Other names and synonyms
carb-v.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Vegetable charcoal.
Lowitz, a German, discovered the properties of vegetable charcoal to deodorize and arrest putrefaction. It was first employed in medicine with success, externally, to fetid ulcers and eruptions, afterwards internally for flatulences, its employment all the while being based upon its chemical properties. Hahnemann was the first who elucidated that the dynamic influence was the only curative one, by proving the triturated vegetable charcoal on healthy persons and then applying it in practice. His experiments were made on twenty or thirty different persons, who strictly observed dietetic rules and kept themselves strictly aloof from all medicinal influences. The cruder preparation failed to produce any symptoms of importance, but after potentization was carried farther on, a steadily increasing number of symptoms were produced in sensitive persons and in animals. He used the сarbo ligni betula, but assures us that well-prepared charcoal acts in the same manner, irrespective of the kind of wood used. The provings by Adams, Gersdorf and сaspari, in the Materia Medica Pura, 1827, contained 720, the сhronic Diseases, including the former, 930 ; the second edition, in 1837, 1, 189 symptoms. We have had no provings since, excepting one by с. Neidhard, with the second centesimal trituration, which is included. The charcoal contains carbonate of potash.
For remarks on its use in yellow fever, see сhap. fever.
Lowitz, a German, discovered the properties of vegetable charcoal to deodorize and arrest putrefaction. It was first employed in medicine with success, externally, to fetid ulcers and eruptions, afterwards internally for flatulences, its employment all the while being based upon its chemical properties. Hahnemann was the first who elucidated that the dynamic influence was the only curative one, by proving the triturated vegetable charcoal on healthy persons and then applying it in practice. His experiments were made on twenty or thirty different persons, who strictly observed dietetic rules and kept themselves strictly aloof from all medicinal influences. The cruder preparation failed to produce any symptoms of importance, but after potentization was carried farther on, a steadily increasing number of symptoms were produced in sensitive persons and in animals. He used the сarbo ligni betula, but assures us that well-prepared charcoal acts in the same manner, irrespective of the kind of wood used. The provings by Adams, Gersdorf and сaspari, in the Materia Medica Pura, 1827, contained 720, the сhronic Diseases, including the former, 930 ; the second edition, in 1837, 1, 189 symptoms. We have had no provings since, excepting one by с. Neidhard, with the second centesimal trituration, which is included. The charcoal contains carbonate of potash.
For remarks on its use in yellow fever, see сhap. fever.
Psyche and consciousness
Falls down insensible.
Stupor, collapse.
Memory feeble, flow of ideas slow ; tendency to fixed ideas.
Periodical want of memory ; headache as if integuments of head were contracted ; hat presses on head as a heavy burden ; when taking off hat, he feels as if a handkerchief were tied round head ; creeping in integuments of occiput as if hairs were in motion.
Confusion of head, making thinking difficult ; morning on waking ; he had to make great exertion, as if arousing himself from a dream.
When it became dark in her room, frightful shapes appeared before her eyes ; started from anxious dreams.
Flightiness at night.
Voluptuous fancies.
Quiet delirium. θ Typhus.
Frequent screaming.
Indifference ; heard everything without feeling pleasantly or unpleasantly, and without thinking of it.
Lack of cheerfulness in evening.
Feels unhappy with every little pain.
Nightly fear of ghosts. θ Worm affections.
Anxiety : as if oppressed ; with heat in face ; accompanied by shuddering ; on closing eyes ; in evening after lying down ; on awaking.
Great anxiety and heat with pains.
Trembling anxiety in morning.
Anxiety and uneasiness causing him to tremble all over, as if he had committed a crime, ending in weeping, even before strangers ; painful hiccough in oesophagus.
Very irritable, excitable and inclined to anger.
Peevish, wrathful ; child wishes to vent itself in rage, strikes, kicks, bites. θ Worm affections.
Much excited in evening, with distended veins.
Restless, anxious ; 4 to 6 P. M.
Easily frightened or startled. θ Dysentery.
Starting with fright on going to sleep.
Worse after mental exertion.
Stupor, collapse.
Memory feeble, flow of ideas slow ; tendency to fixed ideas.
Periodical want of memory ; headache as if integuments of head were contracted ; hat presses on head as a heavy burden ; when taking off hat, he feels as if a handkerchief were tied round head ; creeping in integuments of occiput as if hairs were in motion.
Confusion of head, making thinking difficult ; morning on waking ; he had to make great exertion, as if arousing himself from a dream.
When it became dark in her room, frightful shapes appeared before her eyes ; started from anxious dreams.
Flightiness at night.
Voluptuous fancies.
Quiet delirium. θ Typhus.
Frequent screaming.
Indifference ; heard everything without feeling pleasantly or unpleasantly, and without thinking of it.
Lack of cheerfulness in evening.
Feels unhappy with every little pain.
Nightly fear of ghosts. θ Worm affections.
Anxiety : as if oppressed ; with heat in face ; accompanied by shuddering ; on closing eyes ; in evening after lying down ; on awaking.
Great anxiety and heat with pains.
Trembling anxiety in morning.
Anxiety and uneasiness causing him to tremble all over, as if he had committed a crime, ending in weeping, even before strangers ; painful hiccough in oesophagus.
Very irritable, excitable and inclined to anger.
Peevish, wrathful ; child wishes to vent itself in rage, strikes, kicks, bites. θ Worm affections.
Much excited in evening, with distended veins.
Restless, anxious ; 4 to 6 P. M.
Easily frightened or startled. θ Dysentery.
Starting with fright on going to sleep.
Worse after mental exertion.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : with momentary attacks of fainting ; had to hold on to something ; from quick movements of head ; with dark color of face ; with nausea, particularly on looking out of window ; when stooping, worse walking and sitting ; from flatulence ; venous stasis, especially after a debauch ; in bed ; when sitting up after sleep.
Vertigo, with pain in forehead. θ сhronic catarrh.
Whirling in head, whole day.
Confusion of head, which makes thinking difficult.
Fainting after sleep, after rising, or while yet in bed, mornings ; belching ; caused by debilitating losses, or abuse of mercury.
Violent tearing in forehead, at a small spot near temple.
Pain in right side of forehead and head. θ Intermittent fever.
Aching or beating over eyes, or in whole head, commencing at nape of neck ; worse evening after a meal, with congestion to head ; after a debauch.
Pressive headache just over eyes, with tears ; eyes pain on moving them.
Pressure across forehead, weighing down eyelids, worse by weight of hat.
Pressure in forehead, temples and vertex.
Frontal headache with vertigo.
Sensation as if a strap was drawn tightly across forehead.
Pressive pain on vertex, with soreness of hair to touch.
Stitching headache extending to occiput in evening.
Tearing and drawing in left side of occiput.
Dull headache in occiput ; violent pressive pain in lower portion of occiput ; feeling of weight.
Sensation of emptiness in head, with hunger.
Burning in head ; head and hands hot.
Head feels heavy as lead.
Sensation of electric shocks in head.
Painful throbbing in head, during inspiration.
Throbbing with head in head and fulness, after a meal and in evening.
Pulsating in head, as though he would be attacked by paralytic stroke.
Headache as form constriction of scalp.
Constrictive headache, with nausea.
Painful stitches through head, when coughing.
Headache : causing nausea ; with great weakness, faintness and pain in every limb ; from becoming overheated ; on awaking from sleep ; with burning here and there on body, in morning.
Rush of blood to head followed by nosebleed.
Congestion to head, with spasmodic constriction, nausea and pressure over eyes, feeling of coryza ; from overheated rooms.
Awakes with sensation of congestion of brain.
Acute pain in head extending to upper maxilla.
Head painfully sensitive to pressure, especially of hat ; worse from taking cold or chilling of head, and from getting warm in bed.
Scalp painful to touch.
Hat pressed upon head like a heavy weight, and he continued to feel the sensation even after taking it off, as if head was bound up with a cloth.
Pressing and burning tearing on outer head, especially in muscles of occiput and nape of neck ; better from sitting quietly in warm room.
Sensation of contraction in integuments of head, which causes a cramplike tension in brain, worse from pressure of hat and overheating, better from uncovering head.
Head sensitive to cold, easily becomes chilled, especially after overheating and sweating of it ; affections following it are worse in morning and on walking in open air, better in warm room.
Sweat on forehead, often cold.
Inclination to lie and rest with head high.
Feeling as if hair stood on end.
Falling out of hair (after severe diseases or abuse of mercury), with great sensitiveness of scalp to pressure.
Hair falls out, worse on back of head ; scalp itches in evening, when warm in bed ; occasioned by severe illness or after parturition.
Eyes dull, lustreless, deep-set, pupils do not react to light. θ Typhus.
Black spots floating before eyes ; also flickering, flames and rings.
Objects near her constantly become narrower and smaller.
Eyes become weak and ache, from overwork or fine work ; myopia.
Pressure and aching in eyeballs.
Pains in eyes after lying down.
Eyes pain in evening.
Burning in eyes.
Pressing and burning in eyes.
Feeling of sand in eyes. θ Intermittent fever.
Heavy weight seems to rest on eyes ; must make exertion to distinguish letters when reading.
Muscles of eye pain, when looking up.
On attempting to speak, motion of eyes as from stitches in them.
Hemorrhage from eyes, generally with burning. θ сongestion to head. θ Whooping cough.
Burning and pressure in canthi.
Itching about eyes and in margin of lids, particularly in morning.
Lids agglutinated.
Discharge of thick, flesh-colored, offensive moisture from right eye.
^^ Aching pain in orbits and in eyeballs passing to back of head ; paroxysm passes away for a few minutes and then returns ; better on walking in open air, worse on lying down.
Hearing very acute.
Ringing in ears ; buzzing.
Rustling in ears, as of straw, whenever jaws are moved ; discharge of a thickish, flesh-colored, badly-smelling liquid from ear ; painful eruption on upper lip.
Roaring in ears accompanies vertigo ; with scanty earwax.
Illusions of hearing ; he thought he heard some one approaching his bed.
Deafness, particularly after acute exanthema or abuse of mercury ; ears too dry.
Tearing and aching in ears from within outward.
Ulceration of internal ear and discharge of pus.
Something heavy seems to lie before ears ; they seemed stopped, hearing not diminished.
Deficient or badly-smelling cerumen.
Yellow earwax with dryness of ears.
Offensive otorrhoea.
External ears swollen and hot.
Pain from right ear down neck, on turning head ; after itchlike eruptions.
Left ear hot and red every evening.
Parotitis, swelling grows hard. θ Mumps.
Nosebleed : before attack of fainting ; several times daily for weeks ; face pale before and after every attack ; after straining at stool ; small, intermittent pulse ; after debauch ; in old or debilitated people ; after fevers.
Frequent copious and easy epistaxis ; worse at night or in forenoon, followed by pain over chest ; blood thin and black, generally worse at night ; excited by emotions or jarring.
Ineffectual desire to sneeze, with crawling in left nostril.
Frequent sneezing, with constant and violent crawling and tickling in nose ; lachrymation and biting pain in and above nose. θ Hay asthma.
Dry nasal catarrh ; nares obstructed.
Severe coryza with hoarseness and rawness on chest. θ Hay asthma.
Watery fluid discharge from nose, or stoppage, worse towards evening.
Stoppage of nose.
Nasal catarrh, with sore throat. θ Measles.
Drawing in root of nose.
Itching of nose, particularly around nostrils. θ сoryza.
Nose pointed ; hippocratic face.
Face : very pale ; greyish-yellow ; greenish ; hippocratic.
Pale face, flushes to roots of hair after a little wine. θ Asthma.
Drawing and aching pains in facial nerve.
Tearing pains in left half of face.
Jerking tearing in right upper maxilla.
Facial and maxillary bones sore.
Jerk-like tearing in left zygoma, in front of ear, in evening, in bed.
Drawing pain in upper and lower jaw on both sides, with drawing in head and confusion of it.
Soreness of facial bones of upper and lower jaws.
Face hippocratic. θ Typhus.
Corpselike face.
Cold sweat on face.
Face cold ; tongue cold and contracted.
Glowing redness of face with a fine network of capillaries as if marbled.
Swelling of upper lip and cheeks, with jerking pain.
Red cheeks ; sometimes red and covered with cold sweat.
Painful eruptions on upper lip ; the vermilion border is covered with pimples.
Acne in face of young people.
Herpetic eruptions in face.
Lupus vorax in face.
Brown, or blackish-looking cracked lips.
Swelling of lips.
Lower lip red and swollen on inside, preventing her from speaking.
Quivering or twitching of upper lip.
Chattering of chin.
Vertigo, with pain in forehead. θ сhronic catarrh.
Whirling in head, whole day.
Confusion of head, which makes thinking difficult.
Fainting after sleep, after rising, or while yet in bed, mornings ; belching ; caused by debilitating losses, or abuse of mercury.
Violent tearing in forehead, at a small spot near temple.
Pain in right side of forehead and head. θ Intermittent fever.
Aching or beating over eyes, or in whole head, commencing at nape of neck ; worse evening after a meal, with congestion to head ; after a debauch.
Pressive headache just over eyes, with tears ; eyes pain on moving them.
Pressure across forehead, weighing down eyelids, worse by weight of hat.
Pressure in forehead, temples and vertex.
Frontal headache with vertigo.
Sensation as if a strap was drawn tightly across forehead.
Pressive pain on vertex, with soreness of hair to touch.
Stitching headache extending to occiput in evening.
Tearing and drawing in left side of occiput.
Dull headache in occiput ; violent pressive pain in lower portion of occiput ; feeling of weight.
Sensation of emptiness in head, with hunger.
Burning in head ; head and hands hot.
Head feels heavy as lead.
Sensation of electric shocks in head.
Painful throbbing in head, during inspiration.
Throbbing with head in head and fulness, after a meal and in evening.
Pulsating in head, as though he would be attacked by paralytic stroke.
Headache as form constriction of scalp.
Constrictive headache, with nausea.
Painful stitches through head, when coughing.
