Other names and synonyms
merc-i-f, hg2i2 homeopathy.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Mercurous iodide. Proto-iodide of mercury. Preparation for use: Triturations.
Psyche and consciousness
While in bed, he imagined that a man was in his room who intended to perforate his throat with a gimlet; this idea continued for twenty-four hours. Lively, good-natured, and talkative. He feels very lively, whistles, sings and is disposed to be decidedly merry and good natured (soon after great depression). From noon till 4 he feels depressed; from 4 to 6 he is lively and cheerful; from 6 till morning, all the symptoms are aggravated. A depression of spirits, in consequence of anxiety, which he has had for some time, has disappeared since proving the drug, although the cause of the anxiety still exists. While in the open air, he always feels cheerful; in a warm room he is generally dull and depressed. Moodiness. A general disposition to destructiveness; he can scarcely resist the temptation to throw his lamp through the window.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. Dizzy headache, similar to a rush of blood to the head, followed by a violent pain above the right temple. A dizziness while reading and when rising from a chair (to which he has been subject) has entirely disappeared. General Head. Dulness of the head, with severe, dull, frontal headache, when awaking at night. Dull, heavy condition of the head, with dull soreness of the bones of the face. The head feels full and heavy (after six hours and three quarters). Aching all over the head, with wavelike motion of the blood (fifth day). Headache in the morning when rising, lasting over half an hour. Headache, with faintness, while in church (after thirty- eight hours). General headache (after one day and a half). Slight headache all the forenoon. вad headache all over the head (after twenty-two hours). Violent headache, especially over the right temple (after eighteen hours). Very violent headache, involving the entire head. Very violent headache, lasting some minutes, over the right half of the frontal and right parietal bones (after nineteen hours and a quarter). Dull headache, with soreness of the bones of the face, all the time. Dull headache on awaking in the morning. When he awakens in the morning he has a dull headache, which continues until he exercises, after which it passes off. Dull headache the entire forenoon. Dull headache, with soreness of the face and nose, the entire evening. Dull headache when awaking at night. When he awakens at night he always has a dull headache. Dull headache, aggravated by pressure. Dull headache, especially at the right temple, with nausea and feeling as if he would vomit. Dull headache, with dulness of the head, in a warm room. Slight, general, dull headache on awaking (after eleven hours). Severe dull pain over the right half of the frontal and right parietal bones, with pain in the right ear, and dull soreness of the right orbit and right eyeball. Dull, heavy aching pain at the base of the brain in the throat and nostrils. The entire head feels dull and compressed, and as if pressed down upon the pillow by a heavy weight (after twelve hours). Dull, pressive headache after dinner (after three hours and a quarter). Sensation as if the skull were cracking (nineteenth day). Sensation in the skull as if it were cracking, continuing the whole afternoon (seventeenth day). Occasional sharp stitches through the head and face. Increased throbbing pain in the head, more in the forehead (after forty- nine hours and three-quarters). The headache is always on the top of the head, or on the right side. The severe, lasting pains, in the head occur on the right side. The headache is worse in the morning before rising, and for a short time after rising. The headache is worse when she walks about (in the house). The pains in the head and face are relieved during pressure, but are worse after the pressure has been removed. Forehead. In bed at night, very severe headache over the right half of the forehead over the right half of the forehead, with severe pain in the right orbit and eyeball. Dull, heavy pain over the forehead and temples, extending down the sides of the face (after three-quarters of an hour). Dull frontal headache, especially affecting the left orbit (after half an hour). Dull frontal headache, with pain at the root of the nose (after half an hour). Dull frontal headache the entire day, with occasional sharp stitches through the head and face (after two hours and a quarter). Dull frontal headache the entire evening (after three hours and a quarter). Dull frontal headache, with pain in the orbits and root of the nose, when awaking at night. Pressive aching in the frontal region, lasting a short time (after three days). Sudden, severe, and sharp pain in the right side of the forehead, above the right temple. Severe shooting pain in the forehead, superior arch of the right orbit, and the root of the nose. вad headache on awaking, in the forehead, as if a sword when run through from the left temple to the right; and, in the occiput, a bruised pain as if from a blow (after ten hours and a half). Temples. Dull pain above the left