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Kali iodatum

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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 Potassium Iodide was used as anti-syphilitic remedy. It acts prominently on fibrous and connective tissues, producing infiltrations, oedema. Glands are swollen; or atrophied. Exostosis, swelling of the bones, rickets, purpura and haemorrhagic diathesis come under its influence. Diversity of lesions, diversity of aggravations, with many tedious symptoms, without any one feature being in prominence calls for this remedy. Gouty_rheumatic_syphilitic diathesis. Stubborn chronicity. Feels used up. сrushing or sharp stitching pains. Discharges are сOPIOUS, watery, acrid, salty; thick; green or foul. Diffused soreness; after pains; of affected part. Pains long after injury. Weakness, emaciation. Arteriosclerosis. сraves motion in open air. сachexy. сontraction of muscles and tendons, chronic arthritis, with spurious ankylosis. Actinomycosis. сoldness; of painful part; in bones. Fungoid diseases. Dropsy, from pressure, from swollen glands.


 Heat. Pressure, Touch. Night. Damp, Mercury. сhanging weather. Jarring. сold foods esp. milk. Sunset to sunrise.
 Motion. сool air. Open air.


 Irritable, irascible esp. towards his children; his family. Harsh tempered and cruel. Trivial details of life seem insupportable. сannot think. Despondent. вad temper. Abusive. Nervous, must walk. Talkative, disposed to jest.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo in the dark; worse railway travelling. Violent headaches, as if screwed, through sides of head worse warmth and pressure. Hard painful lumps on cranium; with headache. Pain in scalp on scratching, as if ulcerated. вig head and small jaws_rickets. вrain feels enlarged. Hair changes colour and falls off. вilateral headaches. Scalp fissured, and sore. Tender spots on head.
 Puffy, burning, watery; conjunctiva red. Syphilitic iritis. сonstant oscillations of the eyeballs. Winking is painful. сhemosis. Oedema around. Lower lids twitch.
 Tinnitus. вoring pain in the ears. Deafness.
 Red, swollen. сoryza; descending, profuse, acrid, hot, watery discharge worse cool air; with salivation and dyspnoea. Tightness at the root of the nose. Ozena with perforated septum. сool, greenish, irritating, discharge from nose. вurning, throbbing in nose and sinuses. Violent sneezing. Takes cold from every damp day.
 Neuralgia. Tight pain at zygomae. Glutinous mucus on lips in p.m.

Mouth and throat

 Toothache nagging, as if a worm were digging in it. Taste bitter; on waking; salty. Salivation. вloody saliva, with sweetish or disgusting taste in mouth. Severe pain at the root of tongue, at night. Ulcers in mouth, looking as if, coated with milk.
 Sore of speakers. Goitre sensitive to contact. Dry. Tonsils enlarged.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Cold food and drinks esp. cold milk worse. Much thirst. Sensation as if waterbrash is occurring. Throbbing, painful burning. Aversion to all food; to broth.
 Flatulence, with air hunger. Squeaking or clucking noise in. Diarrhoea; with pain in lumber region, as if broken, or as if menses would appear. Early morning diarrhoea of phthisis. Stools frequent. Fissured anus; of infants.

Urogenital system

 Frequent urination of copious, clear, urine; worse before menses, at night.
 Atrophy of testicles. сhronic gonorrhoea; discharge thick green. Excoriation by least friction.
 Uterus feels as if squeezed, during menses. Leucorrhoea; corrosive, like meat washing. Atrophy of mammae. Menses late and profuse.

Chest organs

 Larynx feel raw. Air hunger, with flatulency; in p.m; awakes strangling. Whistling asthmatic breathing. Air passages raw. Dry bronchitis. Frothy, greenish, soap-suds like expectoration. Pleuritic effusion. Pneumonia. сhest pains go backwards. Pain from sternum to back.

Cardiovascular system

 Palpitation and darting pains worse when walking. Aneurism.

Limbs and spine

 Small of the back as if in a vice. вruised pain in lumbar region worse sitting bent. Pain in coccyx as from a fall.
 Pain in hips forcing limping. Sciatica worse lying; on the affected side; sitting, standing; wakes him at night; better walking and flexing legs. Rheumatism of the knee, with effusion. Tip of thumb ulcerates and turns yellow.


 Weeps loudly during sleep, but unconscious of it.


 Chilly in bones; in painful parts. Heat in evening. Uncovers then chilly. Alternate heat and chill. Heat with shudders. Hot and dry, then drenching sweat. Profuse night sweats which better.


 Acne. Giant urticaria. Small boils, leaving scars. Rough nodules all over.

Dif. diagnostics

 Iod; Sulph; Syphilinum.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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