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Тарентула гиспаника

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Аналоги по действию
  6. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

tarent, Tarentula hispanica, испанский тарантул гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Lycosa Tarentula. Animal kingdom. сlass, Myriopoda. Order, Araneideae.
 Preparation: Tincture of the living spiders.

Психика и сознание

 Emotional. Paroxysm of insanity; she presses her head and pulls her hair; rests about six minutes, and then she begins again, with restlessness, complaining, and threatening; strikes her head with her hands, scratches herself, does not answer when questioned; threatening manners and speech; restlessness of the legs; strikes her body, continues threatening; deep anguish, her clothes annoy her; continual restlessness, threatening words of destruction and death; she believes she is insulted; general trembling; pain in abdomen, relieved by pressure with her hands; she seems to listen, and answers with words and gesticulations; a mocking laughter, and joy expressed in her countenance. She comes out of this attack with a severe headache, every staring and wide open; she sees small figures hovering before her eyes, and moves her hands. Insanity on account of an unfortunate love.
 Great agitation. Great excitement caused by music; one hour after it, general and copious perspiration. Dementia, with individuals inclined to sadness, and of a gloomy disposition. Hysteria.
 Severe attack of hysteria, lasting half an hour; increased by moaning; relieved by sighing. Hysteria, with bitter belching.
 Repeated yawning, which lasted from a quarter to half an hour.
 Beginning of insanity; they sing, dance, and cry, without fever.
 Ludicrous and lascivious hysteria in a woman of twenty-nine years; the patient had to be restrained by force. Visions of monsters or animals, that frightened him. Vision of different things not present, as faces, insects, ghosts, etc. The colors, red, yellow, and green, and particularly black, produce heavy mist before the eyes. Hallucinations, sees strangers in the room. Nervous crisis, more intense with women and girls.
 Feigned paroxysms; a girl simulating fainting and insensibility, looks sideways to watch the effect produced on those around her.
 Hysteria, with crossness. Great taciturnity and irritability; desire to strike himself and others. Excessive gayety (in a young girl, fifteen years old, nervo-lymphatic temperament, who commenced to menstruate). Laughing at the slightest cause.
 Fourteen days after taking the medicine, the happy mood reached the borders of mania; the disposition to joke and laugh was extreme. Joy and strong emotion, with trembling, when seeing beloved friends or persons. The fourth day of taking the medicine, the moral troubles were relieved; gayety and disposition to laugh. Very good disposition the whole day.
 Happy mood and gayety in the street, disappearing on coming indoors and replaced by a deep sadness. вetter disposition and mood soon after taking the medicine; little inclination to be angry. Desire to joke, to play, and to laugh; extremely gayety.
 Lively and satisfied; disposition to joke. Singing until becoming hoarse and exhausted. The musical air called Tarantella, charms and pleases the person; he keep time with his head, trunk, and limbs. Music cheers up, amuses, and relieves; the prover perspires, and experiences a general bruised feeling, which disappeared with one dose of Zincum 200th. The patient laughs, dances, runs, and gesticulates, without noticing he is an object of astonishment. Fits of nervous laughing. Laughter, followed by crying, with trembling of the limbs. Laughter that nothing can stop, followed by screams. Stupid laughing, followed by hiccough and spasms. Lamentation, with oppressive pain in the heart, as if a misfortune had befallen her. The inferior extremities are cold, with cramps. Weeping, with oppression and pain in the heart, as from a misfortune; cold and cramps in the lower extremities. сrying and yawning, with a feeling of weakness at the pit of the stomach. сrying spells without cause.
 Crying and moaning by the least contradiction; consoling words aggravated. сrying and moaning during the night, and getting up from bed, with severe headache, and oppression in the cardiac region. Excessive grief, accompanied in the afternoon by thoughts of death. Grief without any cause. Deep grief and affliction, with general trouble, uneasiness, and nausea, with dizziness, compelling to lie down. Sadness, dejection, and discouragement; ceasing during the evening, when eating. Sad, cross, and need of lying down. Sadness, lamentation, as if a misfortune had befallen him; with necessity of changing position and moving. Sadness, silent, with heaviness on the head, and sleepiness; yawning with muscular debility and dulness; bad taste in the mouth and coated tongue. The indifference, the disgust for everything, and sadness produced by this medicine, were present, particularly from morning until 3 with a marked aggravation after the middle of the day. From 3 until evening, the gay disposition returned again). Sadness, grief, melancholy, and moral depression, are not only almost constant symptoms of the sting of Tarantula, but they have been also present, in a striking manner, during the different provings of this medicine). Not satisfied, desire of crying, in the afternoon, as if there was a very deep grief. Profound melancholy; sadness, with tears. Relieved by Pulsat. 1000th.
