left side of the nose, which is somewhat allayed by pressing on it. [Fr. H-n.
Pain like burning out at the left eye (after24 h. [Fr.H-n].
Aching in the eyes, with burning itching sensation in the eye-lids[Hbg.
105. Aching in the eyes for sixteen successive days. [Fr. H-n.
Pressure on the right eyeball, more from above downwards (after 3 d. [Hrr.
A fine throbbing in the right eyeball. [Fr. H-n.
Frequent lachrymation of the eyes. [Hrr.
A dimness of vision of the left eye, as if it were full of water.
110. In the morning weakness of vision; when she attempted to red all the letters ran together.
(Presbyopia): she could see at a distance, but not near (after 24 h.
The lower eyelid sometimes red and inflamed, the upper quivers.
In the left inner canthus raw pain and soreness.
In the morning the eyelids as if gummed together, somewhat red and swollen, and with pain as if rubbed and heated.
115. In the morning, on awaking an aching in the eye, as if pressed on by the hand, or as if in a room full of smoke.
In the morning the integuments of the eyes are swollen and as if gummed up with matter.
Swelling of the lower eyelid, internally aching pain; eyes gummed up in the morning.
Smarting in the eyes, as if sand (?) were in them, which compels rubbing.
In the afternoon sensation in the right eye, as if a grain of sand were in it.
120. In the forenoon sudden swelling of one eye with pain, without redness; matter exudes, and the conjunctiva is dark red and swollen.
The eyes water in the air.
On the border of the left upper eyelid an itching mingled with burning and tearing.
Itching in the left outer canthus mingled with some smarting, not removed by rubbing (after 6 h.
The eyes full of tears and the eyelids itch, as if something were healing; he must rub.
125. A small tetter on the right cheek (after 4 d. [Fr. H-n.
Swelling of the right cheek close to the ear, with burning pain (after 4 d. [Fr. H-n.
Painful pressure under the right malar bone, removed by external pressure (aft. 1 h. [Hrr.
Pinching pressure in the cavity of the joint of the right jaw, increased by movement. [Hrr.
Ringing before the left ear, as of small bells (after 1 h. [Fr. H-n.
130. In the meatus auditorius a contractive pain, which at first went off by clearing away the wax with the finger, but always came back again, with hardness of hearing. [Mch.
Sensation in the external meatus as if a finger were pressed upon it, which is increased by bending down to read. [Rkt.
Obtuse pain round about the left ear. [Hbg.
Pain like a burning out at the left ear (after 6 h. [Fr. H-n.
Burning in the lobe of the ear. [Hbg.
135. Hard boil behind the ear, which often changes its size (after 24 h. [Fr. H-n.
Boil-like swelling in front of the ear, which after twelve hours burst, discharged, and formed a yellow scab. [Fr. H-n.
Humming before the right ear.
Sensation as if the ears were stopped up, and no air could penetrate into them.
When he walks in the open air, and after his walk comes into the house, he feels stitches, now in one, now in the other ear.
140. вlood comes out of the ears.
Violent aching on the right concha.
(Ulcerated concha.
A frequent formication and tickling in the septum of the nose, especially when blowing the nose.
On the left side of the tip of the nose a swelling, with twitching pain in it, and, on touching it, as if it were going to gather.
145. An ulcer inside the left nostril with smarting pain.
Swollen nose with epistaxis for several days (after 5 d. [Fr. H-n.
Epistaxis on three successive days (the 10th. 11th, and 12th d. [Fr. H-n.
Epistaxis, several times a day, for fourteen days. [Fr. H-n.
Epistaxis (after 10, 16 d. [Fr. H-n.
150. Epistaxis from the right nostril (after 9 d. [Fr. H-n.
Daily profuse epistaxis (after 14 d. [Fr. H-n.
First epistaxis and then ulcerated nostrils (sore nose).
Epistaxis (after 48, 72 h.
In the morning after rising, epistaxis for a quarter of an hour.
155. Epistaxis in sleep, about 3 p.m, so that he is woke up by it. (after 4 d.
Epistaxis without having previously stooped.
(A pimple on the chin, which causes shooting pain when touched.
Drawing, with pressure in the throat up to the ear. [Hbg.
Pain in the posterior part of the throat, felt when moving. [Hbg.
160. Tensive stiffness of the left side of the neck. [Hbg.
Rheumatic stiffness in the side of the neck towards the nape. [Hbg.
Tension in the nape on moving the head. [Hbg.
On the left side of the nape and neck, of the facial and masseter muscles, sore pain on moving, which rendered turning the head and chewing difficult and almost impossible (after 24 h. [Hbg.
