Другие названия и синонимы
lac-d, Lac vaccinum defloratum, снятое коровье молоко гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Cow’s milk skimmed.
The idea of potentising skimmed milk originated with Swan upon reading Doukin’s Skim Milk Treatment for Diabetes and вright’s Disease. The first proving was made by a lady in New York, in whose case the headache with nausea and constipation were strongly marked. A subsequent, more extensive proving was made under Swan by Doctor Laura Morgan. See Swan’s Mat. Medorrhinum of Nosodes and Morbific Products, arranged by вerridge.
With but few exceptions the symptoms in the following arrangement have received clinical verification.
The idea of potentising skimmed milk originated with Swan upon reading Doukin’s Skim Milk Treatment for Diabetes and вright’s Disease. The first proving was made by a lady in New York, in whose case the headache with nausea and constipation were strongly marked. A subsequent, more extensive proving was made under Swan by Doctor Laura Morgan. See Swan’s Mat. Medorrhinum of Nosodes and Morbific Products, arranged by вerridge.
With but few exceptions the symptoms in the following arrangement have received clinical verification.
- Headache, Farrington, Farrington’s сlinical Mat. Medorrhinum, p. 28 ; Laura Morgan, вoardman, Org., vol. 2, p. 257 ; Hahn. Mo., vol. 10, p. 220 ; Periodical sick headache, Morgan, T. H. M. Soc. Pa., 1881, p. 105 ; Hemicrania, Hahn. Mo., vol. 10, p. 220 ; сhronic constipation, Schley, Swan, Hahn. Mo., vol. 10, p. 321 ; Knerr, MSS ; Fainting spells, Laura Morgan, Org., vol. 2, p. 256.
Психика и сознание
Loss of memory ; listlessness and disinclination for either bodily or mental exertion.
Depression of spirits ; don’t care to live ; question as to quietest and most certain way of hastening one’s death.
During conversation, headache and depression of spirits .
Depression with crying and palpitation. θ Fainting spells.
Imagines that all her friends will die and that she must go to a convent. θ Fainting spells.
Does not want to see or talk to any one.
Can remember what has been read only by a strong effort of will.
Vacillation of mind.
Great despondency on account of the disease, is sure he is going to die in twenty-four hours.
Has no fear of death but is sure he is going to die.
Head light, with throbbing in temples.
Depression of spirits ; don’t care to live ; question as to quietest and most certain way of hastening one’s death.
During conversation, headache and depression of spirits .
Depression with crying and palpitation. θ Fainting spells.
Imagines that all her friends will die and that she must go to a convent. θ Fainting spells.
Does not want to see or talk to any one.
Can remember what has been read only by a strong effort of will.
Vacillation of mind.
Great despondency on account of the disease, is sure he is going to die in twenty-four hours.
Has no fear of death but is sure he is going to die.
Head light, with throbbing in temples.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo : on moving head from pillow : worse lying down and especially turning while lying, obliging to sit up.
Head feels heavy with marked tendency to fall to right side.
Faintness and nausea when stepping upon floor in morning.
At first a sharp pain at apex of heart, as though a knife was cutting up and down ; this lasts a few seconds and is followed by strange feeling in head ; forehead feels extremely heavy, with dull sensation over eyes, and considerable throbbing, most marked on each side of head ; rest of head feels very light ; dimness of vision ; can only distinguish light, not objects ; at same time great loss of strength ; cannot stand, but falls backwards, and remains entirely unconscious for two or three minutes ; weakness passes off gradually, and is followed by crying, palpitation of heart and great depression of spirits ; imagines that all her friends will soon die, and that she must go to a convent ; she can produce an attack at any time by extending arms high above head, or by pressure around waist ; spells come on at 7.30 P. M. θ Fainting spells.
Pain first in forehead, then extending to occiput, very intense, distracting and unbearable ; great photophobia, even to light of candle ; deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting, worse by movement or sitting up ; very chilly, and external heat does not ; frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine. θ Sick headache.
After light breakfast, pain in forehead, with nausea ; very pale face, even lips looked white ; vomiting of ingesta and afterwards of mucus and bitter water ; deathly sick feeling in pit of stomach, worse rising up in bed ; profuse urination every half hour ; urine colorless as water ; great thirst ; intense throbbing pain in vertex. θ Headache.
After injury subject to distress in head ; severe pain in forehead just above eyes ; breath offensive ; appetite poor, nausea ; at times sleeps for hours during attack ; great distress across back ; urine dark and thick.
Nausea, and sometimes vomiting, which ; pain in forehead as if head would burst, with blindness ; pain is better by bandaging head tightly ; worse by light and noise ; constipation, stools large ; hands and feet cold. θ Hemicrania.