Headache : causing nausea ; with great weakness, faintness and pain in every limb ; from becoming overheated ; on awaking from sleep ; with burning here and there on body, in morning.
Rush of blood to head followed by nosebleed.
Congestion to head, with spasmodic constriction, nausea and pressure over eyes, feeling of coryza ; from overheated rooms.
Awakes with sensation of congestion of brain.
Acute pain in head extending to upper maxilla.
Head painfully sensitive to pressure, especially of hat ; worse from taking cold or chilling of head, and from getting warm in bed.
Scalp painful to touch.
Hat pressed upon head like a heavy weight, and he continued to feel the sensation even after taking it off, as if head was bound up with a cloth.
Pressing and burning tearing on outer head, especially in muscles of occiput and nape of neck ; better from sitting quietly in warm room.
Sensation of contraction in integuments of head, which causes a cramplike tension in brain, worse from pressure of hat and overheating, better from uncovering head.
Head sensitive to cold, easily becomes chilled, especially after overheating and sweating of it ; affections following it are worse in morning and on walking in open air, better in warm room.
Sweat on forehead, often cold.
Inclination to lie and rest with head high.
Feeling as if hair stood on end.
Falling out of hair (after severe diseases or abuse of mercury), with great sensitiveness of scalp to pressure.
Hair falls out, worse on back of head ; scalp itches in evening, when warm in bed ; occasioned by severe illness or after parturition.
Eyes dull, lustreless, deep-set, pupils do not react to light. θ Typhus.
Black spots floating before eyes ; also flickering, flames and rings.
Objects near her constantly become narrower and smaller.
Eyes become weak and ache, from overwork or fine work ; myopia.
Pressure and aching in eyeballs.
Pains in eyes after lying down.
Eyes pain in evening.
Burning in eyes.
Pressing and burning in eyes.
Feeling of sand in eyes. θ Intermittent fever.
Heavy weight seems to rest on eyes ; must make exertion to distinguish letters when reading.
Muscles of eye pain, when looking up.
On attempting to speak, motion of eyes as from stitches in them.
Hemorrhage from eyes, generally with burning. θ сongestion to head. θ Whooping cough.
Burning and pressure in canthi.
Itching about eyes and in margin of lids, particularly in morning.
Lids agglutinated.
Discharge of thick, flesh-colored, offensive moisture from right eye.
^^ Aching pain in orbits and in eyeballs passing to back of head ; paroxysm passes away for a few minutes and then returns ; better on walking in open air, worse on lying down.
Hearing very acute.
Ringing in ears ; buzzing.
Rustling in ears, as of straw, whenever jaws are moved ; discharge of a thickish, flesh-colored, badly-smelling liquid from ear ; painful eruption on upper lip.
Roaring in ears accompanies vertigo ; with scanty earwax.
Illusions of hearing ; he thought he heard some one approaching his bed.
Deafness, particularly after acute exanthema or abuse of mercury ; ears too dry.
Tearing and aching in ears from within outward.
Ulceration of internal ear and discharge of pus.
Something heavy seems to lie before ears ; they seemed stopped, hearing not diminished.
Deficient or badly-smelling cerumen.
Yellow earwax with dryness of ears.
Offensive otorrhoea.
External ears swollen and hot.
Pain from right ear down neck, on turning head ; after itchlike eruptions.
Left ear hot and red every evening.
Parotitis, swelling grows hard. θ Mumps.
Nosebleed : before attack of fainting ; several times daily for weeks ; face pale before and after every attack ; after straining at stool ; small, intermittent pulse ; after debauch ; in old or debilitated people ; after fevers.
Frequent copious and easy epistaxis ; worse at night or in forenoon, followed by pain over chest ; blood thin and black, generally worse at night ; excited by emotions or jarring.
Ineffectual desire to sneeze, with crawling in left nostril.
Frequent sneezing, with constant and violent crawling and tickling in nose ; lachrymation and biting pain in and above nose. θ Hay asthma.
Dry nasal catarrh ; nares obstructed.
Severe coryza with hoarseness and rawness on chest. θ Hay asthma.
Watery fluid discharge from nose, or stoppage, worse towards evening.
Stoppage of nose.
Nasal catarrh, with sore throat. θ Measles.
Drawing in root of nose.
Itching of nose, particularly around nostrils. θ сoryza.
Nose pointed ; hippocratic face.
Face : very pale ; greyish-yellow ; greenish ; hippocratic.
Pale face, flushes to roots of hair after a little wine. θ Asthma.
Drawing and aching pains in facial nerve.
Tearing pains in left half of face.
Jerking tearing in right upper maxilla.
Facial and maxillary bones sore.
Jerk-like tearing in left zygoma, in front of ear, in evening, in bed.
Drawing pain in upper and lower jaw on both sides, with drawing in head and confusion of it.
Soreness of facial bones of upper and lower jaws.
Face hippocratic. θ Typhus.
Corpselike face.
Cold sweat on face.
Face cold ; tongue cold and contracted.
Glowing redness of face with a fine network of capillaries as if marbled.
Swelling of upper lip and cheeks, with jerking pain.
Red cheeks ; sometimes red and covered with cold sweat.
Painful eruptions on upper lip ; the vermilion border is covered with pimples.
Acne in face of young people.
Herpetic eruptions in face.
Lupus vorax in face.
Brown, or blackish-looking cracked lips.
Swelling of lips.
Lower lip red and swollen on inside, preventing her from speaking.
Quivering or twitching of upper lip.
Chattering of chin.
Mouth and throat
Tearing in incisor teeth.
Teeth feel long and are sore.
Drawing and tearing pain in molars.
Tearing in teeth from hot, cold or salt food ; worse when touched with tongue.
Pain in teeth on left side, worse in open air, better after eating.
Toothache : constricting ; clucking ; from cold and warm substances taken into mouth.
Looseness of teeth, with bleeding of gums, which are very sensitive.
Teeth decay rapidly.
Sore pain in gum during day.
Gum painfully sensitive when chewing.
Gum retracts from lower incisors.
When sucking gum, pure blood flows into mouth, in forenoon, returning several days at same time.
Bleeding of teeth when cleaning them.
Pustules on gum ; gumboils.
Aphtha or thrush.
Teeth and gum affections from abuse of mercury.
Bitterness on palate, tongue dry.
Bitter taste before and after eating.
Bitter taste, with clean tongue, particularly in old women.
Sour taste in mouth after eating.
Saltish taste.
Tongue heavy, with difficult speech.
Tip of tongue raw and dry ; heat in mouth.
Sensitiveness of tongue becomes indurated.
Tongue turns black. θ Typhus. θ Yellow fever.
Tongue red and dry, or covered with dirty crust. θ Typhus.
Tongue : white ; coated with yellow-brown mucus ; lead-colored ; blue, sticky, moist ; dry, parched, fissured ; black.
Tongue cold. θ Asiatic cholera. θ Yellow fever. θ Typhus.
Small ulcers scattered through mouth ; greyish color, burning like live coals ; ulcers are small, grey, deep and isolated.
Mouth and breath cold. θ сholera. θ Yellow fever.
Mouth hot, tongue almost immovable, saliva bloody ; edges of gums yellow, indented ; gums loose, receding, ulcerated.
Heat in mouth, especially in upper lip, with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue.
Dryness, or increased collection of saliva in mouth, which is often stringy.
Tough mucus in mouth, putrid taste and loss of appetite.
Foul taste and offensive odor from mouth.
Foaming at mouth, or extreme sweating ; animal lies down and bores head backward, towards nape of neck. θ Anthrax.
Hemorrhage from nose and mouth ; blood black.
Pressive pain on posterior part of palate.
Swelling and inflammation of uvula, with stitches in throat.
Burning and biting feeling in fauces.
Sloughing of some parts of swollen fauces ; fetid ichor.
Sensation in pharynx as if it was swollen or contracted.
Pressive tearing in muscles of throat.
Scraping, rawness, burning in throat.
Small burning spots in throat. θ Stomacace.
Sore throat, with ptyalism.
On small spots in throat, sensation of something acrid and corroding, which produces suffocative cough. θ Stomacace.
Tough mucus in throat, as though lump was there which cannot be removed. θ Stomacace.
Hawking of much mucus from throat.
Throat feels as if dried with blotting paper. θ Stomacace.
Food cannot be easily swallowed ; throat seems constricted ; no pain.
Inflammation of oesophagus.
Voice weak or extinct. θ Asiatic cholera.
Deep voice, failing if exerted ; no pain.
Hoarseness : and rawness, worse evenings ; aphonia mornings ; in damp, cool weather ; chronic ; worse from damp, evening air ; warm, wet weather, and from talking ; resembling a base voice.
Cannot speak a loud word, or voice becomes deep and rough, or fails.
Obstinate hoarseness ; worse in evening. θ Tracheitis. θ Asthmatic affections. θ Hydrothorax.
Hoarseness early in morning ; worse in damp, cool weather.
Hoarseness ; worse in afternoon, evening and from speaking. θ Stomacace.
Hoarseness, following croup.
He is obliged to clear his throat so often in evening that larynx becomes raw and sore.
When coughing, severe pain in larynx and in region of thyroid cartilage, as if ulcerated.
Ulcerative pain or scraping, and titillation in larynx.
Great roughness in larynx, with deep, rough voice, which failed if he exerted it, though without pain in throat.
Tingling, tickling in larynx.
Irritation in larynx causes sneezing. θ Influenza.
Unusual feeling of dryness in trachea, not relieved by hawking.
Laryngeal phthisis with irritative fever ; after вellad.
Chronic bronchitis, particularly in old people.
Bronchial catarrh, hoarse, mucous rales ; chest and ribs as if bruised ; blue nails and cold extremities.
Whooping cough in beginning ; spasmodic, with retching and vomiting.
In highest grade of croup : bluish color of face, pale, pulse small and intermittent ; difficult breathing and whistling, with complete insensibility and no cough ; rare, muffled cough, semi-comatose or constant restlessness, with clinging to persons.
Teeth feel long and are sore.
Drawing and tearing pain in molars.
Tearing in teeth from hot, cold or salt food ; worse when touched with tongue.
Pain in teeth on left side, worse in open air, better after eating.
Toothache : constricting ; clucking ; from cold and warm substances taken into mouth.
Looseness of teeth, with bleeding of gums, which are very sensitive.
Teeth decay rapidly.
Sore pain in gum during day.
Gum painfully sensitive when chewing.
Gum retracts from lower incisors.
When sucking gum, pure blood flows into mouth, in forenoon, returning several days at same time.
Bleeding of teeth when cleaning them.
Pustules on gum ; gumboils.
Aphtha or thrush.
Teeth and gum affections from abuse of mercury.
Bitterness on palate, tongue dry.
Bitter taste before and after eating.
Bitter taste, with clean tongue, particularly in old women.
Sour taste in mouth after eating.
Saltish taste.
Tongue heavy, with difficult speech.
Tip of tongue raw and dry ; heat in mouth.
Sensitiveness of tongue becomes indurated.
Tongue turns black. θ Typhus. θ Yellow fever.
Tongue red and dry, or covered with dirty crust. θ Typhus.
Tongue : white ; coated with yellow-brown mucus ; lead-colored ; blue, sticky, moist ; dry, parched, fissured ; black.
Tongue cold. θ Asiatic cholera. θ Yellow fever. θ Typhus.
Small ulcers scattered through mouth ; greyish color, burning like live coals ; ulcers are small, grey, deep and isolated.
Mouth and breath cold. θ сholera. θ Yellow fever.
Mouth hot, tongue almost immovable, saliva bloody ; edges of gums yellow, indented ; gums loose, receding, ulcerated.
Heat in mouth, especially in upper lip, with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue.
Dryness, or increased collection of saliva in mouth, which is often stringy.
Tough mucus in mouth, putrid taste and loss of appetite.
Foul taste and offensive odor from mouth.
Foaming at mouth, or extreme sweating ; animal lies down and bores head backward, towards nape of neck. θ Anthrax.
Hemorrhage from nose and mouth ; blood black.
Pressive pain on posterior part of palate.
Swelling and inflammation of uvula, with stitches in throat.
Burning and biting feeling in fauces.
Sloughing of some parts of swollen fauces ; fetid ichor.
Sensation in pharynx as if it was swollen or contracted.
Pressive tearing in muscles of throat.
Scraping, rawness, burning in throat.
Small burning spots in throat. θ Stomacace.
Sore throat, with ptyalism.
On small spots in throat, sensation of something acrid and corroding, which produces suffocative cough. θ Stomacace.
Tough mucus in throat, as though lump was there which cannot be removed. θ Stomacace.
Hawking of much mucus from throat.
Throat feels as if dried with blotting paper. θ Stomacace.
Food cannot be easily swallowed ; throat seems constricted ; no pain.
Inflammation of oesophagus.
Voice weak or extinct. θ Asiatic cholera.
Deep voice, failing if exerted ; no pain.
Hoarseness : and rawness, worse evenings ; aphonia mornings ; in damp, cool weather ; chronic ; worse from damp, evening air ; warm, wet weather, and from talking ; resembling a base voice.
Cannot speak a loud word, or voice becomes deep and rough, or fails.
Obstinate hoarseness ; worse in evening. θ Tracheitis. θ Asthmatic affections. θ Hydrothorax.
Hoarseness early in morning ; worse in damp, cool weather.
Hoarseness ; worse in afternoon, evening and from speaking. θ Stomacace.
Hoarseness, following croup.
He is obliged to clear his throat so often in evening that larynx becomes raw and sore.
When coughing, severe pain in larynx and in region of thyroid cartilage, as if ulcerated.
Ulcerative pain or scraping, and titillation in larynx.
Great roughness in larynx, with deep, rough voice, which failed if he exerted it, though without pain in throat.
Tingling, tickling in larynx.
Irritation in larynx causes sneezing. θ Influenza.
Unusual feeling of dryness in trachea, not relieved by hawking.
Laryngeal phthisis with irritative fever ; after вellad.
Chronic bronchitis, particularly in old people.