temple, followed by a beating- throbbing pain in the right temple. Steady, aching pain in the right temple (after three- quarters of an hour). Dull headache at the right temple. Momentary pressive pain in both temples (after half an hour). Occasional shooting pains in the temples (after half an hour). Severe, sharp pains in the right temple, at night in bed. Headache, as if a sword had entered the left temple, proceeding thence to the right temple. Severe, sharp stitches in both temples, while going downstairs. Vertex. Dull, dizzy pains over the top of the head, with inclination to vomit, following immediately after a slight pain at the heart (after ninety-three hours and a half). Headache over the top of the head, proceeding after some time into the forehead. Headache all over the top of the head, proceeding after some time into the forehead,. Headache all over the top of the head with wavelike motion of the blood (after a quarter of an hour, first day). Slight headache over the top of the head (tenth day). Sharp pain on the top of the head, followed by a pain in the right hip (after half an hour). Very sharp pain on the top of the head (posterior fontanelle), lasting a long time (after four days and three- quarters). Parietals. Pain in the right side of the head. Pain in the right parietals bone, aggravated by touching the part and by combing the hair (after one hour and a half). Slight pains in the right side of the head. Violent pain in the left side of the head, near the left temple. Violent pain over the entire right side of the head, extending from the right temple to the nape of the neck, lasting longer than usual (after thirteen hours and a half). Rather violent pain in the right side of the head. Very violent pains in the right side of the head. Dull pains in the right and left sides of the head, in front of the ears (after half an hour). Dull pains in the entire right side of the head, with stiffness in the the nape of the neck and a sensation as if the right ear were closed up. Sharp, aching in the right side of the head (after three days). Sharp pain in the right side of the head (over the right parietal bone), extending to the neck and right eye ( after four days). Several slightly sharp pains in the left side of the head, above the left temple (after two days). Very short, sharp pains in the right side of the head. A violent neuralgic headache, affecting the left side of the head, especially the superior arch of the left orbit and left eyeball, which he had for two weeks; ceased entirely within an hour after taking the first dose of the drug, and has not since returned. Occiput. Numbness of the occiput and nape of the neck, with stiffness of the neck. Sharp pain in the occiput, after rising in the morning. External Head. Numbness and tingling of the scalp (after twelve hours). Itching of the scalp. Persistent itching on the top of the head, at night in bed. Itching on the left side of the vertex, at night in bed.
Orbit. Pain and soreness of the entire right orbit (after half an hour). Pain in the superior arch of the left orbit, with headache, aggravated by noise and talking. Dull pain in the inferior arch of the right orbit. Dull pain in the superior arch of the left orbit, with dull frontal headache. Slightly dull pain in the superior arch of the left orbit and left malar bones, painful when touched. Sharp pain in the superior arch of the left orbit. Sharp pain in the inferior arch of the left orbit and left eyeball, with feeling as if lachrymation would appear. Sudden, sharp pain in the superior arch of the right orbit, aggravated by stooping (after twenty-two hours). Sharp, lasting pain in the superior arch of the left orbit, as if from a knife. Severely acute pain in the superior arch of the right orbit, on rising in the morning. Vision. When lying on his left side black clouds float before the eyes; this never occurs when lying on the right side.
External. Dull pain in front of the both ears. Sudden, sharp pain in the external meatus of the right ear. Stinging-throbbing pain in the external (left) ear. Middle. Sensation as if the right ear were closed up, although his hearing remained good. At night, while in bed, dull pain in the internal, meatus of the right ear, followed immediately by itching of a small spot on the top of the head. вoring pain in the internal meatus of th right ear. Sharp, intermittent boring in the internal meatus, of the right ear (after one hour and a quarter). Sharp throbbing, boring pain, from within outward, deep in the left ear. Touching the right ear, or introducing the finger, causes a sore pain in the ear, and also aggravates the headache on that side.
A great deal of mucus in the nose obliging him to constantly clear his nose. Pain at the root of the nose (after twelve hours and a half). Steady, dull pain at the root of the nose. Dull, heavy aching pain in the nostrils. Sharp pain in the septum naris (after four days). Severe shooting pains at the root of the nose. Severe throbbing pain on the right side of the nose, deep in the bone. The right side of the septum naris and right nostril are very sore and much swollen. For three days a sore painful spot on the left wing of the nose.