Periodical pain in forehead, as if head would burst, accompanied by violent efforts to vomit, and more rarely vomiting ; hands and feet cold ; diarrhoea alternating with constipation, the latter predominating ; loss of appetite ; smell or thought of food causes nausea ; tongue moist, coated white ; thirstlessness ; always worse at menstrual period ; menses scanty and accompanied with colic. θ Headache.
Attacks come every eight days ; during attack can neither eat nor drink, nor endure light or noise ; does not even like to speak ; great prostration, worse during menstruation ; when pains subside, inflammation of tonsils appears ; tongue white and no relish for food. θ Headache.
Throbbing frontal headache, nausea, vomiting and obstinate constipation ; especially in anemic women.
Severe frontal headache ; nausea and sometimes vomiting upon rising in morning, or from recumbent position at any time, or upon moving ; great constipation ; constant chilliness even when near fire ; urine profuse and watery, or scanty and high colored ; intense pain throughout whole spinal column ; excessive thirst for large quantities ; great depression of spirits ; sudden prostration of strength at 5 P. M. ; skin color of red rose, with swelling of face, neck, arms and body, generally in morning and during day and evening. θ Headache.
Severe pain over eyes, with intense throbbing in both temples ; eyes feel as if full of little stones ; eyeballs intensely painful, and on shutting eyes, pressure of lids increases pain ; edges of lids feel contracted, and convey sensation as of a narrow band drawn tightly across eyeball ; pain over left hip ; constipation and profuse urination during paroxysms. θ Headache.
Dimness of vision, as of cloud before eyes ; profuse urination ; full feeling in head ; slight nausea at pit of stomach ; face pale ; feet cold ; coldness in back.
Pain commencing in and above inner end of right eyebrow ; before rising in morning ; soon after rising pain passed into eyeball ; worse until afternoon, at which time it became unbearable ; worse by walking and particularly by sitting down, though done carefully, also by heat radiated from fire or stooping, better on pressure ; pressure on temples disclosed strong pulsation of artery ; pain ceased entirely at sunset and did not return till next day.
Intense pain at point of exit of supraorbital nerve, diffused thence over forehead ; attack commences with chill, quickened pulse, flushed face and discharges of wind from stomach.
Pains so severe that she would bury her eyes in her hands and press them into pillow. θ Sick headache.
Severe headache for years ; severe pain over eyes ; intense throbbing in temples.
General sore pain of head, produced by coughing.
Severe headache with a sensation as if top of her head was lifted off and was raised about five inches, and brains were coming out ; head feels very hot and motion increases pain ; face felt as if flesh was off bones and edges were separated and sticking out.
Pain first in forehead, extending through occiput, making her nearly frantic.
Intense headache in forehead and through head ; worse in vertex, afterward head felt bruised.
In morning nausea and sensation of a round ball full of pain in centre of forehead.
Throbbing in temples.
American sick headache, with gastric symptoms.
Head feels large as if growing externally.
Head heavy, falling to right side.
General sore pain of head produced by coughing.
Dimness of vision ; can only see lights, not objects ; preceding headache.
Sensation as if eyes were full of little stones. θ Headache.
Great photophobia, even candle light unbearable.
Intense vertigo when opening eyes while lying, worse when raising up ; objects appeared to move swiftly fro left to r., at other times moving as if tossed up from below in every direction.
Great pain in eyes on first going into light, soon passed off ; on closing eyes on account of light, pain was felt in eyeballs as if from pressure of lids.
Pain in and above eyes.
On closing eyelids painful pressure as if lids were short laterally, causing sensation of band pressing upon balls.
Upper eyelids feel very heavy ; sleepy all day.
Pain in head, most marked over left eye and in temple, extending into eyes, and causing profuse lachrymation.
Painful pressure or tightness at root of nose. θ сatarrh.
Deathly paleness of face.
Wasted, thin and excessively sallow, with dark stains beneath eyes.
Sallow complexion with eczematous eruption.
Flushes of heat in left side of face.
Face, neck, arms and body generally flush color of a red rose, with swelling, but no itching or burning.
Sensation as if all flesh was off bones of face and edges were separated and sticking out.
Pimples on face and forehead. θ Irregular menses.
Head feels heavy with marked tendency to fall to right side.
Faintness and nausea when stepping upon floor in morning.
At first a sharp pain at apex of heart, as though a knife was cutting up and down ; this lasts a few seconds and is followed by strange feeling in head ; forehead feels extremely heavy, with dull sensation over eyes, and considerable throbbing, most marked on each side of head ; rest of head feels very light ; dimness of vision ; can only distinguish light, not objects ; at same time great loss of strength ; cannot stand, but falls backwards, and remains entirely unconscious for two or three minutes ; weakness passes off gradually, and is followed by crying, palpitation of heart and great depression of spirits ; imagines that all her friends will soon die, and that she must go to a convent ; she can produce an attack at any time by extending arms high above head, or by pressure around waist ; spells come on at 7.30 P. M. θ Fainting spells.
