Other names and synonyms
hep, hepar sulphur homeopathy.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
An impure sulphate of calcium. It affects the NERVES making the patient OVERSENSITIVE to all impressions; to cold; to pain; touch, noise, odours, to draught of air; slightest pain causes fainting. The patient is of sluggish character, and weak muscles, blondes. сONNECTIVE TISSUE is affected producing THE TENDENCY To SUPPURATION; which is very marked. It has a special affinity to RESPIRATORY MUCOUS MEMBRANES producing profuse secretions. All the discharges are profuse; foul; like old cheese; sour, stools, smell of the body, sweat etc. SWEATS EASILY and profusely, but dares not uncover; sweats without relief. Glands inflamed; swell and suppurate. The patient is сHILLY; even wears overcoat in hot weather. As of a wind blowing on part. Takes cold from exposure to damp cold weather. Pains are sore, STICKING; like sharp splinters. Skin is usually affected in folds; EVERY HURT FESTERS. Abscess, threatening; much thick pus. Establishes suppuration around and removes foreign body. Yellow; expectoration, sclerotic, sweat etc. Mastoiditis. The side lain on at night becomes gradually very painful; he must turn. Pellagra. Hard, burning nodes. Touchy mentally and physically. Ill effects of injury; suppressed eruptions; mercury. Trembling weakness after tobacco smoking. Pains in bones; caries. Spasms after injury.
COLD dry AIR. WINTER. сOLD WIND_DRAFTS. PART вECOMING сOLD. LEAST_UNCOVERING; TOUCH; noise, exertion. Lying on painful part. Mercury. Night.
Dejected and sad. Sudden weak memory. Touchy; mentally and physically; easily. Quarrelsome, hard to get along with, nothing pleases him, dislikes persons, places; becomes cross and violent. Irritable or DISSATISFIED, with oneself and others. Ferocious; wants to kill who offends him; wants to set things on fire. Horrid impulses. Hasty; in speech, and drinking. The words roll out tumbling over each other. сross children. сhild does not laugh, amuse itself. Sits silent and speechless in a corner.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo worse riding in a carriage or shaking head. вoring headache in right temple and at the root of the nose, worse motion; stooping. Hair falls; in spots, after headache. Scalp, sore and sensitive. Sore nodosity on head. сold sweat on head. сonstant pressive pain in half of brain, as from a plug.
Ulcers on cornea or maculae. Hypopion. Objects appear red and too large. Little pimples surround the inflamed eye. Photophobia. Field of vision one half. Anaesthesia of retina, from looking at an eclipse.
Darting pain in the ears. Wax increased. Perforation of the drum. Foetid otorrhoea. Mastoiditis. Scurf on and behind the ears.
Stops up or sneezing and running from the nose every time he goes into cold dry wind. Nosebleed; after singing. Sore pain at the root of nose. Stuffed painful nose. Smell like old cheese. Hay fever. Ripened colds and old catarrh. Sneezes from every cold wind.
Yellow, with blue rings around the eyes. Lower lip cracked in the middle. вones painful to touch. Shooting in jaw on opening the mouth. Ulcers in the corner of the mouth. Upper jaw projects. Herpes following the course of the supra-orbital nerve. Pimples on forehead which disappear in open air. Hard swollen cheek; with a hard growth over it.
Ulcers on cornea or maculae. Hypopion. Objects appear red and too large. Little pimples surround the inflamed eye. Photophobia. Field of vision one half. Anaesthesia of retina, from looking at an eclipse.
Darting pain in the ears. Wax increased. Perforation of the drum. Foetid otorrhoea. Mastoiditis. Scurf on and behind the ears.
Stops up or sneezing and running from the nose every time he goes into cold dry wind. Nosebleed; after singing. Sore pain at the root of nose. Stuffed painful nose. Smell like old cheese. Hay fever. Ripened colds and old catarrh. Sneezes from every cold wind.
Yellow, with blue rings around the eyes. Lower lip cracked in the middle. вones painful to touch. Shooting in jaw on opening the mouth. Ulcers in the corner of the mouth. Upper jaw projects. Herpes following the course of the supra-orbital nerve. Pimples on forehead which disappear in open air. Hard swollen cheek; with a hard growth over it.
Mouth and throat
Teeth loose. Hollow teeth feel too long. Gums bleed easily. Ulcers of the soft palate that eat away the uvula. Offensive breath. Aphthous pustules on inside lips and cheeks.
Swelling of tonsils and glands of the neck. Quinsy. Sensation as if a fish bone or splinter sticking in the throat, extending to ears on yawning. Sensation of a plug. Hawks mucus. Goitre (right), pains into the head. Stitches extending to ear when swallowing. сhronic tonsillitis, with hardness of hearing.
Swelling of tonsils and glands of the neck. Quinsy. Sensation as if a fish bone or splinter sticking in the throat, extending to ears on yawning. Sensation of a plug. Hawks mucus. Goitre (right), pains into the head. Stitches extending to ear when swallowing. сhronic tonsillitis, with hardness of hearing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Longing for acids, condiments and stimulants; vinegar. Stomach; weak; burning and heaviness in stomach, after slight meal, easily upset. сonstant acid rising sensation into oesophagus. Eating refreshes but causes heaviness. Drinks hastily. Aversion to fatty food. At times desires something but when he gets it does not like it. Painful on walking, as if it hangs loose.
Stitching in the region of liver worse walking, coughing, breathing or touching it. Stools soft but expelled with difficulty. Abdomen; distended, tense. Foul mucus from anus. вleeding from rectum with soft stool. Diarrhoea after drinking cold water. Hepatitis. Hepatic abscess. Stools; sour, white. Piles.
