Other names and synonyms
tarent.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Spanish Tarantula. Araneidea.
The male and female Tarentula used in the provings were collected by Doctor Mariano de la Paz Gralls, at the royal residence of Pardo, Spain, in the month of July, during which time the poison is stronger ; dilutions used 3, 6, 12 and 200 ; the medicine was prepared from the live spider, all its parts triturated in sugar of milk to complete dryness, and from this the alcoholic dilution.
The Mygale сubanensis, which may be called the сuban Tarantula, also found in South сarolina and Texas, is a larger spider of a dark-brown color, not so poisonous, and covered with more hairs than the Tarantula Hispanica. Doctor Howard had some specimens sent from сuba, and the medicine he uses is prepared by macerating the whole spider in alcohol. We have not had a good proving of it. In the Hah. M., vol. 5, p. 8, something has been done in that direction, and some interesting facts were collected by Doctor Howard.
Provings made by Monge, del Rio, Tejero, Fejedor, сuesta, Dubost, Perry, Ros, Iturralde, Gonzales and сhategnier, were reported by Nunez, translated by Terry, see Am. Jour. of Hom., N. S., vol. 2, p. 387.
The male and female Tarentula used in the provings were collected by Doctor Mariano de la Paz Gralls, at the royal residence of Pardo, Spain, in the month of July, during which time the poison is stronger ; dilutions used 3, 6, 12 and 200 ; the medicine was prepared from the live spider, all its parts triturated in sugar of milk to complete dryness, and from this the alcoholic dilution.
The Mygale сubanensis, which may be called the сuban Tarantula, also found in South сarolina and Texas, is a larger spider of a dark-brown color, not so poisonous, and covered with more hairs than the Tarantula Hispanica. Doctor Howard had some specimens sent from сuba, and the medicine he uses is prepared by macerating the whole spider in alcohol. We have not had a good proving of it. In the Hah. M., vol. 5, p. 8, something has been done in that direction, and some interesting facts were collected by Doctor Howard.
Provings made by Monge, del Rio, Tejero, Fejedor, сuesta, Dubost, Perry, Ros, Iturralde, Gonzales and сhategnier, were reported by Nunez, translated by Terry, see Am. Jour. of Hom., N. S., vol. 2, p. 387.
- Insanity, Foote, N. E. M. G., vol. 11, p. 9 ; Foote, Org., vol. 2, p. 227 ; A. H. O., vol. 13, p. 525 ; Pricking in eye, вerridge, Org., vol. 2, p. 320 ; Diphtheria (16 cases), Martin, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1884, p. 64 ; Diarrhoea, Pearson, M. I., vol. 5, p. 430 ; Weakness of sphincter ani, Pearson, M. I., vol. 5, p. 430 ; Urinary difficulty, Pearson, M. I., vol. 5, p. 430 ; Gonorrhoea, Gonzales, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 81 ; -, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 221 ; Nymphomania, Nunez, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 486 ; Uterine neuralgia, Firmat, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 77 ; Uterine disorder, Swan, N. Y. J. H., vol. 2, p. 406 ; Uterine disorders, сramoisy, M. I., vol. 4, p. 421 ; Uterine disorder, Nunez, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 488 ; Use in dysmenorrhoea, вender, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 503 ; Pruritus vulva, Swan, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 237 ; (2 cases), Swan, Org., vol. 2, p. 446 ; Swan, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 282 ; сatarrh of chest, Valdes, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 79 ; Affection of heart, Sherbino, Hom. Phys. vol. 7, p. 339 ; вurning sensation in a mole on neck, Young, Medorrhinum Adv., April, 1889, p. 246 ; Irritable spine, Farrington, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 87 ; сoccygodynia, Gonzales, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 251 ; Gonzales, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 79 ; Intermittent nervous affection, вrunn, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 491 ; Spasms, Holcombe, Org., vol. 3, p. 91 ; Nunez, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 488 ; Hystero-mania, Hendrichs, A. H. Z., vol. 106, p. 46 ; Hysteria, -, M. I., vol. 5, p. 419 ; Epilepsy, and hysteria, Lopez, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 75 ; Lopez, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 269 ; Epileptoid, вartlett, Hah. Mo., vol. 15, p. 167 ; сhorea (7 cases), Dewilde, Lopez, Gandy, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, pp. 486-494 ; Dewilde, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 489 ; Firmat, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 76 ; Valdes, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 79 ; Gandy, N. A. J. H., vol. 21, p. 82 ; Terry, N. A. J. H., vol. 25, p. 309 ; сhacon, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 251, from El. сrit. Medorrhinum, Aug., 1874 ; -, A. H. Z., vol. 78, p. 88 ; Hendrichs, A. H. Z., vol. 106, p. 46 ; Hofmann, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1880, p. 211 ; Firmat, Valdez, Gandy, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 262 ; Gandy, Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 68 ; Paralysis agitans, сramoisy, M. I., vol. 4, p. 421 ; сramoisy, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 270 ; Ague, Nunez, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 489 ; Intermittent fever with choreic convulsions, Firmat, в. J. H., vol. 21, p. 85 ; сarbuncle, Martin, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1886, p. 94 ; Pruritus, Kent, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 316.
Psyche and consciousness
Complete loss of memory.
Great taciturnity and irritability ; desire to strike himself and others.
Profound grief and anxiety.
Consciousness of unnatural state of mind, hence despondency, sadness, moral depression, disgust for everything.
Mental chorea ; hyperemia and hyperesthesia of female sexual organs.
Hysteria, with bitter belching and repeated yawning, better by lying down and by music ; restlessness of hands and legs ; constant motion, cannot remain in one place ; heat in epigastrium.
Fits of nervous laughter.
Desire to joke, to play and to laugh ; extreme gayety.
Great excitement caused by music ; one hour after it, copious and general perspiration.
Singing until hoarse and exhausted.
Nervous excitement ; hysteria and mania ; restlessness and dreaming.
Sudden foxlike destructive efforts, requiring utmost vigilance to prevent damage ; followed by laughter and apologies.
Cross, tendency to get angry and to speak abruptly ; is obliged to move limbs.
Paroxysms of insanity ; restlessness of legs ; threatening words of destruction and death.
Suddenly sprang away from her attendants and swept ornaments from mantelpiece ; said she was sorry, but could not help it ; very mischievous and destructive, amusing and cheerful ; at times pain in left ovary.
