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Erigeron canadensis

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Limbs and spine
  9. Common symptoms
  10. Sleep
  11. Analogs by action
  12. Included in the composition
  13. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Erigeron сanadense, Linn. Includes E. pusillum, Nutt). Natural order: сompositae. Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant.

Psyche and consciousness

 Great despondency (part of S.48).

Head, face, and ears

 Awakened with a dull headache, with aching distress in all the large joints (fifth day). Awakened with dull pain in the forehead and right eye (third day). Dull frontal headache, at 9 (first day). Dull frontal headache, with smarting in the eyes (after three hours, third day).
 Smart of the eyes, all the afternoon and evening (after second dose, second day). Slight agglutination of the eyelids, in the morning (third day).
 Loud singing in the right ear (part of S.26).
 Increased secretion of mucus in the nostrils, all the forenoon, with a feeling of roughness of the pharynx and sensation as if something had lodged in the upper part of the oesophagus that caused frequent inclination to swallow (after first dose, second day).

Mouth and throat

 Bad taste in the mouth (fifth day).
 Throat sore all night, with frequent inclination to swallow (second night); slightly sore (third day). Dryness of the pharynx, at 9 (first day). Roughness of the pharynx (eighth day). Rough feeling of the pharynx, in the morning (third day). A feeling of roughness in the pharynx and sensation as if something had lodged in the upper part of the oesophagus that caused frequent inclination to swallow (part of S.9). Feeling as if something lodged in the upper part of the oesophagus (second night).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Eructations of air (first day). Slight nausea for two hours (after first dose, second day). Sharp cutting pains in the epigastric region every few minutes, followed by dull pains, at 2 (second day).
 Umbilical. Frequent distress in the umbilicus with hard aching distress in the whole dorsal region (first day). Slight distress in the umbilical region (four hour after first dose, first day). Dull pains in the umbilicus (after three hours, third day). Frequent dull pain in the umbilical region, with a feeling in the anus as if it had been torn; this was a prominent symptom and lasted all day (first day). Frequent dull pains in the left umbilical region (second day). Have had a constant dull pain in the right umbilicus; twice the pains were severe and of a cutting character (first day). Sudden coliclike pains in the umbilical region, while walking, with dull pains in the lower dorsal region, and loud singing in the right ear (two hours after first dose, second day). General Abdomen. Slight rheumatic pains in the abdominal muscles and right thumb (after first dose, second day). Frequent rumbling pains in the bowels, with dull aching distress in the lumbar region (first day). Hard drawing pains in the abdomen for three hours (after second dose, second day). Hypogastrium. Sudden pain in the hypogastrium, at 8 p. m., followed by mushy stool (third day). Sudden severe pains in the hypogastrium, at 7 p. m., followed by soft mushy stool (second day). Dull pain in the hypogastrium, followed by a dark-colored, hard, lumpy stool (after half an hour, third day). Dull pains in the left hypogastrium and umbilicus (two hours after one dose, second day).
 Natural stool, followed by severe neuralgia in the anus, with tenesmus (fourth day); natural stool at 8 p.m; loose stool at 12 M. (fifth day); loose stool (sixth day); mushy stool at 6 (ninth day); natural stool (eleventh day). Hard lumpy stool at 7 p.m (third day). No stool (second day); (third day).

Urogenital system

 Urine increased and of a pale color (third day). Urinated 28 ounces, dark-colored (second day); 40 ounces (third day). Urinated 49 ounces, pale-colored (first day); awakened with great desire to urinate at 4 p.m, voided 13 ounces; urinated 63 ounces, pale color, turns blue litmus-paper red, cannot detect albumen in it with heat or nitric acid (second day); urine much less (third day).

Limbs and spine

 Dorsal. Dull distress in the whole dorsal region at 6 (second day). Aching distress in the whole dorsal region (after three hours, third day). Great aching distress in the dorsal and lumbar regions, in the afternoon and evening (third day). сonstant severe aching distress in the whole dorsal region, more on the right side (second day). Lumbar. Dull pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, on waking in the morning (second day). Severe drawing pains in the right lumbar region, passing down to the right testicle, at 9 , lasting half an hour, followed by dragging pains in the left hypochondrium (first day). Severe sticking pains in the region of the right kidney (after second dose, second day). Twice a number of sharp stabbing pains in the region of the left kidney, passing from left to right (first day).
 Extremities in General.
 Aching in all the joints, with great despondency (fourth day). Aching distress in all the large joints (part of S.2). Arms and legs ache severely, in the afternoon and evening (third day).
 Superior Extremities.
 Drawing pains in the elbow and metacarpal bones of the right arm and hand, all the evening (first day). Slight rheumatic pains in right thumb (part of S.27).
 Inferior Extremities.
 Pains in the hips, when walking, at 9 (ninth day). Dull pains in the knees, in the evening (first day). Severe drawing pains in the left ankle, greatly aggravated by walking, lasting three hours (after first dose, second day).

Common symptoms

 Feeling languid, with aching distress in all the large joints (third day). Very languid in the morning (third day). Excessively languid all day, with great depression of the spirits (second day). Feeling greatly prostrated, no ambition to move, in the afternoon and evening (third day). Some symptoms every morning for three days (after fifth day).


 Frequent disposition to yawn, in the afternoon and evening (third day). Restless night, but no pain (second night).

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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