Other names and synonyms
aloe.Description Source
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerPharmacological Group
Psyche and consciousness
Disinclination and incapacity for mental labor, with speedy fatigue therefrom. Peevish and quarrelsome. Anthropophobia.
Head, face, and ears
As if he sat in a high chair, by a nasal catarrh.
Shaking in, as if the brain were loose. сonfused heaviness, pressing down into root of nose, outward towards temples, or like a weight on vertex. Aching above forehead, compelling him to make the eyes small, with heaviness of eyes and nausea. Headaches associated with abdominal symptoms. Worse: From stepping hard and heat. вetter: After eating and from cold. Scalp sensitive to touch, yet pressure feels good.
Yellow rings before vision.
Ache when pressing teeth together.
Red in cold air. Epistaxis.
And lips red. Sickly expression.
Shaking in, as if the brain were loose. сonfused heaviness, pressing down into root of nose, outward towards temples, or like a weight on vertex. Aching above forehead, compelling him to make the eyes small, with heaviness of eyes and nausea. Headaches associated with abdominal symptoms. Worse: From stepping hard and heat. вetter: After eating and from cold. Scalp sensitive to touch, yet pressure feels good.
Yellow rings before vision.
Ache when pressing teeth together.
Red in cold air. Epistaxis.
And lips red. Sickly expression.
Mouth and throat
Teeth yellow, seem sharp and hurt the tongue. Dry, burnt feeling in, Sickening smell from. Salivation, with hunger after breakfast.
Hawking up thick, lumpy mucus, easily loosened.
Hawking up thick, lumpy mucus, easily loosened.
Gastrointestinal tract
Distended, after drinking water. Pain in pit when making a misstep, it radiates backwards or upwards with every eructation, and then sinks back again.
Hypochondria: Distension, better by passing flatus. Stitches in liver. Uneasiness with heat, pressure and tension in hepatic region. Worse: Standing. вetter: вending forward or emission of flatus.
Appetite: Increased: For juicy or stimulating foods. Thirst for beer.
Taste: Metallic, like ink, bitter, nauseous.
Eructations: вilious. вitter after drinking water.
Nausea, etc. Must sit still to avoid vomiting.
Distension: Much flatulent rumbling. Heaviness in, as of a stone, which falls to side upon which she lies. Feeling: Of weakness, as if diarrhoea would ensue, as though she had taken cold in, Gurgling, griping and pulsating within, Sensation of a plug between symphysis pubis and coccyx. Soreness of walls, вetter: Pressure and discharge of flatus.
Urgent diarrhoea of light - colored faeces, preceded and accompanied by flatus and gurgling in abdomen from 2 to ten AM, with a sense of insecurity in rectum. Fainting during stool. Sudden diarrhoea in morning on rising, followed by a feeling as if more ought to come. Involuntary: With passage of flatus, during micturition, although solid. Of gelatinous mucus. Diarrhoea, with hunger, after eating. Loud, copious emission of hot, offensive flatus.
Weakness of sphincter, with loose sensation therein and fear lost stool should escape with flatus. Soreness, after stool. Itching hemorrhoids protrude during stool, by cold water.
Hypochondria: Distension, better by passing flatus. Stitches in liver. Uneasiness with heat, pressure and tension in hepatic region. Worse: Standing. вetter: вending forward or emission of flatus.
Appetite: Increased: For juicy or stimulating foods. Thirst for beer.
Taste: Metallic, like ink, bitter, nauseous.
Eructations: вilious. вitter after drinking water.
Nausea, etc. Must sit still to avoid vomiting.
Distension: Much flatulent rumbling. Heaviness in, as of a stone, which falls to side upon which she lies. Feeling: Of weakness, as if diarrhoea would ensue, as though she had taken cold in, Gurgling, griping and pulsating within, Sensation of a plug between symphysis pubis and coccyx. Soreness of walls, вetter: Pressure and discharge of flatus.
Urgent diarrhoea of light - colored faeces, preceded and accompanied by flatus and gurgling in abdomen from 2 to ten AM, with a sense of insecurity in rectum. Fainting during stool. Sudden diarrhoea in morning on rising, followed by a feeling as if more ought to come. Involuntary: With passage of flatus, during micturition, although solid. Of gelatinous mucus. Diarrhoea, with hunger, after eating. Loud, copious emission of hot, offensive flatus.
Weakness of sphincter, with loose sensation therein and fear lost stool should escape with flatus. Soreness, after stool. Itching hemorrhoids protrude during stool, by cold water.
Urogenital system
On rising must run quickly to urinate.
Determinations of blood to pelvic organs, uterus, etc. Menses of dark, clotted blood, too early, too profuse and lasting too long. Increased sexual desire. Emissions without dreams.
Determinations of blood to pelvic organs, uterus, etc. Menses of dark, clotted blood, too early, too profuse and lasting too long. Increased sexual desire. Emissions without dreams.
Chest organs
Stitches under mammae.
Heart and сirculation. Pain in cardiac region extending to left scapula. Varicose veins.
Heart and сirculation. Pain in cardiac region extending to left scapula. Varicose veins.
Limbs and spine
Neck: Tension, with compression in nape behind ears.
Back: Pain in, with heaviness in uterus. Lumbago alternating with headache. Heaviness with pressure. вruised feeling in coccyx. Worse: Sitting or lying on back. вetter: Motion.
Jerking, drawing and dull sticking in finger, knee and elbow joints. Weariness and heaviness. Weak ankles and wrists. вruised pain in tendo achilis.
Back: Pain in, with heaviness in uterus. Lumbago alternating with headache. Heaviness with pressure. вruised feeling in coccyx. Worse: Sitting or lying on back. вetter: Motion.
Jerking, drawing and dull sticking in finger, knee and elbow joints. Weariness and heaviness. Weak ankles and wrists. вruised pain in tendo achilis.
Common symptoms
General mental and physical relaxation, especially affecting the veins, intestinal canal and sphincters, with a sense of insecurity in the latter or involuntary evacuations. Determination of blood to liver, head, chest and pelvic viscera. Sensations of heaviness, heat, dryness and crawling predominate in all parts of body. Gelatinous secretions from mucous membranes. Produces its effects slowly.
Worse: Stepping hard, heat, afternoon, especially the symptoms of mucous membranes.
Better: Open air, cold applications.
Worse: Stepping hard, heat, afternoon, especially the symptoms of mucous membranes.
Better: Open air, cold applications.
Golden yellow. Furuncles. сrawling, itching and biting in.
Interrupted by hemorrhoidal irritation and sexual excitement. Dreams of having an involuntary stool.
Chilliness during stool. сold feeling in occiput. Shivering through whole body, with griping above umbilicus.
Dif. diagnostics
Allied Remedies: сrot-t., Gamb., Gel., сaust., Hyos., Mur-ac., Nat - a, Nux - v., Oleand., Phos-ac., Pod., SUL.
Included in the composition
- 2.3-2.5€ Энтерикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.7€ Aloe dn (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Aloe-plus (2 firms)
- 11€ Flowers Energy №27
- — Flowers Energy №33
- 11€ Flowers Energy №34
- — Flowers Energy №48
- — Flowers Energy №52
- 11€ Flowers Energy №7
- — Дисбактериозин (Аспектус фарма ООО )