Attacks of hystero-mania appearing daily about same hour, beginning with great nervous irritability, despondency and quarrelsome mood ; sudden transition from this state to one of great exaltation, hits and abuses every one, destroys whatever she can lay hold of, tears her clothing, sings and laughs ; mocks aged people with their old age, if restrained becomes violent ; attacks end in a comatose sleep, during which she answers questions correctly ; after waking remembers but little of what has occurred ; during first part of attack pulse is slow, artery greatly contracted ; during second stage pulse frequent and full ; thirstlessness and loss of appetite ; pressure and confusion of head.
While in a highly nervous state from too close application to musical studies, was operated upon to remove lens of eye by absorption ; this was followed by great nervous depression and prostration, with occasional symptoms of mental aberration ; was then treated several months for a retroverted and inflamed uterus, without mental improvement ; severe pain through right eye extending to occiput and nose ; restlessness ; cold feet ; mahogany-colored and large papular eruption upon face, particularly large in region of malar bone ; sleepless and nervous and very troublesome ; retroversion, with swollen uterus ; finally violent, soils bed with feces and urine ; furious ; sings loud and continuously, with laughter ; no sleep for five days ; thirst ; suddenly springs from bed destroying whatever she could get hold of, this was done so quickly that she could not be prevented. θ Insanity.
Great taciturnity and irritability ; desire to strike himself and others.
Profound grief and anxiety.
Consciousness of unnatural state of mind, hence despondency, sadness, moral depression, disgust for everything.
Mental chorea ; hyperemia and hyperesthesia of female sexual organs.
Hysteria, with bitter belching and repeated yawning, better by lying down and by music ; restlessness of hands and legs ; constant motion, cannot remain in one place ; heat in epigastrium.
Fits of nervous laughter.
Desire to joke, to play and to laugh ; extreme gayety.
Great excitement caused by music ; one hour after it, copious and general perspiration.
Singing until hoarse and exhausted.
Nervous excitement ; hysteria and mania ; restlessness and dreaming.
Sudden foxlike destructive efforts, requiring utmost vigilance to prevent damage ; followed by laughter and apologies.
Cross, tendency to get angry and to speak abruptly ; is obliged to move limbs.
Paroxysms of insanity ; restlessness of legs ; threatening words of destruction and death.
Suddenly sprang away from her attendants and swept ornaments from mantelpiece ; said she was sorry, but could not help it ; very mischievous and destructive, amusing and cheerful ; at times pain in left ovary.
Attacks of hystero-mania appearing daily about same hour, beginning with great nervous irritability, despondency and quarrelsome mood ; sudden transition from this state to one of great exaltation, hits and abuses every one, destroys whatever she can lay hold of, tears her clothing, sings and laughs ; mocks aged people with their old age, if restrained becomes violent ; attacks end in a comatose sleep, during which she answers questions correctly ; after waking remembers but little of what has occurred ; during first part of attack pulse is slow, artery greatly contracted ; during second stage pulse frequent and full ; thirstlessness and loss of appetite ; pressure and confusion of head.
While in a highly nervous state from too close application to musical studies, was operated upon to remove lens of eye by absorption ; this was followed by great nervous depression and prostration, with occasional symptoms of mental aberration ; was then treated several months for a retroverted and inflamed uterus, without mental improvement ; severe pain through right eye extending to occiput and nose ; restlessness ; cold feet ; mahogany-colored and large papular eruption upon face, particularly large in region of malar bone ; sleepless and nervous and very troublesome ; retroversion, with swollen uterus ; finally violent, soils bed with feces and urine ; furious ; sings loud and continuously, with laughter ; no sleep for five days ; thirst ; suddenly springs from bed destroying whatever she could get hold of, this was done so quickly that she could not be prevented. θ Insanity.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : falls to ground without losing consciousness ; malaise, belching, nausea, bloating of stomach, gagging and efforts to vomit, with vomiting of food ; after breakfast, with a bad taste in mouth ; when fixing sight on any object, with headache, severe pain in cerebellum, accompanied by incomplete erection of penis, and formication in soft palate.
Headache, as if a large quantity of cold water were poured on head, and body, better by pressure and rubbing head against pillow ; great distress in cardiac region.
Migraine ; cannot open eyes ; tendency of head to incline backward.
Frontal headache, pain in vertex and parietal bones ; better by pressure and fresh air.
Compressive headache, with lachrymation and heaviness of upper lids.
Intense headache with restlessness, compelling to move from place to place.
Pain flies to forehead and occiput, with photophobia.
Neuralgia in temples.
When waking in morning, headache as if head were knocked, worse to 9 A. M., affecting throat and neck ; stiffness of neck.
Intense headache, as if thousands of needles were pricking into brain.
Severe headache, worse by touch.
Pain in occiput as if struck with a hammer, extending to temples.
Burning, scorching heat in occiput ; pricking and itching over whole body ; convulsive trembling of body ; convulsions, paralysis, complete retention of urine and feces. θ Meningitis cerebro-spinalis.
Right pupil much dilated.
Feeling of a hair in left eye, which pricked it ; pricking made her rub it ; worse on waking. θ сhronic opacity of cornea.
Pain in angles of inferior maxilla, so severe as to think he is going crazy.
Pain in inferior maxilla, as if all teeth were going to fall out ; neither cold nor heat relieves.
Pain in direction of right inferior maxillary nerve, with a tickling sensation in stomach.
Headache, as if a large quantity of cold water were poured on head, and body, better by pressure and rubbing head against pillow ; great distress in cardiac region.
Migraine ; cannot open eyes ; tendency of head to incline backward.
Frontal headache, pain in vertex and parietal bones ; better by pressure and fresh air.
Compressive headache, with lachrymation and heaviness of upper lids.
Intense headache with restlessness, compelling to move from place to place.
Pain flies to forehead and occiput, with photophobia.
Neuralgia in temples.
When waking in morning, headache as if head were knocked, worse to 9 A. M., affecting throat and neck ; stiffness of neck.
Intense headache, as if thousands of needles were pricking into brain.
Severe headache, worse by touch.
Pain in occiput as if struck with a hammer, extending to temples.
Burning, scorching heat in occiput ; pricking and itching over whole body ; convulsive trembling of body ; convulsions, paralysis, complete retention of urine and feces. θ Meningitis cerebro-spinalis.
Right pupil much dilated.
Feeling of a hair in left eye, which pricked it ; pricking made her rub it ; worse on waking. θ сhronic opacity of cornea.
Pain in angles of inferior maxilla, so severe as to think he is going crazy.
Pain in inferior maxilla, as if all teeth were going to fall out ; neither cold nor heat relieves.