 Then follows a ravenous appetite, longing for articles which were not relished before. Worried and greatly vexed, with much weeping, as if one could not realize something earnestly desired.
 Desire of lying down without any light, and without being spoken to. The patient presently becomes gloomy and morose, then falls into a state of moping, which can scarcely be dispelled. Fear, which could not be stopped, in a young lady; questioned about it, she tried to find a cause, and leaves others to think there is one; but really there was none. Fear and shaking; the patient cannot find a suitable place here to hide himself; thinks he is going to be assaulted. Fear of getting typhus fever. Impatience, restlessness, and cross; strong desire to go to business. сross, tendency to get angry and to speak abruptly; is obliged to move the limbs, with tearing and pressing pains in the stomach, and in the left side of the chest; great thirst, with necessity of introducing his fingers into the mouth. Irritable and cross at the least contradiction. Great irritability, rage, fury, loss of reason, desire to strike himself and those who prevent it. Skip smarts after scratching. Relieved by Rhus tox.). сross, with a good appetite. сhange of temper, in a good-natured man, to the point of becoming intolerable; under the influence of sexual excitement he showed a better disposition and mood. Ennui, crossness, easily made angry, contrary to his habit and disposition. From the first there was an indescribable melancholy, anguish, and restlessness; peevishness, the attendants could do nothing to suit me; great haste in whatever I undertook, from a constant fear that something would happen to prevent my finishing it; I would start up suddenly, and hastily change my position, though fear that something would fall on me; when walking I would stop short or suddenly throw my head to one side, through fear of striking it against some imaginary object which appeared to be suspended a few inches above my heat. Great fear of an imaginary impending calamity. Great desire to be alone, with fear of being alone, even during daylight. Frightful visions as soon as the eyes were closed, with inability to sleep.
 Changeable mood, passing suddenly from sadness to gayety; from fixed ideas to uneasiness of mind. Alternated sorrow and gayety; with return of strength. The good effect of music continued, followed by a copious perspiration. Indifference. In the evening indifference about what is going on around; no attention paid to conversation, even if it be most interesting; cannot thing about what has been said. Indolence and muscular weakness; yawning and stretching; dark, sad thoughts, increasing until afternoon, when, after an agreeable emotion, they changed into an excessive joy, which lasted all the evening. Intellectual.
 Dulness; the patient does not wish to answer the questions asked.
 Ennui, alternating with mirth. Weakness of memory; indolence for intellectual labor. Little intelligence and poor memory.
 Absence of mind, yawning and moaning, followed by cough.
 Afterwards he remembered hardly anything that had happened to him. Loss of memory, accompanied with good nature; changeable mind, tears, singing, and irresoluteness. In a woman, twenty- six years old, who complained of violent sexual appetite).
 Complete loss of memory; she does not understand the questions addressed to her; she does not know the persons whom she sees every day; cannot say her prayers. Afterwards she is cheerful, followed by deep sorrow; feels like crying, sobbing, palpitation of the heart, oppression at the chest, headache, burning heat, and general perspiration.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Vertigo. Giddiness. Vertigo on walking. Vertigo after breakfast, with a bad taste in the mouth. Sudden vertigo, in the air, on coming downstairs; repeating several times. Transient vertigo during the night. Vertigo, preceded by gastric symptoms, aggravated by carrying anything heavy on the head. Vertigo, rush of blood to the head, which feels heavy, sickness at the stomach.
 Different kinds of vertigo, and so severe that it makes him fall down to the ground, without losing consciousness. Vertigo in the evening, with cloudiness of the head. Vertigo, dizziness, malaise, belching, nausea, bloating of the stomach, gagging, and efforts to vomit, with vomiting of food. Dizziness, with severe pain in the cerebellum. Dizziness, accompanied with incomplete erection of the penis, and formication on the soft palate.
 Cloudiness of the head, with severe pain in the occiput. General Head. сontortions and extraordinary movements of the head and hands, with rage and nervous agitation. Necessity of moving the head from right to left, and to rub it against some object, with crossness. Heaviness in the head, particularly in the evening.
 Great heaviness of the head, and when waking up in the morning, preventing somewhat the opening of the eyes, and at the same time, pyrosis. After some fever, heaviness of the head, lasting eight days. Weakness of the head. Headache, with giddiness, when fixing the sight on any object. Headache when waking up, which compels to lie down again; sensation as if a hammer was striking the head, and the blows resounding in the throat.
 Headache, with burning heat, and general perspiration; oppression at the chest, and palpitation of the heart; sadness and desire to cry. Headache in the evening, increasing when running. When waking up in the morning, headache, as if it was knocked; with trembling, great sadness, cough, oppression of the chest, and prostration, until 9 o’clock, when the headache increased, affecting the throat and neck, with stiffness of the latter.