Bronchial catarrh, hoarse, mucous rales ; chest and ribs as if bruised ; blue nails and cold extremities.
Whooping cough in beginning ; spasmodic, with retching and vomiting.
In highest grade of croup : bluish color of face, pale, pulse small and intermittent ; difficult breathing and whistling, with complete insensibility and no cough ; rare, muffled cough, semi-comatose or constant restlessness, with clinging to persons.
Appetite and food preferences
Inordinate appetite or thirst.
Hunger, with feeling of emptiness in head.
Want of appetite ; eats only dinner ; feeling of relaxation and weakness of muscles of limbs.
^^ Thirst, with diarrhoea.
Longing for coffee ; acids ; for sweet and salt things.
Aversion to meat and fat things ; to milk, which causes flatulence.
After eating : headache ; acidity in mouth ; plainest food disagrees ; heaviness, fulness (more after supper), sleepiness ; nausea, vomiting ; feels as if abdomen would burst ; worse after debauch from rich living.
Dreads to eat because of pains ; burning in epigastrium and deep in abdomen.
Everything that he eats causes eructations of wind. θ Intermittent fever.
After milk, sour eructations.
Hunger, with feeling of emptiness in head.
Want of appetite ; eats only dinner ; feeling of relaxation and weakness of muscles of limbs.
^^ Thirst, with diarrhoea.
Longing for coffee ; acids ; for sweet and salt things.
Aversion to meat and fat things ; to milk, which causes flatulence.
After eating : headache ; acidity in mouth ; plainest food disagrees ; heaviness, fulness (more after supper), sleepiness ; nausea, vomiting ; feels as if abdomen would burst ; worse after debauch from rich living.
Dreads to eat because of pains ; burning in epigastrium and deep in abdomen.
Everything that he eats causes eructations of wind. θ Intermittent fever.
After milk, sour eructations.
Gastrointestinal tract
Gastric symptoms : from wine ; coffee ; too much milk ; excessive use of butter, or from rancid butter, from fats in general ; fish, especially if tainted ; from wine drinking ; from mixed beverages in hot weather ; from ice water or different waters ; from flatulent vegetables ; abuse of salt or salt meats.
Affections after fat and fat foods, pastry, etc., which are not cured by Pulsat.
Violent eructations, almost constant ; offensive smelling eructations ; tasting of butter which was eaten ; bitter ; sour or rancid, after eating or drinking, with gagging, almost vomiting.
Gulping up of food.
Frequent empty eructations, mostly in afternoon, also when preceded by pinching in abdomen.
Pyrosis, great flow of water. θ сatarrh of stomach.
Pyrosis : excessive amount of gas constantly belched, which tasted hot and acrid ; stomach distended and tender.
Pyrosis at night.
Frequent qualmishness ; he did not vomit, however.
Nausea : and disgust for food, after eating soup ; in morning, an hour after waking, with qualmishness in stomach ; after breakfast, fulness in abdomen, vomiting and restlessness, so that she does not know how to lie, with pain in stomach.
Cannot bear sun ; she becomes nauseated, sick feeling in stomach and abdomen. θ Intermittent fever.
Vomiting on recovering from insensible condition.
Vomiting after eating.
Much vomiting at end of chill. θ Intermittent fever.
No vomiting ; diarrhoea, spasm or pain. θ сholera Asiatica.
Vomiting : of blood ; of food, in evening ; of sour, bilious bloody masses.
Hematemesis : body icy cold ; breath cool ; pulse thready, intermittent ; fainting ; hippocratic face ; blood black and thick.
Epigastric region very sensitive ; aching and griping in it, as from flatus.
Burning, lancinating in epigastrium and deep in abdomen ; worse from eating ; with anguish, flatulency and diarrhoea.
Burning in stomach, with a creeping sensation up to throat.
Burning in stomach, spreading down to small of back and up to shoulders. θ Gastralgia. θ сancer.
Soreness and burning in stomach, with weakness, causing dyspnoea.
Sensation of rawness in stomach, rising into oesophagus to middle of chest.
Spasmodic pain in stomach, compelling to crouch forward, and impeding respiration.
Gastralgia, especially when there is much flatus and a burning ache.
Contractive cramp, day and night, extending to chest ; abdomen distended ; must bend double, worse lying down ; pain paroxysmal, takes away breath.
Pain in stomach from nursing, or other loss of fluids.
Feels acidity in stomach feels heavy and as if hanging down.
Great accumulation of flatus in stomach.
Acidity of stomach, with eructation of wind.
Trembling in region of stomach.
A contractive sensation beneath stomach.
Stomach feels tense and full ; flatulence.
Discomfort and pressure in stomach, after eating.
Distension of stomach and abdomen.
Pain in stomach, worse an hour after eating.
Cancer of stomach, with burning pains.
Right lobe of liver painful ; burning pain in region of liver.
Bruised pain in liver.
Stitching pain in region of liver and epigastrium, also in spleen, and thence to both sides, increased by deep inspiration.
Tension in region of liver, as if it was too short there, on waking from midday nap.
Region of liver very sensitive and painful to touch ; clothing unendurable. θ Jaundice.
Constant, dull, heavy feeling in liver. θ Intermittent fever.
Pressing, pinching in region of spleen ; quick lightning-like stitches ; abdomen bloated.
Pain, as if beaten, in hypochondria.
Dull pain in right hypochondrium.
Drawing pains around waist, half an hour after food, especially in evening ; stomach feels as if full of wind ; bowels loose ; urine pale.
Pain and tenseness in hypochondria.
Colic : from flatulence, abdomen full to bursting ; pain worse about bladder, or left of epigastrium ; worse from least food ; better from passing flatus, or hard stool ; worse or excited by riding in a carriage.
Cutting and griping in abdomen, after fainting.
Violent constrictive, labor-like colic, 3 A. M.
Pinching, or pressive colic in lower abdomen.
Dragging or griping colic, after a stool.
Pain in bowels, as from lifting or a sprain, as soon as she lies upon side ; mostly in one side of abdomen.
Abdomen feels as if hanging heavily ; walks bent.
Accumulation of flatus in right side of upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching pains.
Much flatulence and distension of abdomen, caused by things which usually digested easily.
Flatus collects here and there in abdomen, under short ribs, in hypogastric region, causing pinching and pressure, and very gradually passing down into rectum, with sensation of heat.
Meteroristic distension of abdomen. θ Typhus.
Meterorism, with loud rumbling ; fetid or odorless flatus.
Abdomen distended, better from passing wind upward or downward.
As pain decreases, gurgling begins in abdomen.
Pain above umbilicus on touch.
Burning on skin of right side of abdomen.
Engorgement of portal system.
Flatus hot, moist, offensive.
Passage of offensive, at least moist, flatus, with painful dragging towards sacrum, and thence towards abdomen.
Passages of great quantities of flatus.
Feces escape with flatus.
Stools : burning, light colored, fetid, watery, bloody, with tenesmus ; covered with filamentous yellow mucus ; last part bloody ; putrid, cadaverous smelling, involuntary ; dysenteric, terribly offensive ; thin, pale mucous ; in fragments, tough, scanty, with urging and tingling in rectum, and pressure on bladder and uterus.
Stools of ashy grey color, and mushy consistency. θ сarditis.
Putrid stools, cold breath, after stool pressing in small of back towards bladder and in rectum, with burning in rectum ; feeling of emptiness, weakness, anxiety and trembling debility. θ Dysentery.
Profuse diarrhoea in tuberculous patients, with great tympanitis.
Painful diarrhoea of old people.
Even soft stool enveloped in mucus ; tough, scanty, not properly cohering stool.
Ineffectual urging to stool ; only wind passes with painful pressure in rectum.
Before stool much pressure with, at same time, pressure on, bladder and in back (frequent in women) ; at last with pains like labor, and great straining, a soft stool is voided.
Tenesmus in rectum.
Stitch through rectum from os coccygis as if with a hot pin.
In rectum and anus, burning, both independently of, and during, the evacuation of flatus and stool.
Itching and burning, stitches and cutting pain at stool.
Burning in rectum.
Gnawing in rectum when not at stool.
Crawling in rectum ; ascarides.
Acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum.
Hemorrhoids : protrude ; blue ; suppurating and offensive ; with burning ; after debauchery ; cause dysuria ; after abuse of sulphur, with extreme acidity of stomach and obstinate intestinal and gastric catarrh, with extreme secretion of mucus ; hemorrhoidal conditions with epistaxis.
Stitches towards anus.
Burning in anus after a stool.
Sticking in anus during stool, as with needles.
Soreness of anus.
Itching of anus.
A glutinous moisture of a musty odor exudes in considerable quantity from anus, at night.
Passage of mucus, with urging and after stool.
More of a relaxation than contraction of anus.
Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched.
Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched.
Soreness, with itching and moisture of perineum at night.
Rawness and chafing of children in hot weather.
Cholera Asiatica, stage of collapse.
Intestinal ulcers, with profuse stools, resembling washings of flesh, smelling like carrion. θ Typhus.
Bowels inactive and constipated. θ Intermittent fever.
Passage of tapeworm.
Affections after fat and fat foods, pastry, etc., which are not cured by Pulsat.
Violent eructations, almost constant ; offensive smelling eructations ; tasting of butter which was eaten ; bitter ; sour or rancid, after eating or drinking, with gagging, almost vomiting.
Gulping up of food.
Frequent empty eructations, mostly in afternoon, also when preceded by pinching in abdomen.
Pyrosis, great flow of water. θ сatarrh of stomach.
Pyrosis : excessive amount of gas constantly belched, which tasted hot and acrid ; stomach distended and tender.
Pyrosis at night.
Frequent qualmishness ; he did not vomit, however.
Nausea : and disgust for food, after eating soup ; in morning, an hour after waking, with qualmishness in stomach ; after breakfast, fulness in abdomen, vomiting and restlessness, so that she does not know how to lie, with pain in stomach.
Cannot bear sun ; she becomes nauseated, sick feeling in stomach and abdomen. θ Intermittent fever.
Vomiting on recovering from insensible condition.
Vomiting after eating.
Much vomiting at end of chill. θ Intermittent fever.
No vomiting ; diarrhoea, spasm or pain. θ сholera Asiatica.
Vomiting : of blood ; of food, in evening ; of sour, bilious bloody masses.
Hematemesis : body icy cold ; breath cool ; pulse thready, intermittent ; fainting ; hippocratic face ; blood black and thick.
Epigastric region very sensitive ; aching and griping in it, as from flatus.
Burning, lancinating in epigastrium and deep in abdomen ; worse from eating ; with anguish, flatulency and diarrhoea.
Burning in stomach, with a creeping sensation up to throat.
Burning in stomach, spreading down to small of back and up to shoulders. θ Gastralgia. θ сancer.
Soreness and burning in stomach, with weakness, causing dyspnoea.
Sensation of rawness in stomach, rising into oesophagus to middle of chest.
Spasmodic pain in stomach, compelling to crouch forward, and impeding respiration.
Gastralgia, especially when there is much flatus and a burning ache.
Contractive cramp, day and night, extending to chest ; abdomen distended ; must bend double, worse lying down ; pain paroxysmal, takes away breath.
Pain in stomach from nursing, or other loss of fluids.
Feels acidity in stomach feels heavy and as if hanging down.
Great accumulation of flatus in stomach.
Acidity of stomach, with eructation of wind.
Trembling in region of stomach.
A contractive sensation beneath stomach.
Stomach feels tense and full ; flatulence.
Discomfort and pressure in stomach, after eating.
Distension of stomach and abdomen.
Pain in stomach, worse an hour after eating.
Cancer of stomach, with burning pains.
Right lobe of liver painful ; burning pain in region of liver.
Bruised pain in liver.
Stitching pain in region of liver and epigastrium, also in spleen, and thence to both sides, increased by deep inspiration.
Tension in region of liver, as if it was too short there, on waking from midday nap.
Region of liver very sensitive and painful to touch ; clothing unendurable. θ Jaundice.
Constant, dull, heavy feeling in liver. θ Intermittent fever.
Pressing, pinching in region of spleen ; quick lightning-like stitches ; abdomen bloated.
Pain, as if beaten, in hypochondria.
Dull pain in right hypochondrium.
Drawing pains around waist, half an hour after food, especially in evening ; stomach feels as if full of wind ; bowels loose ; urine pale.
Pain and tenseness in hypochondria.
Colic : from flatulence, abdomen full to bursting ; pain worse about bladder, or left of epigastrium ; worse from least food ; better from passing flatus, or hard stool ; worse or excited by riding in a carriage.
Cutting and griping in abdomen, after fainting.
Violent constrictive, labor-like colic, 3 A. M.
Pinching, or pressive colic in lower abdomen.
Dragging or griping colic, after a stool.
Pain in bowels, as from lifting or a sprain, as soon as she lies upon side ; mostly in one side of abdomen.
Abdomen feels as if hanging heavily ; walks bent.
Accumulation of flatus in right side of upper abdomen, more towards back, with pinching pains.
Much flatulence and distension of abdomen, caused by things which usually digested easily.
Flatus collects here and there in abdomen, under short ribs, in hypogastric region, causing pinching and pressure, and very gradually passing down into rectum, with sensation of heat.
Meteroristic distension of abdomen. θ Typhus.
Meterorism, with loud rumbling ; fetid or odorless flatus.
Abdomen distended, better from passing wind upward or downward.
As pain decreases, gurgling begins in abdomen.
Pain above umbilicus on touch.
Burning on skin of right side of abdomen.
Engorgement of portal system.
Flatus hot, moist, offensive.
Passage of offensive, at least moist, flatus, with painful dragging towards sacrum, and thence towards abdomen.
Passages of great quantities of flatus.
Feces escape with flatus.
Stools : burning, light colored, fetid, watery, bloody, with tenesmus ; covered with filamentous yellow mucus ; last part bloody ; putrid, cadaverous smelling, involuntary ; dysenteric, terribly offensive ; thin, pale mucous ; in fragments, tough, scanty, with urging and tingling in rectum, and pressure on bladder and uterus.
