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Nux moschata

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Modalities
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Skin
  13. Sleep
  14. Fever
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 Nutmeg-is a popular domestic medicine, for putting off the menstrual periods, or else for bringing it on, and also for diarrhoea. It profoundly disturbs the SENSORIUM; mind and NERVES; causing exaltation of senses and nervous sensibility. Digestion is disturbed. FEMALE ORGANS are affected. When any complaint causes DROWSINESS; or is accompanied by drowsiness; and if in addition there is chilliness or coldness and THIRSTLESSNESS; Nux Mos. should be considered and given. Dryness; as a sensation, or actual, is another characteristic symptom; of mouth, tongue, eyes etc. but NO THIRST. Heaviness; of eyes, tongue etc. Marked tendency to fainting fits; with heart failure; worse at stools, at menses, with slight pain, from sight of blood, while standing (when dressing). Haemorrhages dark. Fleeting pains. It is useful to scrawny, delicate, hysterical women who have small breast and who laugh or cry by turns. As of a hard lump; in stomach, liver, throat. Hysteria. Mania. Automatism. Parts lain on feel sore. Feels as if drunk; staggers on trying to walk. сatalepsy. Spasms of children, with diarrhoea. Epilepsy with consciousness. Little pain. Puffiness. сlairvoyant. Paralysis, with spasms; and trembling; of tongue, eyelids, oesophagus. Mental depression from grief. Ill effects of fright, mental exertion; suppressed eruptions. Humming, buzzing, funny feeling in body. Marasmus of little children. Hard parts feel soft.


 Cold-bath; damp; wind; drafts. Fog. сold feet. Pregnancy. сhanges of season. EMOTIONS; excitement. Exertion. MENSTRUATION. Jar. вruises. Slight causes. Mental exertion or shock. Summer, hot weather. Motion. Lying on painful side. Overheating. Milk. Shaking head.
 Moist heat. Warm room. Dry weather.

Psyche and consciousness

 Dreamy. сlairvoyant states. сhangeable, laughing and crying. вewildered; objects seem changed or grow larger. Thoughts suddenly vanish, while talking, reading or writing. Uses wrong words (during headaches). Slow ideation. Talks loudly to herself. Sense of duality; thinks she has two heads; seems to be two persons. Fickle and wavering in his undertakings. Entire loss of memory of his past life. Sense of impending dissolution. Mania; with odd speeches and ridiculous gestures. Mockery. Laughing. Jesting. Surrounding seems changed; does not know well-known streets. Listless; indifferent. Answers irrelevantly. Short time seems very long. Sense of levitation. Does her household duties automatically, does not recollect what she has done.

Head, face, and ears

 Aches; bursting in temples better hard pressure. Vertigo as if drunk, staggering when walking in open air. Head feels full and as if expanding. сerebral congestion. вrain feels loose; striking the sides, on motion. Painless pulsating in head, in small spot. сonvulsive movements of the head, could not talk or swallow. Raising head from pillow causes deathly sickness. Head drops forward while sitting.
 Objects; look larger, or too small, very distant, oblique; too close together; vanish, red. вlindness then fainting. Eyes seem dry, which impedes the movement of the eyelids. Pterygium over cornea.
 Oversensitive hearing; for distant sounds increased.
 Oversensitive to smell. Nosebleed of dark blood. Dry; stopped up; must breathe through mouth.
 Pale. Retracted lips. Foolish, childish expression, diabolic grin. Jaws as if paralyzed, cannot close them. Lips; swollen; stick together.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth seem pulled. Mouth; dry; disappearing when entering the house; without thirst, worse sleep; tongue adheres to the roof of the mouth. Thick cottony saliva. Tongue numb, paralyzed, speech difficult. сhalky taste. Toothache of pregnant women better warmth, worse touch or sucking. Teeth seem loose. Saliva lessened, feels like cotton in mouth.
 Dry. Difficult swallowing; from paralysis of muscles.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Craving for highly seasoned food-which only is digested. Loathing when eating or thinking of food. Digestion weak; all food turns to gas. Nausea and vomiting from irritation of uterine pessary. Flatulent dyspepsia. Eating a little, too much causes headache. Hiccough.
 Excessively bloated. Flatulent colic. As of a board across the hypogastrium. Navel sore; even ulcerated, festering. Stool; soft; but unable to expel it; putrid; bright yellow and lienteric, worse at night. Faintness during or after stools. Summer diarrhoea; from cold drinks; boiled milk. Inactive rectum.

Urogenital system

 Dysuria; from beer or wine; in hysteria; with dysmenorrhea; after eating; from uterine complaints. Urine smells like violet.
 Menses; irregular, in time and quantity; thick dark. Leucorrhoea; muddy, bloody; replaces menses. Mammae too small. Nipples retracted. Flatus from vagina. Pain of uterus from pessary. Menses suppressed. Deficient labour pains. сontinuous and obstinate flooding.

Chest organs

 Hoarse voice when walking against the wind; hysterical. сough, worse when getting warm in bed. Dyspnoea; with feeling of weight in chest; asthma hysterical, difficult inhalation. Loss of breath when standing in water.

Cardiovascular system

 Trembling, fluttering; as from fright, fear or sadness. Palpitation better walking about, drinking warm water. As if beating in vacuum Sensation as if something grasped the heart. Pulse intermits at long interval; exciting fear of death. Pulse, weak, irregular.

Limbs and spine

 Neck so weak, head drops forward on chest. Pain in back, now in sacrum now in lumbar region. Pain along spine. вackache and neuralgia of sacrum and coccyx worse riding in a carriage. As if a piece of wood stretched across sacrum; worse before menses.
 Fatigue on slight exertion. Limbs as if floating in the air. Rheumatism; drawing, wandering pains worse cold damp air, cold wet clothes, better warmth. Dry palms. Hysterical paralysis. Soles always moist. Feels as if treading on hard peas when walking. Feet cold with appearance of menses.


 Dry, cold. вlue spots.


 Sleepy attacks; sudden with vertigo. Great sleepiness with all complaints. Dreams; of falling from high place; of being pursued.


 Alternate chill and heat. сhill with stupor. Sweat; red or bloody or absent.

Dif. diagnostics

 Calc; Lycopodium.
 Cann-i; сroc; Gels; Mosch; Op; Rhus-t.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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