Pain first in forehead, then extending to occiput, very intense, distracting and unbearable ; great photophobia, even to light of candle ; deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting, worse by movement or sitting up ; very chilly, and external heat does not ; frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine. θ Sick headache.
After light breakfast, pain in forehead, with nausea ; very pale face, even lips looked white ; vomiting of ingesta and afterwards of mucus and bitter water ; deathly sick feeling in pit of stomach, worse rising up in bed ; profuse urination every half hour ; urine colorless as water ; great thirst ; intense throbbing pain in vertex. θ Headache.
After injury subject to distress in head ; severe pain in forehead just above eyes ; breath offensive ; appetite poor, nausea ; at times sleeps for hours during attack ; great distress across back ; urine dark and thick.
Nausea, and sometimes vomiting, which ; pain in forehead as if head would burst, with blindness ; pain is better by bandaging head tightly ; worse by light and noise ; constipation, stools large ; hands and feet cold. θ Hemicrania.
Periodical pain in forehead, as if head would burst, accompanied by violent efforts to vomit, and more rarely vomiting ; hands and feet cold ; diarrhoea alternating with constipation, the latter predominating ; loss of appetite ; smell or thought of food causes nausea ; tongue moist, coated white ; thirstlessness ; always worse at menstrual period ; menses scanty and accompanied with colic. θ Headache.
Attacks come every eight days ; during attack can neither eat nor drink, nor endure light or noise ; does not even like to speak ; great prostration, worse during menstruation ; when pains subside, inflammation of tonsils appears ; tongue white and no relish for food. θ Headache.
Throbbing frontal headache, nausea, vomiting and obstinate constipation ; especially in anemic women.
Severe frontal headache ; nausea and sometimes vomiting upon rising in morning, or from recumbent position at any time, or upon moving ; great constipation ; constant chilliness even when near fire ; urine profuse and watery, or scanty and high colored ; intense pain throughout whole spinal column ; excessive thirst for large quantities ; great depression of spirits ; sudden prostration of strength at 5 P. M. ; skin color of red rose, with swelling of face, neck, arms and body, generally in morning and during day and evening. θ Headache.
Severe pain over eyes, with intense throbbing in both temples ; eyes feel as if full of little stones ; eyeballs intensely painful, and on shutting eyes, pressure of lids increases pain ; edges of lids feel contracted, and convey sensation as of a narrow band drawn tightly across eyeball ; pain over left hip ; constipation and profuse urination during paroxysms. θ Headache.
Dimness of vision, as of cloud before eyes ; profuse urination ; full feeling in head ; slight nausea at pit of stomach ; face pale ; feet cold ; coldness in back.
Pain commencing in and above inner end of right eyebrow ; before rising in morning ; soon after rising pain passed into eyeball ; worse until afternoon, at which time it became unbearable ; worse by walking and particularly by sitting down, though done carefully, also by heat radiated from fire or stooping, better on pressure ; pressure on temples disclosed strong pulsation of artery ; pain ceased entirely at sunset and did not return till next day.
Intense pain at point of exit of supraorbital nerve, diffused thence over forehead ; attack commences with chill, quickened pulse, flushed face and discharges of wind from stomach.
Pains so severe that she would bury her eyes in her hands and press them into pillow. θ Sick headache.
Severe headache for years ; severe pain over eyes ; intense throbbing in temples.
General sore pain of head, produced by coughing.
Severe headache with a sensation as if top of her head was lifted off and was raised about five inches, and brains were coming out ; head feels very hot and motion increases pain ; face felt as if flesh was off bones and edges were separated and sticking out.
Pain first in forehead, extending through occiput, making her nearly frantic.
Intense headache in forehead and through head ; worse in vertex, afterward head felt bruised.
In morning nausea and sensation of a round ball full of pain in centre of forehead.
Throbbing in temples.
American sick headache, with gastric symptoms.
Head feels large as if growing externally.
Head heavy, falling to right side.
General sore pain of head produced by coughing.
Dimness of vision ; can only see lights, not objects ; preceding headache.
Sensation as if eyes were full of little stones. θ Headache.
Great photophobia, even candle light unbearable.
Intense vertigo when opening eyes while lying, worse when raising up ; objects appeared to move swiftly fro left to r., at other times moving as if tossed up from below in every direction.
Great pain in eyes on first going into light, soon passed off ; on closing eyes on account of light, pain was felt in eyeballs as if from pressure of lids.
Pain in and above eyes.
On closing eyelids painful pressure as if lids were short laterally, causing sensation of band pressing upon balls.
Upper eyelids feel very heavy ; sleepy all day.
Pain in head, most marked over left eye and in temple, extending into eyes, and causing profuse lachrymation.
Painful pressure or tightness at root of nose. θ сatarrh.
Deathly paleness of face.
Wasted, thin and excessively sallow, with dark stains beneath eyes.