Soreness of all the bones of the face. Soreness of the entire face, especially of the bones of the face, with dull frontal headache. Dull soreness of all the bones of the face (this symptom was constant through out the entire proving). Dull soreness of the whole right side of the face, especially of the right half of the inferior maxillary bone. сheeks. Dull pains in the left malar and right orbital bones. A slightly dull pain in the left malar bone, which is painful when touched. Sharp pain in the left cheek with soreness of the left half of the inferior maxillary bone. A steady sharp pain in the upper portion of the left malar bone, which is painful when pressed. Sharp throbbing pain in the right, cheek with sharp throbbing pain on the external surface of the right forearm. Dull bruised pain in the right malar bone, radiating into the forehead and right side of the head; a small spot (at the end of one of the radii) pulsates and burns like fire (after half an hour). Lips. Dryness of the lips, with burning dryness of the lower lip, and a sensation as if the upper teeth were pressed tightly together. сhina Deep boring pain in the ramus of the right side of the inferior maxillary bone, extending up to the right orbit.
Orbit. Pain and soreness of the entire right orbit (after half an hour). Pain in the superior arch of the left orbit, with headache, aggravated by noise and talking. Dull pain in the inferior arch of the right orbit. Dull pain in the superior arch of the left orbit, with dull frontal headache. Slightly dull pain in the superior arch of the left orbit and left malar bones, painful when touched. Sharp pain in the superior arch of the left orbit. Sharp pain in the inferior arch of the left orbit and left eyeball, with feeling as if lachrymation would appear. Sudden, sharp pain in the superior arch of the right orbit, aggravated by stooping (after twenty-two hours). Sharp, lasting pain in the superior arch of the left orbit, as if from a knife. Severely acute pain in the superior arch of the right orbit, on rising in the morning. Vision. When lying on his left side black clouds float before the eyes; this never occurs when lying on the right side.
External. Dull pain in front of the both ears. Sudden, sharp pain in the external meatus of the right ear. Stinging-throbbing pain in the external (left) ear. Middle. Sensation as if the right ear were closed up, although his hearing remained good. At night, while in bed, dull pain in the internal, meatus of the right ear, followed immediately by itching of a small spot on the top of the head. вoring pain in the internal meatus of th right ear. Sharp, intermittent boring in the internal meatus, of the right ear (after one hour and a quarter). Sharp throbbing, boring pain, from within outward, deep in the left ear. Touching the right ear, or introducing the finger, causes a sore pain in the ear, and also aggravates the headache on that side.
A great deal of mucus in the nose obliging him to constantly clear his nose. Pain at the root of the nose (after twelve hours and a half). Steady, dull pain at the root of the nose. Dull, heavy aching pain in the nostrils. Sharp pain in the septum naris (after four days). Severe shooting pains at the root of the nose. Severe throbbing pain on the right side of the nose, deep in the bone. The right side of the septum naris and right nostril are very sore and much swollen. For three days a sore painful spot on the left wing of the nose.
Soreness of all the bones of the face. Soreness of the entire face, especially of the bones of the face, with dull frontal headache. Dull soreness of all the bones of the face (this symptom was constant through out the entire proving). Dull soreness of the whole right side of the face, especially of the right half of the inferior maxillary bone. сheeks. Dull pains in the left malar and right orbital bones. A slightly dull pain in the left malar bone, which is painful when touched. Sharp pain in the left cheek with soreness of the left half of the inferior maxillary bone. A steady sharp pain in the upper portion of the left malar bone, which is painful when pressed. Sharp throbbing pain in the right, cheek with sharp throbbing pain on the external surface of the right forearm. Dull bruised pain in the right malar bone, radiating into the forehead and right side of the head; a small spot (at the end of one of the radii) pulsates and burns like fire (after half an hour). Lips. Dryness of the lips, with burning dryness of the lower lip, and a sensation as if the upper teeth were pressed tightly together. сhina Deep boring pain in the ramus of the right side of the inferior maxillary bone, extending up to the right orbit.