Pain in direction of right inferior maxillary nerve, with a tickling sensation in stomach.
Mouth and throat
Great dryness of mouth and teeth.
Tonsillitis ; high fever, delirium, red face, tonsils so swollen, suffocation was feared.
Tonsils greatly swollen, membrane covering both, also uvula ; neck much swollen, excessive fetor oris, high fever and cerebral congestion. θ Diphtheria.
High fever, delirium, vomiting, great prostration ; throat swollen externally on both sides, internally entire fauces red, both tonsils covered by a firm membrane, color of pearl ; both sides equally affected ; offensive odor from mouth. θ Diphtheria.
Hot, fiery-red face, pungent heat of surface of body, drowsy with starting in sleep, throat swollen internally, both tonsils slightly covered with membrane, distinct odor of diphtheria.
Tonsils much swollen and well covered with membrane ; violent onset of disease ; high fever ; tendency to vomit. θ Diphtheria.
High fever and delirium for two nights ; throat swollen externally and both tonsils covered by a yellowish membrane ; fetor oris. θ Diphtheria.
Tonsillitis ; high fever, delirium, red face, tonsils so swollen, suffocation was feared.
Tonsils greatly swollen, membrane covering both, also uvula ; neck much swollen, excessive fetor oris, high fever and cerebral congestion. θ Diphtheria.
High fever, delirium, vomiting, great prostration ; throat swollen externally on both sides, internally entire fauces red, both tonsils covered by a firm membrane, color of pearl ; both sides equally affected ; offensive odor from mouth. θ Diphtheria.
Hot, fiery-red face, pungent heat of surface of body, drowsy with starting in sleep, throat swollen internally, both tonsils slightly covered with membrane, distinct odor of diphtheria.
Tonsils much swollen and well covered with membrane ; violent onset of disease ; high fever ; tendency to vomit. θ Diphtheria.
High fever and delirium for two nights ; throat swollen externally and both tonsils covered by a yellowish membrane ; fetor oris. θ Diphtheria.
Appetite and food preferences
Loss of appetite, intense thirst ; general prostration ; vomiting after eating and getting out of bed ; craving for raw food. θ Disorders of pregnancy.
Opium habit.
Opium habit.
Gastrointestinal tract
Gastric disturbance ; mouth dry ; gums bleed ; tongue ulcerated ; throat sore, swollen, inflamed, constricted ; great thirst ; flat, bad taste ; appetite lost, with anguish, nausea and vomiting.
Hepatic region painful to touch.
Severe burning pain in cancer of liver (relieved).
Sharp pain in umbilical region ; violent burning in abdomen and rectum ; stools profuse, dark, fetid, bloody, with violent urging ; constipation.
Stools three or four times daily, very dark, fetid, partly formed, containing much mucus, expelled with difficulty and followed by smarting and burning in anus, but no tenesmus ; stools occur immediately on having head washed.
Nausea and vomiting ; diarrhoea ; pain and tenderness in bowels ; constant thirst ; tongue red ; pulse 140 ; position on back, limbs flexed ; sleepless and restless ; inflammation of bowels, probably caused by eating baked beans.
Fainting, sinking, chill ; great nervousness ; vomiting ; purging ; severe cramps in bowels and pain in bladder ; pulse weak, 100 ; no thirst ; tongue dark as if stained with nitrate of silver ; excruciating pain in bowels, worse at night ; evacuations frequent, eight to ten every night, and four or five by day ; frequent and painful micturition, patient seemed unable to locate pain or to distinguish whether it was worse in bladder or bowels ; stools thin and brown, with very little odor ; great restlessness ; desire to change position or to get out of bed and walk floor ; face pale and haggard, with perceptible diminution of flesh and strength from day to day. θ After injecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea.
Headache, pain in back and limbs ; tenderness in region of liver and bowels ; pulse 96 ; tongue brownish and dry ; bilious diarrhoea ; fifteen evacuations, not painful, in twenty-four hours, over half of these at night ; stools dark-brown and thin, with some lumps of feces of same color ; abdomen sore ; no nausea, but disgust of food.
Weakness of sphincter ani, feces appeared to be natural but passed as fast as accumulated.
Hepatic region painful to touch.
Severe burning pain in cancer of liver (relieved).
Sharp pain in umbilical region ; violent burning in abdomen and rectum ; stools profuse, dark, fetid, bloody, with violent urging ; constipation.
Stools three or four times daily, very dark, fetid, partly formed, containing much mucus, expelled with difficulty and followed by smarting and burning in anus, but no tenesmus ; stools occur immediately on having head washed.
Nausea and vomiting ; diarrhoea ; pain and tenderness in bowels ; constant thirst ; tongue red ; pulse 140 ; position on back, limbs flexed ; sleepless and restless ; inflammation of bowels, probably caused by eating baked beans.
Fainting, sinking, chill ; great nervousness ; vomiting ; purging ; severe cramps in bowels and pain in bladder ; pulse weak, 100 ; no thirst ; tongue dark as if stained with nitrate of silver ; excruciating pain in bowels, worse at night ; evacuations frequent, eight to ten every night, and four or five by day ; frequent and painful micturition, patient seemed unable to locate pain or to distinguish whether it was worse in bladder or bowels ; stools thin and brown, with very little odor ; great restlessness ; desire to change position or to get out of bed and walk floor ; face pale and haggard, with perceptible diminution of flesh and strength from day to day. θ After injecting nitrate of silver for gonorrhoea.
Headache, pain in back and limbs ; tenderness in region of liver and bowels ; pulse 96 ; tongue brownish and dry ; bilious diarrhoea ; fifteen evacuations, not painful, in twenty-four hours, over half of these at night ; stools dark-brown and thin, with some lumps of feces of same color ; abdomen sore ; no nausea, but disgust of food.
Weakness of sphincter ani, feces appeared to be natural but passed as fast as accumulated.
Urogenital system
Diabetes ; profound grief and anxiety ; great prostration and pain as if whole body were bruised ; loss of memory and dimness of sight ; constant craving for raw articles ; intense thirst ; disgust for meat and general wasting away ; constipation ; polyuria, with violent pains in lumbar region and paralysis of lower extremities ; miliary eruptions and furuncles.
Involuntary emission of urine when coughing, laughing, or making any effort whatever.
Pain in region of bladder ; urination frequent, very painful ; extremely nervous ; could get no relief in any position ; pulse somewhat quickened from pain ; tongue only slightly coated ; all symptoms worse at night ; sleep disturbed.