Sallow complexion with eczematous eruption.
Flushes of heat in left side of face.
Face, neck, arms and body generally flush color of a red rose, with swelling, but no itching or burning.
Sensation as if all flesh was off bones of face and edges were separated and sticking out.
Pimples on face and forehead. θ Irregular menses.
Ротовая полость и горло
Grinding of teeth when asleep, with pain in stomach and head with vomiting.
Mouth very dry.
Breath very offensive.
Mouth clammy and frothy, especially during conversation.
Globus hystericus ; sensation of a large ball rising from a point about lower end of sternum to upper end of oesophagus, causing distressing sense of suffocation.
Sore throat worse when swallowing ; slight, hacking cough.
Mouth very dry.
Breath very offensive.
Mouth clammy and frothy, especially during conversation.
Globus hystericus ; sensation of a large ball rising from a point about lower end of sternum to upper end of oesophagus, causing distressing sense of suffocation.
Sore throat worse when swallowing ; slight, hacking cough.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Entire loss of appetite.
Great thirst for large quantities and often ; intense thirst.
Could not drink milk without its causing sick headache.
Great thirst for large quantities and often ; intense thirst.
Could not drink milk without its causing sick headache.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Sour eructation.
Nausea in morning.
Nausea from a recumbent position at any time during day or evening, or upon moving or rising in morning.
Deathly nausea, cannot vomit, with groans and cries and great distress, great restlessness with sensation of coldness ; although skin was hot, pulse was normal.
Nausea and vomiting and a sensation of deathly sickness, worse from movement or rising up in bed.
Vomiting first of undigested food, intensely acid, then of bitter water and lastly of a brownish clot, which in water separated and looked like coffee grounds ; no smell ; bitter taste.
Incessant vomiting, which had no relation to her meals.
Violent pain in pit of stomach, seldom lower, brought on by fatigue.
A good deal of wind and acid stomach, no tenderness.
Bloating in epigastric region, with attacks of asthma ; he could scarcely breathe ; hard pressive pain at about fourth cervical vertebra.
Cramps in epigastric region.
Abdomen sore and sensitive to touch.
Severe pain across umbilicus with headache.
Great fatigue from walking, on account of heaviness as of a stone in abdomen.
Constant pain in frontal region ; nausea in morning, deathly paleness of face on rising in morning ; aching pains in wrists and ankles ; puffy swelling under malleoli ; drawing pains, with heat, across lower abdomen and bearing down ; frequent, scanty, pale urine ; pressive bearing down in both ovarian regions ; cannot bear pressure of arm or hand on abdomen ; slight yellowish leucorrhoea ; great lassitude and disinclination to exertion ; depression of spirits ; does not care to live ; questions as to quickest and most certain mode of hastening one’s death ; great fatigue from walking, on account of heaviness, as of a stone in abdomen.
Drawing pain across lower part of abdomen, with heat and pressing, bearing down in pelvic region, both sides ; cannot bear pressure of hand or arm on abdomen.
Chronic gastro-enteritis, symptoms of chronic diarrhoea and vomiting.
Frontal headache ; deathly sickness, with or without vomiting ; pale face in morning, also lips and tips of fingers white ; coldness over whole body. θ сonstipation.
Is generally constipated, and when it is most persistent very chilly ; cannot get warm.
Frequent but ineffectual urging to stool.
Constipation : with chronic headache ; most powerful purgatives were of no avail ; feces dry and hard ; diarrhoea ; stool large and hard, passed with great straining, lacerating anus, extorting cries and passing considerable blood ; chronic.
Continual persistent constipation, better only by cathartics and enemas, with violent attacks of sick headache, pain first in forehead then extending to occiput, very intense, distracting and unbearable ; great photophobia, even to light of a candle ; deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting worse by movement or sitting up ; chilly, and external heat does not relieve her ; frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine.
Nausea in morning.
Nausea from a recumbent position at any time during day or evening, or upon moving or rising in morning.
Deathly nausea, cannot vomit, with groans and cries and great distress, great restlessness with sensation of coldness ; although skin was hot, pulse was normal.
Nausea and vomiting and a sensation of deathly sickness, worse from movement or rising up in bed.
Vomiting first of undigested food, intensely acid, then of bitter water and lastly of a brownish clot, which in water separated and looked like coffee grounds ; no smell ; bitter taste.
Incessant vomiting, which had no relation to her meals.
Violent pain in pit of stomach, seldom lower, brought on by fatigue.
A good deal of wind and acid stomach, no tenderness.
Bloating in epigastric region, with attacks of asthma ; he could scarcely breathe ; hard pressive pain at about fourth cervical vertebra.
Cramps in epigastric region.
Abdomen sore and sensitive to touch.
Severe pain across umbilicus with headache.
Great fatigue from walking, on account of heaviness as of a stone in abdomen.