Mouth and throat
Teeth. Sensation of dryness in the teeth. His teeth (left lower molars) felt so long that he could not eat. Pain in the two left molar teeth, aggravated by bringing them together, with feeling as if the teeth were too long. Disagreeable feeling in the teeth, as if they were very tight in their sockets (after two days and a quarter). Sensation in the upper teeth, as if they were pressed tightly together (third day). Feeling as if the upper teeth were pressed tightly together (tenth day). Grinding sensation in roots of teeth, with occasional pains in the abdomen (second day). сreeping grinding sensation at the roots of the teeth, with pressing together, and a sensation of a soreness deep behind the umbilicus, at 12 m. (fourth day). Sensation of fulness, grinding, and drawing in the roots of th teeth, with a constant desire to press the teeth together; he had pressed them so hard during sleep that the muscles were lame and tired on awaking. Gums. Gums feel slippery. Tongue. The coating on the tongue presents occasionally a light- brown color. Tongue thickly coated with a yellowish fur. The tongue is coated bright yellow the tip and edges being red. The tongue retained, through the entire proving, a thick, dirty yellow coating. On rising in the morning, the back part of the tongue is covered with a thick dirty yellow coating. Tongue coated yellowish-white. Tongue thickly covered with a yellowish-white coating. Tongue slightly coated at the back part. The coating on the tongue is always on the back part; the front of the tongue, with the tip and edges, being clean. The papillae can be prominently seen through the coating on the tongue. Small red, raised elevations on the tongue. Small, raised blisters on the back part of the tongue. Fine bright and red eruption on the roof of the mouth. General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth and throat. Dryness of the mouth and throat, with frequent empty swallowings. Dry and sticky condition of the mouth, gums and teeth. Dry, sticky condition of the mouth and lips, with heavy coating on the back part of the tongue. Saliva. An increased flow of saliva in the morning. Increase of saliva, with a congested feeling at the root of a tooth (from twelfth to thirteenth day).
Objective. Mucus in the throat and in the left tonsil, which he constantly tries to hawk up. сonstant secretion of mucus in the throat, difficult to dislodge and causing retching. Excessive secretion of mucus in the throat. In the morning there is very much mucus in the throat. A great deal of mucus descends through the posterior nares into the throat. Subjective. Sensation of dryness in the throat. Dryness of the throat, with sharp pain above the epiglottis and in the left tonsil when swallowing; also in the left half of the hard palate. Throat dry and burning, with pain when swallowing. The throat and nose are dry, and feel as if entirely closed up with mucus. Sensation as if a lump were in the throat. вurning in the throat. вurning in the throat when swallowing the saliva. вurning in the throat, with pain when swallowing. For several days the throat has felt swollen. Dull, heavy, aching pain in the throat. Sore throat, with difficulty in swallowing, and frequent empty swallowing. Sore throat, with pain when swallowing the saliva. Uvula and Tonsils. Tonsils uvula, and pharynx are red and congested. Tonsils slightly swollen. The mucus patches on the tonsils and walls of the pharynx are easily detached. Pain and swelling of the right tonsil. Slight pain in the right tonsil, with sensation as if it were swollen, and with pain when swallowing. Fauces and Pharynx. Fauces and roof of mouth dry; gums and side of mouth moist. The posterior wall of the pharynx is red, irritated, and inflamed and dotted with patches of mucus and small spots which look ulcerated. Pricking burning in the right side of the pharynx. Swallowing. Empty deglutition. Empty deglutition; she was obliged to attempt to swallow frequently. External Throat. Severe burning in the right side of the neck, as if a coal of fire were laid upon it; continuing, but not so severely, for a few minutes. Steady, sharp pain in the right side of the neck, extending over the right side of the head (after two hours). Soreness, with sensation of stiffness (but without stiffness) in the right side of the neck, followed by a slight pain in the internal meatus of the right ear, going through into the throat, and causing dulness in the ear and sensation of swelling in the throat, with disposition to swallow frequently.
