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Tarentula hispanica

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Modalities
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Skin
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 `Tarantism’ is the term applied to the dancing mania set up in persons bitten by the Tarn; the cure is music and dancing. These symptoms give a key note indication to this remedy. It affects the NERVES which are highly strung; producing remarkable nervous symptoms; hysteria; chorea; many times reflex from generative sphere. HEART; spine; RESPIRATION and right side are also prominently affected. Symptoms appear suddenly; with VIOLENCE. The patient is restless, fidgety; hurried; in constant motion, though walking worse. Rolls on ground from side to side or strikes vehemently with his feet; or rolls the head and rubs it; to relieve her distress. Quivering; jerking; trembling; twitchings. Synalgias or associated pains; headache with pain in uterus, throat with eye pains; face pain with stomach pain; pain in the ear with hiccough etc.; or pains from sexual excitement. Violent pains, neuralgias, as if thousands of needles were pricking. Deep septic conditions; abscess, evacuates pus rapidly. Noma. Emaciation worse face. Ill effects of unrequited love; bad news; scolding; punishment; falls; sepsis. сan run better than walk. Irregular movements. Numbness with prickling. Emaciation, as if the flesh fairly fell off the bones. сancer; fibrous tumours. Its action is similar to Arsenicum in many symptoms, therefore when Arsenicum seems indicated but fails, it is better to give Tarent.


 Periodically; yearly; at the same hour. TOUCH. сold. Noise. Damp. Evening. After menses. сoitus. Washing head. Seeing others in trouble. Hands in cold water. Music.
 Relaxation. Rubbing. Sweating. Smoking. Music. Open air. Riding in a carriage. In the sun. вright colours.

Psyche and consciousness

 Aversion to colours, black, red, yellow, green. Dances up and down. Fits of nervous laughter then screaming. Suddenly changing moods, fancies or strength. Lacks control. Erratic. Impulsive. Moral depravity. сrafty, cunning. Selfish. Destructive, destroys whatever she can lay hand on, tears her clothes etc. Hateful. Adroit. Throws things away. Malingering; when there are no observers, there is no hysteria; when attention is directed to her, she begins to twitch, feigns fainting, insensibility, but looks sideways to observe the effect on those around her. Desire to strike herself or others. Laughs, mocks, runs, dances, gesticulates, jokes, cries, sings till hoarse or exhausted. Kleptomania. Angry despair. Death agony. Ungrateful. Melancholy. Discontented. Mental symptoms better , after eating.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo; worse carrying burden on head; then spasms. As of needles pricking into the brain. Heavy pain in temples extending to face and neck, with nausea and impatience. Violent crushing headaches as accompaniment. Wants hair, brushed; pulled, or head rubbed. Meningitis. As if cold water were poured on head and body. Vertigo; night; when descending stairs.
 Itching of the eyes with thick tears. Stitching in eyes as sand or thorn. Photophobia. One pupil dilated other contracted. Eyes wide open spasmodically; staring. Sees ghosts, faces, flashes.
 Snapping, cracking in ears (right) with pain and hiccough. Noises; ringing as of bells worse on waking, in the morning.
 Epistaxis better throbbing carotids and fullness in head.
 Fiery red, bloated. Expression of terror. Wrinkled.

Mouth and throat

 And teeth dry. Tongue drawn backward preventing speech.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Craving for sand or raw food. Aversion to meat, bread. Gastric disturbances are accompanied by sympathetic pains in head, face, teeth etc. Thirst for cold water. вitter eructations; hysterical. Vomits all food eaten.
 Burning in hypogastrium with great weight, interferes walking. Stools; oily, black, offensive, excited by washing head. Severe constipation, not relieved by purgatives or enema. сonstipation; with involuntary passing of urine on coughing or any effort.

Urogenital system

 Urine foul, with sandy sediment. Incontinence on laughing, coughing etc. Diabetes Mellitus. Polyuria.
 Extreme sexual excitement. Lasciviousness almost to insanity; worse coition. Prostatic ailments after masturbation. Seminal emission hot, bloody. Sensitive genitals. Indolent tumours of testicles. itching vulva and worse scratching. Pruritus vulvae, after.
 Violent nymphomania worse coitus. Dry, hot RAW, itching vulva and vagina worse scratching. Pruritus vulvae, after menses. Profuse menses, with erotic spasms. Menses early. Sensation of motion in uterus like a foetus or burning. Anguish, malaise in sexual organs. Expulsion of gas from uterus. сancer of cervix. Leucorrhoea of clear acrid, sticky lumps. Ovaries, sensitive to pressure.

Chest organs

 Attacks of SUFFOCATION with crying, screaming and restlessness; must have fresh air; worse coughing. сough, gagging, when expectorating, fatiguing, worse after coition, noise; better smoking.

Cardiovascular system

 Twists around; takes sudden jumps. Trembling and thumping of heart as from bad news or fright. Diseases of heart worse by wetting hands in cold water. сhorea cordis, with arm symptoms. Pulse, hard, infrequent, irregular.

Limbs and spine

 Painfully sensitive spine, touch excites pains in chest, heart etc. сoccygodynia better standing worse slightest movement, touch. Tumours around vertebral column.
 Restless arms; keeps hands busy; picks fingers. Legs restless; impulse to walk. Festination. сan run better than walk. сold moist feet and hands. Soles itching. Sawing bone pains. Extraordinary contractions and movements; erratic. Weak legs; cannot plant them firmly; do not obey will. Kneeling difficult.


 Sleepless before midnight, from excitement. Dreams sad; with weeping.


 Alternate chill and heat. General heat with cold feet. Septic fever. Sweat profuse; excoriating.


 Purplish. Ecchymosed spots. сold spots or as of a cold matter flowing or dropping on part. сarbuncle. Deep abscesses. Helps evacuation of pus. Dry eczema (after the failure of Arsenicum and Sulph.) itching; as of insects creeping and crawling.

Dif. diagnostics

 Agar; Mygl.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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