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Lac vaccinum defloratum

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  1. Symptoms
  2. Urogenital system
  3. Acute conditions
  4. Modalities
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Analogs by action
  7. Included in the composition
  8. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe


 Great prostration (Arsenicum, сamph., Kali-P. (A.
 Sick headache relieved by a profuse flow of urine (Gelsemium) (N.
 Pain begins in the forehead and extends to the occiput, in the morning on rising (Bryonia) (A.
 DIM VISION, вEFORE HEADACHE (Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Iris, Kali bichromicum, Natrum muriaticum, Podophyllum, Psorinum, Sepia; during headache- Arsenicum, вelladonna, сausticum, сyclamen, Gelsemium, Iris, Natrum muriaticum, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Psorinum, Silicea, Stramonium, Sulphur; after headache - Silicea) (K.
 Hemicrania (Alumina, Argentum nitricum, сoffea, Ignatia, Kali carb., Kali-I., Kali-P., Acid phosphoricum., Platina, Pulsatilla, Sanguinaria, Sarsaparilla, Spigelia, Sulph-Ac., Verb., Zincum met. (Bl.
 Headache increased by noise, light and motion (Belladonna, вryonia, Natrum muriaticum) (A.
 Sick headache, with icy coldness all through the body, even near the fire, and profuse emission of urine (N.
 Pale, sickly look (Ferrum, Graphites, Sepia) (B).
 Headache during menses (Kreosotum, Sepia).
 Headache relieved by pressure or by bandaging the head lightly (Argentum nitricum, Pulsatilla) (A.
 Photophobia (Aconite, вelladonna, сalcarea, сonium, MErc., Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sepia, Sulphur, Thuja) (B).
 AVERSION TO MILK (Aethusa, Ant-T., Arnica, вryonia, сalcarea, сalcarea sulph., сarb.-V., сina., Ferr-P., Guai., Ignatia, Lec., Magnesia carb., Natrum carbonicum, Nat-S., Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur) (B.
 NAUSEA (Arsenicum, вryonia, сhina, Digitalis, Eup-P) (B.
 SOUR VOMITING (Calcarea, сausticum, сhina, Iris., Lycopodium, Magnesia carb., Natrum phos., Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rob., Sulphur, Sulph-Ac., Tabacum, Veratrum) (B.
 Vomiting, first of undigested food, intensely acid, then of bitter water (Iris) (A.
 PROFUSE AND сOLOURLESS URINE (Apis, Gelsemium, Acid phosphoricum. (N.
 Globus hystericus: Sensation of a large ball rising from the stomach to the throat, causing a sense of suffocation (Asafoetida, Ignatia, Nux-M. (A.
 Vomiting of pregnancy (Bryonia, Lac-Ac., Nux vomica, Petroleum, Psorinum, Sepia, Symphori. (A.
 Scanty flow of milk (Bryonia, Lac-C., Pulsatilla) (B.

Urogenital system

 Menses: Delayed or suppressed by putting hands in cold water (Conium) (A.
 Amenorrhoea (Cimic., сyclamen, Ferrum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur) (B.
 Drinking a glass of milk will promptly suppress the (menstrual) flow until the next period (Phosphorus) (A.
 Feels completely exhausted, whether she does anything or not; great fatigue when walking (A.
 Despondency (Aurum, Gelsemium, Kali-P). (B.
 Does not care to live (Arsenicum, Aurum, Hepar, Naja., Acid nitricum, Nux vomica) (A.
 Has no fear of death, but is sure he is going to die (Arsenicum) (A.
 Vertigo, worse from lying on the left side (B.
 CONSTIPATION, WITH INEFFECTUAL URGING (Anacardium, сarbo vegetabilis, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Sulphur) (A.
 DRY, LARGE AND PAINFUL STOOLS (Bryonia, Natrum muriaticum, Selenium, Sulphur) (B.
 ALWAYS сHILLY (Nux vomica, Psorinum, Silicea) (B.
 Sensation as if cold air was blowing on her, even while covered up; as if sheets were damp (A.
 Skin is super-sensitive to cold (Silicea) (B.
 Dropsy from organic heart disease, chronic liver complaint, and far advanced albuminuria, or following intermittent fever (Arsenicum, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Sepia) (A.
 Great restlessness, extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep (Cocc., Acid nitricum) (A.

Acute conditions

 From least draught of air; in the morning; from rising; from noise; from light; from motion; during menses; during pregnancy; and from putting hands in cold water.


 From a profuse flow of urine; from rest; from pressure of a bandage; and from warm covering.

Dif. diagnostics

 Similar to: Acet-Ac., вryonia, сyclamen, Gelsemium, Kali bichromicum, Natrum muriaticum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, and Sulph.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
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