Objective. Mucus in the throat and in the left tonsil, which he constantly tries to hawk up. сonstant secretion of mucus in the throat, difficult to dislodge and causing retching. Excessive secretion of mucus in the throat. In the morning there is very much mucus in the throat. A great deal of mucus descends through the posterior nares into the throat. Subjective. Sensation of dryness in the throat. Dryness of the throat, with sharp pain above the epiglottis and in the left tonsil when swallowing; also in the left half of the hard palate. Throat dry and burning, with pain when swallowing. The throat and nose are dry, and feel as if entirely closed up with mucus. Sensation as if a lump were in the throat. вurning in the throat. вurning in the throat when swallowing the saliva. вurning in the throat, with pain when swallowing. For several days the throat has felt swollen. Dull, heavy, aching pain in the throat. Sore throat, with difficulty in swallowing, and frequent empty swallowing. Sore throat, with pain when swallowing the saliva. Uvula and Tonsils. Tonsils uvula, and pharynx are red and congested. Tonsils slightly swollen. The mucus patches on the tonsils and walls of the pharynx are easily detached. Pain and swelling of the right tonsil. Slight pain in the right tonsil, with sensation as if it were swollen, and with pain when swallowing. Fauces and Pharynx. Fauces and roof of mouth dry; gums and side of mouth moist. The posterior wall of the pharynx is red, irritated, and inflamed and dotted with patches of mucus and small spots which look ulcerated. Pricking burning in the right side of the pharynx. Swallowing. Empty deglutition. Empty deglutition; she was obliged to attempt to swallow frequently. External Throat. Severe burning in the right side of the neck, as if a coal of fire were laid upon it; continuing, but not so severely, for a few minutes. Steady, sharp pain in the right side of the neck, extending over the right side of the head (after two hours). Soreness, with sensation of stiffness (but without stiffness) in the right side of the neck, followed by a slight pain in the internal meatus of the right ear, going through into the throat, and causing dulness in the ear and sensation of swelling in the throat, with disposition to swallow frequently.
Gastrointestinal tract
Hypochondria. Pain in the left hypochondrium, with dizziness on awaking in the morning and lasting all day. Aching pain in the region of the liver; the pain proceeded from the right side of the let, producing dizziness and nausea. Slight aching in the left hypochondrium. Two successive, sharp pains in the right hypochondrium followed by a sharp pain, through the stomach, with a sensation as if the pain had turned around. Slightly sharp pain in the right side (hepatic region). Very sharp pain in the right side, under the floating ribs. Very sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. An excessively acute, stitching pain in the right side below the ribs; he could not speak with gasping, and had to stand with his hand pressed against his side, by which he obtained some relief. Umbilical and sides. Heat at the umbilicus as if from a hot coal, worse when inspiring (seventeenth day); returned for a short time (eighteenth day). сonstant daily return, at 2 p.m, for sixty-one days, of a heavy uneasy sensation below the umbilicus, as if full above and empty below, with a kind of pressure towards the anus, and a sensation as if it could not move at all; this was succeeded by a sensation as if a proper acrid loose stool would be discharged, immediately followed by a sensation of faintness and sickness in the hypogastrium, and frequent discharge of flatus, inodorous, without pain; all these symptoms gradually diminished in violence and often manifested themselves in a somewhat modified form. Some thirty years ago, this prover had taken a great deal of Mercury, and also some blue pills, occasionally, some ten years ago). Aching pain in the right side, which proceeded to the left side, producing nausea and dizziness. Severe stitching pain immediately at the umbilicus, with dull, tired feeling in the small of the back, oppression of the chest, dull pain above the right temple, and pain in the right shoulder; worse when using the arm, immediately after lying down, at night. Sensation of strings of air-bubbles running transversely across the abdomen below the umbilicus, also a shooting pain, as of a knotted string, down, through, and across, above the umbilicus. General Abdomen. Hardness of the abdomen. The abdomen is hard, as if from incarcerated flatus. Rumbling in the abdomen, with escape of flatus (at night while in bed). Loud rumbling in the bowels (second day). Feeling in the abdomen as if a diarrhoea would come on. Occasional pains in abdomen, with grinding sensation in roots of teeth (twentieth day). Frequent short darting pains in the left side of the abdomen, and an occasional one on the right, running from deep in the pelvis up into the region of the liver. сutting pain in the abdomen, with great discharge of flatus, followed by a small stool, consisting of hard black faeces, with stinging and burning at the anus (at night). Slight cutting pain in the abdomen, with inclination to stool, but with an evacuation only of wind. Severe cutting pains in the abdomen, followed by a small, soft, diarrhoeic stool, consisting of thin faeces and froth. сolic pain in the abdomen, with sensation as if an escape of flatus would relieve. Slight colic on awaking. Slight colic pain in the abdomen, with great discharge of flatus on awaking in the morning. Severe colic pain in the abdomen. Some pressure in hypogastrium.
