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nux-m.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Nutmeg. Myristicacea.
The nutmeg tree is a native of the East and West Indies. The alcoholic tincture is prepared from the powdered dried root.
Introduced by Helbig. For history and list of provers and reports, covering a period of more than eight centuries, see Hering’s Monograph.
The nutmeg tree is a native of the East and West Indies. The alcoholic tincture is prepared from the powdered dried root.
Introduced by Helbig. For history and list of provers and reports, covering a period of more than eight centuries, see Hering’s Monograph.
- Affection of mind, Lorbacher, Analyt. Therap., vol. 1, p. 241 ; Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 13 ; Mental disorder, Sircar, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 32 ; Sensation of looseness in brain, etc., Drumm, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 32 ; Headache, Montgomery, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 33 ; Affection of head, Hahnemann, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 14 ; сonvulsive motions of head, Molin, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 15 ; Episcleritis, Mc-Guire, Norton’s Oph. Therap., p. 131 ; Affection of eyes, вerridge, Organon, vol. 1, p. 110 ; Toothache, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 207 ; Toothache and affection of stomach, Kallenbach, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 35 ; Gastralgia, Rummel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 642 ; Dyspepsia, Lippe, Hah. Mo., vol. 3, p. 513 ; Affection of liver, вowie, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1885, p. 184 ; Nervous irritation of digestive canal, Hahnemann, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 15 ; Irritation of intestinal canal, Hahnemann, Anal. Therap., vol. 1, p. 109 ; сolic, Hannes, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 67 ; Thompkins, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 356 ; Pelvic congestion, Morgan, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 36 ; Worm troubles, Hannes, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 67 ; Renal colic, Haubold, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 217 ; Suppressed menses, Lippe, Hah. Mo., vol. 3, p. 531 ; Houghton, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 36 ; Lorbacher, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 157 ; Menostasia, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 237 ; Disorders of pregnancy, Lindsay, Organon, vol. 1, p. 471 ; Morgan, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 78 ; Abortion, Lilienthal, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 95 ; Undeveloped speech, Minton, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 107 ; сough, Malcom, Times Retros., 1876, p. 83 ; Affection of chest, Hannes, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 67 ; Sciatica, сurtis, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 74 ; Hysteria (3 cases), Molin, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 287 ; Hysteria with strangury, Williamson, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1873 ; Drowsiness, Farrington, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 91 ; Attacks of somnolency, Lorbacher, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 34 ; Intermittent fever, Griggs, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 236 ; сustis, T. A. J. H., 1880, p. 229 ; Typhoid fever, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 281 ; сough, etc., during scarlet fever, Hannes, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 66 ; Hemorrhage during typhoid, Preston, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 318 ; Rheumatism, Lippe, Hah. Mo., vol. 3, p. 531.
Psyche and consciousness
Stupor and insensibility ; unconquerable sleep.
Unconsciousness : after mental excitement ; especially just before menses ; thoughts vanish with fainting ; seemingly to her of a half hour’s duration, but really only momentary.
Vanishing of thoughts while talking, reading or writing.
Gradual vanishing of thoughts while reading, ends in falling asleep.
Weakness or loss of memory.
Never accomplishes what he undertakes, but remains standing in one place, absent-minded ; appears quite changed to his companions.
Listless and indifferent ; would go out in the night and not return till searched out and brought back ; he was disposed to talk, to laugh and sing songs. θ Mental disorders.
Awakening as from complete absence of mind, does not know where he is nor what to answer.
Difficult comprehension.
Sluggish flow of ideas.
Gives answers which have not the least reference to questions put to him.
Great incoherency on attempting to express her ideas.
Uses wrong words, during headache.
While writing he omitted letters, wrote in different alphabets against his will, and changed from one subject to another.
Surroundings seemed changed ; fanciful, dreamy images ; does not recognize the known street.
The outer world had no existence for her ; automatically she attended to her household duties, and on awaking from this condition she had not the slightest recollection of what she had done ; if forcibly aroused she fell into violent convulsions ; if unmolested she would usually, after finishing her work, go to bed and fall into a quiet sleep, from which she awoke after forty-eight hours, invigorated and unconscious of what had happened.
Short time seems very long to her.
Delirium, violent vertigo, strange gestures, loud, improper talk, sleeplessness.
Senselessness, intoxicated condition, with absence of mind.
Delirium tremens, slowness of senses, imaginary fancies ; awakens and knows not where he is ; laughter with stupid expression.
Inclination to laugh at everything, more in open air.
Fitful mood, changing from deepest sorrow to most frolicsome behavior ; now grave, now gay.
Fickle ; irresolute and wavering in his undertakings.
Aware of danger, but no apprehension.
Had no power to resist being led anywhere, in evening.
As if drunk and sleepy ; drunken feeling in head ; drunken appearance.
After overtaxed mental powers : gastric complaints ; nervous irritation of intestinal canal ; hysteria.
The least exertion or mental excitement brought on somnolency.
Fright : causing trembling of heart, fear and sadness.
Dulness of head, especially of forehead.
Muddledness and vanishing of thoughts ; when rousing himself forcibly, he has to collect his thoughts.
Seemed intoxicated the whole day.
Hysteria. Exhausted from least effort ; after intermittent ; after typhus abdominalis ; with disturbance in sexual functions ; with strangury ; catamenia too late and scanty, with sensation in sacral region as if a stick of wood was lying across, with headache, weariness, pressure in stomach, water running from mouth, and pain in liver ; blood from vagina thicker and darker ; leucorrhoea at right time of catamenia ; cardiac ; palpitation with fainting and insensibility ; with quickly changing mood, great sleepiness and disposition to faint ; with globus hystericus.
Hysterical headache, with weakness, fainting, tetanic spasms.
Constant sleepiness ; skin cool and sensitive to exposure ; oppression of pit of stomach to chest, slow rattling breathing ; least exertion causes great weakness and sleepiness ; diarrhoea. θ Shock from injuries.
Progressive locomotor ataxy, if disease was occasioned by exposure to cold and wet and in rheumatic subjects.
Unconsciousness : after mental excitement ; especially just before menses ; thoughts vanish with fainting ; seemingly to her of a half hour’s duration, but really only momentary.
Vanishing of thoughts while talking, reading or writing.
Gradual vanishing of thoughts while reading, ends in falling asleep.
Weakness or loss of memory.
Never accomplishes what he undertakes, but remains standing in one place, absent-minded ; appears quite changed to his companions.
Listless and indifferent ; would go out in the night and not return till searched out and brought back ; he was disposed to talk, to laugh and sing songs. θ Mental disorders.
Awakening as from complete absence of mind, does not know where he is nor what to answer.
Difficult comprehension.
Sluggish flow of ideas.
Gives answers which have not the least reference to questions put to him.
Great incoherency on attempting to express her ideas.
Uses wrong words, during headache.
While writing he omitted letters, wrote in different alphabets against his will, and changed from one subject to another.
Surroundings seemed changed ; fanciful, dreamy images ; does not recognize the known street.
The outer world had no existence for her ; automatically she attended to her household duties, and on awaking from this condition she had not the slightest recollection of what she had done ; if forcibly aroused she fell into violent convulsions ; if unmolested she would usually, after finishing her work, go to bed and fall into a quiet sleep, from which she awoke after forty-eight hours, invigorated and unconscious of what had happened.
Short time seems very long to her.
Delirium, violent vertigo, strange gestures, loud, improper talk, sleeplessness.
Senselessness, intoxicated condition, with absence of mind.
Delirium tremens, slowness of senses, imaginary fancies ; awakens and knows not where he is ; laughter with stupid expression.
Inclination to laugh at everything, more in open air.
Fitful mood, changing from deepest sorrow to most frolicsome behavior ; now grave, now gay.
Fickle ; irresolute and wavering in his undertakings.
Aware of danger, but no apprehension.
Had no power to resist being led anywhere, in evening.
As if drunk and sleepy ; drunken feeling in head ; drunken appearance.
After overtaxed mental powers : gastric complaints ; nervous irritation of intestinal canal ; hysteria.
The least exertion or mental excitement brought on somnolency.
Fright : causing trembling of heart, fear and sadness.
Dulness of head, especially of forehead.
Muddledness and vanishing of thoughts ; when rousing himself forcibly, he has to collect his thoughts.
Seemed intoxicated the whole day.
Hysteria. Exhausted from least effort ; after intermittent ; after typhus abdominalis ; with disturbance in sexual functions ; with strangury ; catamenia too late and scanty, with sensation in sacral region as if a stick of wood was lying across, with headache, weariness, pressure in stomach, water running from mouth, and pain in liver ; blood from vagina thicker and darker ; leucorrhoea at right time of catamenia ; cardiac ; palpitation with fainting and insensibility ; with quickly changing mood, great sleepiness and disposition to faint ; with globus hystericus.
Hysterical headache, with weakness, fainting, tetanic spasms.
Constant sleepiness ; skin cool and sensitive to exposure ; oppression of pit of stomach to chest, slow rattling breathing ; least exertion causes great weakness and sleepiness ; diarrhoea. θ Shock from injuries.
Progressive locomotor ataxy, if disease was occasioned by exposure to cold and wet and in rheumatic subjects.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : as if drunk, staggering ; with headache and nausea ; with lightness and emptiness of head ; reeling when walking in open air ; swimming in head ; weak, limbs numb, feels as if floating in air.
Giddy, with pressing heaviness, most in forehead.
Apoplexy ; nervous affections of brain.
Forehead : dull ; feels as large again, as if pushed out ; pressing heaviness ; expansion ; beating ; heat.
Pain especially in temples ; on shaking head, wabbling as if brain struck against sides of head ; temples sensitive to touch, his head felt hot.
In temples. Aching ; tearing.
Headache after breakfast, with sleepiness ; region of temples very sensitive to pressure ; whole brain feels loose ; better from heat ; worse from damp cold, loud talking unawares ; drowsiness, with bewildered sensation from waking up.
Boring and heat over and in left eye ; heat on top of head and pain in occiput ; pressure on head better pain ; tongue coated yellow.
Heat and pressure on top of head ; pain over right eye, with sleepiness.
Sensation as if all vessels were pulsating, particularly on head, a throbbing pressing pain confined to small spots, principally to left supraorbital ridge.
Very violent, constricting, burning, stinging pains over r. eye, with redness of face, compression of lips and jaws ; when attacks are most violent, unconsciousness, with immobility of left leg ; face swelled ; speech lost, also consciousness ; continually moving his hand to painful place ; head convulsively drawn from one side to the other, distorts his face.
Pain, driving asunder, pressing and stinging in occiput ; worse by stepping from room into open air, still more in morning and mostly on stooping ; better from sitting and walking ; with it a tardy stool, disturbed sleep with many dreams ; sore spots remaining where eruption was. θ Sequel to varicella.
Severe tearing in occiput, towards nape of neck.
Painless throbbing in head ; she is afraid to go to sleep.
Pulsation of arteries and daily headache.
Head felt full and expanded, but without pain.
Pressure from within out ; as if head would burst.
Soreness in head ; throbbing ; stinging ; expansion.
Congestive headache, during catamenia.
Headache from inward heat, with burning.
Sensation of looseness of brain when moving head or walking, better during cold weather and when sitting still ; worse during hot weather ; dryness of eyes so great that she could not shut them, with greenish blue rings around them ; menstruation irregular, one time too early and copious, the next too late and scanty ; hands and feet icy cold constantly ; tongue coated yellowish and dotted with red pimples ; dryness in throat ; alternately hard and soft stools.
Headache : with drowsiness ; from overtaxing mind ; after breakfast ; from disordered stomach ; from eating a little too much ; with nausea and vomiting ; from drinking wine ; of drunkards ; before menses ; from riding in a carriage ; from water (and washing), or after getting wet in cold weather ; from change in weather ; after suppressed eruptions ; drawing from place to place ; going from left to right ; pain appears to be congestive ; soreness ; pressure ; sensation as if head would burst ; seat of pain is not deep in brain, but immediately under cranial bones ; better when at rest, worse from motion, stooping and shaking head ; feels her memory growing weaker.