 Headache, similar to migraine, with impossibility to open the eyes, and tendency of the head to incline backwards. Headache when waking, as if the head was compressed with force. Headache during the night, with constant lancinating pains and whizzing in the ears, as if the blood was rushing into the head; after lying down he soon goes to sleep, but wakes up again with the same pains, which last all next day; a footbath in the night relieves him (thirtieth day). Pain in the whole head, more severe in the forehead, with heat and sweat, lasting all day, and an eruption of small pimples on the face and forehead (in an impubescent girl). Pain in the head and heart, with cough and nausea, in the morning when waking. Severe headache, with compressive pain in the heart; bitterness of the mouth and thirst. Severe pain in the head, that go over the whole head to the temples and nose, where he experiences a sensation as preceding an epistaxis. Deep intense headache, with restlessness, compelling to move from one place to another; malaise and anguish, as if he was going to be dangerously ill. The pain flies to the forehead and to scream.
 Severe headache, with fear of losing reason, great dryness of the tongue, extreme uneasiness and malaise. Excessive headache all over. Pressing and hammering pains in the whole head, particularly on the right side, extending to all that side of the face, with anguish and sickness of the stomach. Headache, with a good deal of oppression, suffocation, palpitation of the heart, and prostration. вruised and pressive pain in the head and chest. Pressive pain in the head, with a sensation as if the eyes were hopping or jumping. He wakes up with a pressive headache, the cause of which he assigns to the long dreams he has had. сompressive headache, lasting five hours. сompressive headache towards evening. сompressive headache, with lachrymation and heaviness of the upper eyelids. Squeezing and lancinating pains in the head and uterus. Lancinating pains in the head, at night, near the right ear. On inclining the head downwards while sitting, slight and transient pain, as if produced by a very cold air. Headache, as if a large quantity of cold water was poured on the head; relieved by pressure. In the morning in bed, sensation as if cold water was poured from the head all over the body without any pain (forty-second day). Pain and heat in the head, on waking up, followed by alternation of cold and heat, with acute pain in the hepatic region. Headache, with burning heat, which extends to the face, and particularly the eyes. Headache, with burning heat in the abdomen, accompanied with sadness; indifference and painful feeling at the dorsal and palmar surfaces of both hands. Great burning in the head; the hair troubles to the point of causing the desire to remove it; continually tossing of the head without finding a place where to rest it; the woman feels great impatience, uneasiness, restlessness, bad humor, oppressive breathing, and a desire to pull out her hair. Great burning in the head; the hair troubles to the point of causing the desire to remove it; continually tossing of the head without finding a place where to rest it; all these symptoms followed by great impatience, uneasiness, restlessness, bad humor, oppressive breathing, and desire to pull out her hair. Headache aggravated by the tough, which causes a very unpleasant sensation. Inclining the head forwards, aggravation of the frontal pain; if inclining backwards, aggravation of the pain in occiput; if sideways, aggravation in corresponding side of head. Forehead. Frontal headache, pain in the vertex and parietal bones, as if cold water was poured upon the head, with great noise internally. Headache, with pressure of the forehead and right side of the head. Pain and burning for a moment, in the forehead. From 3 until 7 , pain in the forehead, particularly in the right side, worse by leaning downwards, and then a painful pressure, which extends to the eyes, is experienced (twenty-ninth day). Sharp pains in the forehead, with increase of heat. Pain in the forehead, with a pressive sensation in the bones of the nose. сonstant pain in the forehead, sometimes with sensation of constriction of the nose. Lancinations in forehead and right temple. Stinging pain in forehead, and in the hypogastrium. Shooting and lancinating in the forehead and right temple. Shooting in the forehead, passing to the temples. Temples. Pain in both temples, while coughing. Pain in right temple. Pain in the right temple and side of the head during the night, accompanied with a disagreeable sensation. Neuralgia in the temples. Neuralgia in the left temporal region after twenty-four hours of taking the medicine (a young girl of fifteen). Lancination in both temples, during the night. In the evening, shooting in right temple.
 Shooting, during the night, in left temple. Vertex and Parietals. Pain in the superior, posterior, and lateral regions of the head, with a great deal of heat. Pain in the middle and superior part of the head, extending to the cheek-bones, with nausea, and desire to vomit. Heaviness of left side of head.
 Headache, particularly left side, affecting the left eye. Pain in the right side of the head (checked by Pulsatilla).
 Lancinations on the left side of the head. Lancinations pains in the left side, and in the right eye. Lancinations on the left side of head, in the morning, with itching of right ear. Severe shooting during the night, mainly on the left side of head.
 Occiput. Pain extending to the posterior part of the head, with necessity of shutting the hands, which relieves. Headache in the occiput and temples, when coughing, as if striking with a hammer.