Cystitis, with high fever, gastric derangement, excruciating pains, and impossibility to pass a drop of urine ; bladder seems swollen and hard ; great tenesmus from spasmodic action, debilitating patient, who passes only by drops a dark-red, brown, fetid urine, with gravel-like sediment.
Urine hot, thick, much sediment ; difficult micturition, incontinence, and pain in kidneys. θ Septic diseases.
Extreme sexual excitement, lasciviousness, almost to insanity.
Onanism, followed by prostatic ailments and hypochondriasis.
Seminal emissions after onanism ; imbecility, stupid laughter, progressive wasting.
Gonorrhoea ; five different injections, producing great irritation in urethra, particularly when urinating, with smarting, unbearable pains ; redness on tip and edges of tongue, anorexia, dyspepsia and pyrosis, flatulence and stubborn constipation ; emaciation in face, eyes sunken and without expression ; dizziness when moving, dyspnoea, and alarming palpitation ; loss of memory so great, he failed to recognize persons with whom he was intimately acquainted ; little perception, inertia and weakness for any mental labor ; full of deep sadness, shy, shuns his friends ; nervous agitation, restlessness, inability to find a comfortable position ; if sleep was obtained, it only lasted for three or four hours ; pains ; getting weaker ; felt a general burning, more in palms and soles, with shaking, twitching and incessant movement of lower extremities, especially when quiet ; gonorrhoea, though not so profuse, stains shirt a light yellow ; seminal emissions two or three times a week ; want of appetite.
Extreme sexual excitement ; menses too early and profuse ; pains and spasms of uterus ; pruritus vulva ; leucorrhoea.
Violent nymphomania ; could not suppress lascivious inclination ; worse from sexual intercourse ; has suffered since her twentieth year ; woman, at. 45.
Nymphomania ; reflex chorea ; hyperemia and hyperesthesia of sexual organs.
Fibrous tumors of uterus, with bearing-down pains.
Displacement of uterus, with retention of urine and difficult defecation.
Sensation of great weight, with burning in hypogastrium and uterus, as if there were not sufficient space, with upward pressure.
Pruritus vulva ; frequent hemorrhages ; pale face, constant fatigue.
Profuse menstruation accompanied by frequent erotic spasms ; crossness, ennui, and deep dissatisfaction ; catamenia too early, pain in lumbar region as soon as menses commence and ceasing with it ; great pruritus in vulva after menses ; hysteria.
After a fall down stairs complains of pain in lower part of abdomen and hips ; very sensitive to manipulation, some hardness and swelling in hypogastric region and in uterus, which was seat of burning, crampy pains, worse by every movement ; sanguineous leucorrhoea, constant desire to pass water, which was clear but difficult to void, falling drop by drop, with burning pain ; precordial anguish, sadness, weeping and fear of death (Conium improved, Tarentula cured). θ Uterine neuralgia.
Strong bearing-down pelvic pains for nearly a week previous to catamenia ; severe backache extending to hypogastric region ; wearying fidgetiness of legs, pains felt more from knees to feet, compelling patient to move about, better by riding horseback ; pains worse as menses approach, severest at greatest flow, violent enough to produce convulsive movements ; chorealike restlessness, twitching and trembling of muscles, which worked painfully from side to side ; draws herself together, legs close to abdomen and head bent forward, hands clutching at bedclothes, immediately afterward seizing something else ; motion of inferior extremities almost incessant ; hands and feet cold and moist ; pains and spasms kept pace with menstrual flow, increasing or decreasing with it ; menses usually regular except for last four months, when they were delayed, owing to a slight sanguineous intermenstrual discharge, lasting two days and generally appearing at fifteenth day, which was painless ; flow nearly right in quantity, light-colored and with small dark clots when patient was recumbent, darker and more profuse when rising to chamber ; on first day usually a slight frontal headache, increasing second day to a violent, throbbing pain, worse from light and motion ; during headache exacerbation, a remission of pelvic pains, latter reappearing soon with original force, but not remaining so long ; on third day a brief relief, followed by a return of old pains, lasting a shorter time ; meantime urinary tenesmus, nausea, and bad taste in mouth ; occasionally globus hystericus and dry hacking cough ; with convalescence great weakness and shooting, grasping pains at heart with occasional interruption of its rhythm, and with increased action ; preceding and following menses, yellowish leucorrhoea ; in morning, hawking up brown mucus, often tinged with blood ; breathing short, painful ; occasionally, at long intervals, a sudden waking from dreamless sleep, under a feeling of suffocation ; violent palpitation and acute pains through heart, compelling upright position ; pulse regular, quick, irritable ; right heart-ventricle slightly dilated ; infraclavicular pain in right side of chest, penetrating to back, so as to catch breath ; since childhood has wanted sand, cuttlefish, ashes, etc., highly spiced food, cigarettes ; better during warm weather, when outdoors ; worse during cold. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Engorgement of cervix uteri, with granulations, extending to vagina, whose mucous membrane was highly injected ; violent convulsions of whole body during rest.
Chronic vaginitis, granulations and excrescences in vagina and neck of uterus ; cancerous ulcer on os destroyed its left lateral part ; induration of neck and body of uterus ; flushes of heat to face, perspiration, congestion to head, menorrhagia ; severe pains in region of sacrum, extending to hips and terminating in uterus ; menstruation lasted twelve to fifteen days, followed by pressive, shooting pains in uterus and a fetid, bloody discharge ; nausea, anorexia, great thirst, slow and difficult digestion, obstinate constipation, general malaise ; at 2 A. M., some days after, severe, violent, tearing pains in uterus, extending to sacrum, and along vertebral column, with rigidity of trunk and convulsive movements in head and legs ; icy coldness, chattering teeth, trembling, anxiety and uneasiness ; small contracted pulse, oppression of chest, dryness of mouth without thirst, and pale face.
Burning smarting leucorrhoea and painful uneasiness in coccyx, better by standing, worse by slightest movement, sitting or lying on bed, or by least pressure.
Leucorrhoea : alternating with bloody discharge ; following hemorrhage, with great weakness.
Expulsion of gas from vagina.
Sensation of motion in uterus, like a fetus ; singing, like a tea-kettle in left ear ; obstinate constipation ; stoppage of urine, which is high-colored, with red sediment, pain in region of kidneys ; palpitation ; sensation of something crawling up legs, under skin, from feet till it reaches uterus, causing great sexual desire, intense pruritus and rubbing, which it is impossible to resist, makes her almost crazy. θ Pruritus vulva.