Apoplexy ; softening or paralysis of brain.
Sensitiveness of head as from soreness, especially sensitive to slightest touch, in a draft of air (wind), worse in cold and from lying down ; better from hard pressure and from external heat. θ Nervous headache.
Moves head convulsively from side to side, distorts his face during attack of headache.
Convulsive motion of head from before backward, in such a manner that talking and swallowing are almost impossible ; severe tearing pains in occiput towards nape of neck ; face puffed and feet oedematous.
Head seemed bulky and rolled around almost uncontrollably, being obliged to bring to its support one or both hands while sitting at a table.
Could not bear to have her head raised from pillow, on account of deathly sickness produced thereby.
Complaints aggravated by shaking head.
Temples sensitive to touch and from lying on them ; worse in wet, cold weather ; better from warmth.
Head drops forward while sitting.
Worse from shaking head.
Worse from light, from exerting vision ; better in dark.
Objects : look larger ; too close together ; very distant ; oblique ; vanish ; red ; seem to float before vision.
Motes before eyes.
Momentary blindness ; grasps head, it feels so strangely.
Pupils dilated and immovable or contracted, with sensation of fulness in eyes.
On being aroused she looked up, with eyes blinking as if bewildered. θ During pregnancy.
Sensation as though she had been crying ; in evening.
Sensation of fulness in eyes, with contracted pupils.
Dryness of eyes ; too dry to close lids.
Lids heavy, stiff ; feels sick, faint.
Tension around eyes and in lids.
Drooping eyelids.
Pterygium over cornea.
Episcleritis, involving both eyes ; nodule over each external rectus, very large and painful.
Blue rings around eyes.
Oversensitiveness of hearing.
Buzzing or ringing in ears ; as if stopped up.
Tearing or stitches in ears ; stitches in left ear, worse moving jaw.
Pain in eustachian tube as from a foreign body ; before wind and rain.
Oversensitiveness of smell ; loss of smell.
Sneezing ; nose dry, stopped up, must breathe with mouth open.
Catarrh, worse in cold, damp weather.
Nosebleed, blood usually dark, black.
Foolish, childish, stupid, sleepy, debauched expression.
Agonized expression when recovering from a fainting fit.
Looks thin ; suffering expression ; blue around eyes ; deathly pale, worse in damp air.
Eyes dull, heavy looking ; distressed look.
Face : pale ; hot ; puffed ; spotted ; freckled.
Burning, constricting, stinging over right eye ; face red, swollen ; lips and jaw compressed ; speech difficult.
Sensation of swelling of left cheek, with pricking as from electric sparks.
Compression of jaws.
Cannot close jaws ; as if paralyzed.
Lips. Swollen and sticking together ; burning.
Drawing mouth awry ; creeping.
Pustules with broad red borders on chin.
Giddy, with pressing heaviness, most in forehead.
Apoplexy ; nervous affections of brain.
Forehead : dull ; feels as large again, as if pushed out ; pressing heaviness ; expansion ; beating ; heat.
Pain especially in temples ; on shaking head, wabbling as if brain struck against sides of head ; temples sensitive to touch, his head felt hot.
In temples. Aching ; tearing.
Headache after breakfast, with sleepiness ; region of temples very sensitive to pressure ; whole brain feels loose ; better from heat ; worse from damp cold, loud talking unawares ; drowsiness, with bewildered sensation from waking up.
Boring and heat over and in left eye ; heat on top of head and pain in occiput ; pressure on head better pain ; tongue coated yellow.
Heat and pressure on top of head ; pain over right eye, with sleepiness.
Sensation as if all vessels were pulsating, particularly on head, a throbbing pressing pain confined to small spots, principally to left supraorbital ridge.
Very violent, constricting, burning, stinging pains over r. eye, with redness of face, compression of lips and jaws ; when attacks are most violent, unconsciousness, with immobility of left leg ; face swelled ; speech lost, also consciousness ; continually moving his hand to painful place ; head convulsively drawn from one side to the other, distorts his face.
Pain, driving asunder, pressing and stinging in occiput ; worse by stepping from room into open air, still more in morning and mostly on stooping ; better from sitting and walking ; with it a tardy stool, disturbed sleep with many dreams ; sore spots remaining where eruption was. θ Sequel to varicella.
Severe tearing in occiput, towards nape of neck.
Painless throbbing in head ; she is afraid to go to sleep.
Pulsation of arteries and daily headache.
Head felt full and expanded, but without pain.
Pressure from within out ; as if head would burst.
Soreness in head ; throbbing ; stinging ; expansion.
Congestive headache, during catamenia.
Headache from inward heat, with burning.
Sensation of looseness of brain when moving head or walking, better during cold weather and when sitting still ; worse during hot weather ; dryness of eyes so great that she could not shut them, with greenish blue rings around them ; menstruation irregular, one time too early and copious, the next too late and scanty ; hands and feet icy cold constantly ; tongue coated yellowish and dotted with red pimples ; dryness in throat ; alternately hard and soft stools.
Headache : with drowsiness ; from overtaxing mind ; after breakfast ; from disordered stomach ; from eating a little too much ; with nausea and vomiting ; from drinking wine ; of drunkards ; before menses ; from riding in a carriage ; from water (and washing), or after getting wet in cold weather ; from change in weather ; after suppressed eruptions ; drawing from place to place ; going from left to right ; pain appears to be congestive ; soreness ; pressure ; sensation as if head would burst ; seat of pain is not deep in brain, but immediately under cranial bones ; better when at rest, worse from motion, stooping and shaking head ; feels her memory growing weaker.
Apoplexy ; softening or paralysis of brain.
Sensitiveness of head as from soreness, especially sensitive to slightest touch, in a draft of air (wind), worse in cold and from lying down ; better from hard pressure and from external heat. θ Nervous headache.
Moves head convulsively from side to side, distorts his face during attack of headache.
Convulsive motion of head from before backward, in such a manner that talking and swallowing are almost impossible ; severe tearing pains in occiput towards nape of neck ; face puffed and feet oedematous.
Head seemed bulky and rolled around almost uncontrollably, being obliged to bring to its support one or both hands while sitting at a table.
Could not bear to have her head raised from pillow, on account of deathly sickness produced thereby.
Complaints aggravated by shaking head.
Temples sensitive to touch and from lying on them ; worse in wet, cold weather ; better from warmth.
Head drops forward while sitting.
Worse from shaking head.
Worse from light, from exerting vision ; better in dark.
Objects : look larger ; too close together ; very distant ; oblique ; vanish ; red ; seem to float before vision.
Motes before eyes.
Momentary blindness ; grasps head, it feels so strangely.
Pupils dilated and immovable or contracted, with sensation of fulness in eyes.
On being aroused she looked up, with eyes blinking as if bewildered. θ During pregnancy.
Sensation as though she had been crying ; in evening.
Sensation of fulness in eyes, with contracted pupils.
Dryness of eyes ; too dry to close lids.
Lids heavy, stiff ; feels sick, faint.
Tension around eyes and in lids.
Drooping eyelids.
Pterygium over cornea.
Episcleritis, involving both eyes ; nodule over each external rectus, very large and painful.
Blue rings around eyes.
Oversensitiveness of hearing.
Buzzing or ringing in ears ; as if stopped up.
Tearing or stitches in ears ; stitches in left ear, worse moving jaw.
Pain in eustachian tube as from a foreign body ; before wind and rain.
Oversensitiveness of smell ; loss of smell.
Sneezing ; nose dry, stopped up, must breathe with mouth open.
Catarrh, worse in cold, damp weather.
Nosebleed, blood usually dark, black.
Foolish, childish, stupid, sleepy, debauched expression.
Agonized expression when recovering from a fainting fit.
Looks thin ; suffering expression ; blue around eyes ; deathly pale, worse in damp air.
Eyes dull, heavy looking ; distressed look.
Face : pale ; hot ; puffed ; spotted ; freckled.
Burning, constricting, stinging over right eye ; face red, swollen ; lips and jaw compressed ; speech difficult.
Sensation of swelling of left cheek, with pricking as from electric sparks.
Compression of jaws.
Cannot close jaws ; as if paralyzed.
Lips. Swollen and sticking together ; burning.
Drawing mouth awry ; creeping.
Pustules with broad red borders on chin.
Mouth and throat
Severe throbbing pain in hollow molar tooth, next to last, in upper jaw, pain extends to neighboring teeth and ear ; aphtha on soft palate ; worse from cold, better from warmth. θ Toothache.
Pain in front teeth during pregnancy ; stinging, tearing ; worse during cold, damp weather, from washing ; from touch or sucking teeth ; better from warmth.
Nightly tearing in teeth ; she cannot close jaws ; they are as if paralyzed.
Painfulness of teeth while eating.
Toothache and pain in nape of neck, from damp, cold night air ; it presses as if teeth were held in a grip.
Teeth seem to be loose.
Gums bleed ; scurvy.
No taste ; victuals taste like sawdust.
In morning taste on tongue, as after having been tipsy.
Tongue : paralyzed ; child, though old enough, cannot talk, as if it were difficult to move tongue ; dry, feels as if gone to sleep or leather-covered ; dry at night or on awaking ; coated white or yellowish, dotted with red papilla ; at night, dry, as if it would fall into powder ; sticks to roof of mouth ; great complaint of its dryness, in reality not very dry.
Mouth and tongue pasty and dry.
Mouth so dry that tongue sticks to roof, yet no thirst ; in evening.
Greatly troubled with dryness in mouth and throat while sleeping, always awakes with a very dry tongue, but without thirst.
Great dryness in mouth and throat, with violent thirst.
Saliva lessened ; feels like cotton in the mouth.
Saliva running together ; waterbrash before menses.
Bad smell from mouth ; tongue white.
Aphtha of children.
Dryness of lips, palate and velum palati.
Difficult swallowing, from paralysis of muscles of deglutition.
Dryness in throat posteriorly ; it feels stiffened ; no thirst.
Scratching down throat : when swallowing ; causes cough.
Sensation as if a piece of bacon were in throat.
Pain along eustachian tube as from a foreign body lodged there ; before a shower.
Sore throat, hoarseness, scratching, dryness.
Girl, at. 2, with apparently perfectly developed vocal organs, was unable to talk or even lisp baby-talk ; there seemed to be a constriction somewhere about vocal organs.
Hysterical aphonia, with gastro-intestinal and cardiac derangements.
Hoarseness worse from walking against wind.
Hysterical affections of air passages.
Catarrh and rawness of trachea from taking cold.
Pain in front teeth during pregnancy ; stinging, tearing ; worse during cold, damp weather, from washing ; from touch or sucking teeth ; better from warmth.
Nightly tearing in teeth ; she cannot close jaws ; they are as if paralyzed.
Painfulness of teeth while eating.
Toothache and pain in nape of neck, from damp, cold night air ; it presses as if teeth were held in a grip.
Teeth seem to be loose.
Gums bleed ; scurvy.
No taste ; victuals taste like sawdust.
In morning taste on tongue, as after having been tipsy.
Tongue : paralyzed ; child, though old enough, cannot talk, as if it were difficult to move tongue ; dry, feels as if gone to sleep or leather-covered ; dry at night or on awaking ; coated white or yellowish, dotted with red papilla ; at night, dry, as if it would fall into powder ; sticks to roof of mouth ; great complaint of its dryness, in reality not very dry.
Mouth and tongue pasty and dry.
Mouth so dry that tongue sticks to roof, yet no thirst ; in evening.
Greatly troubled with dryness in mouth and throat while sleeping, always awakes with a very dry tongue, but without thirst.
Great dryness in mouth and throat, with violent thirst.
Saliva lessened ; feels like cotton in the mouth.
Saliva running together ; waterbrash before menses.
Bad smell from mouth ; tongue white.
Aphtha of children.
Dryness of lips, palate and velum palati.
Difficult swallowing, from paralysis of muscles of deglutition.
Dryness in throat posteriorly ; it feels stiffened ; no thirst.
Scratching down throat : when swallowing ; causes cough.
Sensation as if a piece of bacon were in throat.
Pain along eustachian tube as from a foreign body lodged there ; before a shower.