Constant pain in frontal region ; nausea in morning, deathly paleness of face on rising in morning ; aching pains in wrists and ankles ; puffy swelling under malleoli ; drawing pains, with heat, across lower abdomen and bearing down ; frequent, scanty, pale urine ; pressive bearing down in both ovarian regions ; cannot bear pressure of arm or hand on abdomen ; slight yellowish leucorrhoea ; great lassitude and disinclination to exertion ; depression of spirits ; does not care to live ; questions as to quickest and most certain mode of hastening one’s death ; great fatigue from walking, on account of heaviness, as of a stone in abdomen.
Drawing pain across lower part of abdomen, with heat and pressing, bearing down in pelvic region, both sides ; cannot bear pressure of hand or arm on abdomen.
Chronic gastro-enteritis, symptoms of chronic diarrhoea and vomiting.
Frontal headache ; deathly sickness, with or without vomiting ; pale face in morning, also lips and tips of fingers white ; coldness over whole body. θ сonstipation.
Is generally constipated, and when it is most persistent very chilly ; cannot get warm.
Frequent but ineffectual urging to stool.
Constipation : with chronic headache ; most powerful purgatives were of no avail ; feces dry and hard ; diarrhoea ; stool large and hard, passed with great straining, lacerating anus, extorting cries and passing considerable blood ; chronic.
Continual persistent constipation, better only by cathartics and enemas, with violent attacks of sick headache, pain first in forehead then extending to occiput, very intense, distracting and unbearable ; great photophobia, even to light of a candle ; deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting worse by movement or sitting up ; chilly, and external heat does not relieve her ; frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine.
Мочеполовая система
Frequent but scanty urination.
Profuse, pale urine.
Constant pain in region of kidneys, passing around each side above hips to region of bladder, also downward from sacral region to gluteal, and from thence down back of thighs ; pain burning, not better in any position, worse lying down.
Urine very dark and thick.
Urine very pale ; cannot retain it.
Urine comes away drop by drop, or else gushes out with a sensation of very hot water passing over parts ; wetting bed at night.
Pressive bearing down in ovarian region.
Drawing pain across uterine region, with heat and pressive bearing down in both ovarian regions ; cannot bear pressure of hand or arm on abdomen, intense distress in lower part of abdomen during menstruation, not better by any position ; violent inflammation in ileo-cecal region, with intense pain, swelling, tenderness, fecal accumulation and violent vomiting.
Menses delayed a week with congestion of blood to head ; coldness of hands, nausea and vertigo ; flow commenced next morning after taking Lac defl., scanty with pain in back ; sensation of weight and dragging in left ovarian region.
After putting hands in cold water sudden suppression of menses ; pains all over, especially in head.
Irregular menstruation, sometimes very dark and scanty, sometimes colorless water.
Slight yellowish leucorrhoea.
Profuse, pale urine.
Constant pain in region of kidneys, passing around each side above hips to region of bladder, also downward from sacral region to gluteal, and from thence down back of thighs ; pain burning, not better in any position, worse lying down.
Urine very dark and thick.
Urine very pale ; cannot retain it.
Urine comes away drop by drop, or else gushes out with a sensation of very hot water passing over parts ; wetting bed at night.
Pressive bearing down in ovarian region.
Drawing pain across uterine region, with heat and pressive bearing down in both ovarian regions ; cannot bear pressure of hand or arm on abdomen, intense distress in lower part of abdomen during menstruation, not better by any position ; violent inflammation in ileo-cecal region, with intense pain, swelling, tenderness, fecal accumulation and violent vomiting.
Menses delayed a week with congestion of blood to head ; coldness of hands, nausea and vertigo ; flow commenced next morning after taking Lac defl., scanty with pain in back ; sensation of weight and dragging in left ovarian region.
After putting hands in cold water sudden suppression of menses ; pains all over, especially in head.
Irregular menstruation, sometimes very dark and scanty, sometimes colorless water.
Slight yellowish leucorrhoea.
Характеристика растения
Morning sickness during pregnancy ; deathly sickness at stomach on waking ; vertigo and waterbrash on rising ; constipation.
Decrease in size of breasts.
Has never failed to bring back the milk in from twelve to twenty-four hours.
Diminished secretion of milk.
Decrease in size of breasts.
Has never failed to bring back the milk in from twelve to twenty-four hours.
Diminished secretion of milk.
Органы грудной клетки
Asthma so that he could scarcely breathe, accompanied by bloating in epigastric region.
Short, dry cough, with difficult expectoration of a small lump of mucus, which better cough.
Soreness of chest with great pressure.
Tuberculous deposit in apices of both lungs.
Short, dry cough, with difficult expectoration of a small lump of mucus, which better cough.
Soreness of chest with great pressure.
Tuberculous deposit in apices of both lungs.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pressure around heart (not like grasping of сactus), with dyspnoea and a feeling of certainty that he is going to die in 24 hours.