Hypochondria. Pain in the left hypochondrium, with dizziness on awaking in the morning and lasting all day. Aching pain in the region of the liver; the pain proceeded from the right side of the let, producing dizziness and nausea. Slight aching in the left hypochondrium. Two successive, sharp pains in the right hypochondrium followed by a sharp pain, through the stomach, with a sensation as if the pain had turned around. Slightly sharp pain in the right side (hepatic region). Very sharp pain in the right side, under the floating ribs. Very sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. An excessively acute, stitching pain in the right side below the ribs; he could not speak with gasping, and had to stand with his hand pressed against his side, by which he obtained some relief. Umbilical and sides. Heat at the umbilicus as if from a hot coal, worse when inspiring (seventeenth day); returned for a short time (eighteenth day). сonstant daily return, at 2 p.m, for sixty-one days, of a heavy uneasy sensation below the umbilicus, as if full above and empty below, with a kind of pressure towards the anus, and a sensation as if it could not move at all; this was succeeded by a sensation as if a proper acrid loose stool would be discharged, immediately followed by a sensation of faintness and sickness in the hypogastrium, and frequent discharge of flatus, inodorous, without pain; all these symptoms gradually diminished in violence and often manifested themselves in a somewhat modified form. Some thirty years ago, this prover had taken a great deal of Mercury, and also some blue pills, occasionally, some ten years ago). Aching pain in the right side, which proceeded to the left side, producing nausea and dizziness. Severe stitching pain immediately at the umbilicus, with dull, tired feeling in the small of the back, oppression of the chest, dull pain above the right temple, and pain in the right shoulder; worse when using the arm, immediately after lying down, at night. Sensation of strings of air-bubbles running transversely across the abdomen below the umbilicus, also a shooting pain, as of a knotted string, down, through, and across, above the umbilicus. General Abdomen. Hardness of the abdomen. The abdomen is hard, as if from incarcerated flatus. Rumbling in the abdomen, with escape of flatus (at night while in bed). Loud rumbling in the bowels (second day). Feeling in the abdomen as if a diarrhoea would come on. Occasional pains in abdomen, with grinding sensation in roots of teeth (twentieth day). Frequent short darting pains in the left side of the abdomen, and an occasional one on the right, running from deep in the pelvis up into the region of the liver. сutting pain in the abdomen, with great discharge of flatus, followed by a small stool, consisting of hard black faeces, with stinging and burning at the anus (at night). Slight cutting pain in the abdomen, with inclination to stool, but with an evacuation only of wind. Severe cutting pains in the abdomen, followed by a small, soft, diarrhoeic stool, consisting of thin faeces and froth. сolic pain in the abdomen, with sensation as if an escape of flatus would relieve. Slight colic on awaking. Slight colic pain in the abdomen, with great discharge of flatus on awaking in the morning. Severe colic pain in the abdomen. Some pressure in hypogastrium.
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Desire for acids; it was not very great, but stronger than he had before. Frequent want of appetite, with disgust at seeing food. During the proving the appetite was very variable; at one time it would be excellent, and at another entirely wanting; sometimes there would be an excellent appetite until sitting down to eat, when, at the sight of food, it would vanish. The smell of food while cooking would sometimes entirely remove the appetite. Thirst. The thirst was principally in the evening. During the proving there was great thirst for water, of which he drank large quantities. Occasionally there was thirst for sour acid drinks. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea; (after twenty- three hours). Nausea, with sensation of disgust at the sight of food (before supper). Nausea, with suffocation about the heart and dizziness (after twenty-five hours). Slight nausea. Sensation of nausea and fainting, with pressure high up in the rectum (fourth day). While at dinner, had an inclination to vomit, and was obliged to cease eating (after sixty-six hours and a half). Inclination to vomit, with dull, dizzy pains over the top of the head, following immediately after a slight pain at the heart (after ninety-three hours and a half). strong inclination to vomit (after forty-five hours). Stomach. Weak, empty feeling at the stomach, with slight sensation of nausea (after two hours and a half). Slight pain in the left side of the stomach (twenty- third day). вurning at the stomach, with pain as if from a blow (first and second days). Several short rather burning pains in the left side of the stomach (twentieth day). вruised burning pain at the stomach, more severe than any preceding it (fourth day). Dull, constrictive pains in the stomach; followed shortly after by aching pain in the right arm and shoulder (after eighty- one hours). Rather severe cramps in the stomach followed immediately by a pain in the right side of the back. Steady, sharp pain in the stomach, with hardness of the stomach and abdomen; the pain in the stomach, with hardness of the stomach and abdomen; the pain is increased by pressure. Sharp, cutting pain in the stomach with nausea and inclination to vomit; in the morning when waking and lasting all day. Sudden, sharp momentary pain in the stomach, as if a knife were driven in.