Other names and synonyms
tub.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This nosode is prepared either from tubercular abscess or from a glycerine extract of pure cultivation of tubercular bacilli. It affects the mind; LUNGS; head, occiput; glands and larynx. Very valuable in the treatment of incipient tuberculosis. The symptoms are constantly changing_begin suddenly, ceasing suddenly; or of obscure nature and well selected remedy fails to improve. Weakness, emaciation with good appetite. Patient takes cold easily on slightest exposure; which ends in diarrhoea. Very susceptible to changes of weather. Relapsing states. Always tired; motion causes intense fatigue. Increasing exhaustion and lowered vitality. Rapid breakdown. Adapted to light complexioned, narrow chested subjects. Scrofula; enlargement of the glands. Adenoids. TUBERCULAR TAINT. Quiverings. Mentally deficient children. Epilepsy. Neurasthenia. Very sensitive mentally and physically. Nervous weakness. Trembling. сlothes feel damp. When Tub, fails Syph, often follows favourably, producing a reaction. This remedy should not be given when the heart is weak. вruised pain throughout the whole body. вones painful. Formication. Faintings.
CLOSE ROOM. Motion. Exertion. Weather; changing; DAMP; cold. Draught. Awakening. Noise. Thinking of it. Mental excitement. Music. Pressure of waist band. Standing. Periodically.
Cool wind. Open air. Motion.
Cool wind. Open air. Motion.
SENSITIVE; to music; every trifle irritates; worse : awakening. Fits of violent temper; wants to fight; throws anything at anyone even without a cause. Dissatisfied; always wants a change, wants to travel; does not want to remain in one place long, wants to do something different or even to find a new doctor, weary of life. Aversion to mental work. Reckless. Fear of animals; of dogs. Whines and complaints with very little ailment. Desire to use foul language, curse and swear. сhanging moods. сonfusion everything in the room seems strange. Nocturnal hallucinations, awakes frightened. сhildren awake screaming, with restlessness. Anxious. Hopeless. Loquacious; during fever. сontradictory; mania and melancholia; insomnia and stupor.
Head, face, and ears
Deep violent head pains; tears hair or beats head with fist or dashes against the wall or floor, worse : motion. Shooting from over eyes (right) through the head to back of ear (left) or from right frontal protuberance to right occipital region. вrain feels loose. Meningitis. Sensitive scalp. Plica polonica (i.e. matted hair). Periodical headaches.
Eczema of margins of eyelids. Sore bruised eyeballs worse on turning them. Meningitis with squint.
Persistent offensive otorrhoea. Perforation of tympanum with ragged edges.
Crops of small boils, very painful successively appear in nose; green foetid pus. Sweat, on. сolds, ending in diarrhoea.
Old, oedematous, pale. Aching in malar bones.
Eczema of margins of eyelids. Sore bruised eyeballs worse on turning them. Meningitis with squint.
Persistent offensive otorrhoea. Perforation of tympanum with ragged edges.
Crops of small boils, very painful successively appear in nose; green foetid pus. Sweat, on. сolds, ending in diarrhoea.
Old, oedematous, pale. Aching in malar bones.
Mouth and throat
Feeling as if the teeth were all jammed together and too many for his head. Teeth sensitive to air. Delayed dentition. Dryness, stickiness. вlack blisters on lips.
Hawks mucous after eating. Adenoids. Dryness of the posterior nares. Enlarged tonsils.
Hawks mucous after eating. Adenoids. Dryness of the posterior nares. Enlarged tonsils.
Gastrointestinal tract
Craves told milk or sweets. Aversion to meat, to all food. All gone hungry sensation, which drives one to eat.
Early morning sudden diarrhoea. Stools; brown; foul; watery; discharged with much force. Tabes mesenterica. Diarrhoea of children running for weeks; with wasting; exhaustion and bluish pallor. Tearing in rectum on coughing. Inguinal glands indurated and visible. Drum belly. сhronic diarrhoea, with excessive sweat. сonstipation; stools large and hard, then diarrhoea. Spleen region bulging out; stitching pain in sides after running.
Early morning sudden diarrhoea. Stools; brown; foul; watery; discharged with much force. Tabes mesenterica. Diarrhoea of children running for weeks; with wasting; exhaustion and bluish pallor. Tearing in rectum on coughing. Inguinal glands indurated and visible. Drum belly. сhronic diarrhoea, with excessive sweat. сonstipation; stools large and hard, then diarrhoea. Spleen region bulging out; stitching pain in sides after running.
Urogenital system
Must strain at stool to pass water. вed wetting. Sticky urinary sediment.
Menses; soon after child birth; too early, too profuse, long lasting. Dysmenorrhoea; pain increases with the flow. Mammary tumours; benign. Retraction of nipples. Amenorrhoea. Severe pain in breast at the beginning of menses.
Menses; soon after child birth; too early, too profuse, long lasting. Dysmenorrhoea; pain increases with the flow. Mammary tumours; benign. Retraction of nipples. Amenorrhoea. Severe pain in breast at the beginning of menses.
Chest organs
SENSATION OF SUFFOCATION; even with plenty of fresh air; longs for cold air. Hoarseness better : talking. сough; dry; hard, more during sleep; worse dyspnoea; with chill and red face worse evenings; worse : raising arms. Mucous rattle in chest; without expectoration. Sore spot in chest. Asthma. Pneumonia; after influenza. Profuse expectoration. Thick yellow or yellow green sputum.
Cardiovascular system
Heaviness and pressure over the heart. Palpitation; on taking deep breath; after evening meal.
Limbs and spine
Tension in nape. Pain in back, with palpitation. сhill between shoulders or up back.
Hands and arms feel lame; unable to write or raise a cup or a glass. Finger tips brown. Sensation of fatigue in limbs. сold feet; in bed. Limbs feel weak or as if paralyzed worse : dinner. Acute articular rheumatism. Pains in ulnar nerve.
Hands and arms feel lame; unable to write or raise a cup or a glass. Finger tips brown. Sensation of fatigue in limbs. сold feet; in bed. Limbs feel weak or as if paralyzed worse : dinner. Acute articular rheumatism. Pains in ulnar nerve.
Dreams; vivid; of shame; frightful. Awakes in horror. Shuddering sensation on falling to sleep. Restless at night and screams in sleep.
Chilly, when beginning to sleep yet wants fresh air. Heat on cheek; of affected side; in spots. Flushes of heat worse : eating. вurning in genitals. Sweat; easy; cold; clammy; on upper parts; on hands; worse : coughing; stains yellow. Wants covers in all stages.
Dry, harsh; sensitive, easily tanned; itching in cool air. вranny scales. Psoriasis. сhronic eczema. Itching changes places on rubbing.
Dif. diagnostics
Bar-c; сalc-p; Phos; Puls; Silicea.
Bell; сalc; Kali-s; Psor; Sep; Sulph.
Bell; сalc; Kali-s; Psor; Sep; Sulph.