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Erigeron canadensis

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Nosology
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Plant characteristics
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Sleep
  13. Common symptoms
  14. Skin
  15. Patient type and constitution
  16. Dif. diagnostics
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Included in the composition
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Additional facts

 Canada Flea вane. сomposita.
 Grows in сanada and the United States as a weed. The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant when in bloom in July and August.
 Used by the aborigines as an application to wounds.
 Proved by W. H. вurt. See Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 4, p. 211. A fragmentary proving of the Erigeron philadelphicum, by A. Lippe, not published, is here inserted, the symptoms marked ‘||’.


 - Dysuria in teething children (2 cases), Ring, N. A. J. H., vol. 5, p. 282 ; Uterine flow, Warren, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 5, p. 35 ; сough, Wright, Hom. Times, vol. 2, p. 10 ; Hemorrhages, Palmer, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 121.


 Lowness of spirits, with a feeling of great languor.

Head, face, and ears

 Congestion of head, red face, nosebleed ; febrile action.
 Dull frontal headache on waking in morning.
 Dull headache, with ringing in right ear.
 Headache, with pain in forehead and right eye, and pain in large joints.
 Smarting of eyes all day.
 Redness, swelling, inflammation, with profuse muco purulent discharges from eyes.
 Echymoses upon eyeballs or around eye, from a blow.
 Increased secretion of mucus in nostrils all forenoon.
 Epistaxis of bright red blood.

Mouth and throat

 Profuse bleeding from gums.
 Dryness of pharynx ; roughness, with sensation as if something had lodged in upper part of oesophagus.
 Sore throat all night, with frequent inclination to swallow.
 Inflammation and ulceration of throat.
 Chronic bronchial affections.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Nausea, with frequent eructations.
 Violent retching and burning in stomach, with vomiting of blood.
 Sharp cutting pains in region of stomach every few minutes.
 Violent retching, with burning in stomach.
 Hematemesis, from ulceration and rupture of blood vessels.
 Dull pains in hypochondria.
 Frequent dull pains in bowels.
 Sudden, severe pains in hypogastrium, followed by mushy stool.
 Flatulent colic.
 Tympanites. θ Typhoid fever. θ Dysentery.
 Stools, bloody or mucous ; small, streaked with blood ; tormina ; burning in bowels and rectum ; hard lumps of feces mixed with the discharges ; mushy, undigested.
 Sudden pain in hypogastrium followed by papescent stools.
 Dysentery, with burning in any part of alimentary canal ; extreme tenesmus, with frequent small stools, streaked with blood or bloody, and great irritation of urinary organs ; urination painful or suppressed.
 Scybala, with dysentery.
 Inflammation of mucous coats of colon and rectum.
 Thin papescent stool, with burning in bowels and rectum.
 Natural stool, followed by severe neuralgic pains in anus, with tenesmus.
 Hemorrhoids. вleeding ; with hard lumpy stools ; burning in margin of anus ; it feels as if torn.
 Bleeding of hemorrhoidal tumors, and hemorrhage of bowels.

Urogenital system

 Sharp stinging pains in region of left kidney ; complete suppression of urine, and pain in renal region, followed by urging to urinate, with emission of only a few burning drops.
 Vesical catarrh, with pain and irritation ; also vesical irritation from calculi.
 Inclination to urinate about every hour, with aching distress in bladder.
 Urination painful or suppressed.
 Urging to urinate, with emission of only a few burning drops at a time.
 Dysuria of teething children ; frequent desire, crying when urinating ; urine profuse, of very strong odor ; external parts (female) inflamed or irritated, with considerable mucous discharge.
 Urine dark, afterwards pale, double in quantity.
 Hemorrhages from bladder or urethra.
 Hamaturia, with metrorrhagia.
 Sticky sweat on the male genitals.
 Pain in right lumbar region, passing down to testicle.
 Gonorrhoea and gleet.
 Premature and profuse menses.
 Metrorrhagia. With violent irritation of rectum and bladder ; after abortion, with diarrhoea and dysuria ; with prolapsus uteri.
 Very profuse flow of bright red blood ; every movement of patient increases the flow ; pallor and weakness.
 Dysmenorrhoea, with menorrhagia.
 Menorrhagia, with spasmodic pains.
 Steady painless flow occurring during pregnancy, at 6th month, caused by overexertion.
 Leucorrhoea profuse, with spasmodic pains, and irritation of bladder and rectum, usually scanty menses.
 Chronic uterine leucorrhoea.