Sore throat, hoarseness, scratching, dryness.
Girl, at. 2, with apparently perfectly developed vocal organs, was unable to talk or even lisp baby-talk ; there seemed to be a constriction somewhere about vocal organs.
Hysterical aphonia, with gastro-intestinal and cardiac derangements.
Hoarseness worse from walking against wind.
Hysterical affections of air passages.
Catarrh and rawness of trachea from taking cold.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste. Earthy ; foul ; chalky ; bitter ; slimy ; sour ; as after salted food.
Speech rather difficult ; could not articulate distinctly ; tongue rolled in mouth like one intoxicated ; tongue felt numb.
Craving hunger or loss of appetite after a few mouthfuls.
No thirst, with dry mouth.
While eating, soon satisfied.
Eating a little too much causes headache.
After eating : toothache ; eructations ; pain in stomach ; increased pressure and distended abdomen ; want of breath ; cough loose ; lassitude.
After breakfast : colic.
After dinner : cramp in stomach ; stomach and abdomen distended ; painful urination ; drowsy.
After supper : painful urination.
After drinking : pain in abdomen ; dry cough.
Cold drink causes colic.
After drinking beer, increased pressure in stomach ; strangury.
Brandy had a kind of electrifying effect from roof of mouth downward in a straight line to feet.
Complaints worse after alcohol.
Milk causes diarrhoea ; yeasty beer strangury.
Speech rather difficult ; could not articulate distinctly ; tongue rolled in mouth like one intoxicated ; tongue felt numb.
Craving hunger or loss of appetite after a few mouthfuls.
No thirst, with dry mouth.
While eating, soon satisfied.
Eating a little too much causes headache.
After eating : toothache ; eructations ; pain in stomach ; increased pressure and distended abdomen ; want of breath ; cough loose ; lassitude.
After breakfast : colic.
After dinner : cramp in stomach ; stomach and abdomen distended ; painful urination ; drowsy.
After supper : painful urination.
After drinking : pain in abdomen ; dry cough.
Cold drink causes colic.
After drinking beer, increased pressure in stomach ; strangury.
Brandy had a kind of electrifying effect from roof of mouth downward in a straight line to feet.
Complaints worse after alcohol.
Milk causes diarrhoea ; yeasty beer strangury.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea and waterbrash : with inclination to sleep ; while riding in a carriage ; during pregnancy.
Vomiting : spasmodic ; during pregnancy ; from irritation of pessaries ; and acid stomach ; flatulence.
Pressure in pit of stomach, as from incarcerated wind.
From pit of stomach : dyspnoea ; crawling to throat.
Scrobiculum painful to touch.
Oppression from pit of stomach to chest. θ Shock of injury.
Turning in stomach, with some nausea.
Pressure in stomach. With running of water from mouth (in hysteria) ; before catamenia.
Fulness in stomach : impeding breathing ; during pregnancy.
Distended stomach and abdomen : with sensation of warmth ; after a meal ; from least contradiction.
Feeling as though food formed itself into lumps with hard surfaces and angles, which caused soreness in stomach.
Heat and burning in stomach.
Weak digestion especially in the aged.
Irritation of stomach, from overtaxed mental powers.
Atony of digestion ; gastric catarrh with flatulent swelling ; voraciousness or loss of appetite ; twisting pains below stomach, as from colic ; severe pain in precordia, with vomiting ; wants to eat after taking a meal, but feels uncomfortable and tired ; scratching eructations as from rancid oil ; arthritic and hysteric gastralgia.
Flatulent dyspepsia ; everything turns to wind ; great bloating of stomach, oppressing heart and lungs, and causing pain behind sternum ; only highly seasoned food can be digested ; especially in nervous subjects, hysterical and pregnant women ; unpleasant mental emotions will bring on flatulence.
Dyspeptic symptoms come on while patient is still at table.
Retrocession of gout to stomach.
Diaphragmitis ; oppression of chest, like a pressive load, dry cough, loss of breath ; from getting wet.
Thinks his liver is affected and that he will have to go to bed ; very sleepy and drowsy in daytime ; limbs feel numb ; no appetite ; tongue very dry ; much wind collects in stomach ; is very weak ; vertigo when walking.
Liver-grown children.
Enlarged liver ; bloody stools ; weight about liver ; pressure as from a sharp body or stones ; swollen feeling.
Chronic enlargement of liver, and particularly spleen, after tedious intermittent.
Spasmodic pain from right to left hypochondrium, then in a circle in lower part of abdomen, followed by diarrhoea.
Enlarged spleen ; loose bowels.
Stitches in spleen ; must bend double.
Abdomen enormously distended ; after a meal.
Weight in upper part of abdomen ; lower part tense.
Moving about in abdomen, as though colic would occur.
Colic-like attacks in children, with transient paleness of face, lassitude, sleepiness and faintness.
Cutting, pinching in epigastrium and navel.
Colic : immediately after eating and worse after drinking ; during day, with dry mouth and thirstlessness ; great sensitiveness to pressure, much bloating of abdomen ; better from hot wet cloths ; from incarcerated flatus ; in childbed ; with pain in chest.
Marked irritation of intestinal canal, after extreme mental exertion ; enormous distension of stomach and abdomen ; worse after dinner and from slightest mental emotion.
Cutting, pinching about navel, better from pressure ; flatulency, diarrhoea.
Sore ulcerated navel.
Umbilical hernia.
Bearing down pain in abdomen ; drawing in limbs.
Crampy, forcing down pains in bowels and anus.
Sensation of lump in lower abdomen. θ Uterine disease.
Abdomen tender, in pregnancy.
Stool : soft, but difficult to pass ; rectum inactive ; slow ; thin, yellow, like beaten or stirred eggs ; undigested ; or like chopped eggs, with loss of appetite and great sleepiness, in Summer with children ; slimy, with slimy taste in mouth and great drowsiness from drinking too much water ; profuse, watery, in cool, damp weather ; exhausting, thin, yellow, soaking into diaper (dentition) ; bloody in putrid typhus.
Constipation. From inactivity of bowels ; in women who are disposed to faint or who bolt their food ; with oppression ; with debility ; alternating with diarrhoea.
Urging to stool as if a diarrhoea would set in.
Diarrhoea. With loss of appetite and great sleepiness ; with indomitable disposition to sleep ; stools offensive, copious, worse at night ; with disposition to faint ; chronic ; rheumatic ; in Summer of the worst kind from cold drinks ; after boiled milk ; from debility or from getting cold ; with collapse, particularly in typhoid ; during approach of cholera ; epidemic in the Fall, discharges white, of exceedingly bad smell, want of appetite, but frequent thirst.
Chronic diarrhoea during pregnancy, with fainting and unusual sluggish flow of ideas ; it takes her a long time to answer any simple question.
Epidemic cholera ; dysentery.
Hemorrhage from bowels during typhus ; patient reduced to verge of grave.
Worm affections in children, with sleepiness and cutting bellyache.
Passing of fetid flatus. θ Typhoid fever.
Protrusion of piles.
Before stool : cutting.
During stool : urging ; stitches in anus ; acrid feeling in rectum ; painful constriction in anus and rectum ; pressing in hypogastrium ; distended feeling ; sleepiness.
After stool : acrid feeling in anus ; sensation as if more stool would pass ; drowsiness ; painful constriction in anus and rectum.
Nausea and waterbrash : with inclination to sleep ; while riding in a carriage ; during pregnancy.
Vomiting : spasmodic ; during pregnancy ; from irritation of pessaries ; and acid stomach ; flatulence.
Pressure in pit of stomach, as from incarcerated wind.
From pit of stomach : dyspnoea ; crawling to throat.
Scrobiculum painful to touch.
Oppression from pit of stomach to chest. θ Shock of injury.
Turning in stomach, with some nausea.
Pressure in stomach. With running of water from mouth (in hysteria) ; before catamenia.
Fulness in stomach : impeding breathing ; during pregnancy.
Distended stomach and abdomen : with sensation of warmth ; after a meal ; from least contradiction.
Feeling as though food formed itself into lumps with hard surfaces and angles, which caused soreness in stomach.
Heat and burning in stomach.
Weak digestion especially in the aged.
Irritation of stomach, from overtaxed mental powers.
Atony of digestion ; gastric catarrh with flatulent swelling ; voraciousness or loss of appetite ; twisting pains below stomach, as from colic ; severe pain in precordia, with vomiting ; wants to eat after taking a meal, but feels uncomfortable and tired ; scratching eructations as from rancid oil ; arthritic and hysteric gastralgia.
Flatulent dyspepsia ; everything turns to wind ; great bloating of stomach, oppressing heart and lungs, and causing pain behind sternum ; only highly seasoned food can be digested ; especially in nervous subjects, hysterical and pregnant women ; unpleasant mental emotions will bring on flatulence.
Dyspeptic symptoms come on while patient is still at table.
Retrocession of gout to stomach.
Diaphragmitis ; oppression of chest, like a pressive load, dry cough, loss of breath ; from getting wet.
Thinks his liver is affected and that he will have to go to bed ; very sleepy and drowsy in daytime ; limbs feel numb ; no appetite ; tongue very dry ; much wind collects in stomach ; is very weak ; vertigo when walking.
Liver-grown children.
Enlarged liver ; bloody stools ; weight about liver ; pressure as from a sharp body or stones ; swollen feeling.
Chronic enlargement of liver, and particularly spleen, after tedious intermittent.
Spasmodic pain from right to left hypochondrium, then in a circle in lower part of abdomen, followed by diarrhoea.
Enlarged spleen ; loose bowels.
Stitches in spleen ; must bend double.
Abdomen enormously distended ; after a meal.
Weight in upper part of abdomen ; lower part tense.
Moving about in abdomen, as though colic would occur.
Colic-like attacks in children, with transient paleness of face, lassitude, sleepiness and faintness.
Cutting, pinching in epigastrium and navel.
Colic : immediately after eating and worse after drinking ; during day, with dry mouth and thirstlessness ; great sensitiveness to pressure, much bloating of abdomen ; better from hot wet cloths ; from incarcerated flatus ; in childbed ; with pain in chest.
Marked irritation of intestinal canal, after extreme mental exertion ; enormous distension of stomach and abdomen ; worse after dinner and from slightest mental emotion.
Cutting, pinching about navel, better from pressure ; flatulency, diarrhoea.
Sore ulcerated navel.
Umbilical hernia.
Bearing down pain in abdomen ; drawing in limbs.
Crampy, forcing down pains in bowels and anus.
Sensation of lump in lower abdomen. θ Uterine disease.
Abdomen tender, in pregnancy.
Stool : soft, but difficult to pass ; rectum inactive ; slow ; thin, yellow, like beaten or stirred eggs ; undigested ; or like chopped eggs, with loss of appetite and great sleepiness, in Summer with children ; slimy, with slimy taste in mouth and great drowsiness from drinking too much water ; profuse, watery, in cool, damp weather ; exhausting, thin, yellow, soaking into diaper (dentition) ; bloody in putrid typhus.
Constipation. From inactivity of bowels ; in women who are disposed to faint or who bolt their food ; with oppression ; with debility ; alternating with diarrhoea.
Urging to stool as if a diarrhoea would set in.
Diarrhoea. With loss of appetite and great sleepiness ; with indomitable disposition to sleep ; stools offensive, copious, worse at night ; with disposition to faint ; chronic ; rheumatic ; in Summer of the worst kind from cold drinks ; after boiled milk ; from debility or from getting cold ; with collapse, particularly in typhoid ; during approach of cholera ; epidemic in the Fall, discharges white, of exceedingly bad smell, want of appetite, but frequent thirst.
Chronic diarrhoea during pregnancy, with fainting and unusual sluggish flow of ideas ; it takes her a long time to answer any simple question.
Epidemic cholera ; dysentery.
Hemorrhage from bowels during typhus ; patient reduced to verge of grave.
Worm affections in children, with sleepiness and cutting bellyache.
Passing of fetid flatus. θ Typhoid fever.
Protrusion of piles.
Before stool : cutting.