 Pain in the occiput, as if striking it with a hammer, extending to the temples. Intense pain in the occiput, with burning thirst. Pain in the occipital region, as if a nail was driven in. сompressive pains in the posterior part of the head, extending towards the neck (relieved by Aconite).
 Objective. вlue circles around the eyes, with a sad countenance. вlue circle around the eyes, with a pale face.
 Redness of the sclerotica, particularly at the internal canthus, with sensation as of a foreign body, as dust or sand.
 Inflammation of the eyes, the conjunctiva much injected; right pupil much dilated, the left one contracted; this symptom was noticeable for several days; complete loss of vision in the right eye until the dilated pupil contracted; objects seen with the left eye appeared bright red. Eyes glaring, red. Subjective.
 Heaviness of the right eye, in the night. Heaviness of the left eye. Pain in the eyes and sockets, as produced by a spark, with burning heat. Pain in the eyes and temples, in the morning.
 Pain in the right eye. Pain in the left eye, as if cold water was poured into it. Pain as of something striking the interior of the eyes and their sockets; feels as if a splinter was introduced, with sensation as if the eyes were full of sand.
 Pain in the right eye, in the evening with impaired vision; appearance of small stars before the eyes. вurning pain in the eyes, particularly at night; agglutination of the lids, in the morning (one hundredth day, in a person who never suffered before from the eyes). Shooting, lancinating pain in the right eye, in the morning. Shooting, lancinating pains in the left eye, in the evening. In the night, shooting, lancinating pains in the left eye, extending to the left parietal bone; relieved by pressure.
 Stinging pain in the eyes on waking, as if pricked with pins; the sight is weak and eyes tired, as with presbyopic persons; feeling as though an eyelash was in the left eye, causing him to rub it.
 Light irritates and tired the eyes; company and conversation annoys him. Itching of the eyes and very thick tears. вrow and Orbit. About 1 , shooting, lancinating pains under the right eyebrow and right temple, with sensation as if cold water was poured on. These symptoms flew around from temples to eyes, or to sides of head, or from there to forehead or root of the nose, and vice versa; sometimes when the pain affected the forehead or sides of the head, it was not of a lancinating or shooting character, but there was a sensation of great internal noise.
 Shooting in the right eyebrow, in the night. Pulsating throbbing under the right orbit. Lids. Involuntary movements (twitching) of the right upper eyelid, lasting several minutes. Eyelids agglutinated on waking. A pimple on the right upper eyelid, changing into a small herpes; when touched, pain in the eye under the eyebrow. The herpes increased, and continued to produce the same pain when touched. Itching of the edges of eyelids, increased by rubbing. Itching of the eyelids and external canthus, particularly of the right eye. Itching of the eyelids, with bluish circles under the eyes, and a sad countenance.
 Itching of the eyelids, with a sensation of roughness; hoarseness in the larynx and trachea; indifference. Lachrymation.
 Lachrymation, with sensation as if sand was under the eyelids; slight coryza, dry cough, hoarseness, happy mood, and poor memory. Vision. Weakness of sight to distinguish objects; the same in open air, sunlight, or shade (in a young girl who had always been shortsighted). Dimness of sight (from 7 p.m until 10 p.m). He thinks, in the evening, that he does not see well with his right eye when looking attentively at an object.
 Obscuration of sight, as if a cobweb was passing before the eyes.
 Obscuration of vision, as if there was a veil before the eyes, increasing in the sunlight. Photophobia, compelling him to complain and scream, during a deep and intense headache.
 Photophobia, with vision of ghosts, faces, and different things, and sometimes flashes of light before the eyes.
 External. Profuse mucous secretion from right ear. Pain at the entrance of external meatus, worse by touching, and producing the same sensation as if a nail were driven through the head.
 Violent pain at the entrance of external meatus, increased by slightest touch, which produces a great shaking. Stinging pain in the right external meatus. Internal. When going up in the morning, a snap in the right ear, followed by a thick and brownish discharge. A snapping or cracking in the right ear, with pain and hiccough. In the evening, snapping and noise in the affected ear, hearing a little with it. Dull pain in the right ear, with increased secretion of ear-wax. In the morning, severe pain in the right ear, temple, and teeth, with burning in the right external ear, lasting until evening. The pain was worse by spells, locating itself at last in the right temple; the right cheek was somewhat swollen, with sensation of formication and worse by touching. General broken down or bruised sensation.
 Severe pain at intervals in the ears; a deep and dull pain during the remission. Pain in the right ear, lasting all day; increasing in the afternoon, and during belching; towards evening the pain ceases, when running. Lacerating or tearing pain in the right ear. Stinging shooting pain in the internal ears and Eustachian tubes. Lancinating pains under the left ear.

Аналоги по действию

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

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