Stools of ashy grey color, and mushy consistency. θ сarditis.
Putrid stools, cold breath, after stool pressing in small of back towards bladder and in rectum, with burning in rectum ; feeling of emptiness, weakness, anxiety and trembling debility. θ Dysentery.
Profuse diarrhoea in tuberculous patients, with great tympanitis.
Painful diarrhoea of old people.
Even soft stool enveloped in mucus ; tough, scanty, not properly cohering stool.
Ineffectual urging to stool ; only wind passes with painful pressure in rectum.
Before stool much pressure with, at same time, pressure on, bladder and in back (frequent in women) ; at last with pains like labor, and great straining, a soft stool is voided.
Tenesmus in rectum.
Stitch through rectum from os coccygis as if with a hot pin.
In rectum and anus, burning, both independently of, and during, the evacuation of flatus and stool.
Itching and burning, stitches and cutting pain at stool.
Burning in rectum.
Gnawing in rectum when not at stool.
Crawling in rectum ; ascarides.
Acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum.
Hemorrhoids : protrude ; blue ; suppurating and offensive ; with burning ; after debauchery ; cause dysuria ; after abuse of sulphur, with extreme acidity of stomach and obstinate intestinal and gastric catarrh, with extreme secretion of mucus ; hemorrhoidal conditions with epistaxis.
Stitches towards anus.
Burning in anus after a stool.
Sticking in anus during stool, as with needles.
Soreness of anus.
Itching of anus.
A glutinous moisture of a musty odor exudes in considerable quantity from anus, at night.
Passage of mucus, with urging and after stool.
More of a relaxation than contraction of anus.
Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched.
Soreness of perineum, with painful itching when touched.
Soreness, with itching and moisture of perineum at night.
Rawness and chafing of children in hot weather.
Cholera Asiatica, stage of collapse.
Intestinal ulcers, with profuse stools, resembling washings of flesh, smelling like carrion. θ Typhus.
Bowels inactive and constipated. θ Intermittent fever.
Passage of tapeworm.
Urogenital system
Soreness at neck of bladder.
Pressure on bladder.
Tearing in urethra on urinating, and the last drops are like mucus.
Frequent, anxious urging to urinate, day and night.
Cutting pain on urinating.
Incontinence of urine ; wetting bed a night.
Urine almost suppressed, dark in color ; thick, with stale odor.
Urine suppressed. θ сholera Asiatica.
Urine : scanty, reddish, turbid, as if mixed with blood ; too dark ; with red sediment ; bloody, with varices of anus and bladder ; copious, light yellow, diabetic ; milky.
Blennorrhoea vesica ; old people.
Morbus вrightii, from abuse of alcohol.
Sexual instinct suppressed.
Seminal discharge too early during coitus, followed by roaring in head.
After sexual excesses and onanism.
Onanism during sleep.
Too frequent pollutions, particularly in morning.
Prostatic discharge, while straining at stool.
Smooth, red, moist spots on glans penis.
Pressure in testicles.
Swelling of testicles from metastasis of mumps.
Menses : too early, too profuse ; blood pale or thick, corrosive, acrid smelling ; scanty ; too frequent, preceded by spasmodic colic, and attended by violent headache and colic ; preceded or followed by leucorrhoea.
At the time menses should appear, violent itching of old tettery eruptions.
Menorrhagia, burning across sacrum, passive flow.
Metrorrhagia from uterine atony ; cold and deathly pale, wants to be fanned.
Burning, smarting and soreness, with abundant leucorrhoea, most abundant in early morning.
Corroding leucorrhoea, with swelling of female genitals. θ Prurigo.
Leucorrhoea : thin, in morning on arising, not through day ; milky, excoriating ; thick yellow, preceding or following menses ; intermitting, coming and going suddenly ; with soreness and rawness in pudenda.
Vaginal fistula, burning pains.
Varices of vulva, itching of vulva and anus ; cause dysuria.
Red, sore places on pudenda ; aphtha ; also during leucorrhoea.
Soreness, itching, burning and swelling of pudenda. θ Prurigo.
Erectile tumors in genitals ; blue, hard, pricking.
Uterine cancer ; paroxysmal spells of burning in uterine region ; varicose veins in genitals ; cold knees in bed.
Pressure on bladder.
Tearing in urethra on urinating, and the last drops are like mucus.
Frequent, anxious urging to urinate, day and night.
Cutting pain on urinating.
Incontinence of urine ; wetting bed a night.
Urine almost suppressed, dark in color ; thick, with stale odor.
Urine suppressed. θ сholera Asiatica.
Urine : scanty, reddish, turbid, as if mixed with blood ; too dark ; with red sediment ; bloody, with varices of anus and bladder ; copious, light yellow, diabetic ; milky.
Blennorrhoea vesica ; old people.
Morbus вrightii, from abuse of alcohol.
Sexual instinct suppressed.
Seminal discharge too early during coitus, followed by roaring in head.
After sexual excesses and onanism.
Onanism during sleep.
Too frequent pollutions, particularly in morning.
Prostatic discharge, while straining at stool.
Smooth, red, moist spots on glans penis.
Pressure in testicles.
Swelling of testicles from metastasis of mumps.
Menses : too early, too profuse ; blood pale or thick, corrosive, acrid smelling ; scanty ; too frequent, preceded by spasmodic colic, and attended by violent headache and colic ; preceded or followed by leucorrhoea.
At the time menses should appear, violent itching of old tettery eruptions.
Menorrhagia, burning across sacrum, passive flow.
Metrorrhagia from uterine atony ; cold and deathly pale, wants to be fanned.
Burning, smarting and soreness, with abundant leucorrhoea, most abundant in early morning.
Corroding leucorrhoea, with swelling of female genitals. θ Prurigo.
Leucorrhoea : thin, in morning on arising, not through day ; milky, excoriating ; thick yellow, preceding or following menses ; intermitting, coming and going suddenly ; with soreness and rawness in pudenda.
Vaginal fistula, burning pains.
Varices of vulva, itching of vulva and anus ; cause dysuria.
Red, sore places on pudenda ; aphtha ; also during leucorrhoea.
Soreness, itching, burning and swelling of pudenda. θ Prurigo.
Erectile tumors in genitals ; blue, hard, pricking.
Uterine cancer ; paroxysmal spells of burning in uterine region ; varicose veins in genitals ; cold knees in bed.
Plant characteristics
Labor-pains weak, or ceasing, with great debility ; especially after severe disease or great loss of fluids.
Brown, foul smelling lochia.
Debility from nursing. θ Gastralgia.
Suppression of milk.
Erysipelatous inflammation of mamma.
Lumps in mamma, with induration of maxillary glands, with burning pains. сompare сarb. an. θ Scirrhus.
Neuralgic nodes in mamma.
Intertrigo or chafing of infants.
Brown, foul smelling lochia.
Debility from nursing. θ Gastralgia.
Suppression of milk.
Erysipelatous inflammation of mamma.
Lumps in mamma, with induration of maxillary glands, with burning pains. сompare сarb. an. θ Scirrhus.
Neuralgic nodes in mamma.
Intertrigo or chafing of infants.
Chest organs
Offensive breath. θ Typhus.
Breath cold. θ Asiatic cholera. θ Yellow fever.
Cold breath, coldness of throat, mouth and teeth.
Breathing short, with cold hands and feet.
Breathing deeply causes fatigue of back.
Loud breathing during sleep.
Loud, rattling breathing ; cough ceases ; oedema pulmonum impending.
Desires to be fanned, must have more air.
Loses breath on turning in bed, or when going to sleep.
Inclination to sigh, and to take a deep breath. θ Intermittent fever.
Difficult breathing, fulness of chest, and palpitation on slightest motion.
Breathing laborious, fulness of chest, and palpitation on slightest motion.
Breathing laborious, quick and short ; only a catching for breath.
Shortness of breath while walking.
Great dyspnoea, great anxiety, but not restless ; cough in violent spells, watery, profuse expectoration. θ Emphysema.
Asthma of old people and of poor, exhausted constitutions ; weakness, trembling ; looks as if dying ; full of wind, but cannot raise it ; better in cold air ; worse in morning.
Cough caused by itching in larynx (with tenacious, salty expectoration), in evening on going to sleep, and in morning after waking.
Half involuntary, rough cough, caused by constant roughness and crawling in throat.
Cough ; spasmodic, hollow, in short, hard spells ; continuous, hard and dry ; caused by a feeling as of vapor of sulphur ; worse evening or before midnight ; at times dry, painful, at others with purulent, slimy, offensive, or salty sputa ; with copious sputa night and morning ; and vomiting after other symptoms of whooping cough are gone ; with painful stitches through head ; worse going from warm to cold places ; motion ; walking in open air ; after lying down ; evening in bed from eating or drinking, especially cold food or drink ; from talking ; on expiration ; during supper.
Cough is mostly hard and dry, and hoarse or rough sounding ; is most apt to occur after a full meal, and ends in vomiting. θ Whooping cough.
Pain in chest after cough ; burning as from a coal of fire.
Soreness of chest and heat of body when coughing.
Every violent coughing spell either brings up a lump of phlegm, which relieves, or it is followed by retching, gagging and waterbrash.
Obstinate cough preventing sound sleep ; getting worse towards morning and from talking ; also upon persons approaching or passing ; pulse only 72 ; there is also dyspnoea, and is compelled to lie with head high ; on percussion the whole lung gives forth a dull sound. θ Hydrothorax.
Spasmodic cough in three or four paroxysms daily.
Itching internally from throat down centre of chest, worse when coughing.
Sputa : tough and greenish, yellow green or purulent ; brown, bloody ; or less often tenacious whitish mucus, or watery ; of sour or saltish taste ; of unpleasant odor.
Feeling of mucus in throat, at night, choking her when she coughs, better when sitting up or moving.
Much hawking of mucus.
Continual mucous expectoration, or gagging and vomiting of mucus ; great exhaustion after every coughing spell, blueness of skin, better from hard fanning. θ Pertussis.
Cutting and aching pain in chest.
Burning under sternum ; rattling of large bubbles ; dyspnoea ; cold knees in bed.
Burning in chest, as from glowing coals ; rawness and soreness.
Hamoptysis, burning in chest, paroxysms of violent cough, hoarse ; pale face ; cold skin ; slow, intermittent pulse ; wants to be fanned.
Dull stitches in left side of chest, extending into short ribs.
Stitches in chest. сomp. Kali carb.
Oppressive tearing in left chest.
Pressive pain in upper right chest, through to scapula.
Aching and tearing in chest, extending to hips.
In left middle chest painful spot size of dollar, with cough. θ Stomacace.
Pain in chest from drinking cold water.
Pain in left lung, hard, heavy, constant, confined to main bronchial tubes ; great susceptibility to cold ; after inhalation of great heat from a fire.
A tight feeling in chest, and constant desire to cough, from a scraped feeling and a tickling in throat and trachea.
After disappearance of coryza, chest much oppressed, with wheezing and rattling ; he was unable to remain in bed on account of want of air, and cough, which affected him even to vomiting, and was difficult to loosen.
Itching from throat down centre of chest ; worse by coughing.
Weak, fatigued feeling of chest, particularly on waking.
Congestion to chest and head.
Pleuritic serous exudation, with hectic fever and evening aggravation.
Asthmatic affections from hydrothorax.
Chronic asthma. Once or twice monthly ; better in Summer ; attacks come always during sleep, even after midnight or in afternoon sleep ; patient has to get out of bed and sit by table, and so work off attack ; chest feels as if walled up, and only with greatest exertion is panting breath drawn.
Inveterate cases of asthma in old people ; worse early in morning ; better in cold air ; increase of saliva ; appearance as if dying. θ Asthma.
Coughs day and night, with burning and pressing under sternum ; expectorates yellow, purulent matter and tubercles. θ Phthisis pulmonalis.
Phthisis tuberculosa incipiens, or septic condition with prostration, sunken features, sallow complexion, emaciation and hectic.
Pneumonia : third stage, fetid sputum ; cold breath and sweat ; wants to be fanned ; threatened paralysis of lungs.
Breath cold. θ Asiatic cholera. θ Yellow fever.
Cold breath, coldness of throat, mouth and teeth.
Breathing short, with cold hands and feet.
Breathing deeply causes fatigue of back.
Loud breathing during sleep.
Loud, rattling breathing ; cough ceases ; oedema pulmonum impending.
Desires to be fanned, must have more air.
Loses breath on turning in bed, or when going to sleep.
Inclination to sigh, and to take a deep breath. θ Intermittent fever.
Difficult breathing, fulness of chest, and palpitation on slightest motion.
Breathing laborious, fulness of chest, and palpitation on slightest motion.
Breathing laborious, quick and short ; only a catching for breath.
Shortness of breath while walking.
Great dyspnoea, great anxiety, but not restless ; cough in violent spells, watery, profuse expectoration. θ Emphysema.
Asthma of old people and of poor, exhausted constitutions ; weakness, trembling ; looks as if dying ; full of wind, but cannot raise it ; better in cold air ; worse in morning.
Cough caused by itching in larynx (with tenacious, salty expectoration), in evening on going to sleep, and in morning after waking.
Half involuntary, rough cough, caused by constant roughness and crawling in throat.
Cough ; spasmodic, hollow, in short, hard spells ; continuous, hard and dry ; caused by a feeling as of vapor of sulphur ; worse evening or before midnight ; at times dry, painful, at others with purulent, slimy, offensive, or salty sputa ; with copious sputa night and morning ; and vomiting after other symptoms of whooping cough are gone ; with painful stitches through head ; worse going from warm to cold places ; motion ; walking in open air ; after lying down ; evening in bed from eating or drinking, especially cold food or drink ; from talking ; on expiration ; during supper.
Cough is mostly hard and dry, and hoarse or rough sounding ; is most apt to occur after a full meal, and ends in vomiting. θ Whooping cough.
Pain in chest after cough ; burning as from a coal of fire.
