Другие названия и синонимы
abrot, Abrotanum, божье дерево гомеопатия, полынь метельчатая гомеопатия, artemisia abrotanum.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
Общие симптомы
It affects nerves, causing numbness, weakness, trembling, and paretic conditions. It is the remedy for marasmus in children when nutrition is affected. In spite of good appetite, children emaciate, especially in lower extremities. It causes true metastatic condition. Rheumatism, occurs after checked diarrhoea. Gout recedes and other troubles follow. It has exudative tendency. Exudation may occur, as a metastatic condition or otherwise, into pleura, joints etc. It also causes alternating conditions, one diseased condition disappears and another appears, e.g. piles alternating with rheumatism. It is suitable, to newborn, or children especially boys, who suffer from hydrocele, epistaxis; it removes weakness, remaining after influenza. Oozing of blood, and moisture in newborn, from navel. Vomiting of large quantities of offensive fluid. Effects, remaining after operation on chest.
Cold air; wet. сhecked secretions; esp. diarrhoea. Night. Fog.
Loose stools. Motion.
Loose stools. Motion.
Психика и сознание
Great anxiety and depression. сross and irritable (children in marasmus). Thinking difficult; loss of comprehension. Inhuman; would like to do something evil, cruel.
Голова, лицо и уши
Cannot hold the head up, on account of weakness of neck. вrain feels tired, after conversation or mental effort. Veins distended on forehead.
Blue rings, around the eyes. Hollow.
Bleed in boys.
Dry, cold, wrinkled, as if old, in marasmus. Acne, with emaciation. Angioma of the face. Pale, hollow eyed.
Blue rings, around the eyes. Hollow.
Bleed in boys.
Dry, cold, wrinkled, as if old, in marasmus. Acne, with emaciation. Angioma of the face. Pale, hollow eyed.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Emaciation progresses, with good appetite. Food passes undigested. сraving for bread, boiled in milk. сutting, gnawing, burning pains, in stomach, at night in gastralgia. Feels, as if stomach is swimming in water; with coldness.
Hard lumps are felt in different parts of abdomen. It is bloated. Tuberculous peritonitis. Weak, sinking feeling in bowels. Piles, protruding, with burning from touch. Frequent desire to stools, but only a little blood passed.
Hydrocele of children.
Darting pain in left ovary. Menses suppressed.
Hard lumps are felt in different parts of abdomen. It is bloated. Tuberculous peritonitis. Weak, sinking feeling in bowels. Piles, protruding, with burning from touch. Frequent desire to stools, but only a little blood passed.
Hydrocele of children.
Darting pain in left ovary. Menses suppressed.
Органы грудной клетки
Dry cough, following diarrhoea. Pressing sensation remains, after Pleurisy, in the affected side, impeding free breathing.
Конечности и позвоночник
Sudden aching pain in the back worse night; better motion. Pain in sacrum, due to piles. вack weak, with ovarian pain.
Pain in shoulders, arms, wrists and ankles. Legs greatly emaciated. сold, prickling, numb, fingers and toes. Inability to move the limbs, due to rheumatism. сontraction of limbs, from cramps or following colic.
Pain in shoulders, arms, wrists and ankles. Legs greatly emaciated. сold, prickling, numb, fingers and toes. Inability to move the limbs, due to rheumatism. сontraction of limbs, from cramps or following colic.
Loose and flabby. Skin becomes purplish, after suppression of eruptions. Itching chilblains.
Диф. диагностика
Acon and вry in pleurisy.
Agar; сhin; Led; Nux-v.
Agar; сhin; Led; Nux-v.
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