During stool : urging ; stitches in anus ; acrid feeling in rectum ; painful constriction in anus and rectum ; pressing in hypogastrium ; distended feeling ; sleepiness.
After stool : acrid feeling in anus ; sensation as if more stool would pass ; drowsiness ; painful constriction in anus and rectum.
Urogenital system
Renal colic and discharge of calculi.
Tenesmus of bladder.
Pain from stone in bladder.
Incontinence of urine.
Urging at night, with scanty emission.
Urine. Scanty and high colored.
Burning, cutting in urethra when passing water.
Inclined to coitus, but genitals are relaxed.
Seminal emissions.
Spasmodic labor-like pains.
Flatulent distension of uterus.
Uterus displaced ; mouth and throat dry ; sleepy, faint ; abdomen enormously distended after a meal ; pressure in back outward.
Sensation of a lump in left lower abdomen ; anteversion.
Relieves pain and vomiting caused by pessaries.
Prolapsus uteri et vagina ; sterility ; leucorrhoea.
Loud talking and bewildered manner, drowsiness ; moist skin with coldness. θ Pelvic congestion.
Menorrhagia ; blood thick and dark, with such as have had catamenia very irregularly.
Metrorrhagia : bearing down in abdomen and drawing in legs ; drowsiness and fainting ; blood thick and dark ; threatening abortion.
Menses too early and profuse, with an intolerable dryness of mouth, tongue and throat ; excessive disposition to laugh, particularly in open air. θ Menorrhagia.
Violent pains low down in back, with debility, pressure in stomach, waterbrash, pain in liver, all preceding the flow, which is thick and black ; objects appear too distant and grow larger on looking at them ; dry mouth and tongue on awakening ; slowness of ideas ; dulness of senses ; absentmindedness. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Hysterical women who suffer at their menstrual periods ; subject to dental neuralgias ; sleepy most of time ; sleep at night does not rest them sufficiently. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
During menses : great pressure in back from within outward, abdominal bearing down and drawing into limbs ; lassitude, headache, pressing in stomach, with running of water from mouth ; pain in liver ; straining in hypogastrium and drawing pain in limbs ; great irritation of pelvic viscera ; ovaries and uterus swollen and sensitive to pressure.
Menses preceded by pain in small of back, as if a piece of wood, stretched across there, were pressing from within outward. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
At the time when menses ought to appear, violent congestions to chest and neck ; felt as if head would burst and heart would be squeezed off ; violent stitches as if a knife were plunged into chest and head ; frequently unconsciousness and epileptic convulsions ; was bled once a month, which made her so weak that she could scarcely attend to household duties ; after mental excitement, especially a short time before catamenia, vertigo, vanishing of thoughts and fainting, from which she recovered in a few moments, without, however, being fully conscious ; the outer world had no existence for her ; automatically she attended to her household duties, and on awakening from this condition she had not the slightest recollection of what she had done ; if forcibly aroused she had violent convulsions ; at times she was in a clairvoyant state and answered questions correctly entirely out of her sphere ; on returning to consciousness she was perfectly ignorant of what she had said ; pulse small and weak ; slight nun’s murmur in carotid ; general lassitude ; tired feeling in knees as from a long journey ; great sleepiness, with dizziness as if drunk ; does not know where she is ; dreaminess, with closing of eyes ; weak memory ; forgetfulness ; absence of mind ; gradual vanishing of thoughts when reading ; does not carry out resolutions, but remains standing thoughtlessly on one spot ; appears to herself as if chained to her surroundings.
Menses. Irregular in time and quantity ; too early and profuse ; too late, preceded by pain in back ; flow generally dark, thick ; bearing down in abdomen, with drawing in limbs ; pains from small of back downward ; limbs feel weak, ache ; pain in small of back as if a piece of wood were lying crosswise and being pressed out ; pain in uterus at outset ; tension in hypogastrium ; unconquerable drowsiness ; profuse, with fainting, drowsiness ; mouth dry ; hysteric laughter, worse in open air ; scanty or suppressed, from fright, from debility, a cold, overexertion, in hysteria ; cramp low down in abdomen, constriction in bowels ; sharp stitches in left lower abdomen, worse when sitting.
Last day of menstrual flow took a bath, which checked it and caused intense pain below navel, extending to hip and thighs and accompanied by pain in back just above hip ; pain intense like labor pains ; patient fainted when pain became most severe, recovering with a start and an agonized expression of countenance.
Leucorrhoea : in place of menses ; in women who always awaken with a very dry tongue ; with indigestion.
Flatus from vagina.
Mamma too small.
Tenesmus of bladder.
Pain from stone in bladder.
Incontinence of urine.
Urging at night, with scanty emission.
Urine. Scanty and high colored.
Burning, cutting in urethra when passing water.
Inclined to coitus, but genitals are relaxed.
Seminal emissions.
Spasmodic labor-like pains.
Flatulent distension of uterus.
Uterus displaced ; mouth and throat dry ; sleepy, faint ; abdomen enormously distended after a meal ; pressure in back outward.
Sensation of a lump in left lower abdomen ; anteversion.
Relieves pain and vomiting caused by pessaries.
Prolapsus uteri et vagina ; sterility ; leucorrhoea.
Loud talking and bewildered manner, drowsiness ; moist skin with coldness. θ Pelvic congestion.
Menorrhagia ; blood thick and dark, with such as have had catamenia very irregularly.
Metrorrhagia : bearing down in abdomen and drawing in legs ; drowsiness and fainting ; blood thick and dark ; threatening abortion.
Menses too early and profuse, with an intolerable dryness of mouth, tongue and throat ; excessive disposition to laugh, particularly in open air. θ Menorrhagia.
Violent pains low down in back, with debility, pressure in stomach, waterbrash, pain in liver, all preceding the flow, which is thick and black ; objects appear too distant and grow larger on looking at them ; dry mouth and tongue on awakening ; slowness of ideas ; dulness of senses ; absentmindedness. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Hysterical women who suffer at their menstrual periods ; subject to dental neuralgias ; sleepy most of time ; sleep at night does not rest them sufficiently. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
During menses : great pressure in back from within outward, abdominal bearing down and drawing into limbs ; lassitude, headache, pressing in stomach, with running of water from mouth ; pain in liver ; straining in hypogastrium and drawing pain in limbs ; great irritation of pelvic viscera ; ovaries and uterus swollen and sensitive to pressure.
Menses preceded by pain in small of back, as if a piece of wood, stretched across there, were pressing from within outward. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
At the time when menses ought to appear, violent congestions to chest and neck ; felt as if head would burst and heart would be squeezed off ; violent stitches as if a knife were plunged into chest and head ; frequently unconsciousness and epileptic convulsions ; was bled once a month, which made her so weak that she could scarcely attend to household duties ; after mental excitement, especially a short time before catamenia, vertigo, vanishing of thoughts and fainting, from which she recovered in a few moments, without, however, being fully conscious ; the outer world had no existence for her ; automatically she attended to her household duties, and on awakening from this condition she had not the slightest recollection of what she had done ; if forcibly aroused she had violent convulsions ; at times she was in a clairvoyant state and answered questions correctly entirely out of her sphere ; on returning to consciousness she was perfectly ignorant of what she had said ; pulse small and weak ; slight nun’s murmur in carotid ; general lassitude ; tired feeling in knees as from a long journey ; great sleepiness, with dizziness as if drunk ; does not know where she is ; dreaminess, with closing of eyes ; weak memory ; forgetfulness ; absence of mind ; gradual vanishing of thoughts when reading ; does not carry out resolutions, but remains standing thoughtlessly on one spot ; appears to herself as if chained to her surroundings.
Menses. Irregular in time and quantity ; too early and profuse ; too late, preceded by pain in back ; flow generally dark, thick ; bearing down in abdomen, with drawing in limbs ; pains from small of back downward ; limbs feel weak, ache ; pain in small of back as if a piece of wood were lying crosswise and being pressed out ; pain in uterus at outset ; tension in hypogastrium ; unconquerable drowsiness ; profuse, with fainting, drowsiness ; mouth dry ; hysteric laughter, worse in open air ; scanty or suppressed, from fright, from debility, a cold, overexertion, in hysteria ; cramp low down in abdomen, constriction in bowels ; sharp stitches in left lower abdomen, worse when sitting.
Last day of menstrual flow took a bath, which checked it and caused intense pain below navel, extending to hip and thighs and accompanied by pain in back just above hip ; pain intense like labor pains ; patient fainted when pain became most severe, recovering with a start and an agonized expression of countenance.
Leucorrhoea : in place of menses ; in women who always awaken with a very dry tongue ; with indigestion.
Flatus from vagina.
Mamma too small.
Plant characteristics
During pregnancy : worse from fright, anger, etc. ; toothache ; nausea and vomiting ; difficult stool ; dyspnoea, with upward pressure ; fainting ; drowsiness ; skin dry, cold ; abdomen sensitive.
During third month of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting, was hysterical and nervous, turned deathly pale or faint on slightest excitement ; was so faint in these attacks that she could hardly speak.
Threatened abortion ; hysterical females disposed to fainting, feel chilly and catch cold easily ; fears she will abort ; continued and obstinate flooding.
During sixth week of pregnancy received a severe kick in lower part of abdomen from a child who was sleeping with her, next day after getting feet wet by being exposed to a rainstorm, severe paroxysmal colicky pains all over abdomen ; could not keep her feet quiet one moment, in fact she was restless all over ; semisanguinous, foul-smelling discharge from vagina, with bearing-down pains, begged for something to make her sleep, feeling so drowsy and still unable to sleep. θ Abortion.
Labor-pains, false, weak ; spasmodic, irregular ; drowsy, faint spells, pains being too weak.
Eclampsia ; head jerked forward ; especially hysterical women, who easily faint and suffer from great languor in back and knees ; drowsy before and after spasms.
In puerperal convulsions, particularly when there is a convulsive motion of head, from behind forward.
After delivery : flatulence with labor-like pains ; uterus remains uncontracted ; anteversion.
Mamma too small ; retracted nipples.
During third month of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting, was hysterical and nervous, turned deathly pale or faint on slightest excitement ; was so faint in these attacks that she could hardly speak.
Threatened abortion ; hysterical females disposed to fainting, feel chilly and catch cold easily ; fears she will abort ; continued and obstinate flooding.
During sixth week of pregnancy received a severe kick in lower part of abdomen from a child who was sleeping with her, next day after getting feet wet by being exposed to a rainstorm, severe paroxysmal colicky pains all over abdomen ; could not keep her feet quiet one moment, in fact she was restless all over ; semisanguinous, foul-smelling discharge from vagina, with bearing-down pains, begged for something to make her sleep, feeling so drowsy and still unable to sleep. θ Abortion.
Labor-pains, false, weak ; spasmodic, irregular ; drowsy, faint spells, pains being too weak.
Eclampsia ; head jerked forward ; especially hysterical women, who easily faint and suffer from great languor in back and knees ; drowsy before and after spasms.
In puerperal convulsions, particularly when there is a convulsive motion of head, from behind forward.
After delivery : flatulence with labor-like pains ; uterus remains uncontracted ; anteversion.
Mamma too small ; retracted nipples.
Chest organs
Breath short after eating ; sudden loss of breath.
Loss of breath when standing in water.
Sudden loss of breath, with cough.
Suffocative sensation.
Sudden obstruction of breath ; panting and difficult breathing.
Difficult inhalation ; hysteric asthma.
Difficult breathing : from oppression of chest, from weight on chest ; from fulness in stomach ; during pregnancy.
Dyspnoea, with feeling of weight in chest.
Oppression of breathing proceeding from pit of stomach.
Constrictive feeling in muscles of chest.
Chest as if too narrow, after cold washing.
Desire to expand chest and to take a long breath.
On inhalation pain in chest, hurts diaphragm.
Wheezing on chest, snoring breathing ; rattling in chest.
Cough : dry, with sudden loss of breath ; barking ; hacking during pregnancy ; excited by scratching in throat, crawling in upper part of windpipe ; on getting warm in bed ; standing in water, bathing ; getting overheated ; living in cold, damp places ; loose after eating, dry after drinking ; dry, nervous, hysterical ; during pregnancy.
