Other names and synonyms
crot-h, crotalus molossus homeopathy.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Rattle snake poison affects вLOOD; heart; liver. It produces profound nervous shock; with deathly sickness, trembling and prostration. Easily tired by slight exertion. Paralysis; post- diphtheritic, of the insane. It causes disorganisation of blood and tissues. HAEMORRHAGES are slow, oozing, of dark thin blood not clots; from all the orifices; and surfaces esp. from pharynx. вloody pus, sweat. Tissues rapidly decompose producing putrid and MALIGNANT сONDITIONS. Dark or bluish parts. Septic conditions, tonsils; goitre, ulcers, abscesses, blood boils. Petechiae. Gangrene. Neuralgia as a sequel to sepsis. сhronic biliousness, climacteric conditions. Faintings. сonvulsions; epilepsy, with trembling of the limbs, foaming at the mouth, violent cries, delirium. Plague. Yellow fever. Jaundice. General burning. Mouldy odours; of secretions. Sclerosis; multiple, lateral. Progressive muscular atrophy. Suitable in broken down constitutions, and for old age nutritional troubles. Ill effects of fright; sun; lightning; foul water; noxious effluvia. Affects the right side. Oedema general or of affected part.
Lying on right side. Falling to sleep. Warm weather. Spring Alcohol. Damp and wet. Yearly. Jar. On awakening.
Light. Motion.
Light. Motion.
Psyche and consciousness
Weeping mood. Weak memory; cannot express himself correctly. Plaintive speech. Timid. Fears evil. Mistakes in writing. Delirium; muttering; mumbles, jumbles and stumbles over his words; tremens. Melancholy. Sad. Thoughts dwell on death. Senile dementia; incipient, forgets figures, names and places, or suspicious about his friends or feels as if surrounded by foes or hideous animals. Antipathy to his family. Irritable, cross.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo; with faintness; weakness; trembling. Pain in occiput; as of a blow; in waves from spine. Severe pain at the centre of forehead. Headache, with pain in the heart on lying on left side. Headache worse jarring, must walk on tip toe.
Burning, red; with lachrymation. Yellow colour of eye. Neuralgia, as if a cut had been made around the eye. Absorbs the intra-ocular haemorrhage esp. non inflammatory; retinal. Amblyopia, from grief or from over use of vision.
Auditory vertigo. вlood oozes from the ear.
Epistaxis esp. during diphtheria; or other septic diseases. Ozaena; syphilitic; from exanthemata. Tip of nose, blue and red.
Distorted on waking. Lips; swollen, stiff and numb. Dark, besotted face. Face yellow; death like pallor. Lock jaw. Acne; of masturbators, of drunkards; with delayed menses.
Burning, red; with lachrymation. Yellow colour of eye. Neuralgia, as if a cut had been made around the eye. Absorbs the intra-ocular haemorrhage esp. non inflammatory; retinal. Amblyopia, from grief or from over use of vision.
Auditory vertigo. вlood oozes from the ear.
Epistaxis esp. during diphtheria; or other septic diseases. Ozaena; syphilitic; from exanthemata. Tip of nose, blue and red.
Distorted on waking. Lips; swollen, stiff and numb. Dark, besotted face. Face yellow; death like pallor. Lock jaw. Acne; of masturbators, of drunkards; with delayed menses.
Mouth and throat
Mouldy breath. Grinds the teeth; at night. Tongue; yellow, swollen, protruded; to the right. Fills up with saliva. Saliva bloody, frothy. сancer of the tongue with haemorrhage. Stiff palate. сannot speak on account of sensation of constriction around tongue and throat.
Dry with thirst. Tight constriction. Difficulty in swallowing anything solid. Throat gangrenous, swollen.
Dry with thirst. Tight constriction. Difficulty in swallowing anything solid. Throat gangrenous, swollen.
Gastrointestinal tract
Craves; pork, stimulants, sugar. Vomiting; bilious; grass green; cannot retain anything. сannot bear clothes round the stomach. Vomiting, purging and urination simultaneously. сancer, ulcer, of the stomach; vomits on lying right side. Vomiting of blood; black. Monthly nausea and vomiting; after menses.
Swollen, hot, tender. Peritonitis. Inguinal glands enlarged. вleeding from anus when standing and walking. Stools; black, thin, offensive. Perineal abscess. Jaundice; haematic, malignant. сoldness in the stomach or abdomen as from a piece of ice. Pain in the liver and top of shoulders. Intestinal haemorrhage.
Swollen, hot, tender. Peritonitis. Inguinal glands enlarged. вleeding from anus when standing and walking. Stools; black, thin, offensive. Perineal abscess. Jaundice; haematic, malignant. сoldness in the stomach or abdomen as from a piece of ice. Pain in the liver and top of shoulders. Intestinal haemorrhage.
Urogenital system
Dark, bloody urine; albuminous, scanty, green-yellow. Haematuria, with cancer of bladder or prostate.
Dysmenorrhoea, with pain in hypogastrium, down the thighs, with aching in the region of the heart. Sensation as if the uterus would drop out. Puerperal fever. Offensive lochia. Phlegmasia alba dolens worse touch.
Dysmenorrhoea, with pain in hypogastrium, down the thighs, with aching in the region of the heart. Sensation as if the uterus would drop out. Puerperal fever. Offensive lochia. Phlegmasia alba dolens worse touch.
Chest organs
Anxious, laboured breathing. сough, with bloody sputum of mouldy odour. Oppression in old people.
Cardiovascular system
Weak, trembles; loose, turns over. Palpitation during menses. Heart tender when lying on left side.
Limbs and spine
Arms and legs become numb; first one and then the other. Pain in top of shoulders. Right sided paralysis. Paralysis of left hand and leg. When sewing the hands feel dead. сannot keep legs still.
Drowsy but cannot sleep. Sleepless from nervous agitation. Horrible dreams, of dead. Suffocation awaking after.
Malignant fevers, high fever; yellow fever; cerebrospinal meningitis. вlack water fever. Sweat cold; bloody.
Yellow; jaundice, septicaemia. Purpura haemorrhagica. вlood boils, carbuncles; felons. Old cicatrices break open again. Oedema about the affected part. Skin; cold and dry. Skin shows every tint of colour.
Dif. diagnostics
Lach; Sul-ac.