Intense, unbearable pruritus vulva, extending into vagina, worse at night, with dryness and heat of parts ; white, thin leucorrhoea ; thick white sediment in urine ; pain in right side of abdomen ; nausea ; accumulation of mucus in throat ; mouth parched and dry ; thirst often and for large quantities ; very restless at night. θ Pruritus vulva.
Involuntary emission of urine when coughing, laughing, or making any effort whatever.
Pain in region of bladder ; urination frequent, very painful ; extremely nervous ; could get no relief in any position ; pulse somewhat quickened from pain ; tongue only slightly coated ; all symptoms worse at night ; sleep disturbed.
Cystitis, with high fever, gastric derangement, excruciating pains, and impossibility to pass a drop of urine ; bladder seems swollen and hard ; great tenesmus from spasmodic action, debilitating patient, who passes only by drops a dark-red, brown, fetid urine, with gravel-like sediment.
Urine hot, thick, much sediment ; difficult micturition, incontinence, and pain in kidneys. θ Septic diseases.
Extreme sexual excitement, lasciviousness, almost to insanity.
Onanism, followed by prostatic ailments and hypochondriasis.
Seminal emissions after onanism ; imbecility, stupid laughter, progressive wasting.
Gonorrhoea ; five different injections, producing great irritation in urethra, particularly when urinating, with smarting, unbearable pains ; redness on tip and edges of tongue, anorexia, dyspepsia and pyrosis, flatulence and stubborn constipation ; emaciation in face, eyes sunken and without expression ; dizziness when moving, dyspnoea, and alarming palpitation ; loss of memory so great, he failed to recognize persons with whom he was intimately acquainted ; little perception, inertia and weakness for any mental labor ; full of deep sadness, shy, shuns his friends ; nervous agitation, restlessness, inability to find a comfortable position ; if sleep was obtained, it only lasted for three or four hours ; pains ; getting weaker ; felt a general burning, more in palms and soles, with shaking, twitching and incessant movement of lower extremities, especially when quiet ; gonorrhoea, though not so profuse, stains shirt a light yellow ; seminal emissions two or three times a week ; want of appetite.
Extreme sexual excitement ; menses too early and profuse ; pains and spasms of uterus ; pruritus vulva ; leucorrhoea.
Violent nymphomania ; could not suppress lascivious inclination ; worse from sexual intercourse ; has suffered since her twentieth year ; woman, at. 45.
Nymphomania ; reflex chorea ; hyperemia and hyperesthesia of sexual organs.
Fibrous tumors of uterus, with bearing-down pains.
Displacement of uterus, with retention of urine and difficult defecation.
Sensation of great weight, with burning in hypogastrium and uterus, as if there were not sufficient space, with upward pressure.
Pruritus vulva ; frequent hemorrhages ; pale face, constant fatigue.
Profuse menstruation accompanied by frequent erotic spasms ; crossness, ennui, and deep dissatisfaction ; catamenia too early, pain in lumbar region as soon as menses commence and ceasing with it ; great pruritus in vulva after menses ; hysteria.
After a fall down stairs complains of pain in lower part of abdomen and hips ; very sensitive to manipulation, some hardness and swelling in hypogastric region and in uterus, which was seat of burning, crampy pains, worse by every movement ; sanguineous leucorrhoea, constant desire to pass water, which was clear but difficult to void, falling drop by drop, with burning pain ; precordial anguish, sadness, weeping and fear of death (Conium improved, Tarentula cured). θ Uterine neuralgia.
Strong bearing-down pelvic pains for nearly a week previous to catamenia ; severe backache extending to hypogastric region ; wearying fidgetiness of legs, pains felt more from knees to feet, compelling patient to move about, better by riding horseback ; pains worse as menses approach, severest at greatest flow, violent enough to produce convulsive movements ; chorealike restlessness, twitching and trembling of muscles, which worked painfully from side to side ; draws herself together, legs close to abdomen and head bent forward, hands clutching at bedclothes, immediately afterward seizing something else ; motion of inferior extremities almost incessant ; hands and feet cold and moist ; pains and spasms kept pace with menstrual flow, increasing or decreasing with it ; menses usually regular except for last four months, when they were delayed, owing to a slight sanguineous intermenstrual discharge, lasting two days and generally appearing at fifteenth day, which was painless ; flow nearly right in quantity, light-colored and with small dark clots when patient was recumbent, darker and more profuse when rising to chamber ; on first day usually a slight frontal headache, increasing second day to a violent, throbbing pain, worse from light and motion ; during headache exacerbation, a remission of pelvic pains, latter reappearing soon with original force, but not remaining so long ; on third day a brief relief, followed by a return of old pains, lasting a shorter time ; meantime urinary tenesmus, nausea, and bad taste in mouth ; occasionally globus hystericus and dry hacking cough ; with convalescence great weakness and shooting, grasping pains at heart with occasional interruption of its rhythm, and with increased action ; preceding and following menses, yellowish leucorrhoea ; in morning, hawking up brown mucus, often tinged with blood ; breathing short, painful ; occasionally, at long intervals, a sudden waking from dreamless sleep, under a feeling of suffocation ; violent palpitation and acute pains through heart, compelling upright position ; pulse regular, quick, irritable ; right heart-ventricle slightly dilated ; infraclavicular pain in right side of chest, penetrating to back, so as to catch breath ; since childhood has wanted sand, cuttlefish, ashes, etc., highly spiced food, cigarettes ; better during warm weather, when outdoors ; worse during cold. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Engorgement of cervix uteri, with granulations, extending to vagina, whose mucous membrane was highly injected ; violent convulsions of whole body during rest.
Chronic vaginitis, granulations and excrescences in vagina and neck of uterus ; cancerous ulcer on os destroyed its left lateral part ; induration of neck and body of uterus ; flushes of heat to face, perspiration, congestion to head, menorrhagia ; severe pains in region of sacrum, extending to hips and terminating in uterus ; menstruation lasted twelve to fifteen days, followed by pressive, shooting pains in uterus and a fetid, bloody discharge ; nausea, anorexia, great thirst, slow and difficult digestion, obstinate constipation, general malaise ; at 2 A. M., some days after, severe, violent, tearing pains in uterus, extending to sacrum, and along vertebral column, with rigidity of trunk and convulsive movements in head and legs ; icy coldness, chattering teeth, trembling, anxiety and uneasiness ; small contracted pulse, oppression of chest, dryness of mouth without thirst, and pale face.