Dry, irritating cough, beginning usually in afternoon and lasting until evening and all night, while during forenoon she was tolerably free ; by degrees there set in great restlessness, increased fever, sleeplessness, annoying dryness of mouth, shortness of breath and severe pressing pain in front of chest, worse from deep respiration ; remarkable sleepiness, with imperfect speech as if it were difficult to move tongue. θ Scarlatina.
Cough dry after drinking, rather loose after eating, only during day.
Sputa : bloody, dark ; slimy, saltish ; must swallow loosened phlegm.
Cough with great soreness in larynx or chest.
Oppression of chest and rush of blood to heart.
Weight, pressure on chest, worse on falling asleep at night or waking from a siesta.
Full feeling in upper part of chest, preventing a deep breath.
Pale, sunken face ; rapid, short, superficial breathing ; short cough with rattling of mucus, yet unable to expectorate ; very rapid, small soft pulse ; heat ; thirst ; dryness of mouth ; burning pain in chest above pit of stomach ; great weakness ; frequent attacks of oppression of chest with rapid respiration and a sensation as if mucus obstructed lungs ; violent palpitation, faintlike weakness and inability to speak ; extensive coarse rales in region of right shoulder blade. θ Affection of chest after abortion.
Stitches : in chest, tightness, spitting of blood.
Darting in forepart of chest, shooting upward in an oblique direction and arresting breathing.
Crawling and tickling in right upper chest, in morning ; causes cough.
Burning in chest ; peculiar dead feeling and swelling.
On moving arm, a pain in region of pectoralis muscle as from a blow, worse from touch and pressure.
Constrictive pains in muscles of chest.
Loss of breath when standing in water.
Sudden loss of breath, with cough.
Suffocative sensation.
Sudden obstruction of breath ; panting and difficult breathing.
Difficult inhalation ; hysteric asthma.
Difficult breathing : from oppression of chest, from weight on chest ; from fulness in stomach ; during pregnancy.
Dyspnoea, with feeling of weight in chest.
Oppression of breathing proceeding from pit of stomach.
Constrictive feeling in muscles of chest.
Chest as if too narrow, after cold washing.
Desire to expand chest and to take a long breath.
On inhalation pain in chest, hurts diaphragm.
Wheezing on chest, snoring breathing ; rattling in chest.
Cough : dry, with sudden loss of breath ; barking ; hacking during pregnancy ; excited by scratching in throat, crawling in upper part of windpipe ; on getting warm in bed ; standing in water, bathing ; getting overheated ; living in cold, damp places ; loose after eating, dry after drinking ; dry, nervous, hysterical ; during pregnancy.
Dry, irritating cough, beginning usually in afternoon and lasting until evening and all night, while during forenoon she was tolerably free ; by degrees there set in great restlessness, increased fever, sleeplessness, annoying dryness of mouth, shortness of breath and severe pressing pain in front of chest, worse from deep respiration ; remarkable sleepiness, with imperfect speech as if it were difficult to move tongue. θ Scarlatina.
Cough dry after drinking, rather loose after eating, only during day.
Sputa : bloody, dark ; slimy, saltish ; must swallow loosened phlegm.
Cough with great soreness in larynx or chest.
Oppression of chest and rush of blood to heart.
Weight, pressure on chest, worse on falling asleep at night or waking from a siesta.
Full feeling in upper part of chest, preventing a deep breath.
Pale, sunken face ; rapid, short, superficial breathing ; short cough with rattling of mucus, yet unable to expectorate ; very rapid, small soft pulse ; heat ; thirst ; dryness of mouth ; burning pain in chest above pit of stomach ; great weakness ; frequent attacks of oppression of chest with rapid respiration and a sensation as if mucus obstructed lungs ; violent palpitation, faintlike weakness and inability to speak ; extensive coarse rales in region of right shoulder blade. θ Affection of chest after abortion.
Stitches : in chest, tightness, spitting of blood.
Darting in forepart of chest, shooting upward in an oblique direction and arresting breathing.
Crawling and tickling in right upper chest, in morning ; causes cough.
Burning in chest ; peculiar dead feeling and swelling.
On moving arm, a pain in region of pectoralis muscle as from a blow, worse from touch and pressure.
Constrictive pains in muscles of chest.
Cardiovascular system
Trembling, fluttering of heart, as from fright, fear or sadness.
Palpitation : with fainting, followed by sleep ; hysteric, with weak, small pulse and irregularity in heartbeat ; paroxysms after midnight, as if heart were stopping and then beating violently, with loud belching, better drinking hot water and keeping warm ; must walk about.
Oppression of heart extends to throat.
Feeling as if blood were rushing to heart, thence to head and then all over body.
Sensation as if something grasped heart.
Feels as if her head would burst and her heart be squeezed off.
Violent action of heart.
Hysteria cordis.
Pulse : small, weak ; nun’s murmur in carotids ; frequent, trembling, accelerated after wine ; intermits, intervals so long that they excite fear of death.
Palpitation : with fainting, followed by sleep ; hysteric, with weak, small pulse and irregularity in heartbeat ; paroxysms after midnight, as if heart were stopping and then beating violently, with loud belching, better drinking hot water and keeping warm ; must walk about.
Oppression of heart extends to throat.
Feeling as if blood were rushing to heart, thence to head and then all over body.
Sensation as if something grasped heart.
Feels as if her head would burst and her heart be squeezed off.
Violent action of heart.
Hysteria cordis.
Pulse : small, weak ; nun’s murmur in carotids ; frequent, trembling, accelerated after wine ; intermits, intervals so long that they excite fear of death.
Limbs and spine
Nape of neck constricted.
Drawing pain in muscles of neck from draft of damp air.
Eruption spreading from face to neck.
Great pressure in back, from within outward, during menses.
Pain between shoulders and along spine.
Pressure in back outward, with displaced uterus.
Pains now in back, now in sacrum, knees very tired ; worse during rest ; lumbago.
Backache while riding in a carriage.
Pain in small of back : with weakness of knees and legs ; as if a piece of wood lying crosswise were being pressed out ; as from a blow.
Pain from small of back downward.
From lower part of spine aching pain upward, with stiffness, worse in damp weather ; temples compressed as if in a vise.
Pain in back just above hips ; checked catamenia.
Pain in lumbar muscles as from a blow of the fist.
Pain in sacrum when riding in a carriage.
Tabes dorsalis.
Rheumatism affecting left deltoid ; pain in l. shoulder as if it contained lead.
Pressing pain in both shoulders.
Tearing rheumatic pain in right shoulder.
Bad smell under arms and between breasts of women.
In arms creeping from below.
As if a string were tied around arms.
On flexor side of upper arm, shoulder and elbow joints, stinging pain, seems to be seated in bloodvessels.
Pain in left upper arm, near middle and elbow, as from hard pressure of a grasping hand.
Numbness and fulness of hands, evening ; trembling and weakness of hands.
Hands feel cold as if frozen, with tingling under nails, on entering warm room.
Felt as if all blood had rushed to her hands, as though a string was tied tightly around arms.
Violent pain in right middle finger, as if on bone.
Pain as if sprained in joints of little finger of left hand, when closing it, in morning.
Steady drawing from fingers to shoulders.
Pain in hips from cold.
Acute lumbago ; pains now in back, now in sacrum, with great tiredness in knees, worse in rest.
Loins and legs as if bruised and weak.
Painful drawing in thighs here and there.
Flexor muscles of right thigh painful when walking ; when touched they feel as though he had had a fall, or as from riding horseback.
When crossing thighs a feeling of dulness in right one, followed by a sensation as if left one were going to sleep, as if blood were going there, with prickling.
Violent pains in right leg, extending from hip to knee, along posterior part, awaking her from sleep at 12 P. M., and continuing for several hours ; attacks several nights in succession, then discontinued for a longer or shorter time ; finally these free intervals became less, she was no longer free from pain and became very lame ; when sitting quietly pain would suddenly appear ; a sudden motion or jar would cause great suffering, and care was constantly required on beginning to move ; scarcely one night in a week would be passed quietly ; after least exposure neuralgia of left side of face ; great irritability, easily moved to tears, or great hilarity alternated. θ Sciatica, probably hysterical, and due to retrolateral version of uterus.
Legs tired as after a long journey, must move legs from place to place.
Heaviness and coldness in legs.
Immobility of left leg.
A hindrance in left leg ; she walked as if treading on hard pease.
Right knee pains as if wrenched or sprained, on moving, and especially on going up-stairs.
Sensation in anterior part of right knee, as if someone grasped it, a kind of lacing.
Staggers on walking, often falls ; weakness of small of back and knees.
Pain in legs from knees to ankles, as if bone had been smashed, could hardly walk.
Dull drawing pain in periosteum of right tibia.
Feeling in calves as from a blow.
Cramps of calves before going to sleep.
Feet cold with appearance of menses.
Cramps in feet, with inward burning.
Boring in right big toe, after lying down. θ Gout.
Digging, pressing pain in middle of soles ; in morning.
Soles always wet.
Buzzing sensation in all toes, as if they were frostbitten, especially at metatarso-phalangeal articulations ; it spreads over soles to heels, with pain as if bruised from jumping.
Wandering digging, pressing pains, confined to small spots ; lasting but a short time ; soon returning.
Muscular rheumatism, from protracted exposure to cold and damp ; fugitive, drawing pains ; worse in repose, from cold, damp air and cold, wet clothes ; better from warmth.
Rheumatism of left shoulder and right hip.
Rest : headache ; bellyache ; backache.
Lying down : head.
When head is raised from pillow : deathly sickness.
Cannot close jaws : toothache.
Stooping : pain in occiput.
Must support head with hands : when sitting at table.
When crossing thighs : feeling of dulness in right one.
When closing little finger : pain.
Sitting : better pain in occiput ; looseness of brain ; pain in abdomen.
Must bend double : stitches in spleen.
Least exertion : fatigue.
Motion : headache.
Shaking head : wabbling of brain ; headache.
Must move about : restlessness.
Walking : reeling ; pain in occiput ; as if brain were loose ; almost impossible, from weakness ; better palpitation ; pain in muscles of right thigh ; pain in right knee.
Going up-stairs : right knee pains.
Touch : temples sensitive ; headache sensitive ; toothache.
Pressure : temples very sensitive ; better pain ; hard, better head ; abdomen very sensitive ; pinching about navel better ; ovaries and uterus sensitive ; pain in pectoral muscles.
Lying on parts : causes soreness.
Pain and vomiting caused by pessaries .
Riding in carriage : headache ; nausea and waterbrash ; backache.
Severe kick in abdomen : severe colicky pains.
Shock of injury : oppression from pit of stomach to chest.
Drawing pain in muscles of neck from draft of damp air.
Eruption spreading from face to neck.
Great pressure in back, from within outward, during menses.
Pain between shoulders and along spine.
Pressure in back outward, with displaced uterus.
Pains now in back, now in sacrum, knees very tired ; worse during rest ; lumbago.
Backache while riding in a carriage.
Pain in small of back : with weakness of knees and legs ; as if a piece of wood lying crosswise were being pressed out ; as from a blow.
Pain from small of back downward.
From lower part of spine aching pain upward, with stiffness, worse in damp weather ; temples compressed as if in a vise.
Pain in back just above hips ; checked catamenia.
Pain in lumbar muscles as from a blow of the fist.
Pain in sacrum when riding in a carriage.
Tabes dorsalis.
Rheumatism affecting left deltoid ; pain in l. shoulder as if it contained lead.
Pressing pain in both shoulders.
Tearing rheumatic pain in right shoulder.
Bad smell under arms and between breasts of women.
In arms creeping from below.
As if a string were tied around arms.
On flexor side of upper arm, shoulder and elbow joints, stinging pain, seems to be seated in bloodvessels.
Pain in left upper arm, near middle and elbow, as from hard pressure of a grasping hand.
Numbness and fulness of hands, evening ; trembling and weakness of hands.
Hands feel cold as if frozen, with tingling under nails, on entering warm room.
Felt as if all blood had rushed to her hands, as though a string was tied tightly around arms.
Violent pain in right middle finger, as if on bone.