Soreness of chest and heat of body when coughing.
Every violent coughing spell either brings up a lump of phlegm, which relieves, or it is followed by retching, gagging and waterbrash.
Obstinate cough preventing sound sleep ; getting worse towards morning and from talking ; also upon persons approaching or passing ; pulse only 72 ; there is also dyspnoea, and is compelled to lie with head high ; on percussion the whole lung gives forth a dull sound. θ Hydrothorax.
Spasmodic cough in three or four paroxysms daily.
Itching internally from throat down centre of chest, worse when coughing.
Sputa : tough and greenish, yellow green or purulent ; brown, bloody ; or less often tenacious whitish mucus, or watery ; of sour or saltish taste ; of unpleasant odor.
Feeling of mucus in throat, at night, choking her when she coughs, better when sitting up or moving.
Much hawking of mucus.
Continual mucous expectoration, or gagging and vomiting of mucus ; great exhaustion after every coughing spell, blueness of skin, better from hard fanning. θ Pertussis.
Cutting and aching pain in chest.
Burning under sternum ; rattling of large bubbles ; dyspnoea ; cold knees in bed.
Burning in chest, as from glowing coals ; rawness and soreness.
Hamoptysis, burning in chest, paroxysms of violent cough, hoarse ; pale face ; cold skin ; slow, intermittent pulse ; wants to be fanned.
Dull stitches in left side of chest, extending into short ribs.
Stitches in chest. сomp. Kali carb.
Oppressive tearing in left chest.
Pressive pain in upper right chest, through to scapula.
Aching and tearing in chest, extending to hips.
In left middle chest painful spot size of dollar, with cough. θ Stomacace.
Pain in chest from drinking cold water.
Pain in left lung, hard, heavy, constant, confined to main bronchial tubes ; great susceptibility to cold ; after inhalation of great heat from a fire.
A tight feeling in chest, and constant desire to cough, from a scraped feeling and a tickling in throat and trachea.
After disappearance of coryza, chest much oppressed, with wheezing and rattling ; he was unable to remain in bed on account of want of air, and cough, which affected him even to vomiting, and was difficult to loosen.
Itching from throat down centre of chest ; worse by coughing.
Weak, fatigued feeling of chest, particularly on waking.
Congestion to chest and head.
Pleuritic serous exudation, with hectic fever and evening aggravation.
Asthmatic affections from hydrothorax.
Chronic asthma. Once or twice monthly ; better in Summer ; attacks come always during sleep, even after midnight or in afternoon sleep ; patient has to get out of bed and sit by table, and so work off attack ; chest feels as if walled up, and only with greatest exertion is panting breath drawn.
Inveterate cases of asthma in old people ; worse early in morning ; better in cold air ; increase of saliva ; appearance as if dying. θ Asthma.
Coughs day and night, with burning and pressing under sternum ; expectorates yellow, purulent matter and tubercles. θ Phthisis pulmonalis.
Phthisis tuberculosa incipiens, or septic condition with prostration, sunken features, sallow complexion, emaciation and hectic.
Pneumonia : third stage, fetid sputum ; cold breath and sweat ; wants to be fanned ; threatened paralysis of lungs.
Cardiovascular system
Precordial anguish as though he would die.
Burning in region of heart.
Palpitation : excessive, for days ; after eating ; when sitting.
Orgasm of blood, visible palpitation, internal heat, especially when sitting ; anguish and great thirst. θ сarditis.
Pulse, threadlike ; weak and small ; intermittent ; weak and faint ; hardly to be felt.
Pulse very irregular, intermitting, frequent. θ сarditis.
Blood stagnates in capillaries, cyanosis ; cold face and limbs ; cold sweat ; complete torpor ; impending paralysis of heart. θ Yellow fever.
Aneurism ; blue varicosities ; fine capillary network having a marbled appearance.
Sensation of shortness of breath, with tearing, drawing, burning pains of outer chest.
Brown yellow blotches on chest.
Itching and soreness in axilla.
Burning in region of heart.
Palpitation : excessive, for days ; after eating ; when sitting.
Orgasm of blood, visible palpitation, internal heat, especially when sitting ; anguish and great thirst. θ сarditis.
Pulse, threadlike ; weak and small ; intermittent ; weak and faint ; hardly to be felt.
Pulse very irregular, intermitting, frequent. θ сarditis.
Blood stagnates in capillaries, cyanosis ; cold face and limbs ; cold sweat ; complete torpor ; impending paralysis of heart. θ Yellow fever.
Aneurism ; blue varicosities ; fine capillary network having a marbled appearance.
Sensation of shortness of breath, with tearing, drawing, burning pains of outer chest.
Brown yellow blotches on chest.
Itching and soreness in axilla.
Limbs and spine
Tearing in cervical muscles.
Drawing in nape, up into head, with nausea and rush of water from mouth.
Stiffness of nape of neck.
Cervical glands swollen and painful, especially those near nape.
Single, scattered, red spots on neck.
Pain in scapular region.
^^ Pain between shoulders, both sides of spine when moving head ; better from warmth of stove.
Rheumatic drawing in back worse when stooping.
Drawing pain in back, mostly when sitting.
Stiffness of back ; spine becomes bent.
Shuddering in back.
Itching acne on back.
Severe pain in small of back, she was unable to sit ; then sensation as of a plug in back, had to put a pillow under it.
Pinching, pressive pain near lowest portion of spine.
Pressing, crampy, labor-like colic in small of back and in bladder.
Pressive, sore pain beneath coccyx.
Burning abut hips and scapula and aching along spine.
Rheumatic drawing and aching from loins to coccyx.
Burning on right shoulders, worse from motion and in morning.
Drawing rheumatic pains in right shoulder.
Cramplike tension as though shoulders would be drawn together.
Stitches and burning in right axilla.
Pressing, drawing pain below right axilla, worse from motion.
Bruised pain in both elbow joints, painful to touch.
Drawing in arm on which he is lying at night.
Drawing, tearing in left forearm, from elbow to hand.
Arms weary when writing.
Paralytic weakness of right arm and shoulder.
Drawing in shafts of bones of arm painful to pressure.
Lacerating pain in right wrist when trying to grasp an object ; could not retain hold on account of a paralytic weakness in wrist. θ Ganglion.
Tearing : in either wrist ; in fingers of left hand.
Joints of hands, worse in windy weather.
Paralytic pain in carpus from motion.
Sensation of shortening of tendons in wrist and hand.
Sprained feeling in right hand.
Hands. вurn ; icy cold ; tips of fingers covered with cold sweat ; numb in morning and when washing ; tearing pains in hands and fingers.
Burning in palms of hands, principally when working. θ Phthisis pulmonalis.
Itching in palms of hands at night.
Boring, tearing, drawing, pricking stitches and burning in fingers and finger joints.
Paralytic weakness of fingers when seizing anything.
Cramp of fingers, drawing them out of shape.
White, slightly reddened swelling of fingers, also disappearing suddenly.
Fine itching eruption on hands.
Pulsation in tips of fingers.
Tearing near and beneath left hip, extending to sacrum.
Drawing pain in hip joints, extending down thighs, worse when walking.
Hip disease : third stage, ichorous, offensive discharge ; great weakness.
Severe laming, drawing pain from abdomen down left leg.
Severe paralytic drawing pain, extending from abdomen down into left leg.
Tearing in right hip and thigh.
Stitches in thigh, passing downward when walking.
Crampy pain on outside of left thigh on lifting it, when ascending stairs.
Burning and rheumatic drawing in thighs.
Tension in thigh in morning.
Constrictive pain in thigh, causing leg to give way in walking.
Itching on thigh near scrotum ; the place is moist.
Twitching of muscles of thigh.
Stiffness in thighs on standing up ; numbness when walking.
Stitches in patella on rising after sitting.
Burning in and about knees.
Paralytic pain in knees.
Lassitude and sensation as if knees would give way when walking and standing.
Sensation as though knee was swollen.
Knees go to sleep.
Cold knees, particularly in night.
Tension in knee and hip joints on awaking.
Legs and knees were drawn up involuntarily.
Cramp in lower leg when walking.
Uneasy feeling in legs in evening, in bed ; has to stretch them often.
Left lower leg feels paralyzed.
Lassitude in legs from noon until evening.
Ulcer on leg burns at night ; discharge offensive ; mottled, purple.
In ulcers on leg, gangrene, burning, but worse from warmth, yet not better from cold.
Cramp in calves at night.
Stitches in left ankle joint.
On treating, pain as though metarsi were torn apart.
Cramp in soles, evening after lying down ; toes crooked.
Burning in soles of feet.
Pain in soles of feet as though they were too soft when walking.
Stitch in right great toe.
Tearing pains in toes, worse from walking.
Toes red, swollen, stinging, as if frosted.
Tearing under toe nails in evening until night.
Tips of toes ulcerated.
Very cold feet in evening.
Continual insensibility of feet to touch.
Redness and swelling of feet, with sticking pains as though frozen.
Feet swollen at night. θ Gastralgia.
Foot sweat when walking.
Tearing in legs, from collection of flatus in bowels.
Sensation of stiffness in legs, after an evening nap, so that he was unsteady while walking until he had walked a little.
Heaviness in lower limbs.
Restlessness of legs.
Limbs go to sleep.
Foot sweat, excoriating toes.
Burning : in limbs ; in hands and soles, during menses ; in bones and ulcers.
In extremities aching and burning pains, but especially lassitude, heaviness and even numbness ; generally diminished by repose, but often in the legs a restlessness, so that one knows not where to place the limbs.
Violent pressure in arms and legs.
Boring pain in all limbs as if in marrow of bones, before attack. θ Intermittent fever.
Drawing pain in limbs.
Rheumatic pains, with flatulency.
Limbs : feel bruised ; numb ; go to sleep when lying on them.
Pains in limbs as though from sprain or overlifting.
Weariness, especially in limbs.
Great weariness and stretching of limbs in morning.
Bruised feeling in joints, better after rising.
Sluggish, tired trembling in limbs, and sweating easily in morning.
Twitching of single limbs during day.
Twitching in arms and legs in evening in bed.
The limb upon which he lies goes to sleep easily.
Coldness of hands and feet, worse in evening.
Carb. veg., 3d trit., helped a dog for twitching in the hind legs.
Repose : better aching, burning, lassitude, heaviness, numbness.
Lying in bed, bending double and getting warm better gastralgia.
Lying down : anxiety ; pains in eyes ; cough ; drawing in arm ; cramp in soles ; limbs feel bruised ; worse pain in stomach ; on back and stomach.
Sitting : worse vertigo ; orgasm of blood ; drawing pain of back ; she had to loosen clothing on account of pressure in scrobiculus cordis.
Rising : after sitting, stitches in patella ; heaviness and stiffness in limbs.
Standing : stiffness of thighs ; lassitude in knees.
Motion : slightest, difficult breathing ; stitches and tearing pain in shoulders ; pressing drawing pain below r. axilla ; better sleepiness.
Moving : jaws, rustling in ears.
Turning : in bed, loses breath.
Washing : tearing pains in hands and fingers.
Writing : arms weary.
Treading : down, pain in metatarsi ; joints feel bruised.
Walking : worse vertigo ; head sensitive to cold ; better aching pain in orbits ; shortness of breath : drawing pains in hip joints ; stitches in thighs ; constrictive pain in thigh ; lassitude in knees ; cramp in lower legs ; pain in soles ; tearing pain in toes ; foot sweat ; stiffness of legs ; weary after a short walk ; most pains appear.
Lifting : thigh, going up-stairs, crampy pain in thigh.
Effects from overlifting.
Inspiration : stitching pain in liver.
Touch ; scalp painful ; tearing in teeth.
Riding aggravates : soreness in limbs ; colic.
Shock from injury : stupor, want of vision and hearing, colliquative cadaverous diarrhoea, cold sweat, rattling breathing, stagnant circulation, frequent filiform pulse.
Drawing in nape, up into head, with nausea and rush of water from mouth.
Stiffness of nape of neck.
Cervical glands swollen and painful, especially those near nape.
Single, scattered, red spots on neck.
Pain in scapular region.
^^ Pain between shoulders, both sides of spine when moving head ; better from warmth of stove.
Rheumatic drawing in back worse when stooping.
Drawing pain in back, mostly when sitting.
Stiffness of back ; spine becomes bent.
Shuddering in back.
Itching acne on back.
Severe pain in small of back, she was unable to sit ; then sensation as of a plug in back, had to put a pillow under it.
Pinching, pressive pain near lowest portion of spine.
Pressing, crampy, labor-like colic in small of back and in bladder.
Pressive, sore pain beneath coccyx.
Burning abut hips and scapula and aching along spine.
Rheumatic drawing and aching from loins to coccyx.
Burning on right shoulders, worse from motion and in morning.
Drawing rheumatic pains in right shoulder.
Cramplike tension as though shoulders would be drawn together.
Stitches and burning in right axilla.
Pressing, drawing pain below right axilla, worse from motion.
Bruised pain in both elbow joints, painful to touch.
Drawing in arm on which he is lying at night.
Drawing, tearing in left forearm, from elbow to hand.
Arms weary when writing.
Paralytic weakness of right arm and shoulder.
Drawing in shafts of bones of arm painful to pressure.
Lacerating pain in right wrist when trying to grasp an object ; could not retain hold on account of a paralytic weakness in wrist. θ Ganglion.
Tearing : in either wrist ; in fingers of left hand.
Joints of hands, worse in windy weather.
Paralytic pain in carpus from motion.
Sensation of shortening of tendons in wrist and hand.
Sprained feeling in right hand.
Hands. вurn ; icy cold ; tips of fingers covered with cold sweat ; numb in morning and when washing ; tearing pains in hands and fingers.
Burning in palms of hands, principally when working. θ Phthisis pulmonalis.
Itching in palms of hands at night.
Boring, tearing, drawing, pricking stitches and burning in fingers and finger joints.
Paralytic weakness of fingers when seizing anything.
Cramp of fingers, drawing them out of shape.
