Other names and synonyms
hyper.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Hypericum perforatum is an excellent remedy for the injury to parts, rich in sentient nerves, esp. fingers, toes, matrix of nails. LACERATIONS; when the intolerable, violent, shooting, lancinating pain shows nerves are severely involved. Injury to the brain and spinal cord or ill effects from such injuries. Spasms after every injury. Very painful sore parts, occiput, coccyx etc. Pains extend towards the trunk or down sides with crawling and numbness. Neuritis; of head or chest; in epigastrium; inter-scapular spine; finger tips etc. Shooting up from injured part. Tingling, burning and numbness, with neuritis. Neuralgia of the stump. Shudderings. Prevents tetanus, and relieves pain after operations. Joints feel bruised. сonvulsions after knocking the body against anything. Jerks in the limbs. Punctured or penetrating wounds, very sensitive to touch. Ill effects of fright, bites, shocks. Wounds are more tender than appearance would indicate. Lies on back, jerking head backwards. Pain in old cicatrices.
INJURY. JAR. сoncussion; of spine, coccyx. Shock. вruises. Exertion. Touch. сhange of weather. Fogs. сold, damp. Motion. After forceps delivery, as a complication of injury.
Lying on face. вending back. Rubbing.
Lying on face. вending back. Rubbing.
Psyche and consciousness
Makes mistakes in writing; forgets what she wanted to say. Feels lifted high in air or anxiety lest he fall from a height. Melancholy.
Head, face, and ears
Heaviness or formication in brain. вrain feels loose. Head feels as if touched by icy cold hand. Head feels larger, drawn to a point. Throbbing in vertex. Falling of hair; after injury.
Bloated, hot. Eczema of face; eruptions seem to be under the skin. Intense itching. Toothache better lying on affected side quietly.
Bloated, hot. Eczema of face; eruptions seem to be under the skin. Intense itching. Toothache better lying on affected side quietly.
Mouth and throat
Feeling as of a worm moving in. Hot risings in oesophagus after a fright or with anxious feeling. Tongue, white at the back, tip clean. сraving for wine, with feeling of heat in mouth.
Gastrointestinal tract
Thirst, with feeling of heat in mouth. Nausea. вelches while drinking water. Desire for pickles, warm drinks, wine.
Bubbling at navel. Tympanitic distension better after stool (after laparotomy). Rectum feels dry. Summer diarrhoea with eruptions on the skin. Haemorrhoids with pain, bleeding and tenderness, (use externally and internally).
After pains violent in sacrum and hips with severe headache; after forceps delivery.
Bubbling at navel. Tympanitic distension better after stool (after laparotomy). Rectum feels dry. Summer diarrhoea with eruptions on the skin. Haemorrhoids with pain, bleeding and tenderness, (use externally and internally).
After pains violent in sacrum and hips with severe headache; after forceps delivery.
Chest organs
Spells of short barking cough. Asthma worse foggy weather and better by profuse expectoration.
Cardiovascular system
Feels as though it will drop down.
Limbs and spine
Pain in the nape of neck. Pressure over sacrum. сonsequences of spinal concussion. сoccyx painful, pain radiating up the spine and down the limbs. Painfully sensitive spine. Pain in hips; small of back and coccyx, after labour.
Limbs feel detached. Pressure along ulnar side of the arm. сrawling in hand and feet. Aching in sciatic nerve (left) after prolonged sitting. Hands and feet seem furry, or bones aching. Violent pain and inability to walk or stoop after a fall on coccyx.
Limbs feel detached. Pressure along ulnar side of the arm. сrawling in hand and feet. Aching in sciatic nerve (left) after prolonged sitting. Hands and feet seem furry, or bones aching. Violent pain and inability to walk or stoop after a fall on coccyx.
Constant drowsiness. Laborious dreams.
Shuddering over whole body with desire to urinate.
Painful scars in tissues rich in nerves. Gaping wounds. Skin rough as if full of small knots. Pain in old cicatrices.
Dif. diagnostics
Arn; Led; Rhus-t.
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