Pain as if sprained in joints of little finger of left hand, when closing it, in morning.
Steady drawing from fingers to shoulders.
Pain in hips from cold.
Acute lumbago ; pains now in back, now in sacrum, with great tiredness in knees, worse in rest.
Loins and legs as if bruised and weak.
Painful drawing in thighs here and there.
Flexor muscles of right thigh painful when walking ; when touched they feel as though he had had a fall, or as from riding horseback.
When crossing thighs a feeling of dulness in right one, followed by a sensation as if left one were going to sleep, as if blood were going there, with prickling.
Violent pains in right leg, extending from hip to knee, along posterior part, awaking her from sleep at 12 P. M., and continuing for several hours ; attacks several nights in succession, then discontinued for a longer or shorter time ; finally these free intervals became less, she was no longer free from pain and became very lame ; when sitting quietly pain would suddenly appear ; a sudden motion or jar would cause great suffering, and care was constantly required on beginning to move ; scarcely one night in a week would be passed quietly ; after least exposure neuralgia of left side of face ; great irritability, easily moved to tears, or great hilarity alternated. θ Sciatica, probably hysterical, and due to retrolateral version of uterus.
Legs tired as after a long journey, must move legs from place to place.
Heaviness and coldness in legs.
Immobility of left leg.
A hindrance in left leg ; she walked as if treading on hard pease.
Right knee pains as if wrenched or sprained, on moving, and especially on going up-stairs.
Sensation in anterior part of right knee, as if someone grasped it, a kind of lacing.
Staggers on walking, often falls ; weakness of small of back and knees.
Pain in legs from knees to ankles, as if bone had been smashed, could hardly walk.
Dull drawing pain in periosteum of right tibia.
Feeling in calves as from a blow.
Cramps of calves before going to sleep.
Feet cold with appearance of menses.
Cramps in feet, with inward burning.
Boring in right big toe, after lying down. θ Gout.
Digging, pressing pain in middle of soles ; in morning.
Soles always wet.
Buzzing sensation in all toes, as if they were frostbitten, especially at metatarso-phalangeal articulations ; it spreads over soles to heels, with pain as if bruised from jumping.
Wandering digging, pressing pains, confined to small spots ; lasting but a short time ; soon returning.
Muscular rheumatism, from protracted exposure to cold and damp ; fugitive, drawing pains ; worse in repose, from cold, damp air and cold, wet clothes ; better from warmth.
Rheumatism of left shoulder and right hip.
Rest : headache ; bellyache ; backache.
Lying down : head.
When head is raised from pillow : deathly sickness.
Cannot close jaws : toothache.
Stooping : pain in occiput.
Must support head with hands : when sitting at table.
When crossing thighs : feeling of dulness in right one.
When closing little finger : pain.
Sitting : better pain in occiput ; looseness of brain ; pain in abdomen.
Must bend double : stitches in spleen.
Least exertion : fatigue.
Motion : headache.
Shaking head : wabbling of brain ; headache.
Must move about : restlessness.
Walking : reeling ; pain in occiput ; as if brain were loose ; almost impossible, from weakness ; better palpitation ; pain in muscles of right thigh ; pain in right knee.
Going up-stairs : right knee pains.
Touch : temples sensitive ; headache sensitive ; toothache.
Pressure : temples very sensitive ; better pain ; hard, better head ; abdomen very sensitive ; pinching about navel better ; ovaries and uterus sensitive ; pain in pectoral muscles.
Lying on parts : causes soreness.
Pain and vomiting caused by pessaries .
Riding in carriage : headache ; nausea and waterbrash ; backache.
Severe kick in abdomen : severe colicky pains.
Shock of injury : oppression from pit of stomach to chest.
Nervous system
Restless, must move about.
Staggers in walking ; falls often.
Great languor.
Lassitude, even talking tired him.
Feels as if she had to gather up all her strength. θ Hysteria.
Fatigue, feels as if he must lie down, after least exertion ; sleepy ; chilly, pale face.
Drowsiness ; torpor ; lethargy.
Sickly, faint sensation.
Disposition to faint ; also from pains even when slight.
Stiff and fainty, with palpitation of heart.
Fainting, with palpitation of heart, followed by sleep.
As if he had been electrified, it goes in a straight line from roof of mouth downward, towards his feet, afterwards diffused over whole body.
At times in a state of clairvoyance, answers questions accurately on subjects entirely out of her sphere, on returning to consciousness is ignorant of what she has said.
Difficult nervous affections springing from catarrh.
Trembling. In hands ; from cold ; inner more than outer parts.
Anxiety in body, with disposition to trembling. θ Typhoid fever.
Nervous erethism. θ Mania a potu.
Spasms, hysterics in inner parts ; chronic hysteric fits ; convulsive motions.
Marked muscular erethism, especially of extremities ; simulating chorea.
Jactitation of muscles ; chorea ; jerks in inner parts in muscles ; recovers with a start.
Spasms of children ; better suited to those of feeble constitution and scrofulous diathesis, frequently troubled with diarrhoea from debility ; violent palpitation of heart.
Convulsive motion of head from behind forward. θ Puerperal convulsions.
Unconscious, rigid ; slow, heavy breathing ; writhing in clonic spasm ; opisthotonos.
Epilepsy, with consciousness.
Violent convulsions when forcibly aroused from her trance.
Continually and automatically he moved his hands to painful places (over right eye).
Paralysis. With spasms and trembling ; of tongue, of eyelids, oesophagus ; with mental listlessness.
Staggers in walking ; falls often.
Great languor.
Lassitude, even talking tired him.
Feels as if she had to gather up all her strength. θ Hysteria.
Fatigue, feels as if he must lie down, after least exertion ; sleepy ; chilly, pale face.
Drowsiness ; torpor ; lethargy.
Sickly, faint sensation.
Disposition to faint ; also from pains even when slight.
Stiff and fainty, with palpitation of heart.
Fainting, with palpitation of heart, followed by sleep.
As if he had been electrified, it goes in a straight line from roof of mouth downward, towards his feet, afterwards diffused over whole body.
At times in a state of clairvoyance, answers questions accurately on subjects entirely out of her sphere, on returning to consciousness is ignorant of what she has said.
Difficult nervous affections springing from catarrh.
Trembling. In hands ; from cold ; inner more than outer parts.
Anxiety in body, with disposition to trembling. θ Typhoid fever.
Nervous erethism. θ Mania a potu.
Spasms, hysterics in inner parts ; chronic hysteric fits ; convulsive motions.
Marked muscular erethism, especially of extremities ; simulating chorea.
Jactitation of muscles ; chorea ; jerks in inner parts in muscles ; recovers with a start.
Spasms of children ; better suited to those of feeble constitution and scrofulous diathesis, frequently troubled with diarrhoea from debility ; violent palpitation of heart.
Convulsive motion of head from behind forward. θ Puerperal convulsions.
Unconscious, rigid ; slow, heavy breathing ; writhing in clonic spasm ; opisthotonos.
Epilepsy, with consciousness.
Violent convulsions when forcibly aroused from her trance.
Continually and automatically he moved his hands to painful places (over right eye).
Paralysis. With spasms and trembling ; of tongue, of eyelids, oesophagus ; with mental listlessness.
Complaints cause sleepiness ; irresistibly drowsy ; sleepy, muddled, as if intoxicated ; coma, lies silent, immovable ; eyes constantly closed ; strange feeling on waking.
Great sleepiness, with great inclination to laughter.
Restless sleep, from congestion to heart or head, with uterine complaints.
Starts in sleep but does not always waken, with shocks as if electricity were passing through her body.
Morning : pain in occiput.
Day : seemed intoxicated ; sleepy and drowsy ; pain in abdomen ; cough dry after drinking, loose after eating.
Afternoon : cough begins and lasts until evening.
Evening : had no power to resist being led anywhere ; eyes feel as though she had been crying ; dryness of tongue ; numbness and fulness of hands ; fainting .
Night : tongue very dry ; diarrhoea.
P. M. : pain in right limb.
After midnight : as if heart were stopping.
Great sleepiness, with great inclination to laughter.
Restless sleep, from congestion to heart or head, with uterine complaints.
Starts in sleep but does not always waken, with shocks as if electricity were passing through her body.
Morning : pain in occiput.
Day : seemed intoxicated ; sleepy and drowsy ; pain in abdomen ; cough dry after drinking, loose after eating.
Afternoon : cough begins and lasts until evening.
Evening : had no power to resist being led anywhere ; eyes feel as though she had been crying ; dryness of tongue ; numbness and fulness of hands ; fainting .
Night : tongue very dry ; diarrhoea.
P. M. : pain in right limb.
After midnight : as if heart were stopping.
Common symptoms
Heat : headache ; external head ; Summer, stools.
Hot weather : loose feeling of brain.
Warmth : toothache ; of bed, cough .
Entering warm room : hands feel as if frozen.
Hot water : drinking better palpitation.
From uncovering : chilliness.
Open air : reeling ; from room into, pain in occiput.
Draft of air : head sensitive ; pain in muscles of neck.
Change in weather : headache.
Walking against wind : hoarseness.
Wind and rain : pain in ears.
Damp weather : pain along spine.
Getting wet : diaphragmitis ; severe colicky pains.
Before a shower : pain along eustachian tube.
Water : headache from washing ; toothache worse standing in, loss of breath, cough ; cold washing, chest as if too narrow.
A bath : checked menstrual flow.
Damp, cold : headache.
Cold weather : looseness of brain ; when getting wet, headache ; head.
Cold : toothache.
Sweat : red or bloody ; with drowsiness ; with dislike to be uncovered.
Want of sweat ; skin cool and dry.
Chill in morning, two hours earlier every other day ; awakens bright, becomes thirsty, after a little time falls asleep, has a marked chill, blue nails, fingers and tips, followed by high fever, flushed face, somewhat restless, then profuse and general sweat, after which she awakens in good spirits ; profound sleep during all the stages. θ Intermittent.
Apparently nervous chills ; they came on every morning about 7 o’clock ; as the chill progressed patient became very drowsy, and at close of chill fell asleep ; this sleep continued through fever which was very light ; great dryness of throat on awaking in morning. θ Intermittent.
Profound coma, lying silent, immovable, insensible ; difficult comprehension ; slowness of ideas, dwells long on her answer or does not answer at all ; very deaf ; putrid diarrhoea ; rolling, rumbling and gurgling in bowels ; a dreamy state with drowsiness and falling of eyelids ; dryness of mouth, tongue and throat, with fulness of stomach and loss of appetite ; in evening dryness is so great that tongue sticks to roof of mouth, yet there is no thirst ; should often be used in place of Phosphorus ac. θ Typhoid fever.
Every morning at 7 : nervous chills.
Daily : headache.
Nightly : tearing in teeth.
Every other day two hours earlier : chill.
Several days succession in morning : bellyache.
Several nights in succession : pain in right limb.
Summer : diarrhoea.
Fall : epidemic diarrhoea.
Right : pain over eye ; extensive coarse rales in region of shoulder blade ; crawling and tickling in upper part of chest ; rheumatic pain in shoulder ; violent pain in middle finger ; flexor muscles of thigh painful ; dulness in thigh ; violent pain in limb ; pain in knee ; as if some one grasped knee ; dull drawing pain in periosteum of tibia ; boring in big toe ; rheumatism of hip.
Left : boring and heat over eye ; supraorbital ridge, pain ; immobility of leg ; stitches in ear ; sensation of swelling of cheek ; sensation of lump in abdomen ; pain in shoulder ; rheumatism in deltoid ; pain in arm ; sprained pain in joint of left hand, as if thigh was going to sleep ; neuralgia of face ; hindrance in leg ; rheumatism of shoulder ; coldness of arm.
From left to right : headache ; bellyache.
From right to left : spasmodic pain in hypochondrium.
From before backward : convulsive movement of head.
From behind forward : movement of head.
From within out : pressure in head ; pressure in back.