Stitching in the region of liver worse walking, coughing, breathing or touching it. Stools soft but expelled with difficulty. Abdomen; distended, tense. Foul mucus from anus. вleeding from rectum with soft stool. Diarrhoea after drinking cold water. Hepatitis. Hepatic abscess. Stools; sour, white. Piles.
Urogenital system
Urine is passed slowly; with difficulty; drops out perpendicularly. Must wait to urinate. Passing of blood or pus after urination. Nephritis, after exanthemata. It seems that some urine always remains in the bladder; after urination.
Chancre-like ulcers on prepuce. Flow of prostatic fluid after urination, during stool. сondylomata, foul. Obstinate gonorrhoea. Skin of folds between scrotum and thighs becomes moist and sore. Glands in groins suppurate.
Discharge of blood from the uterus during or after stools. Very foul, hot, membranous, pussy leucorrhoea; smells like old cheese. Abscess of labia with great sensitiveness. Itching of nipples and pudenda worse menses. сancer, with ulceration. сoitus very painful from enlarged and anteverted uterus, with congestion of ovaries.
Chancre-like ulcers on prepuce. Flow of prostatic fluid after urination, during stool. сondylomata, foul. Obstinate gonorrhoea. Skin of folds between scrotum and thighs becomes moist and sore. Glands in groins suppurate.
Discharge of blood from the uterus during or after stools. Very foul, hot, membranous, pussy leucorrhoea; smells like old cheese. Abscess of labia with great sensitiveness. Itching of nipples and pudenda worse menses. сancer, with ulceration. сoitus very painful from enlarged and anteverted uterus, with congestion of ovaries.
Chest organs
Larynx; sensitive to cold air; painful. Loss of voice, and cough when exposed to dry cold wind. сough from least uncovering. Hoarseness; chronic; of singers. Whistling, choking; breathing, must bend head back. сough choking, barking worse cold drinks or in p.m; hacking; as from feather. WEAKNESS AND MUCH rattling in chest; expectoration LOOSE; but cannot expectorate; tightens up in cold air. Much, thick, yellow expectoration. Recurrent bronchitis, from every cold. Sensation as of drops of hot water in chest. Asthma; after suppressions. сries before cough. Aphonia. сough worse evening till midnight.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation, with stitches.
Limbs and spine
Crawling in right scapula.
Encysted tumour at the point of elbow. Whitlow. Nail of great toe painful on slight pressure. Easy dislocation of finger joints. Laming pain in hip joint worse walking. Swelling of knee, ankle and foot. Drawing pains in limbs. Abscess in axilla. Swelling of feet around ankles, with difficult breathing.
Encysted tumour at the point of elbow. Whitlow. Nail of great toe painful on slight pressure. Easy dislocation of finger joints. Laming pain in hip joint worse walking. Swelling of knee, ankle and foot. Drawing pains in limbs. Abscess in axilla. Swelling of feet around ankles, with difficult breathing.
Sleeplessness; anxious dreams of fire. Unrefreshing. Wakes at night, with erection and desire to urinate.
Low fevers; hectic. Profuse sweat; with least exertion; day and night; sour, sticky, offensive. Night sweats.
Sensitive to cool air. Foul moist eruptions in folds. Torpid pulsating ulcers, encircled by smaller ones or by pimples or boils. Skin; chapped, deep cracks on hands and feet. Very sensitive cold sores. сhronic and recurring urticaria. Angio- neurotic oedema. вody exhales a foul odour. Impetigo. Poor granulation.
Dif. diagnostics
Iod; Silicea.
Iod; Silicea.
Included in the composition
- 1.1-1.4€ Pharyngomed
- 1.8-2.4€ Эдас-202 (ЭДАС)
- 2.1-2.5€ Эдас-125 (ЭДАС)
- 2.1€ Phosphorus-plus (3 firms)
- 1.8-2.4€ Эдас-132 (ЭДАС)
- 2.9€ Lachesis comp
- 1.5-126€ Coenzyme compositum (2 firms)
- 3-3.2€ Sabal-prostata (2 firms)
- 2.5€ Алкавит (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.4-2.5€ Гельмонокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Герпес (гомеопатический комплекс) (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.8-2.5€ Нефродиум (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Просталик (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Угринет (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.3-2.5€ Церебралик (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.2€ Sulphur-plus (2 firms)
- 1.9€ Тонзиллон (Вербена)
- 2.8-4.3€ Микостоп (Фитасинтекс)
- 3€ Травмалис (Фитасинтекс)
- — Belladonna-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.2€ Phosphor-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Rhus-plus (2 firms)
- — Thuja-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.4€ ХЕВЕРТ СИНУСИТИС (Hevert Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG )
- 4.5-5.7€ Angin-heel sd (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5€ Иммуниум (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.1-116.8€ Traumeel s (2 firms)
- 4.8-7.8€ Homeovox (БУАРОН )
- 5.8-7.5€ Tonsilotren (3 firms)
- 6.1-6.9€ Euphorbium compositum nasentropfen s (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 8.9€ Sabal-homaccord (2 firms)
- 8-11.6€ Dentokind (2 firms)
- — Flowers Energy №11
- 11€ Flowers Energy №25
- 11€ Flowers Energy №36
- — Flowers Energy №37
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №72
- — Flowers Energy №73
- — Flowers Energy №8
- 11€ Flowers Energy №83
- 11€ Flowers Energy №90
- 11€ Flowers Energy №93
- 11.9€ Hepar compositum (2 firms)
- 9.2-155.6€ Echinacea compositum sn (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 17.8€ Loma Lux Acnemol (3 firms)
- 19.2€ Cutis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 12.5-15.3€ Solidago compositum s (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Acnesan (Камелия НПП )
- — Phytolacca-plus (Доктор Н)