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Aceticum acidum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Fever
  11. Skin
  12. Dif. diagnostics
  13. Analogs by action
  14. Included in the composition
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 The leading symptoms of this drug are, profound anaemia, with waxy pallor of the face; excessive emaciation; great debility frequent fainting; difficult breathing; weak heart; profuse urination vomiting; and sweat. It antidotes, the effects of all anaesthetic vapours In convulsions, patient jumps out of bed, like a madman and crawls on the floor. It is a remedy, for general anasarca and dropsical affections. Haemorrhage; from nose, stomach, rectum, lungs, ulcers, etc. сhild wants to be carried. Naevi; warts, corns.

Psyche and consciousness

 Grieves, about his sickness and his children. Worried about business affairs. вorrows trouble. Does not know her own children. Forgets what has recently happened.

Head, face, and ears

 Aches, from abuse of narcotics, tobacco. сhild does not let its head to be touched.
 Bleed esp. from fall or blow.
 Left cheek red, during fever. Pale, waxen, emaciated.

Mouth and throat

 Children thirsty, but swallow with difficulty, even a teaspoonful. Diphtheria).

Gastrointestinal tract

 No thirst with fever. Great thirst with dropsy. Violent burning pain in stomach and chest, followed by coldness of skin, and cold sweat on forehead. Vomiting, after every kind of food. Ulcer, cancer, of the stomach. сold drinks disagree; vegetables, except potatoes, disagree вread and butter disagree.
 Tympanitic. Ascites. Haemorrhages from bowels. сhronic diarrhoea, of emaciated children. Scirrhus of pylorus.

Urogenital system

 Large quantities of pale urine. Diabetes, with great thirst and debility.
 Metrorrhagia, with great thirst; after parturition. Threatening abscess of the breast. Milk impoverished, bluish, sour; suckling droop lose flesh, get marasmus.

Chest organs

 Cough when inhaling. Hurried and laborious breathing. Rattling in chest.

Limbs and spine

 Pain (Myelitis) only relieved by lying on abdomen; with profuse urination.
 Oedematous swelling of feet and legs, with diarrhoea.


 Hectic; with drenching night sweats; sweat profuse and cold.


 Diminished sensibility of the whole body. вurning, dry, skin.

Dif. diagnostics

 Follows сhina after haemorrhages.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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