White, slightly reddened swelling of fingers, also disappearing suddenly.
Fine itching eruption on hands.
Pulsation in tips of fingers.
Tearing near and beneath left hip, extending to sacrum.
Drawing pain in hip joints, extending down thighs, worse when walking.
Hip disease : third stage, ichorous, offensive discharge ; great weakness.
Severe laming, drawing pain from abdomen down left leg.
Severe paralytic drawing pain, extending from abdomen down into left leg.
Tearing in right hip and thigh.
Stitches in thigh, passing downward when walking.
Crampy pain on outside of left thigh on lifting it, when ascending stairs.
Burning and rheumatic drawing in thighs.
Tension in thigh in morning.
Constrictive pain in thigh, causing leg to give way in walking.
Itching on thigh near scrotum ; the place is moist.
Twitching of muscles of thigh.
Stiffness in thighs on standing up ; numbness when walking.
Stitches in patella on rising after sitting.
Burning in and about knees.
Paralytic pain in knees.
Lassitude and sensation as if knees would give way when walking and standing.
Sensation as though knee was swollen.
Knees go to sleep.
Cold knees, particularly in night.
Tension in knee and hip joints on awaking.
Legs and knees were drawn up involuntarily.
Cramp in lower leg when walking.
Uneasy feeling in legs in evening, in bed ; has to stretch them often.
Left lower leg feels paralyzed.
Lassitude in legs from noon until evening.
Ulcer on leg burns at night ; discharge offensive ; mottled, purple.
In ulcers on leg, gangrene, burning, but worse from warmth, yet not better from cold.
Cramp in calves at night.
Stitches in left ankle joint.
On treating, pain as though metarsi were torn apart.
Cramp in soles, evening after lying down ; toes crooked.
Burning in soles of feet.
Pain in soles of feet as though they were too soft when walking.
Stitch in right great toe.
Tearing pains in toes, worse from walking.
Toes red, swollen, stinging, as if frosted.
Tearing under toe nails in evening until night.
Tips of toes ulcerated.
Very cold feet in evening.
Continual insensibility of feet to touch.
Redness and swelling of feet, with sticking pains as though frozen.
Feet swollen at night. θ Gastralgia.
Foot sweat when walking.
Tearing in legs, from collection of flatus in bowels.
Sensation of stiffness in legs, after an evening nap, so that he was unsteady while walking until he had walked a little.
Heaviness in lower limbs.
Restlessness of legs.
Limbs go to sleep.
Foot sweat, excoriating toes.
Burning : in limbs ; in hands and soles, during menses ; in bones and ulcers.
In extremities aching and burning pains, but especially lassitude, heaviness and even numbness ; generally diminished by repose, but often in the legs a restlessness, so that one knows not where to place the limbs.
Violent pressure in arms and legs.
Boring pain in all limbs as if in marrow of bones, before attack. θ Intermittent fever.
Drawing pain in limbs.
Rheumatic pains, with flatulency.
Limbs : feel bruised ; numb ; go to sleep when lying on them.
Pains in limbs as though from sprain or overlifting.
Weariness, especially in limbs.
Great weariness and stretching of limbs in morning.
Bruised feeling in joints, better after rising.
Sluggish, tired trembling in limbs, and sweating easily in morning.
Twitching of single limbs during day.
Twitching in arms and legs in evening in bed.
The limb upon which he lies goes to sleep easily.
Coldness of hands and feet, worse in evening.
Carb. veg., 3d trit., helped a dog for twitching in the hind legs.
Repose : better aching, burning, lassitude, heaviness, numbness.
Lying in bed, bending double and getting warm better gastralgia.
Lying down : anxiety ; pains in eyes ; cough ; drawing in arm ; cramp in soles ; limbs feel bruised ; worse pain in stomach ; on back and stomach.
Sitting : worse vertigo ; orgasm of blood ; drawing pain of back ; she had to loosen clothing on account of pressure in scrobiculus cordis.
Rising : after sitting, stitches in patella ; heaviness and stiffness in limbs.
Standing : stiffness of thighs ; lassitude in knees.
Motion : slightest, difficult breathing ; stitches and tearing pain in shoulders ; pressing drawing pain below r. axilla ; better sleepiness.
Moving : jaws, rustling in ears.
Turning : in bed, loses breath.
Washing : tearing pains in hands and fingers.
Writing : arms weary.
Treading : down, pain in metatarsi ; joints feel bruised.
Walking : worse vertigo ; head sensitive to cold ; better aching pain in orbits ; shortness of breath : drawing pains in hip joints ; stitches in thighs ; constrictive pain in thigh ; lassitude in knees ; cramp in lower legs ; pain in soles ; tearing pain in toes ; foot sweat ; stiffness of legs ; weary after a short walk ; most pains appear.
Lifting : thigh, going up-stairs, crampy pain in thigh.
Effects from overlifting.
Inspiration : stitching pain in liver.
Touch ; scalp painful ; tearing in teeth.
Riding aggravates : soreness in limbs ; colic.
Shock from injury : stupor, want of vision and hearing, colliquative cadaverous diarrhoea, cold sweat, rattling breathing, stagnant circulation, frequent filiform pulse.
Nervous system
Vital surfaces nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially below knees to feet ; lies as if dead ; breath cold ; pulse intermittent, thready ; cold sweat on limbs.
Depression, not preceded by erethism or excitement.
Faintlike weakness in attacks.
Weakness makes talking difficult.
Indolent, weary, in morning in bed.
Sensation of great weariness in bed and in morning.
Weary after a short walk.
Prostration towards noon, head feels empty, sensation of hunger.
Lassitude in evening and in open air.
Sensation of weakness in body at night.
Weakness, with trembling in body.
Want of nervous irritability, of susceptibility to medicines.
Collapse. θ Asiatic cholera. θ Yellow fever.
Great restlessness at night. θ Intermittent fever.
After a spree.
Spasms ; also before onset of menses.
Depression, not preceded by erethism or excitement.
Faintlike weakness in attacks.
Weakness makes talking difficult.
Indolent, weary, in morning in bed.
Sensation of great weariness in bed and in morning.
Weary after a short walk.
Prostration towards noon, head feels empty, sensation of hunger.
Lassitude in evening and in open air.
Sensation of weakness in body at night.
Weakness, with trembling in body.
Want of nervous irritability, of susceptibility to medicines.
Collapse. θ Asiatic cholera. θ Yellow fever.
Great restlessness at night. θ Intermittent fever.
After a spree.
Spasms ; also before onset of menses.
Sleepiness in forenoon while sitting, and when reading ; removed by motion.
Sleepy during day ; had to sleep before and after noon ; at night sleep full of fancies, weary and unrefreshed on rising.
Early sleepiness in the evening, but cannot go to sleep early after going to bed ; anxiety, restlessness ; congestion of head prevents sleep.
Drowsiness after dinner and in evening.
Frequent yawning and stretching, which seem to do good.
Sleepless, from uneasiness in body ; from orgasm of blood.
Does not fall asleep until 1 A. M.
Awakens often from cold limbs, especially cold knees.
Could not go to sleep at night on account of itching on arms, hands, and between fingers.
Bad effects from night watching or revelling.
Legs drawn up during sleep, which is restless and disturbed by frequent waking.
Flying pains before going to sleep.
Trembling anxiety on awaking.
Night full of dreams ; unrefreshed after sleep.
Restlessness ; she had to go through deep water.
Night : flightiness ; fear of ghosts ; epistaxis ; cramp in stomach ; moisture exuding from anus ; soreness and itching ; frequent urging to urinate ; wetting the bed ; mucus in throat ; drawing in arm ; palms of hand itch ; cold knees ; tearing under toe nail ; feet swollen ; weakness ; great restlessness ; exhausting sweats ; burning in bed ; sluggishness.
Morning : confusion of head ; trembling anxiety ; fainting after sleep ; headache and nausea ; head sensitive to cold ; itching about eye ; burning-smarting female sexual organs ; cough after waking ; asthma ; stitches and tearing pain in shoulders ; hand burn ; limbs weary ; tired trembling ; indolent, weary ; exhausting sweats ; extreme lassitude.
At 1 A. M. : does not fall asleep until after.
At 3 A. M. : violent constriction ; labor-like colic.
Forenoon : mouth and gums bleed ; sleepiness.
Afternoon : hoarseness ; drowsiness.
From 4 to 6 A. M. : restless, anxious.
Evening : lack of cheerfulness ; anxiety, as if oppressed ; much excited ; throbbing in head ; scalp itches ; eyes pain ; watery discharge from nose ; jerking tearing left zygoma ; drawing pain around waist ; hoarseness obstinate ; cough ; hectic fever ; uneasy feeling in legs ; lassitude of legs ; tearing under toe nails ; legs stiff ; lassitude ; sleepy ; drowsiness ; weariness.
Day and night : cough ; itching over body.
Sleepy during day ; had to sleep before and after noon ; at night sleep full of fancies, weary and unrefreshed on rising.
Early sleepiness in the evening, but cannot go to sleep early after going to bed ; anxiety, restlessness ; congestion of head prevents sleep.
Drowsiness after dinner and in evening.
Frequent yawning and stretching, which seem to do good.
Sleepless, from uneasiness in body ; from orgasm of blood.
Does not fall asleep until 1 A. M.
Awakens often from cold limbs, especially cold knees.
Could not go to sleep at night on account of itching on arms, hands, and between fingers.
Bad effects from night watching or revelling.
Legs drawn up during sleep, which is restless and disturbed by frequent waking.
Flying pains before going to sleep.
Trembling anxiety on awaking.
Night full of dreams ; unrefreshed after sleep.
Restlessness ; she had to go through deep water.
Night : flightiness ; fear of ghosts ; epistaxis ; cramp in stomach ; moisture exuding from anus ; soreness and itching ; frequent urging to urinate ; wetting the bed ; mucus in throat ; drawing in arm ; palms of hand itch ; cold knees ; tearing under toe nail ; feet swollen ; weakness ; great restlessness ; exhausting sweats ; burning in bed ; sluggishness.
Morning : confusion of head ; trembling anxiety ; fainting after sleep ; headache and nausea ; head sensitive to cold ; itching about eye ; burning-smarting female sexual organs ; cough after waking ; asthma ; stitches and tearing pain in shoulders ; hand burn ; limbs weary ; tired trembling ; indolent, weary ; exhausting sweats ; extreme lassitude.
At 1 A. M. : does not fall asleep until after.
At 3 A. M. : violent constriction ; labor-like colic.
Forenoon : mouth and gums bleed ; sleepiness.
Afternoon : hoarseness ; drowsiness.
From 4 to 6 A. M. : restless, anxious.
Evening : lack of cheerfulness ; anxiety, as if oppressed ; much excited ; throbbing in head ; scalp itches ; eyes pain ; watery discharge from nose ; jerking tearing left zygoma ; drawing pain around waist ; hoarseness obstinate ; cough ; hectic fever ; uneasy feeling in legs ; lassitude of legs ; tearing under toe nails ; legs stiff ; lassitude ; sleepy ; drowsiness ; weariness.
Day and night : cough ; itching over body.
Common symptoms
Ill effects from getting overheated.
Warmth : worse ulcers on leg.
Warm room : better head ; in bed, scalp itches.
Warm in bed : itching all over body ; inclination to uncover.
From cold and warm substance taken into mouth : toothache.
Going from warm to cold places : cough.
Cold water : pain in chest.
Cold air : worse head ; better inveterate cases of asthma ; susceptibility.
Open air : better pain in orbits and eyeballs ; lassitude.
Damp evening air : worse hoarseness.
Damp cold weather : worse hoarseness.
Bad consequences from living in damp dwellings.
Windy weather : worse joints of hands.
Worse in changes of weather, especially warm, damp weather ; protracted sultry weather.
Sweat : over whole body after fainting ; during meals.
Sweats easily, especially about head and face.
Exhausting night or morning sweats.
Sweat : profuse ; putrid or sour ; most on upper part of body.
Chill, with a marked degree of thirst ; no thirst, or but slight during fever, but patient wishes to be fanned all the time, as if to compensate for the lack of thirst.
Adynamic and gastric fevers, occurring in hot weather from abuse of ice-water and other Summer beverages.
Hectic fever.
Typhoid and yellow fever patients : cyanotic, coldness of limbs, almost in agony of death ; impending paralysis of heart and collapse.
Yellow fever : third stage, hemorrhages, with great paleness of face, violent headache, great heaviness in limbs and trembling of body. (Obs Just as the milk of sulphur applied to the skin (worm in the stockings) is the best preventive of cholera, so сarbo vegetabilis (taken inwardly, and used about the premises) is the best preventive of yellow fever. с. Hg. In Memphis, 1873, charcoal came much into favor as a prophylactic ; out of more than fifty persons who took it and were constantly exposed to the fever, not one was attacked ; the usual dose was half a teaspoonful of the crude powder two or three times a day. Doctor L. Morse.
Several times daily for weeks : nosebleed.
Twice monthly : asthma.
Left : tearing-drawing in occiput ; ear hot ; nostril crawling ; zygoma jerk-like tearing ; pain in teeth ; side of chest, stitches ; oppressive tearing ; wrist and fingers tearing ; leg, laming drawing from abdomen ; paralytic drawing pain in leg ; ankle, stitches ; sided chill.
Right : side of forehead, pain ; discharge from eye ; ear, pain ; lobe of liver, painful ; side, upper abdomen, flatus ; side of abdomen, burning of skin ; upper chest, pressive pain ; shoulder, drawing, rheumatic pain ; axilla, pressing-drawing pain ; arm, paralytic pain ; wrist, lacerating pain ; tearing in hip.
Upper part of body : sweat.
Pain fly all over body. θ Neuralgia.
