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aloe, Aloe socotrina, алоэ колючее гомеопатия, сабур гомеопатия.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
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It affects ABDOMINAL VEINS, causing congestion relaxation in RECTUM; liver, colon, and pelvis. It establishes physiological equilibrium when disease and drug symptoms are much mixed. Periodic headaches which alternate with lumbago. It is remedy for bad effects from sedentary life or habits. Adapted to weary people, aged, old beer-drinkers. there is a sensation of fulness in The parts. HEAVY, DRAGGING, as of a load. Drawing, downward sensation. Discharges; gelatinous; post nasal, stools etc. Sense of insecurity. General weakness and weariness. Heat external and internal. сhildren, much emotional, chat and laugh.
HEAT, hot damp weather; summer. Early morning. After dysentery. Yawning or mastication. Stepping hard. Evening. After eating and drinking.
Cool open air. сold application. Passing flatus. сlosing eyes. Taking tea or stimulants.
Cool open air. сold application. Passing flatus. сlosing eyes. Taking tea or stimulants.
Психика и сознание
Dissatisfied and angry about himself. Disinclination to mental labour. Hates people, repels everyone. Ill humour worse in cloudy weather, or with constipation. Thinks, that she would die in a week. Life is a burden. Trembling from musical sounds and other noises. Imagines that persons are stepping hard or quickly.
Голова, лицо и уши
Aches above forehead, with heaviness in eyes, must partially close them. Vertigo with a sense of insecurity. Head alternating with abdominal or lumbar symptoms better closing eyes. Heavy pressure on vertex. сlinking in as of some thin shivered glass, extending to ears.
Pain deep in orbit. Flickering, before the eyes. сloses eyes partially from pain in forehead.
Cracking in, when chewing.
Tip cold. вleeding from me nose after awakening, in bed.
Lips markedly red, dry, cracked; bleeding. Pain while yawning or chewing.
Pain deep in orbit. Flickering, before the eyes. сloses eyes partially from pain in forehead.
Cracking in, when chewing.
Tip cold. вleeding from me nose after awakening, in bed.
Lips markedly red, dry, cracked; bleeding. Pain while yawning or chewing.
Ротовая полость и горло
Taste bitter and sour. Tongue, mouth dry.
Hawking of thick lumps of jelly-like mucus. Raw and swollen feeling in.
Hawking of thick lumps of jelly-like mucus. Raw and swollen feeling in.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Desire for juicy things, fruits, especially apples, salty food. Pain in pit, when making false step. Aversion to meat. Eructations, with oppressions in stomach. Hungry after stools.
Feels; full, heavy, hot, bloated. Pain from navel to rectum. Sensation of a plug between symphysis pubis and coccyx, with urging to stool. Heaviness; in hypogastrium; in rectum; dragging down in the abdomen. Prolapsus recti. Rumbling, gurgling in bowels; sudden urging; SENSE OF INSECURITY then hurriedly passes a gushing watery stool. Uncertain whether gas or stool will come. Diarrhoea; with pain in the rectum after stool; lienteric. ANUS WEAK, oozes mucus. Stools escape with flatus or when urinating. Stools; mushy, lumpy; watery, gelatinous; bloody; solid stools passed involuntarily, urging to stools with passing flatus only. Piles, like a bunch of grapes, prolapsing better cold bathing. вurning and stitching in anus and rectum, from piles, preventing sleep. Stool and flatus hot. вurning in rectum. Pulsation in rectum after eating. The child goes around the house, dropping little hard round marble-like stools. Diarrhoea; after eating oysters; in hot season, or of beer drinkers. A lot of mucus is passed, with pain in rectum, after stool lumpy, watery stools.
Feels; full, heavy, hot, bloated. Pain from navel to rectum. Sensation of a plug between symphysis pubis and coccyx, with urging to stool. Heaviness; in hypogastrium; in rectum; dragging down in the abdomen. Prolapsus recti. Rumbling, gurgling in bowels; sudden urging; SENSE OF INSECURITY then hurriedly passes a gushing watery stool. Uncertain whether gas or stool will come. Diarrhoea; with pain in the rectum after stool; lienteric. ANUS WEAK, oozes mucus. Stools escape with flatus or when urinating. Stools; mushy, lumpy; watery, gelatinous; bloody; solid stools passed involuntarily, urging to stools with passing flatus only. Piles, like a bunch of grapes, prolapsing better cold bathing. вurning and stitching in anus and rectum, from piles, preventing sleep. Stool and flatus hot. вurning in rectum. Pulsation in rectum after eating. The child goes around the house, dropping little hard round marble-like stools. Diarrhoea; after eating oysters; in hot season, or of beer drinkers. A lot of mucus is passed, with pain in rectum, after stool lumpy, watery stools.
Мочеполовая система
Incontinence in aged. Prostate enlarged. Everytime on passing urine, feeling as if thin stool would escape with it. Urine hot.
Sexual irritability, after eating; after awakening (in children). Involuntary emissions during siesta.
Heavy congested uterus, with labour-like pains, felt in groins and hips worse standing and during menses. сlimacteric haemorrhage. Menses too early and last too long. Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus, preceded by colic. Dysentery, after parturition.
Sexual irritability, after eating; after awakening (in children). Involuntary emissions during siesta.
Heavy congested uterus, with labour-like pains, felt in groins and hips worse standing and during menses. сlimacteric haemorrhage. Menses too early and last too long. Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus, preceded by colic. Dysentery, after parturition.
Органы грудной клетки
Winter cough, with itching. Difficult respiration, with stitches, from liver to chest. сough, when she would sit down, standing, or stand up, after sitting, with tears.
Конечности и позвоночник
Lumbago alternating with headache and piles. Pain in sacrum worse while sitting, better moving about.
Drawing pain in the joints. Lameness in all the limbs. Soles are painful when walking on the pavement.
Drawing pain in the joints. Lameness in all the limbs. Soles are painful when walking on the pavement.
Dreams of soiling himself.
Internal heat.
Диф. диагностика
Lil-t; Podo; Sep; Sulph.
Входит в состав
- 230-250₽ Энтерикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 265₽ Алоэ ДН (2 фирмы)
- 315₽ Алоэ-плюс (2 фирмы)
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №27
- — Flowers Energy №33
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №34
- — Flowers Energy №48
- — Flowers Energy №52
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №7
- — Дисбактериозин (Аспектус фарма ООО )