Sharp pain in apex of heart, as if a knife was cutting up and down ; this preceded a heaviness of head, dulness over eyes, throbbing in temples and palpitation of heart.
Palpitation of heart and flushes of heat, especially in left side of face and neck.
Sharp pain in apex of heart, as if a knife was cutting up and down ; this preceded a heaviness of head, dulness over eyes, throbbing in temples and palpitation of heart.
Palpitation of heart and flushes of heat, especially in left side of face and neck.
Конечности и позвоночник
A symmetrical patch of herpetic eruption on each side of neck, itching and burning after scratching.
Hard, pressive pain at fourth cervical vertebra ; chills creeping along back between scapula.
Intense burning pain in small of back and sacrum, commencing in region of kidneys, passing around on both sides above hips into groins, also downward from renal region through gluteal region, down back part of thighs ; pain, burning, and better by no position ; lying down.
Constant pain in small of back.
Ends of fingers icy cold, rest of hand warm.
Numbness and loss of sensation over outer and anterior surface of thighs.
Pains passing down under side of thighs to heels, and pains across top of feet as if bones were broken across instep ; pains would come on as soon as she stepped upon floor in morning, upon which she would be faint and nauseated and would have to lie down.
Weakness and aching in ankles, puffiness.
Skin thickened at edges of feet.
Cold hands or feet during headache.
Aching pains in wrists and ankles.
No position , burning pain in urinary region.
Lying down : vertigo.
Sitting up : sick headache.
Obliged to sit up : vertigo.
Sitting down : pain in eyeball.
Cannot stand : falls backwards unconscious.
Motion : sick headache.
Disinclination to exertion.
Moving head from pillow ; vertigo.
Turning while lying : vertigo.
Rising : in morning, deathly paleness.
Extending arms high above head : produces fainting spells.
Stepping upon floor ; faintness and nausea.
Walking : pain in eyeball.
Touch : abdomen sensitive.
Pressure : around waist, produces fainting spells ; pain in eyeball ; presses eyes into pillow with severe pain ; cannot bear it on abdomen.
Bandaging head tightly ; worse pain.
After injury : subject to distress in head.
Hard, pressive pain at fourth cervical vertebra ; chills creeping along back between scapula.
Intense burning pain in small of back and sacrum, commencing in region of kidneys, passing around on both sides above hips into groins, also downward from renal region through gluteal region, down back part of thighs ; pain, burning, and better by no position ; lying down.
Constant pain in small of back.
Ends of fingers icy cold, rest of hand warm.
Numbness and loss of sensation over outer and anterior surface of thighs.
Pains passing down under side of thighs to heels, and pains across top of feet as if bones were broken across instep ; pains would come on as soon as she stepped upon floor in morning, upon which she would be faint and nauseated and would have to lie down.
Weakness and aching in ankles, puffiness.
Skin thickened at edges of feet.
Cold hands or feet during headache.
Aching pains in wrists and ankles.
No position , burning pain in urinary region.
Lying down : vertigo.
Sitting up : sick headache.
Obliged to sit up : vertigo.
Sitting down : pain in eyeball.
Cannot stand : falls backwards unconscious.
Motion : sick headache.
Disinclination to exertion.
Moving head from pillow ; vertigo.
Turning while lying : vertigo.
Rising : in morning, deathly paleness.
Extending arms high above head : produces fainting spells.
Stepping upon floor ; faintness and nausea.
Walking : pain in eyeball.
Touch : abdomen sensitive.
Pressure : around waist, produces fainting spells ; pain in eyeball ; presses eyes into pillow with severe pain ; cannot bear it on abdomen.
Bandaging head tightly ; worse pain.
After injury : subject to distress in head.
Нервная система
Great lassitude and disinclination to exertion.
Great restlessness and extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.
Feels completely tired out and exhausted, whether she does anything or not ; great fatigue from walking.
Great loss of strength, commencing with a sharp, cutting pain in apex of heart ; forehead feels heavy, with a dull sensation over eyes and throbbing, principally in temples, rest of head feels light.
Great restlessness and extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.
Feels completely tired out and exhausted, whether she does anything or not ; great fatigue from walking.
Great loss of strength, commencing with a sharp, cutting pain in apex of heart ; forehead feels heavy, with a dull sensation over eyes and throbbing, principally in temples, rest of head feels light.
Sleepy all day long.
Great restlessness, extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.
Morning : when stepping upon floor, nausea and faintness ; nausea and vomiting ; headache ; before rising pain in eyebrow ; as of a round ball full of pain in centre of forehead ; deathly paleness.
During day : headache.
Afternoon : pain in eyebrow and eyeball.
At 5 P. M. : sudden prostration of strength.
At 7.30 P. M. : fainting spells.
At 9 P. M. : hot fever.
