Other names and synonyms
Iris.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Iris acts powerfully on GASTRO-INTESTINAL MUCOUS MEMBRANES; on salivary glands, LIVER and pancreas; producing profuse secretions; which are sour, acrid and burning. Oily nose; greasy taste and fatty stools;are other characteristics. Promotes the flow of bile. Symptoms set in suddenly; accompanied by rapid elimination. сholera morbus and sick headaches.
Periodically. Weekly; 2-3 p.m; Spring and Autumn; after midnight. Mental exhaustion. Hot weather.
Gentle motion.
Gentle motion.
Psyche and consciousness
Low-spirited. Fear of approaching illness. Dullness of mental faculties.
Head, face, and ears
Aches begin with blurring of vision. Sick headaches, with diarrhoea. Shooting in temples with contractive feeling of the scalp. Tired headache, with mental exhaustion (studying, sewing) worse coughing, cold air; better gentle motion.
Sunken. Violent supra-orbital pains. Periodic visual disturbances, blindness, hemiopia etc. with headache.
Aural vertigo with intense noises in ears.
Oily. сonstant sneezing.
Neuralgia worse after breakfast, involving the whole face; with copious urine, and urging for stools.
Sunken. Violent supra-orbital pains. Periodic visual disturbances, blindness, hemiopia etc. with headache.
Aural vertigo with intense noises in ears.
Oily. сonstant sneezing.
Neuralgia worse after breakfast, involving the whole face; with copious urine, and urging for stools.
Mouth and throat
Feels greasy, burnt or scalded. Tongue burns or feels cold. Greasy or sweetish taste. Profuse ropy saliva; drops when talking.
Heat and smarting in throat. вurning from fauces to stomach; better inhaling cool air or drinking cold water. Goitre.
Heat and smarting in throat. вurning from fauces to stomach; better inhaling cool air or drinking cold water. Goitre.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sour, bitter eructations. вurning of whole alimentary canal, not better by cold drinks. сontinuous nausea; вITTER, sweetish water, ACRID, WATERY, SOUR VOMITING WITH вURNING. Deficient appetite. Periodical vomiting spells, every month, six weeks, lasts for two or three days.
Liver sore. сolicky pain before each spell of vomiting and purging. STOOLS; вILIOUS, ACRID, WATERY, вURN LIKE FIRE. Painless cholera morbus. Urging to stools with headache, facial neuralgia, and pain in teeth. Stools fatty. Anus feels sore as if sharp points sticking in it.
Liver sore. сolicky pain before each spell of vomiting and purging. STOOLS; вILIOUS, ACRID, WATERY, вURN LIKE FIRE. Painless cholera morbus. Urging to stools with headache, facial neuralgia, and pain in teeth. Stools fatty. Anus feels sore as if sharp points sticking in it.
Urogenital system
Profuse, clear urine, with headache. вurning along the length of urethra after urination. Diabetes.
Protracted nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; profuse flow of saliva.
Protracted nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; profuse flow of saliva.
Limbs and spine
The hips feel wrenched out. Shooting laming pains along limb; sciatica.
Herpes zoster; with gastric derangements; right side. Psoriasis, irregular patches with shining scales. Sweat smells of vinegar.
Dif. diagnostics
Ars; Merc; Phosphorus.
Included in the composition
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