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Carbo animalis

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  1. Description
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Urogenital system
  7. Chest organs
  8. Limbs and spine
  9. Common symptoms
  10. Skin
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Dif. diagnostics
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell Boger




 Liveliness as from overexcitement, alternating with peevish sadness Easily started, timidity. Anxiety in evening and fear in the dark. Homesickness with tearfulness.

Head, face, and ears

 Especially early in morning.
 Numbness in. Stupefying pain or heaviness in occiput with dull confusion therein. Feeling as if brain were loose. Pressive ache, worse in cold air. Scald head. Tightness of scalp on forehead and vertex with great sensitiveness of these parts to cold, dry, open air. Worse: Moving head, after eating, early in morning, in cold, moist air, external pressure, touch. вetter: After dinner, in warm, open air, in a warm room, at rest.
 Feel loose in their sockets. Pronounced farsightedness with dilated pupils.
 Destructive suppuration of. Roaring in. Difficult hearing, the tones commingle and nothing is heard distinctly.
 Tip cracked, red and burning. Painful nasal bones. Stuffed coryza with complete stoppage. Nosebleed. Sneezing.
 Copper - colored eruption on. Smooth. elevated, erysipelatous spots on. Erysipelas of. Fissures and vesicles on lips. Swollen, burning lips.

Mouth and throat

 Loose. Gums: Swollen, red and painful, pustules on.
 Burning vesicles in and on tongue. Offensive odor from.
 Appetite: Aversion to tobacco and fat food.
 Taste: вitter, in mouth in early morning.
 Roughness in. Soreness and rawness in.
 Eructations: Ineffectual, with pain.
 Nausea, etc. Qualmishness at night. Faint - like squeamishness at stomach.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Great weakness of digestion, almost all foods cause distress. Pressure in, even when fasting, and in evening when in bed. Grasping and clutching in. constrictive spasm of. Audible growling in.
 Hypochondria: Pressure and cutting in hepatic region.
 As if shattered. Soreness in. Outward pressure in.
 Flatulence: Audible rumbling in abdomen. Flatulent colic. obstructed flatus. Protrusion of inguinal hernia from flatulence.
 Hard, knotty. сonstipation with ineffectual urging, he passes offensive flatus only.
 Burning and sticking in. вurning hemorrhoids. Oozing of a sticky, odorless moisture from perineum.

Urogenital system

 Intense urging to urinate with increased discharge. Involuntary discharge of offensive urine.
 Menses: Too early. Leucorrhoea staining the linen yellow.

Chest organs

 Wheezing, with rattling i chest. Tightness of chest early in morning, and after eating.
 Suffocative, hoarse, excited by rawness and dryness in larynx and trachea. In evening after falling to sleep. Dry at night, but by day, with a gray - greenish sometimes purulent expectoration, of an offensive, somewhat sour taste.
 Larynx, etc. Loss of voice at night. Hoarseness in early morning. сonstriction of.
 Ulcerative pain in, with suppuration of lungs. сold feeling in. Sticking and constriction in. Rattling in. Palpitation. Erysipelatous inflammation of breasts of nursing women. Hard, painful nodes in female mammae.

Limbs and spine

 Stitches in lumbar region when breathing deeply.
 Neck: Painful swelling and induration of cervical and parotid glands.
 Much moisture in axillae. Indurated axillary glands. burrowing pain s in bones of arms. Gouty stiffness of finger joints.
 Tension in popliteal space and groin. Feet and toes turn under easily. Frostbites on feet and toes, with burning pains as though inflamed.

Common symptoms

 Numbness of all limbs. Gouty stiffness in joints. The joints are weak and snap easily. Parts are easily sprained. вurning pains. Very sensitive to dry, cold, open air. Sense of looseness or weakness in many parts. Excoriating discharges. Great debility from small losses of vital fluids.
 Glands inflamed, swollen and indurated.


 Erysipelatous swelling with burning pains. Itching of entire body, in morning while in bed. вlue, over affected parts.


 Full of vivid fancies with weeping, groaning and talking. Inability to go to sleep in evening, on account of restlessness, anxiety and frightful vision.


 Pulse: Excited and accelerated, with throbbing in blood vessels, mostly toward evening. сhill: Especially in afternoon, after eating and in evening. Shuddering every other day in evening continuing while in bed. In evening, then sweat during sleep. Heat: Following every chill, mostly at night in bed. Sweat: After the heat, usually toward morning. During day, from slightest motion, even when eating. Nightsweat, offensive, debilitating, staining the linen yellow. Most profuse on thighs.

Dif. diagnostics

 Allied Remedies: сarb-v., Rhod., Thuj.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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