As if drunk ; limbs as if floating in air ; forehead feels as large again ; forehead as if pushed out ; as if brain struck against side of head ; as if all vessels were pulsating ; as if head would burst ; brain as if loose ; eyes feel as if she had been crying ; ears as if stopped up ; pain as of a rough body in eustachian tube ; pricking as of electric sparks on cheek ; jaws as if paralyzed ; as if teeth were held in a grip ; teeth as if loose ; as if tongue would stick to palate, as if she had eaten herring ; as if a piece of bacon were in throat ; as of incarcerated wind in stomach ; as if food had formed itself into lumps in stomach ; as if bellyache would set in ; pain as if from diarrhoea ; as if it were full of knots ; as of lump in abdomen ; as if diarrhoea would set in ; as if more stool would pass ; as if a piece of wood stretched across small of back were pressing from within outward ; as if heart would be squeezed off ; as if a knife were plunged into chest ; chest as if too narrow ; as if it were difficult to move tongue ; as if mucus obstructed lungs ; as if heart were stopping ; as if blood were rushing to heart, thence to head and then all over body ; as if something grasped heart ; temples as if in a vise ; pain in lumbar muscles as from a blow of a fist ; as if left shoulder contained lead ; as if a string were tied around arms ; as of a grasping hand in upper arm ; hands as if frozen ; as if all blood had rushed to her hands ; pain as if on bone of middle finger ; joints of little finger as if sprained ; loins and legs as if bruised ; as if he had fallen on right thigh or as from riding on horseback ; as if left thigh were going to sleep, as if blood were going there, with pricking ; left leg caused her to walk as if on pease ; right knee as if sprained or wrenched ; as if one grasped anterior part of right knee, a kind of lacing ; as if bone from knees to ankles had been smashed to pieces ; as of a blow on calves ; as if toes were frostbitten ; pain in soles as if bruised from jumping ; as if she had to gather up all her strength ; fatigued as if he must lie down ; as if he had been electrified ; muddled, as if intoxicated ; glands feel as if swollen ; parts on which he lies as if sore.
Pain : in temples ; over right eye ; in eustachian tube ; in front teeth ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; behind sternum ; in bowels ; in chest ; low down in back ; in liver ; in uterus ; in chest ; in region of pectoral muscle ; between shoulders and along spine ; in left shoulder ; in upper arm ; in hips ; in neck bones.
Violent pain : in right middle finger ; in right limb.
Intense pain : below navel, extending to hips and thighs.
Severe pain : in precordia.
Tearing : in temples ; in occiput ; towards nape of neck ; in ears ; in teeth.
Pinching pains : in epigastrium and umbilical region.
Cutting : in epigastrium and umbilical region ; in urethra.
Darting : in forepart of chest.
Shooting : upward in an oblique direction through chest.
Boring : over and in left eye ; in right big toe.
Beating : in forehead.
Throbbing : in head ; in hollow molar tooth.
Throbbing pressing pain : in small spots, principally to left supraorbital ridge.
Stitches : in ears ; in spleen ; in heart ; in anus ; in left lower abdomen ; in chest.
Stinging pain : over right eye ; in occiput ; in teeth ; in upper arm, shoulder and elbow joints.
Pricking : on left cheek.
Driving-asunder pain : in occiput.
Tearing rheumatic pain : in right shoulder.
Severe colicky pains : all over abdomen.
Twisting pain : below stomach.
Spasmodic pain : from right to left hypochondrium.
Forcing-down pain : in bowels and anus.
Digging pressing pain : in middle of soles ; in limbs.
Griping : under stomach.
Bearing-down pain : in abdomen.
Constricting pain : over right eye ; in anus and rectum ; in muscles of chest.
Burning pain : over right eye ; in bowels ; in chest.
Burning : of lips ; in stomach ; in urethra ; in feet.
Soreness : in head ; of throat ; of navel ; in larynx ; in chest.
Rheumatism : of left deltoid ; of left shoulder and right hip.
Neuralgia : of left side of face.
Cramp : in stomach ; in abdomen ; of calves ; in feet.
Pressing pain : in occiput ; in head ; in front of chest ; in shoulders.
Aching : in temples ; in belly ; of parts on which he lies.
Drawing : in head from place to place ; around in abdomen ; in limbs ; in legs ; in muscles of neck ; from fingers to shoulders ; in thighs here and there ; in periosteum of right tibia.
Heat : in forehead ; on top of head ; over and in left eye ; in stomach.
Sensitiveness : of head.
Acrid feeling : in anus ; in rectum.
Scratching : in throat.
Tickling : in right upper chest.
Creeping : in arms.
Crawling : from pit of stomach to throat ; in windpipe.
Dryness : of eyes ; in throat ; of mouth ; of tongue ; of lips ; of palate ; of velum palati ; of nose ; of inner parts.
Buzzing sensation : in all toes.
Trembling fluttering : of heart.
Lightness, emptiness : of head.
Numbness : of hands.
Dead feeling : in chest.
Dulness : of head ; of forehead.
Expansion : in forehead.
Pressing heaviness : in forehead.
Pressure : in forehead ; in stomach ; in pit of stomach ; in hypogastrium ; in back.
Pulsation : of arteries.
Fulness : in head ; in pupils ; of stomach ; in upper part of chest ; of hands.
Oppression : from pit of stomach to chest ; of chest ; of heart to throat.
Constriction : about vocal organs ; in muscles of chest ; of nape of neck.
Tension : around eyes and in lids ; in hypogastrium.
Weight : in upper part of abdomen ; on chest.
Heaviness : of lids ; in legs.
Weakness : of knees ; of back ; of legs ; of hands ; of small of back.
Tired feeling : in knees.
Great languor : in back and knees.
Coldness : in hands ; in legs ; in left arm.
Dryness of eyes, nose, lips, mouth, tongue and throat, or at least feeling of dryness.
Mucous membranes inflamed ; increased mucous secretion ; roughness of inner parts ; ailments after losses of blood.
Want of blood, anemia.
Glands feel as if swollen or are relaxed ; scrofulosis ; old ulcers on legs.
Rachitis, scrofula and atrophy.
All the parts on which he lies ache as if sore.
Pain in neck, bones, and generally as if after taking cold in copious perspiration, with pressing in forehead.
Rheumatism or rheumatic pain consequent upon taking cold, particularly from exposure to drafts of air while heated ; pains are fugitive in character, now here now there ; worse in cold or wet weather, or by application of cold or wet cloths ; better in warm, dry weather and from warm applications.
Rheumatism after getting feet wet.
Marasmus of little children.
Puffiness ; swellings ; dropsy of outer parts.
Lameness of inner organs ; hard parts feel soft.
Hot weather : loose feeling of brain.
Warmth : toothache ; of bed, cough .
Entering warm room : hands feel as if frozen.
Hot water : drinking better palpitation.
From uncovering : chilliness.
Open air : reeling ; from room into, pain in occiput.
Draft of air : head sensitive ; pain in muscles of neck.
Change in weather : headache.
Walking against wind : hoarseness.
Wind and rain : pain in ears.
Damp weather : pain along spine.
Getting wet : diaphragmitis ; severe colicky pains.
Before a shower : pain along eustachian tube.
Water : headache from washing ; toothache worse standing in, loss of breath, cough ; cold washing, chest as if too narrow.
A bath : checked menstrual flow.
Damp, cold : headache.
Cold weather : looseness of brain ; when getting wet, headache ; head.
Cold : toothache.
Sweat : red or bloody ; with drowsiness ; with dislike to be uncovered.
Want of sweat ; skin cool and dry.
Chill in morning, two hours earlier every other day ; awakens bright, becomes thirsty, after a little time falls asleep, has a marked chill, blue nails, fingers and tips, followed by high fever, flushed face, somewhat restless, then profuse and general sweat, after which she awakens in good spirits ; profound sleep during all the stages. θ Intermittent.
Apparently nervous chills ; they came on every morning about 7 o’clock ; as the chill progressed patient became very drowsy, and at close of chill fell asleep ; this sleep continued through fever which was very light ; great dryness of throat on awaking in morning. θ Intermittent.
Profound coma, lying silent, immovable, insensible ; difficult comprehension ; slowness of ideas, dwells long on her answer or does not answer at all ; very deaf ; putrid diarrhoea ; rolling, rumbling and gurgling in bowels ; a dreamy state with drowsiness and falling of eyelids ; dryness of mouth, tongue and throat, with fulness of stomach and loss of appetite ; in evening dryness is so great that tongue sticks to roof of mouth, yet there is no thirst ; should often be used in place of Phosphorus ac. θ Typhoid fever.
Every morning at 7 : nervous chills.
Daily : headache.
Nightly : tearing in teeth.
Every other day two hours earlier : chill.
Several days succession in morning : bellyache.
Several nights in succession : pain in right limb.
Summer : diarrhoea.
Fall : epidemic diarrhoea.
Right : pain over eye ; extensive coarse rales in region of shoulder blade ; crawling and tickling in upper part of chest ; rheumatic pain in shoulder ; violent pain in middle finger ; flexor muscles of thigh painful ; dulness in thigh ; violent pain in limb ; pain in knee ; as if some one grasped knee ; dull drawing pain in periosteum of tibia ; boring in big toe ; rheumatism of hip.
Left : boring and heat over eye ; supraorbital ridge, pain ; immobility of leg ; stitches in ear ; sensation of swelling of cheek ; sensation of lump in abdomen ; pain in shoulder ; rheumatism in deltoid ; pain in arm ; sprained pain in joint of left hand, as if thigh was going to sleep ; neuralgia of face ; hindrance in leg ; rheumatism of shoulder ; coldness of arm.
From left to right : headache ; bellyache.
From right to left : spasmodic pain in hypochondrium.
From before backward : convulsive movement of head.
From behind forward : movement of head.
From within out : pressure in head ; pressure in back.
As if drunk ; limbs as if floating in air ; forehead feels as large again ; forehead as if pushed out ; as if brain struck against side of head ; as if all vessels were pulsating ; as if head would burst ; brain as if loose ; eyes feel as if she had been crying ; ears as if stopped up ; pain as of a rough body in eustachian tube ; pricking as of electric sparks on cheek ; jaws as if paralyzed ; as if teeth were held in a grip ; teeth as if loose ; as if tongue would stick to palate, as if she had eaten herring ; as if a piece of bacon were in throat ; as of incarcerated wind in stomach ; as if food had formed itself into lumps in stomach ; as if bellyache would set in ; pain as if from diarrhoea ; as if it were full of knots ; as of lump in abdomen ; as if diarrhoea would set in ; as if more stool would pass ; as if a piece of wood stretched across small of back were pressing from within outward ; as if heart would be squeezed off ; as if a knife were plunged into chest ; chest as if too narrow ; as if it were difficult to move tongue ; as if mucus obstructed lungs ; as if heart were stopping ; as if blood were rushing to heart, thence to head and then all over body ; as if something grasped heart ; temples as if in a vise ; pain in lumbar muscles as from a blow of a fist ; as if left shoulder contained lead ; as if a string were tied around arms ; as of a grasping hand in upper arm ; hands as if frozen ; as if all blood had rushed to her hands ; pain as if on bone of middle finger ; joints of little finger as if sprained ; loins and legs as if bruised ; as if he had fallen on right thigh or as from riding on horseback ; as if left thigh were going to sleep, as if blood were going there, with pricking ; left leg caused her to walk as if on pease ; right knee as if sprained or wrenched ; as if one grasped anterior part of right knee, a kind of lacing ; as if bone from knees to ankles had been smashed to pieces ; as of a blow on calves ; as if toes were frostbitten ; pain in soles as if bruised from jumping ; as if she had to gather up all her strength ; fatigued as if he must lie down ; as if he had been electrified ; muddled, as if intoxicated ; glands feel as if swollen ; parts on which he lies as if sore.
Pain : in temples ; over right eye ; in eustachian tube ; in front teeth ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; behind sternum ; in bowels ; in chest ; low down in back ; in liver ; in uterus ; in chest ; in region of pectoral muscle ; between shoulders and along spine ; in left shoulder ; in upper arm ; in hips ; in neck bones.
Violent pain : in right middle finger ; in right limb.
Intense pain : below navel, extending to hips and thighs.
Severe pain : in precordia.