Burning smarting leucorrhoea and painful uneasiness in coccyx, better by standing, worse by slightest movement, sitting or lying on bed, or by least pressure.
Leucorrhoea : alternating with bloody discharge ; following hemorrhage, with great weakness.
Expulsion of gas from vagina.
Sensation of motion in uterus, like a fetus ; singing, like a tea-kettle in left ear ; obstinate constipation ; stoppage of urine, which is high-colored, with red sediment, pain in region of kidneys ; palpitation ; sensation of something crawling up legs, under skin, from feet till it reaches uterus, causing great sexual desire, intense pruritus and rubbing, which it is impossible to resist, makes her almost crazy. θ Pruritus vulva.
Intense, unbearable pruritus vulva, extending into vagina, worse at night, with dryness and heat of parts ; white, thin leucorrhoea ; thick white sediment in urine ; pain in right side of abdomen ; nausea ; accumulation of mucus in throat ; mouth parched and dry ; thirst often and for large quantities ; very restless at night. θ Pruritus vulva.
Plant characteristics
Loss of appetite ; intense thirst ; general prostration ; vomiting after eating, and getting out of bed ; craving raw food. θ Disorders of pregnancy.
Chest organs
Great oppression ; panting perspiration.
Chronic suffocative catarrh.
Brown-colored mole about the size of a grain of wheat on back of neck ; burning, no inflammation ; when touching it complains of needles sticking in it.
Carbuncle as large around at its base as a silver dollar, apex studded with small openings on side of chest ; no pus discharging ; intense burning and stinging extending to mamma and down arm ; had not slept for fortyeight hours.
Chronic suffocative catarrh.
Brown-colored mole about the size of a grain of wheat on back of neck ; burning, no inflammation ; when touching it complains of needles sticking in it.
Carbuncle as large around at its base as a silver dollar, apex studded with small openings on side of chest ; no pus discharging ; intense burning and stinging extending to mamma and down arm ; had not slept for fortyeight hours.
Cardiovascular system
Precordial anxiety, tumultuous beating of heart.
Murmurs and palpitation ; alternate acceleration and suspension of movements of heart.
Trembling and thumping of heart as from fright.
Precordial anguish ; movements of heart not felt ; suffocation.
Constant want of air ; heart suddenly ceases to beat and patient fears to die.
Sensation as if heart turned and twisted around, with pain in chest and general perspiration.
Pain in heart as if squeezed or compressed ; also in aorta, under left clavicle and in carotids, with violent throbbing of heart and arteries ; rheumatic pains in chest extending to umbilical region.
Angina pectoris.
Nervous spells with pain in left ovary, pain seems to affect her heart and she becomes unconscious, seems to stop breathing ; as spell comes on again she begins to breathe short and to call for more air ; pulls her dress away from her heart ; gasping for air ; pulse intermits, weak and slow ; many times she is reported dying.
Murmurs and palpitation ; alternate acceleration and suspension of movements of heart.
Trembling and thumping of heart as from fright.
Precordial anguish ; movements of heart not felt ; suffocation.
Constant want of air ; heart suddenly ceases to beat and patient fears to die.
Sensation as if heart turned and twisted around, with pain in chest and general perspiration.
Pain in heart as if squeezed or compressed ; also in aorta, under left clavicle and in carotids, with violent throbbing of heart and arteries ; rheumatic pains in chest extending to umbilical region.
Angina pectoris.
Nervous spells with pain in left ovary, pain seems to affect her heart and she becomes unconscious, seems to stop breathing ; as spell comes on again she begins to breathe short and to call for more air ; pulls her dress away from her heart ; gasping for air ; pulse intermits, weak and slow ; many times she is reported dying.
Limbs and spine
Abscess in back of neck, burning, excruciating pain, completely banished sleep for six or seven nights ; fever, with great thirst and prostration. θ Anthrax.
Anthrax in interscapular region, with severe burning pain ; unable to sleep from excessive pain.
Anthrax in back of neck ; local applications, first emollient, then caustic, at last knife was resorted to with stimulants internally, and hydrate of chloral and morphine to relieve burning, agonizing pain, all to no effect ; muscular and cellular tissues destroyed from neck to waist, and from shoulder to shoulder, leaving a cavity about six inches long and four wide, at bottom of which several dorsal vertebra were plainly visible ; infiltration of surrounding tissues ; quotidian fever and diarrhoea ; on third day after Tarantula сub. line of demarcation was formed, and two days afterward surrounding mortified tissues came off ; with continuance of this remedy and an occasional dose of Sulphur, patient was entirely cured in seven weeks.
Irritable spine ; excessive hyperesthesia, a slight touch along spine provokes spasmodic pain in chest and indescribable distress in cardiac region, at times heart feels as if twisted (spiral fibres) ; intense headache, as if thousands of needles were pricking into brain ; body burned all over ; trembled so she could hardly talk ; headache better by rubbing head against pillow, termini of nerves become so irritated that some kind of friction is resorted to in order to obtain relief.
Multiple sclerosis in consequence of fright and rheumatism ; trembling commenced in left hand, always worse by mental trouble ; after fright it affected all limbs ; intense pain during night prevents her rest and sleep, and an itching and crawling of left leg make her rise and walk about ; bathing worse pain, but fresh air , even at night ; intelligence and memory considerably diminished ; trembling and pricking prevent from doing any fine work ; motility and sensibility unaltered ; neither paralysis, anesthesia nor hyperesthesia ; head trembles as much as left hand and foot, and a slight tremor could be observed on tongue when opening mouth ; no appetite, chronic constipation ; since menopause acne in face ; slight hyperemia of retina.
Difficulty of moving legs, they do not obey will ; weakness of legs. θ Tabes dorsalis.
Burning, smarting leucorrhoea, and painful uneasiness in coccyx, better by standing, worse by slightest movement, sitting or lying on bed or by least pressure. θ сoccygodynia after confinement.
Uneasiness in legs with necessity of constantly moving them.
Weakness of legs not allowing feet when walking to be placed squarely on ground ; difficult walking ; inability to kneel down ; difficulty of moving legs, they do not obey will.
Large hard abscess in right thigh, exceedingly painful and inflamed, no fever, glands in groin swollen, indurated and painful.
Rheumatism checked by putting extremities in cold water, panting respiration, anxiety, cramps in heart or twisting pains ; pulse full, hard, frequent ; aorta feels full, tense, stretched, with stitching pains ; morning and night cold extremities.
Cannot keep quiet in any position.
Lying : hysteria ; on back limbs flexed.
Sitting or lying : uneasiness in coccyx.
