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Kali iodatum

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  1. Mental
  2. Head, face, and ears
  3. Gastrointestinal tract
  4. Urogenital system
  5. Chest organs
  6. Limbs and spine
  7. Common symptoms
  8. Sleep
  9. Fever
  10. Skin
  11. Modalities
  12. Analogs by action
  13. Included in the composition
  14. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Materia Medica - Adolf zur Lippe


 Mind and Disposition.
 Great talkativeness and inclination to jest.
 Every little noise makes one start.

Head, face, and ears

 Heat in the head, with redness and burning of the face.
 Headache and heaviness in the head (5 p.m) ; better after rising.
 [5] Feeling of heaviness in the forehead (in the afternoon).
 Lancinations and dartings over the left eye and in the left temple.
 The scalp feels as if ulcerated when scratching it.
 Burning in the eyes ; they secrete a purulent mucus ; the eyes and lids are red with lachrymation.
 Painful twitching of the lower eyelids.
 [10] Å’dematous swelling of the eyelids, with lachrymation.
 Dimness of the eyes.
 Boring pain in the ears.
 Darting in the ears (right).
 Violent bleeding of the nose.
 [15] Redness and swelling of the nose, with constant discharge of watery, acrid, colorless liquid.
 Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and the eyelids.
 From the least cold repeated attacks of violent, acrid coryza, with bloated eyelids, stinging pain in the ears, redness of the face, white-coated tongue, nasal voice, violent thirst, alternate heat and chilliness, dark, hot urine, headache, and great soreness and tenderness of the nose (in persons who have previously taken much mercury).
 Swelling of the face and tongue.
 Painful stinging and darting in the cheek.
 Mouth and Throat.
 [20] Ulcerative pain and swelling of the gums.
 Swelling of the gums around a decayed tooth.
 Sensation as if the teeth were elongated.
 Dry, chapped lips.
 [25] The lips are covered with viscid mucus in the morning.
 Burning of the tip of the tongue.
 Burning vesicles on the tip of the tongue.
 Ulceration of the tongue and mouth, without ptyalism.
 Ulceration of the mucous ; membrane of the mouth.
 [30] Ptyalism ; the saliva is ; viscid and saltish (during pregnancy).
 Bloody saliva, with sweetish taste in the mouth.
 Dryness and bitterness in the pharynx and mouth.
 Increased secretion of mucus in the throat.
 Goitre (sensitive to contact).
 [35] Swelling and suppuration of the submaxillary glands.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Stomach and Abdomen.
 The food has no taste ; tastes like straw.
 Continual excessive thirst, day and night.
 Great bitterness in the mouth and throat, going off after breakfast.
 Rancid taste in the mouth after eating or drinking.
 [40] Hiccough.
 Gulping up of large quantities of air.
 Rumbling and shrill noises in the stomach.
 Inflammation of the stomach.
 Phlegmasia of the stomach (and intestinal canal).
 [45] Sudden painful bloating up of the whole abdomen, or only the umbilical region, followed by diarrhoea.
 Burning in the pit of the stomach.
 Cutting and burning round the umbilicus.
 Stool and Anus.
 Hard, very scanty stool is passed with great difficulty.
 Discharges of serous mucus from the rectum.
 [50] Diarrhoea, with pain in the small of the back.

Urogenital system

 Urinary Organs.
 Painful urging to urinate.
 Increased secretion of urine, with unquenchable thirst.
 Frequent and copious emission of pale and watery urine.
 Urine red as blood.
 [55] Discharge of mucus from the urethra.
 Genital Organs.
 Men. Atrophy of the testicles.
 Sexual desire diminished.
 Women. Suppressed menstruation.
 Frequent urging to urinate when the menses appear.
 [60] During the menses, chilliness with goose flesh and heat in the head.
 Thin, watery, acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea.
 Discharge of mucus from the vagina.
 Atrophy of the mammae.

Chest organs

 Respiratory Organs.
 Nasal, catarrhal voice.
 [65] Hoarseness, with pain in the chest, cough, oppression of breathing, and pain in the pain in both eyes.
 Short, dry cough, occasioned by roughness in the throat.
 Dry, hacking cough ; afterwards copious, greenish expectoration.
 Stitches deep in the chest while walking.
 Stitches in the left side of the (upper) chest when sitting bent.
 [70] Stitches in the middle of the sternum, extending to the back.
 Darts in the region of the heart.

Limbs and spine

 Pain in the os coccygis, as from a fall.
 Stitches in the small of the back when sitting.
 Pain in the small of the back, as if bruised (when sitting bent).
 [75] Upper. вruised pain in the left shoulder.
 Tearing in the shoulder, followed by tearing in the ear.
 Lower. Gnawing in the hip-bones.
 Dart in the left hip, at every step, obliging one to limp.
 Tearing and pain in the left femur.
 [80] Tearing in the right thigh, extending below the knee, waking one at night and becoming insufferable when lying on that side, or on the back.
 Tearing in the left knee, as if in the periosteum ; the knee feels swollen (during the night).
 Pain as if bruised in the left instep.
 Ulcerative pain in the heels and toes.

Common symptoms

 Spasmodic contraction of the muscles.
 [85] Subsultus tendinum.
 Irresistible desire to go into the open air.
 Haemorrhage from the nose, lungs, rectum.


 Restless confused sleep.
 [90] Weeping during sleep.


 Pulse accelerated-frequent.
 Chilliness with drowsiness, proceeding from the lower part of the back extending upwards and through the whole body (6 to 8 ).
 Chilliness not easily removed by external warmth.
 Chilliness with thirst (4 to 7 ).
 [95] сhilliness all night with shaking and frequent waking.
 Flushes of heat, with dulness of the bead.
 At times chilly with dry skin, at other times profuse perspiration.


 Profuse papulous eruption in the face, on the shoulders, and over the whole body.
 Itching herpes in the face.
 [100] Pustulous eruption.
 Small boils (like furuncles) on the neck, face, head, back, and chest.
 Purpurea haemorrhagica.


 Most symptoms appear during rest and are relieved during motion, especially when walking in the open air.
 Constant irresistible desire to walk in the open air, it does not fatigue him.
 [105] After abuse of Mercury -pain in the bones- catarrh : -against the abuse of Kali hydriodicum in massive doses.
 Hepar s. c. is the best antidote.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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