Tearing : in temples ; in occiput ; towards nape of neck ; in ears ; in teeth.
Pinching pains : in epigastrium and umbilical region.
Cutting : in epigastrium and umbilical region ; in urethra.
Darting : in forepart of chest.
Shooting : upward in an oblique direction through chest.
Boring : over and in left eye ; in right big toe.
Beating : in forehead.
Throbbing : in head ; in hollow molar tooth.
Throbbing pressing pain : in small spots, principally to left supraorbital ridge.
Stitches : in ears ; in spleen ; in heart ; in anus ; in left lower abdomen ; in chest.
Stinging pain : over right eye ; in occiput ; in teeth ; in upper arm, shoulder and elbow joints.
Pricking : on left cheek.
Driving-asunder pain : in occiput.
Tearing rheumatic pain : in right shoulder.
Severe colicky pains : all over abdomen.
Twisting pain : below stomach.
Spasmodic pain : from right to left hypochondrium.
Forcing-down pain : in bowels and anus.
Digging pressing pain : in middle of soles ; in limbs.
Griping : under stomach.
Bearing-down pain : in abdomen.
Constricting pain : over right eye ; in anus and rectum ; in muscles of chest.
Burning pain : over right eye ; in bowels ; in chest.
Burning : of lips ; in stomach ; in urethra ; in feet.
Soreness : in head ; of throat ; of navel ; in larynx ; in chest.
Rheumatism : of left deltoid ; of left shoulder and right hip.
Neuralgia : of left side of face.
Cramp : in stomach ; in abdomen ; of calves ; in feet.
Pressing pain : in occiput ; in head ; in front of chest ; in shoulders.
Aching : in temples ; in belly ; of parts on which he lies.
Drawing : in head from place to place ; around in abdomen ; in limbs ; in legs ; in muscles of neck ; from fingers to shoulders ; in thighs here and there ; in periosteum of right tibia.
Heat : in forehead ; on top of head ; over and in left eye ; in stomach.
Sensitiveness : of head.
Acrid feeling : in anus ; in rectum.
Scratching : in throat.
Tickling : in right upper chest.
Creeping : in arms.
Crawling : from pit of stomach to throat ; in windpipe.
Dryness : of eyes ; in throat ; of mouth ; of tongue ; of lips ; of palate ; of velum palati ; of nose ; of inner parts.
Buzzing sensation : in all toes.
Trembling fluttering : of heart.
Lightness, emptiness : of head.
Numbness : of hands.
Dead feeling : in chest.
Dulness : of head ; of forehead.
Expansion : in forehead.
Pressing heaviness : in forehead.
Pressure : in forehead ; in stomach ; in pit of stomach ; in hypogastrium ; in back.
Pulsation : of arteries.
Fulness : in head ; in pupils ; of stomach ; in upper part of chest ; of hands.
Oppression : from pit of stomach to chest ; of chest ; of heart to throat.
Constriction : about vocal organs ; in muscles of chest ; of nape of neck.
Tension : around eyes and in lids ; in hypogastrium.
Weight : in upper part of abdomen ; on chest.
Heaviness : of lids ; in legs.
Weakness : of knees ; of back ; of legs ; of hands ; of small of back.
Tired feeling : in knees.
Great languor : in back and knees.
Coldness : in hands ; in legs ; in left arm.
Dryness of eyes, nose, lips, mouth, tongue and throat, or at least feeling of dryness.
Mucous membranes inflamed ; increased mucous secretion ; roughness of inner parts ; ailments after losses of blood.
Want of blood, anemia.
Glands feel as if swollen or are relaxed ; scrofulosis ; old ulcers on legs.
Rachitis, scrofula and atrophy.
All the parts on which he lies ache as if sore.
Pain in neck, bones, and generally as if after taking cold in copious perspiration, with pressing in forehead.
Rheumatism or rheumatic pain consequent upon taking cold, particularly from exposure to drafts of air while heated ; pains are fugitive in character, now here now there ; worse in cold or wet weather, or by application of cold or wet cloths ; better in warm, dry weather and from warm applications.
Rheumatism after getting feet wet.
Marasmus of little children.
Puffiness ; swellings ; dropsy of outer parts.
Lameness of inner organs ; hard parts feel soft.
Chilliness : with pale face in open, especially damp, cold air ; from uncovering ; better in warm room ; without thirst.
Coldness commencing in left arm and lower limbs.
Desire to sleep between chills, if left alone.
Skin cold and blue all over body.
Sensation of coldness in feet, with heat in hands.
Coldness commencing in left arm and lower limbs.
Desire to sleep between chills, if left alone.
Skin cold and blue all over body.
Sensation of coldness in feet, with heat in hands.
Sensitiveness of skin, especially to cold, damp air.
Skin cold, dry, not disposed to sweat.
Anasarca, dropsy of external parts.
Blue spots on skin.
Irregular red scaling patches on face and neck during congestions, at time of menses.
Complaints after suppressed eruptions.
Ulcerations of skin, painful ; with hysterical patients.
Skin cold, dry, not disposed to sweat.
Anasarca, dropsy of external parts.
Blue spots on skin.
Irregular red scaling patches on face and neck during congestions, at time of menses.
Complaints after suppressed eruptions.
Ulcerations of skin, painful ; with hysterical patients.
Patient type and constitution
Suits children and women (particularly during pregnancy), and all people with a cool, dry skin, who do not easily perspire.
Corresponds to the weakness of old age ; dyspepsia of old people.
Constitutions with soft, straight hair, more than crisp and curly.
Girl, at. 14 mos., bright, healthy appearance ; intermittent.
Girl, at. 2 ; undeveloped speech.
Girl, at. 10, delicate ; episcleritis.
Girl, at. 17, during course of scarlet fever ; cough, sleepiness, difficult speech.
Girl, at. 18, blonde, blue eyes, very mild temperament ; sensation of looseness in brain.
Miss с., at. 19 ; sciatica.
Woman, at. 22, single, suffering eight days ; toothache.
Marquis of E., at. 24, nervous temperament, good constitution, suffering six years ; affection of head.
Woman, at. 29, miner’s wife with four children ; affection of mind.
Mrs. F., at. 32, delicate constitution, catches cold easily, suffered with laryngeal symptoms for seven years, but finally cured by Sulph., latterly was attacked by laryngeal spasms, which were relieved by сantharis, then remained well for a year ; toothache and affection of stomach.
A demoiselle, at. 32, cured three years ago of ascites (from enlargement of liver), suffering since two months ; convulsive motions of head.
Women, at. 34, very nervous temperament, good constitution, extraordinary mental powers, which she, however, overtaxed, suffering eighteen months ; nervous irritation of digestive canal.
Woman, at. 34, nervous temperament, after extreme mental exertion ; irritation of intestinal canal.
Mrs. W., at. 34, prematurely confined, four months ago, child stillborn ; red appearance of white objects.
Mrs. с., at. 35, subject to hemorrhage from rectum, cured a year ago by Sulph. ; pregnant, four months ; pelvic congestion.
Mrs. O. K., at. 35, last day of menstrual flow took a bath ; suppression of menses.
Mrs. D., at. 35, pregnant six weeks, after receiving severe kick in abdomen from child while in bed, and exposure to rainstorm next day ; threatened abortion.
Mrs. S., Jewess, at. 42, married to her second husband, had in her first marriage two children, and was vigorous and healthy ; shortly after second marriage, at age of 32, took cold which was followed by suppression of menses ; attacks of somnolence.
Farmer, at. 60, bilious temperament, sick one month ; affection of liver.
Woman, at. 70, still active ; gastralgia.
Country woman, formerly robust and blooming, recently aborted in fifth month, afterbirth had not passed and she was suffering from labor-like pains, Pulsat. caused afterbirth to be discharged next day, however, heat, thirst, cough and inclination to vomit set in, for which вryon. was ineffectual ; affection of chest.
Colored woman ; drowsiness.
Mrs. в., middle-aged, strong, dark complexion, suffering four weeks ; headache.
Corresponds to the weakness of old age ; dyspepsia of old people.
Constitutions with soft, straight hair, more than crisp and curly.
Girl, at. 14 mos., bright, healthy appearance ; intermittent.
Girl, at. 2 ; undeveloped speech.
Girl, at. 10, delicate ; episcleritis.
Girl, at. 17, during course of scarlet fever ; cough, sleepiness, difficult speech.
Girl, at. 18, blonde, blue eyes, very mild temperament ; sensation of looseness in brain.
Miss с., at. 19 ; sciatica.
Woman, at. 22, single, suffering eight days ; toothache.
Marquis of E., at. 24, nervous temperament, good constitution, suffering six years ; affection of head.
Woman, at. 29, miner’s wife with four children ; affection of mind.
Mrs. F., at. 32, delicate constitution, catches cold easily, suffered with laryngeal symptoms for seven years, but finally cured by Sulph., latterly was attacked by laryngeal spasms, which were relieved by сantharis, then remained well for a year ; toothache and affection of stomach.
A demoiselle, at. 32, cured three years ago of ascites (from enlargement of liver), suffering since two months ; convulsive motions of head.
Women, at. 34, very nervous temperament, good constitution, extraordinary mental powers, which she, however, overtaxed, suffering eighteen months ; nervous irritation of digestive canal.
Woman, at. 34, nervous temperament, after extreme mental exertion ; irritation of intestinal canal.
Mrs. W., at. 34, prematurely confined, four months ago, child stillborn ; red appearance of white objects.
Mrs. с., at. 35, subject to hemorrhage from rectum, cured a year ago by Sulph. ; pregnant, four months ; pelvic congestion.
Mrs. O. K., at. 35, last day of menstrual flow took a bath ; suppression of menses.
Mrs. D., at. 35, pregnant six weeks, after receiving severe kick in abdomen from child while in bed, and exposure to rainstorm next day ; threatened abortion.
Mrs. S., Jewess, at. 42, married to her second husband, had in her first marriage two children, and was vigorous and healthy ; shortly after second marriage, at age of 32, took cold which was followed by suppression of menses ; attacks of somnolence.
Farmer, at. 60, bilious temperament, sick one month ; affection of liver.
Woman, at. 70, still active ; gastralgia.
Country woman, formerly robust and blooming, recently aborted in fifth month, afterbirth had not passed and she was suffering from labor-like pains, Pulsat. caused afterbirth to be discharged next day, however, heat, thirst, cough and inclination to vomit set in, for which вryon. was ineffectual ; affection of chest.
Colored woman ; drowsiness.
Mrs. в., middle-aged, strong, dark complexion, suffering four weeks ; headache.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by сamphor., Semen capi Lauroc., Gelsem., Nux vomica, Opium, Zincum, Valerian.
It antidotes : Arsen., Lauroc., Rhodo., mercurial inhalations, lead colic, oil of turpentine, spiritous liquors, bad beers.
Compatible : Lycop., Nux vomica, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Stramon., Tart. em.
Compare : Ambra, Asafoetida, Ant. tart. (sensations), Arsen. (fevers), вellad., сamphor., сoccul. (sides of body), сonium, Ignat. (sides of body, chalky taste), Lauroc., Lycop. (skin), Moschus, Nux vom. (sides of body, motions and sensations), Opium (mind, fever), Phosphor., Pulsat. (internal organs), Rhus tox. (motions), Sassaf., Sepia (sides of body), Silic. (modalities), Spigel. (fever), Stramon. (mind), Sulphur.
It antidotes : Arsen., Lauroc., Rhodo., mercurial inhalations, lead colic, oil of turpentine, spiritous liquors, bad beers.
Compatible : Lycop., Nux vomica, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Stramon., Tart. em.
Compare : Ambra, Asafoetida, Ant. tart. (sensations), Arsen. (fevers), вellad., сamphor., сoccul. (sides of body), сonium, Ignat. (sides of body, chalky taste), Lauroc., Lycop. (skin), Moschus, Nux vom. (sides of body, motions and sensations), Opium (mind, fever), Phosphor., Pulsat. (internal organs), Rhus tox. (motions), Sassaf., Sepia (sides of body), Silic. (modalities), Spigel. (fever), Stramon. (mind), Sulphur.