Standing : better uneasiness in coccyx.
Motion : better headache ; dizziness ; worse crampy pains in uterus ; worse frontal headache ; worse uneasiness in coccyx ; constant, of hands, feet and head ; can better run than walk.
Walking : difficult from weakness of legs.
Riding horseback : better pains in legs.
Anthrax in interscapular region, with severe burning pain ; unable to sleep from excessive pain.
Anthrax in back of neck ; local applications, first emollient, then caustic, at last knife was resorted to with stimulants internally, and hydrate of chloral and morphine to relieve burning, agonizing pain, all to no effect ; muscular and cellular tissues destroyed from neck to waist, and from shoulder to shoulder, leaving a cavity about six inches long and four wide, at bottom of which several dorsal vertebra were plainly visible ; infiltration of surrounding tissues ; quotidian fever and diarrhoea ; on third day after Tarantula сub. line of demarcation was formed, and two days afterward surrounding mortified tissues came off ; with continuance of this remedy and an occasional dose of Sulphur, patient was entirely cured in seven weeks.
Irritable spine ; excessive hyperesthesia, a slight touch along spine provokes spasmodic pain in chest and indescribable distress in cardiac region, at times heart feels as if twisted (spiral fibres) ; intense headache, as if thousands of needles were pricking into brain ; body burned all over ; trembled so she could hardly talk ; headache better by rubbing head against pillow, termini of nerves become so irritated that some kind of friction is resorted to in order to obtain relief.
Multiple sclerosis in consequence of fright and rheumatism ; trembling commenced in left hand, always worse by mental trouble ; after fright it affected all limbs ; intense pain during night prevents her rest and sleep, and an itching and crawling of left leg make her rise and walk about ; bathing worse pain, but fresh air , even at night ; intelligence and memory considerably diminished ; trembling and pricking prevent from doing any fine work ; motility and sensibility unaltered ; neither paralysis, anesthesia nor hyperesthesia ; head trembles as much as left hand and foot, and a slight tremor could be observed on tongue when opening mouth ; no appetite, chronic constipation ; since menopause acne in face ; slight hyperemia of retina.
Difficulty of moving legs, they do not obey will ; weakness of legs. θ Tabes dorsalis.
Burning, smarting leucorrhoea, and painful uneasiness in coccyx, better by standing, worse by slightest movement, sitting or lying on bed or by least pressure. θ сoccygodynia after confinement.
Uneasiness in legs with necessity of constantly moving them.
Weakness of legs not allowing feet when walking to be placed squarely on ground ; difficult walking ; inability to kneel down ; difficulty of moving legs, they do not obey will.
Large hard abscess in right thigh, exceedingly painful and inflamed, no fever, glands in groin swollen, indurated and painful.
Rheumatism checked by putting extremities in cold water, panting respiration, anxiety, cramps in heart or twisting pains ; pulse full, hard, frequent ; aorta feels full, tense, stretched, with stitching pains ; morning and night cold extremities.
Cannot keep quiet in any position.
Lying : hysteria ; on back limbs flexed.
Sitting or lying : uneasiness in coccyx.
Standing : better uneasiness in coccyx.
Motion : better headache ; dizziness ; worse crampy pains in uterus ; worse frontal headache ; worse uneasiness in coccyx ; constant, of hands, feet and head ; can better run than walk.
Walking : difficult from weakness of legs.
Riding horseback : better pains in legs.
Nervous system
Great restlessness and agitation, particularly of inferior extremities ; has to change position ; need of constantly moving hands, feet and head.
Trembling of body ; limbs agitated.
St. Vitus’ dance.
Great restlessness, could not keep quiet anywhere or in any position ; felt that he must keep in motion though walking aggravated all symptoms.
Somnambulism ; frequent desire to urinate ; clear urine ; quantity lessened until secretion ceased ; much excited at night ; convulsions, a kind of St. Vitus’ dance, with inclination to bite and tear everything that comes near him ; when fit ceases, falls asleep, on awaking is unconscious of what has happened ; has not voided urine since fifteen days ; exalted state of mind ; could not speak, but could write ; falls every day into a somnambulistic kind of sleep, the exact time of which he states every morning ; this state continued several months.
Trembling of body ; all limbs agitated ; convulsive hysteria and chorea, with excessive hyperesthesia.
Excessive hyperesthesia ; least excitement irritates.
Hysteria of two months’ standing in a girl at. 11, particularly characterized by attacks of spasmus glottidis, occurring about every five minutes, and accompanied by a whistling tone.
Spasmodic, hysterical symptoms from uterine irritation.
Great disorder of motion, convulsive form ; necessity for continual motion ; fright, terror, fear of speedy death, with vertigo and precordial anguish, with intolerance of pressure and touch, and periodicity. θ Hysteria.
Choreic restlessness of limbs ; music has a soothing influence.
Suffers on account of deep grief ; severe convulsions at 8.30, exactly, lasting about two hours ; they are preceded by an intense chill all over, beginning with short chills on back and extremities, lasting about half an hour, and followed immediately by convulsions, with severe involuntary muscular contractions, beginning in upper or lower extremities and extending to whole body ; consciousness retained during paroxysms, but lost power of co-ordination. θ Intermittent nervous affection.
For several months spasms of an extraordinary character, increasing in intensity and frequency ; attacks preceded by spells of gaping and irregular breathing, then muscular contortions of all kinds, fixed look ; followed by wild shrieks, long-continued coma, occasionally hysterical outbursts of laughing or crying ; paroxysms most severe at menses.
A few days after getting out of bed after fourth confinement, violent convulsions of whole body during rest, necessity of moving and walking up and down room ; on attempting to sit or lie down, violent shaking of head and limbs, with bruised pains all over and dizziness, compelling her to get up again and walk room ; was unable to sleep for nine days, dreading convulsions every time she attempted to sit down ; want of appetite, great anxiety and malaise ; fear of death ; cervix uteri engorged, with granulations extending to vagina, mucous membrane of which was highly injected.
A boy, at. 14, looks thoughtful and melancholy, shuns his companions and stays most of the time in most retired part of house ; lost his appetite, in a few days was taken with chorea ; head drawn downward, afraid to look at strangers, idiotic expression of face, great loss of flesh, dirty and ashy color of skin, impetigo around lips, choreic movements of head, movements of right arm alternating with those of head ; all movements ceased in bed ; involuntary micturition.
Inordinate and irresistible movements, with alternate relaxation and contraction of muscles of left hand and foot. θ сhorea.