Plant characteristics

 Abortion, with profuse hemorrhage, diarrhoea and dysuria.
 Post-partum hemorrhage.
 Bloody lochia return after least motion ; better by rest.
 Profuse lochia.

Chest organs

 Cough, with expectoration of blood-streaked matter ; hard pains in lungs ; cannot lie on side.
 Bloody expectoration, incipient phthisis.
 Hamoptysis, dark coagula, passive hemorrhage.
 Incipient stages of phthisis ; with bloody expectoration.

Cardiovascular system

 Palpitation of heart.

Limbs and spine

 Dull aching distress in whole dorsal region.
 Severe, drawing pains in lumbar region.
 Rheumatic pains in left shoulder, hand and thumb.
 Great aching distress in elbows and wrists during rainy weather.
 Rheumatic pains in thumb all evening.
 Rheumatic pain in right hip.
 Dull pains in knees.
 Severe drawing pains in ankle joint, worse walking.
 Rest : bloody lochia .
 Cannot lie on painful side.
 Every movement : increases flow ; bloody lochia return.
 Walking : pain in ankle joint.
 From a blow : ecchymosis upon eyeball.


 Very drowsy early in the evening ; soon after falling asleep wakes up feeling numb and unable to move, lies in this way, suffering painful agony for half an hour.
 Morning : dull headache on awakening.
 Forenoon : secretion of mucus in nostrils.
 Evening : rheumatic pains in thumbs ; very drowsy early.
 Night : sore throat.

Common symptoms

 All symptoms worse during rainy weather.
 Rainy weather : great aching distress in elbows and wrists.
 Frequent : inclination to swallow ; eructations ; dull pains in bowels ; small stools ; desire to urinate.
 Every few minutes : pains in region of stomach.
 Half hour : lies awake suffering.
 Every hour : inclination to urinate.
 Right : pain in eye ; pain in lumbar region ; rheumatic pain in hip.
 Left : sharp stinging pains in kidney ; rheumatic pain in shoulder.
 As if something had lodged in upper part of oesophagus ; anus feels as if torn.
 Pain : in forehead ; in right eye ; in large joints ; in renal region ; in right lumbar region to testicles.
 Severe pains : in hypogastrium.
 Sharp cutting pains : in region of stomach.
 Sharp stinging pains : in region of kidney.
 Neuralgic pains : in anus.
 Spasmodic pains : in female sexual organs.
 Sudden pain : in hypogastrium.
 Hard pains : in lungs.
 Drawing pains : in lumbar region ; in ankle.
 Aching distress : of bladder ; in dorsal region ; in elbows ; in wrists.
 Burning : in stomach ; in bowels ; in rectum ; in alimentary canal ; in anus.
 Rheumatic pains : in left shoulder ; in hand ; in thumb ; in r. hip.
 Dull pain : in forehead ; in hypochondria ; in bowels ; in knees.
 Dryness : of pharynx.
 Smarting : of eyes.
 Irritation : of rectum ; of bladder.
 Produces active congestion of various organs, with a tendency to hemorrhage therefrom.
 Useful in hematocele in the first stages.


 Slightly elevated, sharply defined vesicles on skin.

Patient type and constitution

 Small, frail, delicate woman, from overexertion at 6th month of pregnancy ; uterine flow.

Dif. diagnostics

 Canthar., сopaiva, сubeba, Sabina, Terebinth.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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