Evening : headache.
Night : sleepless.
Great restlessness, extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.
Morning : when stepping upon floor, nausea and faintness ; nausea and vomiting ; headache ; before rising pain in eyebrow ; as of a round ball full of pain in centre of forehead ; deathly paleness.
During day : headache.
Afternoon : pain in eyebrow and eyeball.
At 5 P. M. : sudden prostration of strength.
At 7.30 P. M. : fainting spells.
At 9 P. M. : hot fever.
Evening : headache.
Night : sleepless.
Общие симптомы
Sensation as if cold air was blowing on her, even while covered up warm.
External heat : does not better chilliness ; pain in eyeball.
Cold water : putting hands in, sudden suppression of menses.
As though a knife was cutting up and down through heart ; as if head would burst ; eyes feel as if full of little stones ; sensation in lids as of a narrow band drawn tightly across eyeball ; as of a cloud before eyes ; as if top of head was lifted off ; as if flesh was off bones of face, and edges were separated and sticking out ; as of a ball of pain in centre of forehead ; head as if growing externally ; objects appear as if tossed up from below in every direction ; pain in eyes as if from pressure of lids ; as if eyelids were short laterally, causing sensation as of a band pressing upon balls ; as of a large ball rising from a point about lower end of sternum to upper end of oesophagus ; as of a stone in abdomen ; as if bones were broken across instep ; as if sheets were damp ; as if cold air was blowing on her.
Pain : first in forehead, then in occiput ; over left hip ; above inner end of right eyebrow ; in eyeball ; in stomach ; in region of kidney passing around each side above hips to region of bladder, also downward from sacral region to gluteal, and from thence down back of thighs ; in back ; all over ; in small of back ; down under side of thighs to heels ; across top of feet.
Distracting, unbearable pain : in forehead and occiput.
Intense pain : throughout spinal column ; in eyeballs ; at point of exit of supraorbital nerve ; in forehead and through head.
Violent pain : in pit of stomach.
Severe pain : in forehead just above eyes ; in head ; across umbilicus.
Sharp pain : at apex of heart.
Great pain : in eyes.
Intense distress : in lower part of abdomen.
Throbbing : in temples ; in vertex.
Intense burning pain : in small of back and sacrum.
Burning pain : in urinary organs.
Cramps : in epigastric region.
Drawing pains with heat : across lower abdomen.
Aching pains : in wrists and ankles.
Sore pain : of head ; in throat.
Hard, pressive pain : at about fourth cervical vertebra.
Painful pressure : at root of nose.
Constant pain : in frontal region.
Soreness : of abdomen ; of chest.
Pressive bearing down : in ovarian region ; in pelvic region.
Pressure : around heart.
Heaviness : of head.
Heavy feeling : in forehead.
Dull sensation : over eyes.
Itching : of eruption on neck.
Perverted and deficient nutrition.
Loss of weight.
Dropsy. From organic heart disease ; from chronic liver complaint ; far advanced вright’s disease ; following intermittent fever.
Asthma ; emphysema ; pulmonary catarrh.
Obstinate neuralgia caused by derangement of abdominal organs, intestines and liver.
Fatty degeneration.
Diseases with faulty nutrition, in consequence of obscure subacute inflammation of stomach or intestines, followed by affections of the nervous centres.
External heat : does not better chilliness ; pain in eyeball.
Cold water : putting hands in, sudden suppression of menses.
As though a knife was cutting up and down through heart ; as if head would burst ; eyes feel as if full of little stones ; sensation in lids as of a narrow band drawn tightly across eyeball ; as of a cloud before eyes ; as if top of head was lifted off ; as if flesh was off bones of face, and edges were separated and sticking out ; as of a ball of pain in centre of forehead ; head as if growing externally ; objects appear as if tossed up from below in every direction ; pain in eyes as if from pressure of lids ; as if eyelids were short laterally, causing sensation as of a band pressing upon balls ; as of a large ball rising from a point about lower end of sternum to upper end of oesophagus ; as of a stone in abdomen ; as if bones were broken across instep ; as if sheets were damp ; as if cold air was blowing on her.
Pain : first in forehead, then in occiput ; over left hip ; above inner end of right eyebrow ; in eyeball ; in stomach ; in region of kidney passing around each side above hips to region of bladder, also downward from sacral region to gluteal, and from thence down back of thighs ; in back ; all over ; in small of back ; down under side of thighs to heels ; across top of feet.
Distracting, unbearable pain : in forehead and occiput.
Intense pain : throughout spinal column ; in eyeballs ; at point of exit of supraorbital nerve ; in forehead and through head.
Violent pain : in pit of stomach.
Severe pain : in forehead just above eyes ; in head ; across umbilicus.
Sharp pain : at apex of heart.
Great pain : in eyes.
Intense distress : in lower part of abdomen.
Throbbing : in temples ; in vertex.