Itching needle-pricks on the neck (especially when he has walked quickly) which cause him to scratch; they are removed by scratching (aft. 24 h. [Hbg.
165. сhap in the lower lip. [Fr. H-n.
Burning in the lower lip. [Hbg.
On the lower lip small ulcerated fissures, which cause burning pain when touched. [Fr. H-n.
On the right commissure of the mouth, and more on the lower lip, a small elevation, which from time to time bleeds profusely for six days. [Fr. H-n.
A vesicle on the red part of the lower lip with burning pain.
170. Eruption below the left commissure of the lips with smarting pain.
Eruption on the lower lip beyond the red part, with itching smarting pain as from salt.
Between the under lip and gum a shooting, very acute twitching (in the morning in bed), as in cancer of the lip.
Toothache, twitching and shooting in the teeth towards the ear, which compelled her to lie down. There are several symptoms caused by bryonia which compel the person to lie down; comp, 285,479,631,708, or, at least, to sit down, 296, and several that are increased by walking and standing, e. g. 308; but, on the other hand, the alternating actin, where the symptoms are relieved by movement, and cannot bear quiet lying and sitting is much more frequent with bryonia.
In the evening, in bed, twitching toothache, now in the upper, now in the lower molars (for an hour); when the pain was above, and the point of the finger was applied there, the pain suddenly ceased and went into the opposite lower tooth (after 5 d.
175. Twitching toothache during the (accustomed) tobacco-smoking (after 1 h.
Drawing, Sometimes twitching toothache in the molars of the left upper jaw, only during and after eating, at the same time the teeth felt too long and as if they waggled to and fro (aft. 6 h. [Hrr.
Drawing pain in the molars of the upper and lower jaw (after 24 h. [Hrr.
Looseness of all the teeth observable when touching them and biting.
Pain in a molar tooth only when chewing.
180. When at rest, and especially in bed, a horrible toothache, which is alleviated by chewing. [Hbg.
Toothache on taking something warm into the mouth.
While eating there occurs a tearing shooting toothache (that extends down into the cervical muscles), which is especially aggravated by warmth.
Pain as if the tooth were screwed in and then raised up (which is only relieved for an instant by cold water, but is better by walking in the open air); at the same time tearing in the cheek and pinching in the ears, at night until 6 p.m.
Toothache; on opening the mouth the air entering causes pain.
185. Toothache after midnight (about 3 p.m) as if an exposed nerve in a hollow tooth were painfully affected by cold air penetrating to it; the pain is increased to an intolerable degree by lying on the unaffected side, and only goes off when lying on the cheek of the affected side.
On drinking cool liquid a sore pain comes into the tooth. This symptom is given here as it stands in the 2nd edit. In the 3rd the transcriber has introduced a superfluous not that destroys the sense of the symptom.
The gums are painful as if sore and raw, with painful loose teeth.
In the morning after waking sensation as if all the molars were too long; they could be moved to and fro by the fingers so loose were they; she could bite nothing with them, and when she bit with them there was pain as if the teeth fell out, for fifteen hours (after 48 h. [Stf.
The teeth appear to him to be too long. [Fr. H-n.
190. Spongy gums.
Simple pain of one of the submaxillary glands. as if from being pinched (after 12 h.
Painful stiffness of all the cervical muscles on movement, and roughness in the throat on swallowing.
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- 199₽ Бриорус (ЭДАС)
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- 198-237₽ Бриакон (ЭДАС)
- 225-272₽ Бриапис (ЭДАС)
- 266₽ Нормагаст (2 фирмы)
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- 250₽ Бронхосил плюс (Фитасинтекс)
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- 350₽ Хондросан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 292-469₽ Стодаль (2 фирмы)
- — Белладонна-плюс (Доктор Н)
- 315₽ Иммукор (2 фирмы)
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- — Бриония-плюс (Доктор Н)
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- 452-575₽ Бронхалис-хель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 457-599₽ Спигелон (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 500₽ Артрис (Фитасинтекс)
- 500₽ Гастронукс (Фитасинтекс)
- 598₽ Гирель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 483-775₽ Гомеовокс (БУАРОН )
- 606-976₽ Инфлюцид (3 фирмы)
- 675-891₽ Нукс вомика-гомаккорд (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №10
- — Flowers Energy №11
- — Flowers Energy №12
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №2
- — Flowers Energy №3
- — Flowers Energy №31
- — Flowers Energy №40
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №42
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №43
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №44
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №46
- — Flowers Energy №48
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №67
- — Flowers Energy №75
- — Flowers Energy №8
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №94
- 920-15562₽ Эхинацея композитум сн (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Аконит-плюс (Доктор Н)
- — Антуссин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Арника-Хель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
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- — Л52 Ленинг (Laboratoires Lehning )
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