As if integuments of head were contracted ; as if a strap was drawn tightly across forehead ; as if hairs were in motion ; as of humming of bees ; as if stomach was hanging down ; as if liver was too short ; as of a plug in back ; as though metatarsi were torn apart ; as though he would be attacked by paralytic stroke ; as if hair stood on end ; as of sand in eyes ; as if pharynx was swollen or contracted, as though a lump were there, as if dried with blotting paper ; as if abdomen would burst, after eating or drinking ; as of a hot pin in rectum ; as of vapor of sulphur, cough ; as if walled up, chest feels ; as though shoulders would be drawn together ; as if tendons of wrist and hand were shortening ; as if knees would give way, when walking and standing ; as though knees were swollen ; as if frosted, toes ; as if being stroked with hand over whole body ; as though knee was swollen.
Acute pain : in head.
Sensitive : teeth ; gums painfully ; tongue ; epigastric region.
Burning : in head ; on outer head ; in eyes ; canthi ; ulcers on tongue, like live coals ; in fauces ; in throat ; in epigastric region, up to throat ; region of liver ; on skin of r. side of abdomen ; stools ; in rectum ; hemorrhoids ; female organs ; as from a coal of fire in chest ; under sternum ; hamoptysis ; region of heart ; about hips, and in scapula ; hands ; palms ; finger joints ; in thighs ; knees ; gangrenous ulcers ; soles ; without thirst ; in bones ; skin ; in stomach ; in anus ; in sacrum.
Burning tearing : on outer head.
Lacerating pain : in right wrist.
Lancinating : in epigastrium.
Cutting : pain, at stool ; pain, on urinating ; in abdomen ; in chest.
Boring : finger joints ; in limbs.
Stitching : headache ; through head ; in throat ; region o liver ; region of spleen ; through rectum ; at stool ; towards anus ; in chest ; in shoulders ; maxilla ; finger joints ; in thighs ; in patella ; left ankle ; right toe ; all over body, on getting warm in bed.
Itching stitches : in side on which he lies.
Sticking : in anus ; through feet.
Pricking : finger joints.
Jerking : tearing in right upper maxilla.
Tearing : left side of occiput ; in outer head ; in forehead ; in ears ; pains in left half of face ; in incisor teeth ; in molars ; in urethra ; in chest ; in shoulders ; in left forearm, from elbow to hand ; right wrist ; in either wrist ; finger joints ; near and beneath left hip ; right hip ; pains in toes ; under toe nails ; in legs ; bones of limbs ; in various parts, at night ; in cervical muscles ; in hands and fingers.
Drawing : left side of occiput ; in root of nose ; pain in facial nerve ; pain in upper and lower jaw, on both sides ; in head, and confusion ; in molars ; pains around waist ; in chest ; in nape of neck ; pain in back to coccyx ; right shoulder ; right axilla ; in arm on which he lies ; finger joints ; pain in hip joint ; abdomen to leg ; in bones of arms.
Stinging : in toes.
Smarting : female organs.
Biting : in and above nose ; in fauces.
Gnawing pain : in rectum.
Pinching : in abdomen ; in region of liver ; colic ; hypogastric region ; lower spine.
Griping : epigastric region ; in abdomen ; after stool.
Pressing : region of spleen ; small of back ; right axilla.
Pressive : pain on vertex ; pain in lower portion of occiput ; aching in eyeballs ; pain on posterior part of palate ; colic ; pain in lower spine ; sore pain beneath coccyx ; over eyes ; in chest.
Pressure : in forehead, temples and vertex ; in canthi ; in stomach ; hypogastric region ; on bladder, before stool ; on bladder ; in testicles ; pain in upper right chest ; arms and legs ; on uterus.
Rawness : in throat ; in stomach ; of pudenda.
Scraping : in throat ; in chest.
Bruised : pain in liver ; feeling in joints ; pain in both elbow joints ; in limbs, on rising.
Aching : over eyes or in whole head ; pain in orbits ; in ears ; pains in facial nerve ; epigastric region ; in chest : along spine to coccyx ; in extremities.
Soreness : of facial bones of upper and lower jaws ; in stomach ; of anus ; of perineum ; female organs ; of chest ; in axilla ; at neck of bladder.
Bursting : pain worse about bladder.
Spasmodic pain : in stomach.
Laming pain : from abdomen down leg.
Sprained : feeling in right hand.
Rheumatic : drawing from loins to coccyx ; right shoulder ; pain in limbs ; drawing in back.
Dull pain : in occiput ; in right hypochonder.
Pain : in stomach, burning ; dull, right hypochonder ; in bowels, as from lifting ; above umbilicus ; in chest ; in scapular region ; severe on small of back ; in limbs, as if sprained ; in eyes ; in soles ; in right side of forehead ; in left lung.
Throbbing : in head ; here and there in body.
Long : teeth feel.
Tenseness : in hypochondria.
Tension : region of liver, as if too short there ; in chest ; in thighs ; in knees.
Tight feeling : in chest.
Constriction : of scalp ; headache ; in throat ; violent colic ; pain in thigh.
Contractive cramp : in stomach.
Cramp : of fingers ; pain, left thigh ; in lower leg ; in calves ; in soles.
Cramplike : tension in shoulders ; calves, at night ; in soles.
Pressing, crampy, labor-like colic : in small of back and bladder.
Uneasy feeling : in legs, in bed.
Discomfort : in stomach.
Fulness : in head ; after eating ; in abdomen.
Emptiness : in head ; after putrid stools.
Heavy : head ; feeling, in liver ; something seems to lie before ears ; feeling, in stomach ; in limbs.
Heaviness : after eating ; in rectum ; in lower limbs.
Whirling : in head.
Lassitude : in knees ; in legs ; evening, in open air ; during chill.
Weariness : of limbs ; great, in bed ; unrefreshed.
Fatigue : of back ; arms ; of chest.
Dragging : after stool.
Stiffness : in thighs ; in legs, after sleeping in evening.
Electric shocks : in head.
Titillation : in larynx ; in chest.
Tingling : in larynx.
Paralytic : weakness of fingers ; pain from abdomen down leg ; pain in knees ; pain in carpus ; drawing pain from abdomen down leg.
Numbness : in legs ; of fingers.
Creeping : in epigastrium, up to throat.
Crawling : left nostril ; in rectum ; in throat.
Shuddering : in back.
Coldness : knees, in bed ; hands ; of body ; of limbs.
Heat : in face, head and hands ; left ear ; mouth ; in rectum ; of flatus ; internal ; after or independent of chill ; evening, with anxiety ; and sweat.
Dryness : in mouth ; in trachea ; in ear.
Itching : about eyes ; in root of nose ; pain, at stool ; of anus ; of perineum ; of old herpetic eruptions ; in throat ; axilla ; acne on back ; of palms ; on thigh ; all over body ; hands and calves ; of scalp.
Symptoms of imperfect oxydation of blood.
Blood stagnates in capillaries, causing blueness, coldness ; ecchymoses.
Aneurisms bright red, round, flat, bleeding violently from least wound.
Slightest irritation causes bleeding from venous capillaries.
Worse from loss of fluids (hemorrhages, sweats, diarrhoeas, etc.
Lymphatic glands swollen, indurated, or suppurating ; burning pains.
Swelling of glands, in scrofulous or syphilitic persons.
Scurvy ; so weak, can scarcely walk.
Peritonitis, with tympanitis and paralysis of intestines.
Threatening paralysis of lungs in third stage of pneumonia.
Burning in bones and other parts.
Long-standing catarrhs in elderly people or reduced constitutions ; venous capillary dilatation of pharyngo-laryngeal parts ; torpor of all functions.
Organic detrition without reaction.
Gangrene. Humid ; senile ; in cachectic persons ; when vital powers have become weakened ; great foulness of secretions ; great prostration.
Anemia after summer complaint ; feeble, pallid, white skin.
Chlorosis, with itchlike rash and fluor albus ; scorbutic gums ; so weak, can scarcely walk.
Emaciation and withering of affected parts.
Atrophy, body cold, lies as if dead, yet conscious.
Sepsis, sunken features, sallow complexion, hectic, typhoid symptoms.
Cholera Asiatica ; yellow fever ; typhus ; epilepsy ; rheumatism.
Warmth : worse ulcers on leg.
Warm room : better head ; in bed, scalp itches.
Warm in bed : itching all over body ; inclination to uncover.
From cold and warm substance taken into mouth : toothache.
Going from warm to cold places : cough.
Cold water : pain in chest.
Cold air : worse head ; better inveterate cases of asthma ; susceptibility.
Open air : better pain in orbits and eyeballs ; lassitude.
Damp evening air : worse hoarseness.
Damp cold weather : worse hoarseness.
Bad consequences from living in damp dwellings.
Windy weather : worse joints of hands.
Worse in changes of weather, especially warm, damp weather ; protracted sultry weather.
Sweat : over whole body after fainting ; during meals.
Sweats easily, especially about head and face.
Exhausting night or morning sweats.
Sweat : profuse ; putrid or sour ; most on upper part of body.
Chill, with a marked degree of thirst ; no thirst, or but slight during fever, but patient wishes to be fanned all the time, as if to compensate for the lack of thirst.
Adynamic and gastric fevers, occurring in hot weather from abuse of ice-water and other Summer beverages.
Hectic fever.
Typhoid and yellow fever patients : cyanotic, coldness of limbs, almost in agony of death ; impending paralysis of heart and collapse.
Yellow fever : third stage, hemorrhages, with great paleness of face, violent headache, great heaviness in limbs and trembling of body. (Obs Just as the milk of sulphur applied to the skin (worm in the stockings) is the best preventive of cholera, so сarbo vegetabilis (taken inwardly, and used about the premises) is the best preventive of yellow fever. с. Hg. In Memphis, 1873, charcoal came much into favor as a prophylactic ; out of more than fifty persons who took it and were constantly exposed to the fever, not one was attacked ; the usual dose was half a teaspoonful of the crude powder two or three times a day. Doctor L. Morse.
Several times daily for weeks : nosebleed.
Twice monthly : asthma.
Left : tearing-drawing in occiput ; ear hot ; nostril crawling ; zygoma jerk-like tearing ; pain in teeth ; side of chest, stitches ; oppressive tearing ; wrist and fingers tearing ; leg, laming drawing from abdomen ; paralytic drawing pain in leg ; ankle, stitches ; sided chill.
Right : side of forehead, pain ; discharge from eye ; ear, pain ; lobe of liver, painful ; side, upper abdomen, flatus ; side of abdomen, burning of skin ; upper chest, pressive pain ; shoulder, drawing, rheumatic pain ; axilla, pressing-drawing pain ; arm, paralytic pain ; wrist, lacerating pain ; tearing in hip.
Upper part of body : sweat.
Pain fly all over body. θ Neuralgia.
As if integuments of head were contracted ; as if a strap was drawn tightly across forehead ; as if hairs were in motion ; as of humming of bees ; as if stomach was hanging down ; as if liver was too short ; as of a plug in back ; as though metatarsi were torn apart ; as though he would be attacked by paralytic stroke ; as if hair stood on end ; as of sand in eyes ; as if pharynx was swollen or contracted, as though a lump were there, as if dried with blotting paper ; as if abdomen would burst, after eating or drinking ; as of a hot pin in rectum ; as of vapor of sulphur, cough ; as if walled up, chest feels ; as though shoulders would be drawn together ; as if tendons of wrist and hand were shortening ; as if knees would give way, when walking and standing ; as though knees were swollen ; as if frosted, toes ; as if being stroked with hand over whole body ; as though knee was swollen.
Acute pain : in head.
Sensitive : teeth ; gums painfully ; tongue ; epigastric region.
Burning : in head ; on outer head ; in eyes ; canthi ; ulcers on tongue, like live coals ; in fauces ; in throat ; in epigastric region, up to throat ; region of liver ; on skin of r. side of abdomen ; stools ; in rectum ; hemorrhoids ; female organs ; as from a coal of fire in chest ; under sternum ; hamoptysis ; region of heart ; about hips, and in scapula ; hands ; palms ; finger joints ; in thighs ; knees ; gangrenous ulcers ; soles ; without thirst ; in bones ; skin ; in stomach ; in anus ; in sacrum.
Burning tearing : on outer head.
Lacerating pain : in right wrist.
Lancinating : in epigastrium.
Cutting : pain, at stool ; pain, on urinating ; in abdomen ; in chest.
Boring : finger joints ; in limbs.
Stitching : headache ; through head ; in throat ; region o liver ; region of spleen ; through rectum ; at stool ; towards anus ; in chest ; in shoulders ; maxilla ; finger joints ; in thighs ; in patella ; left ankle ; right toe ; all over body, on getting warm in bed.
Itching stitches : in side on which he lies.
Sticking : in anus ; through feet.
Pricking : finger joints.
Jerking : tearing in right upper maxilla.
Tearing : left side of occiput ; in outer head ; in forehead ; in ears ; pains in left half of face ; in incisor teeth ; in molars ; in urethra ; in chest ; in shoulders ; in left forearm, from elbow to hand ; right wrist ; in either wrist ; finger joints ; near and beneath left hip ; right hip ; pains in toes ; under toe nails ; in legs ; bones of limbs ; in various parts, at night ; in cervical muscles ; in hands and fingers.
Drawing : left side of occiput ; in root of nose ; pain in facial nerve ; pain in upper and lower jaw, on both sides ; in head, and confusion ; in molars ; pains around waist ; in chest ; in nape of neck ; pain in back to coccyx ; right shoulder ; right axilla ; in arm on which he lies ; finger joints ; pain in hip joint ; abdomen to leg ; in bones of arms.
Stinging : in toes.
Smarting : female organs.
Biting : in and above nose ; in fauces.
Gnawing pain : in rectum.
Pinching : in abdomen ; in region of liver ; colic ; hypogastric region ; lower spine.
Griping : epigastric region ; in abdomen ; after stool.
Pressing : region of spleen ; small of back ; right axilla.
Pressive : pain on vertex ; pain in lower portion of occiput ; aching in eyeballs ; pain on posterior part of palate ; colic ; pain in lower spine ; sore pain beneath coccyx ; over eyes ; in chest.