Intense burning pain : in small of back and sacrum.
Burning pain : in urinary organs.
Cramps : in epigastric region.
Drawing pains with heat : across lower abdomen.
Aching pains : in wrists and ankles.
Sore pain : of head ; in throat.
Hard, pressive pain : at about fourth cervical vertebra.
Painful pressure : at root of nose.
Constant pain : in frontal region.
Soreness : of abdomen ; of chest.
Pressive bearing down : in ovarian region ; in pelvic region.
Pressure : around heart.
Heaviness : of head.
Heavy feeling : in forehead.
Dull sensation : over eyes.
Itching : of eruption on neck.
Perverted and deficient nutrition.
Loss of weight.
Dropsy. From organic heart disease ; from chronic liver complaint ; far advanced вright’s disease ; following intermittent fever.
Asthma ; emphysema ; pulmonary catarrh.
Obstinate neuralgia caused by derangement of abdominal organs, intestines and liver.
Fatty degeneration.
Diseases with faulty nutrition, in consequence of obscure subacute inflammation of stomach or intestines, followed by affections of the nervous centres.
Hot fever 9 P. M., continues until near morning, wakes in profuse sweat, which stains linen yellow difficult to wash out.
Hectic fever ; malignant typhoid.
Sensation as if the sheets were damp.
Periodical pain : in forehead.
Every half hour : profuse urination.
Sunset : pain in eyeball ceases.
Every eight days : attacks of sick headache.
Menstrual period : colic.
Right : tendency to fall to side ; pain in and above inner end of eyebrow ; head heavy, falls to side.
Left : pain over hip ; over eye ; flashes of heat in side of face ; sensation of weight and dragging in ovarian region.
From left to right : objects appear to move.
Hectic fever ; malignant typhoid.
Sensation as if the sheets were damp.
Periodical pain : in forehead.
Every half hour : profuse urination.
Sunset : pain in eyeball ceases.
Every eight days : attacks of sick headache.
Menstrual period : colic.
Right : tendency to fall to side ; pain in and above inner end of eyebrow ; head heavy, falls to side.
Left : pain over hip ; over eye ; flashes of heat in side of face ; sensation of weight and dragging in ovarian region.
From left to right : objects appear to move.
Тип пациента и конституция
Girl, at. 13, dark hair, sick headache ; sciatica.
Girl, at. 17, light hair, blue eyes, one to three attacks every week, suffering three years ; fainting spells.
Girl, at. 18 ; irregular menstruation.
Woman, had been in habit of taking ten or twelve enemas every day, and often passed four or five weeks without action of bowels, suffering fifteen years ; chronic constipation.
Woman, small, slender, nervo-bilious, mother of four children, attacks came at least once a month, and for last two years every Saturday, suffering sixteen years ; hemicrania.
Man at. 22, musician, strong, active ; chronic constipation.
Woman, at. 29, tall, thin, mother of two children, light hair and blue eyes, suffering from youth ; headache.
Woman, at. 30, nervo-sanguineous temperament, suffering two years ; headache.
Woman, at. 32, small sized, mother of four children, suffering seven years ; headache.
Woman, at. 40, attacks two or three times a week, lasting 12 to 24 hours, during which she is unable to do anything ; headache.
Woman, at. 40, has been for several years subject to continual, persistent constipation, better only by cathartics and enemas ; violent sick headaches.
Man, at. 49, at age of 21, fell from a roof and was carried home insensible, since then subject to spells, which, as he advanced in years, became more frequent, sometimes occurring every week ; headache.
Woman, at. 71, very stout, suffering for some years ; headache.
Girl, at. 17, light hair, blue eyes, one to three attacks every week, suffering three years ; fainting spells.
Girl, at. 18 ; irregular menstruation.
Woman, had been in habit of taking ten or twelve enemas every day, and often passed four or five weeks without action of bowels, suffering fifteen years ; chronic constipation.
Woman, small, slender, nervo-bilious, mother of four children, attacks came at least once a month, and for last two years every Saturday, suffering sixteen years ; hemicrania.
Man at. 22, musician, strong, active ; chronic constipation.
Woman, at. 29, tall, thin, mother of two children, light hair and blue eyes, suffering from youth ; headache.
Woman, at. 30, nervo-sanguineous temperament, suffering two years ; headache.
Woman, at. 32, small sized, mother of four children, suffering seven years ; headache.
Woman, at. 40, attacks two or three times a week, lasting 12 to 24 hours, during which she is unable to do anything ; headache.
Woman, at. 40, has been for several years subject to continual, persistent constipation, better only by cathartics and enemas ; violent sick headaches.
Man, at. 49, at age of 21, fell from a roof and was carried home insensible, since then subject to spells, which, as he advanced in years, became more frequent, sometimes occurring every week ; headache.
Woman, at. 71, very stout, suffering for some years ; headache.
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