In constant motion ; can better run than walk ; speech impeded ; feels best in bed. θ сhorea.
Constant irregular movements of right arm and leg ; is unable to walk or feed herself ; speech difficult, tongue heavy ; frequent epistaxis ; starting during sleep which is light ; great thirst ; constipation ; good appetite ; changeable mood ; any observation or steady look was enough to make her cry ; dragged leg when trying to walk, steadily getting worse. θ сhorea.
Child can retain its seat with difficulty, arms tossed from side to side, legs cannot be controlled ; walking impossible ; head turned violently from side to side ; eyes rotated and eyelids almost in constant motion ; frequent hideous grimaces ; violent contortions of trunk ; every effort to take food causes involuntary movements of tongue, causing her to drop from mouth two-thirds of what she has taken ; movements not so violent at night, but cannot sleep more than a few movements at a time. θ сhorea.
Chorea of superior extremities without any appreciable cause ; head thrown with violence in different directions ; nervous contractions in muscles of face ; right leg thrown about with such violence, could hardly keep from falling.
Disorderly and irregular muscular movements ; limited to left arm or leg or to one of these parts ; very seldom left arm and right leg ; with grimaces of mouth.
Inordinate, irregular movements of hands and feet, which subside almost entirely on hearing notes of hornpipe.
Chronic irregular movements of superior extremities, also head ; was thrown with violence in different directions ; contraction of muscles of face ; legs somewhat affected.
Head, right arm and hand affected, head drawn downward ; involuntary micturition.
Falling down unconsciously without any warning, general rigidity, grinding of teeth, bites her tongue, squinting of eyes which remain open during attack, fit lasting two or three minutes, followed by dejection and dizziness for twenty-four hours ; attacks occuring every eight, fifteen or twenty days. θ&nb.
Trembling of body ; limbs agitated.
St. Vitus’ dance.
Great restlessness, could not keep quiet anywhere or in any position ; felt that he must keep in motion though walking aggravated all symptoms.
Somnambulism ; frequent desire to urinate ; clear urine ; quantity lessened until secretion ceased ; much excited at night ; convulsions, a kind of St. Vitus’ dance, with inclination to bite and tear everything that comes near him ; when fit ceases, falls asleep, on awaking is unconscious of what has happened ; has not voided urine since fifteen days ; exalted state of mind ; could not speak, but could write ; falls every day into a somnambulistic kind of sleep, the exact time of which he states every morning ; this state continued several months.
Trembling of body ; all limbs agitated ; convulsive hysteria and chorea, with excessive hyperesthesia.
Excessive hyperesthesia ; least excitement irritates.
Hysteria of two months’ standing in a girl at. 11, particularly characterized by attacks of spasmus glottidis, occurring about every five minutes, and accompanied by a whistling tone.
Spasmodic, hysterical symptoms from uterine irritation.
Great disorder of motion, convulsive form ; necessity for continual motion ; fright, terror, fear of speedy death, with vertigo and precordial anguish, with intolerance of pressure and touch, and periodicity. θ Hysteria.
Choreic restlessness of limbs ; music has a soothing influence.
Suffers on account of deep grief ; severe convulsions at 8.30, exactly, lasting about two hours ; they are preceded by an intense chill all over, beginning with short chills on back and extremities, lasting about half an hour, and followed immediately by convulsions, with severe involuntary muscular contractions, beginning in upper or lower extremities and extending to whole body ; consciousness retained during paroxysms, but lost power of co-ordination. θ Intermittent nervous affection.
For several months spasms of an extraordinary character, increasing in intensity and frequency ; attacks preceded by spells of gaping and irregular breathing, then muscular contortions of all kinds, fixed look ; followed by wild shrieks, long-continued coma, occasionally hysterical outbursts of laughing or crying ; paroxysms most severe at menses.
A few days after getting out of bed after fourth confinement, violent convulsions of whole body during rest, necessity of moving and walking up and down room ; on attempting to sit or lie down, violent shaking of head and limbs, with bruised pains all over and dizziness, compelling her to get up again and walk room ; was unable to sleep for nine days, dreading convulsions every time she attempted to sit down ; want of appetite, great anxiety and malaise ; fear of death ; cervix uteri engorged, with granulations extending to vagina, mucous membrane of which was highly injected.
A boy, at. 14, looks thoughtful and melancholy, shuns his companions and stays most of the time in most retired part of house ; lost his appetite, in a few days was taken with chorea ; head drawn downward, afraid to look at strangers, idiotic expression of face, great loss of flesh, dirty and ashy color of skin, impetigo around lips, choreic movements of head, movements of right arm alternating with those of head ; all movements ceased in bed ; involuntary micturition.
Inordinate and irresistible movements, with alternate relaxation and contraction of muscles of left hand and foot. θ сhorea.
In constant motion ; can better run than walk ; speech impeded ; feels best in bed. θ сhorea.
Constant irregular movements of right arm and leg ; is unable to walk or feed herself ; speech difficult, tongue heavy ; frequent epistaxis ; starting during sleep which is light ; great thirst ; constipation ; good appetite ; changeable mood ; any observation or steady look was enough to make her cry ; dragged leg when trying to walk, steadily getting worse. θ сhorea.
Child can retain its seat with difficulty, arms tossed from side to side, legs cannot be controlled ; walking impossible ; head turned violently from side to side ; eyes rotated and eyelids almost in constant motion ; frequent hideous grimaces ; violent contortions of trunk ; every effort to take food causes involuntary movements of tongue, causing her to drop from mouth two-thirds of what she has taken ; movements not so violent at night, but cannot sleep more than a few movements at a time. θ сhorea.
Chorea of superior extremities without any appreciable cause ; head thrown with violence in different directions ; nervous contractions in muscles of face ; right leg thrown about with such violence, could hardly keep from falling.
Disorderly and irregular muscular movements ; limited to left arm or leg or to one of these parts ; very seldom left arm and right leg ; with grimaces of mouth.
Inordinate, irregular movements of hands and feet, which subside almost entirely on hearing notes of hornpipe.
Chronic irregular movements of superior extremities, also head ; was thrown with violence in different directions ; contraction of muscles of face ; legs somewhat affected.
Head, right arm and hand affected, head drawn downward ; involuntary micturition.
Falling down unconsciously without any warning, general rigidity, grinding of teeth, bites her tongue, squinting of eyes which remain open during attack, fit lasting two or three minutes, followed by dejection and dizziness for twenty-four hours ; attacks occuring every eight, fifteen or twenty days. θ&nb.