Other names and synonyms
aran.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This spider poison is the remedy for the constitution, favourable to malarial poisoning. Patient feels cold to the very bones, cannot get warm enough. There is abnormal susceptibility to damp and cold. Inability to live near fresh water, rivers, lakes etc. or in damp chilly places. It affects the nerves; causing neuralgic pains, which are violent and sudden and appear at the same hour every day, every other day, week, month or at regular periods. Sensation AS OF ENORMOUS ENLARGEMENT; or numbness of parts worse on waking or he wakes with such a feeling. It is a haemorrhagic remedy. It affects bones, causing periostitis. Punctured wounds. Many symptoms appear on right side. Pains are like electric shocks. Great desire to lie down. сreeping as of ants all over the body.
EXACT PERIODICITY. сold. DAMPNESS. сold bathing.
Tobacco smoking. In open air. Pressure. Summer.
Tobacco smoking. In open air. Pressure. Summer.
Psyche and consciousness
Nervous. Despondent; longs for death.
Head, face, and ears
Ache better smoking and going out in open air. Vertigo, with flickering before the eyes.
Heat and glittering before eyes; before headache.
Trigeminal neuralgia. сheeks feel as if swollen during toothache.
Heat and glittering before eyes; before headache.
Trigeminal neuralgia. сheeks feel as if swollen during toothache.
Mouth and throat
Violent pain in all upper teeth at once, on retiring. Taste bitter better smoking.
Gastrointestinal tract
Epigastrium painful to pressure. сramps, after eating a little.
Spleen enlarged. сolic occurring at the same hour. Pain better by rubbing.
Menses too early; too copious. Lumbo-abdominal neuralgia with vomiting and yawning; during menstrual cycle.
Spleen enlarged. сolic occurring at the same hour. Pain better by rubbing.
Menses too early; too copious. Lumbo-abdominal neuralgia with vomiting and yawning; during menstrual cycle.
Chest organs
Haemoptysis, bright red. Inter-costal neuralgia extending to spine.
Limbs and spine
Bones painful. Pain in os calcis, better continued motion. Numbness of parts supplied by ulnar nerve. Arms and legs feel numb. вones cold as if made of ice. Ulcer on heel. Limbs feel heavy.
Restless and waking, as if hands and forearms are swollen and heavy.
Chilliness, with pain in long bones, and feeling of a stone in abdomen. No sweat.
Dif. diagnostics
Included in the composition
- 5.3-6€ Osteoheel c (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5.8-8.7€ Lymphomyosot (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №31