Active ingredients
Pharmacological Group
Used in the treatment
- T30 Burn and corrosion, body region unspecified
- T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body region
- T14.2 Fracture of unspecified body region
- L98.4.2* Trophic skin ulcer
- L89 Decubitus ulcer and pressure area
- L56 Other acute skin changes due to ultraviolet radiation
- K86.1 Other chronic pancreatitis
- K85 Acute pancreatitis
- K76.9 Liver disease, unspecified
- K62.9 Disease of anus and rectum, unspecified
- K52 Other noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis
- K51 Ulcerative colitis
- K25 Gastric ulcer
- K26 Duodenal ulcer
- D72.8.0* Leukopenia
- D70 Agranulocytosis
- D69.6 Thrombocytopenia, unspecified
- D64.9 Anaemia, unspecified
- T52.1 Toxic effect, benzene
- T64 Toxic effect of aflatoxin and other mycotoxin food contaminants
- T66 Unspecified effects of radiation
- Z54 Convalescence
- L87 Transepidermal elimination disorders
- K62 Other diseases of anus and rectum