Pressure : in forehead, temples and vertex ; in canthi ; in stomach ; hypogastric region ; on bladder, before stool ; on bladder ; in testicles ; pain in upper right chest ; arms and legs ; on uterus.
Rawness : in throat ; in stomach ; of pudenda.
Scraping : in throat ; in chest.
Bruised : pain in liver ; feeling in joints ; pain in both elbow joints ; in limbs, on rising.
Aching : over eyes or in whole head ; pain in orbits ; in ears ; pains in facial nerve ; epigastric region ; in chest : along spine to coccyx ; in extremities.
Soreness : of facial bones of upper and lower jaws ; in stomach ; of anus ; of perineum ; female organs ; of chest ; in axilla ; at neck of bladder.
Bursting : pain worse about bladder.
Spasmodic pain : in stomach.
Laming pain : from abdomen down leg.
Sprained : feeling in right hand.
Rheumatic : drawing from loins to coccyx ; right shoulder ; pain in limbs ; drawing in back.
Dull pain : in occiput ; in right hypochonder.
Pain : in stomach, burning ; dull, right hypochonder ; in bowels, as from lifting ; above umbilicus ; in chest ; in scapular region ; severe on small of back ; in limbs, as if sprained ; in eyes ; in soles ; in right side of forehead ; in left lung.
Throbbing : in head ; here and there in body.
Long : teeth feel.
Tenseness : in hypochondria.
Tension : region of liver, as if too short there ; in chest ; in thighs ; in knees.
Tight feeling : in chest.
Constriction : of scalp ; headache ; in throat ; violent colic ; pain in thigh.
Contractive cramp : in stomach.
Cramp : of fingers ; pain, left thigh ; in lower leg ; in calves ; in soles.
Cramplike : tension in shoulders ; calves, at night ; in soles.
Pressing, crampy, labor-like colic : in small of back and bladder.
Uneasy feeling : in legs, in bed.
Discomfort : in stomach.
Fulness : in head ; after eating ; in abdomen.
Emptiness : in head ; after putrid stools.
Heavy : head ; feeling, in liver ; something seems to lie before ears ; feeling, in stomach ; in limbs.
Heaviness : after eating ; in rectum ; in lower limbs.
Whirling : in head.
Lassitude : in knees ; in legs ; evening, in open air ; during chill.
Weariness : of limbs ; great, in bed ; unrefreshed.
Fatigue : of back ; arms ; of chest.
Dragging : after stool.
Stiffness : in thighs ; in legs, after sleeping in evening.
Electric shocks : in head.
Titillation : in larynx ; in chest.
Tingling : in larynx.
Paralytic : weakness of fingers ; pain from abdomen down leg ; pain in knees ; pain in carpus ; drawing pain from abdomen down leg.
Numbness : in legs ; of fingers.
Creeping : in epigastrium, up to throat.
Crawling : left nostril ; in rectum ; in throat.
Shuddering : in back.
Coldness : knees, in bed ; hands ; of body ; of limbs.
Heat : in face, head and hands ; left ear ; mouth ; in rectum ; of flatus ; internal ; after or independent of chill ; evening, with anxiety ; and sweat.
Dryness : in mouth ; in trachea ; in ear.
Itching : about eyes ; in root of nose ; pain, at stool ; of anus ; of perineum ; of old herpetic eruptions ; in throat ; axilla ; acne on back ; of palms ; on thigh ; all over body ; hands and calves ; of scalp.
Symptoms of imperfect oxydation of blood.
Blood stagnates in capillaries, causing blueness, coldness ; ecchymoses.
Aneurisms bright red, round, flat, bleeding violently from least wound.
Slightest irritation causes bleeding from venous capillaries.
Worse from loss of fluids (hemorrhages, sweats, diarrhoeas, etc.
Lymphatic glands swollen, indurated, or suppurating ; burning pains.
Swelling of glands, in scrofulous or syphilitic persons.
Scurvy ; so weak, can scarcely walk.
Peritonitis, with tympanitis and paralysis of intestines.
Threatening paralysis of lungs in third stage of pneumonia.
Burning in bones and other parts.
Long-standing catarrhs in elderly people or reduced constitutions ; venous capillary dilatation of pharyngo-laryngeal parts ; torpor of all functions.
Organic detrition without reaction.
Gangrene. Humid ; senile ; in cachectic persons ; when vital powers have become weakened ; great foulness of secretions ; great prostration.
Anemia after summer complaint ; feeble, pallid, white skin.
Chlorosis, with itchlike rash and fluor albus ; scorbutic gums ; so weak, can scarcely walk.
Emaciation and withering of affected parts.
Atrophy, body cold, lies as if dead, yet conscious.
Sepsis, sunken features, sallow complexion, hectic, typhoid symptoms.
Cholera Asiatica ; yellow fever ; typhus ; epilepsy ; rheumatism.
Shivering in evening, with weariness and flushes of heat before sleep.
Coldness and chilliness of body, worse at night.
Before chill : throbbing in temples ; tearing in bones of limbs and in teeth ; cold feet.
Chill, generally with thirst ; mostly evenings, at times left-sided.
Chill in morning.
Very cold hands and feet in evening.
Chill, with icy coldness of body.
Internal chilliness, with great thirst.
Chill with great thirst, then heat with slight thirst or only in beginning.
Lassitude during chill.
One-sided chills.
Heat, after or independent of chill.
Flushes of burning heat, evening ; generally without thirst.
Heat, with great anxiety, in evening.
General burning heat in evening ; at night, in bed.
Heat and sweat commingled.
Heat and sweat in evening.
During heat : headache, vertigo, redness of face, dimness of vision, nausea, pain in stomach, abdomen and chest, dyspnoea, pain in legs.
Coldness and chilliness of body, worse at night.
Before chill : throbbing in temples ; tearing in bones of limbs and in teeth ; cold feet.
Chill, generally with thirst ; mostly evenings, at times left-sided.
Chill in morning.
Very cold hands and feet in evening.
Chill, with icy coldness of body.
Internal chilliness, with great thirst.
Chill with great thirst, then heat with slight thirst or only in beginning.
Lassitude during chill.
One-sided chills.
Heat, after or independent of chill.
Flushes of burning heat, evening ; generally without thirst.
Heat, with great anxiety, in evening.
General burning heat in evening ; at night, in bed.
Heat and sweat commingled.
Heat and sweat in evening.
During heat : headache, vertigo, redness of face, dimness of vision, nausea, pain in stomach, abdomen and chest, dyspnoea, pain in legs.
Burning in various places in skin ; also at night, in bed.
Itching all over body, day and night ; fugitive itching when warm in bed.
Formication in skin.
Skin dry and brittle. θ Typhus.
Jaundice : after too much or too rich food ; from abuse of mercury.
Blue color of body, with terrible cardiac anxiety and icy coldness of whole surface. θ сyanosis.
Brownish spots.
External parts grow black. θ Gangrene.
Folds of skin become raw and ulcerated.
Fine, moist rash, with burning at spots where there is no eruption.
Nettlerash, painless papules and fine itching eruptions on hands and calves.
Sequela of measles, particularly hoarseness.
Scarlatina : last stage ; rattling in throat, loss of vital power ; foul breath and cold extremities ; must have air and wants to be fanned ; sticky cold perspiration ; sepsis and sloughing.
Moist herpetic eruption, especially in face.
Dry rash, like itch.
Moist itch ; abuse of mercurial salves.
Certain forms of leprosy ; face appears swollen, spots reddish-brown ; toes appear as if frozen.
Purpura hemorrhagica, with fever and great soreness.
Asthenic variola, with cold breath and excessive prostration, livid purple eruption.
Ulcers. Varicose ; scorbutic ; livid, easily bleeding ; fetid.
Ulcers are offensive ; old ones break out afresh ; they burn and easily bleed.
Pressure and tension around ulcer in leg.
An ulcer which has been removed, breaks out again, and instead of pus emits a bloody lymph.
Syphilitic ulcers with high edges become irritable from topical treatment ; margins sharp, ragged, undermined ; discharges thin, acrid, offensive ; ulcer painful and liable to bleed when touched.
Ulcerations with burning pain.
Pus from an ulcer was offensive, like asafetida.
Telangiectasia of children.
Burns ; chilblains.
Decubitus in typhus, from decomposition of blood.
Itching all over body, day and night ; fugitive itching when warm in bed.
Formication in skin.
Skin dry and brittle. θ Typhus.
Jaundice : after too much or too rich food ; from abuse of mercury.
Blue color of body, with terrible cardiac anxiety and icy coldness of whole surface. θ сyanosis.
Brownish spots.
External parts grow black. θ Gangrene.
Folds of skin become raw and ulcerated.
Fine, moist rash, with burning at spots where there is no eruption.
Nettlerash, painless papules and fine itching eruptions on hands and calves.
Sequela of measles, particularly hoarseness.
Scarlatina : last stage ; rattling in throat, loss of vital power ; foul breath and cold extremities ; must have air and wants to be fanned ; sticky cold perspiration ; sepsis and sloughing.
Moist herpetic eruption, especially in face.
Dry rash, like itch.
Moist itch ; abuse of mercurial salves.
Certain forms of leprosy ; face appears swollen, spots reddish-brown ; toes appear as if frozen.
Purpura hemorrhagica, with fever and great soreness.
Asthenic variola, with cold breath and excessive prostration, livid purple eruption.
Ulcers. Varicose ; scorbutic ; livid, easily bleeding ; fetid.
Ulcers are offensive ; old ones break out afresh ; they burn and easily bleed.
Pressure and tension around ulcer in leg.
An ulcer which has been removed, breaks out again, and instead of pus emits a bloody lymph.
Syphilitic ulcers with high edges become irritable from topical treatment ; margins sharp, ragged, undermined ; discharges thin, acrid, offensive ; ulcer painful and liable to bleed when touched.
Ulcerations with burning pain.
Pus from an ulcer was offensive, like asafetida.
Telangiectasia of children.
Burns ; chilblains.
Decubitus in typhus, from decomposition of blood.
Patient type and constitution
Children, after exhausting diseases.
Boy, at. 3 years ; deafness.
Vital powers low, venous system predominant.
Old people. θ Asthma. θ сhronic bronchitis. θ Dyspepsia. θ Hemorrhoidal troubles. θ вlennorrhoea.
Negro woman, at. 40 ; purpura hemorrhagica.
Man, at. 39, delicate stature and constitution ; phthisis pulmonalis.
Man, at. 42, bilious lymphatic temperament ; lung trouble from inhalation of great heat of fire.
Boy, at. 3 years ; deafness.
Vital powers low, venous system predominant.
Old people. θ Asthma. θ сhronic bronchitis. θ Dyspepsia. θ Hemorrhoidal troubles. θ вlennorrhoea.
Negro woman, at. 40 ; purpura hemorrhagica.
Man, at. 39, delicate stature and constitution ; phthisis pulmonalis.
Man, at. 42, bilious lymphatic temperament ; lung trouble from inhalation of great heat of fire.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : Arsen., сamphor., сoffea, Laches., Spir. nitr. dulc.
It antidotes : effects of putrid meats or fish, rancid fats, salt or salt meats ; сinchon., Laches., Mercur.
Compatible. вefore Arsen., сinchon., Droser., Kali carb., Phosph. ac. ; after вellad. (in laryngeal phthisis, with irritative fever), Kali carb., Laches., Lauroc., Mercur. (burning hemorrhoids, after every stool protrusion of bleeding piles ; when itch is dry) Nux vomica, Sepia, Sulphur (when itch is dry), Tabac., Veratr. (in beginning of pertussis).
Complementary : Kali carb.
Compare : the carbons generally ; сaustic., Laches., Phosphor. and Rumex in hoarseness ; сamphor. in collapse ; сinchon., Plumbum in neglected pneumonia, etc., especially in old topers ; Natr. mur. In paralytic weakness, when grasping things ; Opium in lack of reaction after well-indicated remedies ; Phosphor. In easily bleeding ulcers ; Pulsat. In bad effects from fat food and pastry ; Sulphur in acrid smelling menses, erysipelatous inflammation of mamma.
It antidotes : effects of putrid meats or fish, rancid fats, salt or salt meats ; сinchon., Laches., Mercur.
Compatible. вefore Arsen., сinchon., Droser., Kali carb., Phosph. ac. ; after вellad. (in laryngeal phthisis, with irritative fever), Kali carb., Laches., Lauroc., Mercur. (burning hemorrhoids, after every stool protrusion of bleeding piles ; when itch is dry) Nux vomica, Sepia, Sulphur (when itch is dry), Tabac., Veratr. (in beginning of pertussis).
Complementary : Kali carb.
Compare : the carbons generally ; сaustic., Laches., Phosphor. and Rumex in hoarseness ; сamphor. in collapse ; сinchon., Plumbum in neglected pneumonia, etc., especially in old topers ; Natr. mur. In paralytic weakness, when grasping things ; Opium in lack of reaction after well-indicated remedies ; Phosphor. In easily bleeding ulcers ; Pulsat. In bad effects from fat food and pastry ; Sulphur in acrid smelling menses, erysipelatous inflammation of mamma.
Included in the composition
- 1.3€ Gastrica-GPH (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.4€ Эдас-956 (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Allergoit-GF (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.3-2€ Karsat (ЭДАС)
- 2.7€ Gastronal (2 firms)
- 2.5€ Алкозапрет (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.3-2.5€ Гастрол (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Угринет (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.2€ Sulphur-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Capsicum-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Fucus-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Iris-plus (2 firms)
- 5€ Гастронукс (Фитасинтекс)
- 5-5.1€ Фитис (Фитасинтекс)
- 6€ Gastricumeel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 6.4€ Calcoheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 7.1€ Leptandra compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №42
- 11€ Flowers Energy №43
- — Flowers Energy №45
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- — Flowers Energy №47
- — Flowers Energy №62
- — Flowers Energy №63
- 11€ Flowers Energy №77
- — Flowers Energy №80
- — Flowers Energy №97
- 7.5-13.2€ Momordica compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Carbo compositum
- — Cor compositum
- — Гастроцинезин