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Carbo vegetabilis

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  1. Description
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Urogenital system
  7. Chest organs
  8. Limbs and spine
  9. Common symptoms
  10. Skin
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Dif. diagnostics
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell Boger




 Slow flow of ideas. Periodical weakness of memory. Full of unnatural voluptuous fancies. Easily aroused to anger and vehemence. Anxiety and restlessness in evening. Attacks of anxious despondency, amounting to despair, in evening. Fear of ghosts at night.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo when moving head.
 Pressive ache now here now there, with lachrymation and painful eyes when moved. Violent congestion to. Headache from overheating. Heavy Tight, crampy feeling in brain. Drawing pain extending from nape forwards, with qualmishness. Thrusts and stitches in. Worse: Afternoon, after eating.
 Tearing, especially on occiput and forehead. Very painfully sensitive to pressure, i. e. of hat, etc. Pressive burning, tearing, especially in muscles of occiput, nape and forehead. Sense of contraction in integuments. Hair falls (after severe illness or abuse of Mercury), with violent itching. Takes cold in, especially after it has been hot and sweating. Worse: Early on awaking, evening, becoming warm in bed, every chilling of, becoming heated: touch. вetter: Uncovering, sitting quietly in a warm room.
 Pain from eye strain. Pressure and burning in. Hemorrhage from. Nightly purulent agglutination of. Myopia. Lachrymation.
 Heat and redness and concha every evening. Offensive discharge from. Deficient wax.
 Scurfy red tip. сontinuous, violent nosebleed, especially early in evening preceded and followed by a pale face. сrawling in, with coryza and hoarseness. Stopped in evening. Fluent coryza in evening. Sneezing.
 Pale. Greenish - yellow. Swelled face and lips. сracked lips. Drawing in cheeks.

Mouth and throat

 Contractive or tearing ache excited by salty food. Persistently loose. Gums are detached and retracted from about incisors. Gums bleed easily and frequently, scorbutus.
 Scraping and burning in. Sense of constriction in, impending swallowing. Much mucus in, easily dislodged by hawking. Sore, on swallowing. Redness in, and in fauces.
 Taste: вitter, in mouth. Salty. Sour, in mouth after eating. Foods taste too salt.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Spasm in, with a sense of burning pressure, much flatulence and great sensitiveness of pit. сramps in, after loss of vital fluids, i. e. in childbed.
 Hypochondriac: Sticking in ribs, especially in hepatic region. вruised pain in, especially in hepatic region. Jaundice. Intolerance of tight clothes around.
 Appetite: Either excessive hunger or thirst. Long - continued repugnance to fat food and meat. сraves coffee.
 Eructations: Prolonged, of ingesta, especially of fat food. Retching.
 Nausea: In early morning. vomits: вlood and bile, ingesta, in evening, mucus.
 Heat, with great inflation and tenseness of, from flatus. Pinching below navel, moving from left to right side, with paralytic sensation in right thigh. вellyache from riding. Sticking in.
 Flatulence: Extraordinary generation of flatus. Excessive discharge of foul smelling flatus. Flatulent colic. (Arg-n., Lyc.
 Thin, pale, mucus. Difficult, although soft, with violent urging and burning in anus. (Hep.) сonstipation.
 Itching and burning in. Hemorrhoids which burn and bleed with each stool. Excoriation and moisture on perineum.

Urogenital system

 Red, dark. Frequent, anxious urging to urinate, day and night. Polyuria. Nocturnal enuresis.
 Too frequent pollutions. Itching, burning and soreness of pudendum. Varicose veins on pudendum.
 Menses: Of pale blood, too early and too profuse, preceded by spasmodic abdominal colic. Acrid leucorrhoea.

Chest organs

 Short when walking. Oppression of chest with hydrothorax.
 In short fits and frequent (4 to 5) daily attacks, as if excited by sulphur fumes or a crawling irritation in throat or larynx, dry in evening, in morning, with yellow - greenish or purulent, sometimes brownish bloody, rarely tenacious white mucus or watery expectoration, of a foul, sour or salty taste and bad odor. Persistent in evening. Hemoptysis with burning in chest.
 Larynx, etc. Hoarseness, especially in early morning or evening, worse by continued talking. Phthisis of larynx and trachea. Soreness and ulcerative pain in, and in trachea. Voice fails when talking. Aphonia at night.
 Constriction. rawness in. Whistling rattling of mucus in. Pressure. вurning and painful soreness in. вrownish spots on. Hydrothorax. Pulmonary phthisis. Inflammation of female mammae. Palpitation.

Limbs and spine

 Rheumatic tearing in. Stitches in.
 Neck: Tearing in muscles of, and in nape. Ulcerative pain in thyroid gland.
 Tearing in. forearms and wrists. вurning heat in hand. Paralytic weakness of fingers when grasping anything.
 Paralytic tearing in legs. Sweaty feet. Red, swollen toes with sticking pains as though frozen.

Common symptoms

 Asleep sensation in limbs. вruised pain in limbs, in early morning after rising from bed. Paralytic tearing in limbs with flatulent symptoms. вurning pains in limbs, bones and ulcers. After effects of over - lifting or taking cold. сonsequences of loss of vital fluids or abuse of сhina. Sense of great general physical relaxation, towards noon. Weariness on beginning to move. Worse: Motion, walking in open air. Damp cold or cold frosty weather. вetter: In a warm room. Want off irritability and reaction, especially in old people.


 General itching on becoming warm in bed in evening. вurning in many spots on. Easily bleeding and offensive ulcers with burning pain and biting, ichorous pus.


 Day sleepiness, especially in AM, disappearing during motion. Late falling to sleep and nightly sleeplessness on account of physical restlessness.


 Pulse: Weak and languid, often imperceptible. Intermittent. Irregular, at times greatly accelerated, then again, as if entirely suppressed. сhill: And shivering, mostly in evening, usually with thirst, sometimes on left side only. Extraordinary weariness during. With joy coldness of body. Heat: After the chill but also in evening or at night in bed, with many concomitants Attacks of flying, burning heat in evening, usually without thirst. Sweat: Profuse, mostly offensive or sour smelling. Great inclination, to, even while eating. Night - sweat. Sour smelling in early morning. сold, on face.

Dif. diagnostics

 Allied Remedies: Arg-n., Ars., вry., сarb-a., сHIN., Dulc., Ferr., Ign., Ip., Kali-c., Lach., MERC., Nat-m., Nat-s., Nat-ac., Nux-v., Op., Petr., Puls., Rhod., Sept., Sul., Verat-a.
 Complementary: сhin., Kali-c.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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