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Nux moschata

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Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. Nash

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Stupor, insensibility, UNCONQUERABLE SLEEP; sleepy with most all complaints.
 EXCESSIVE dryness of the tongue, mouth, lips and throat; no thirst.
 And worse cold damp weather, getting wet, or washing; after eating (bloating); better in room, dry weather.
 Changeable humor; one moment laughing, the next crying.
 The nutmeg, though frequently used for its peculiar flavor in common cookery, is nevertheless a powerful poison, hence a valuable remedy. The mind and sensorium are profoundly affected by it, as shown by the following characteristic symptoms: Stupor and insensibility, and unconquerable sleep. Again, Vanishing of thoughts while talking, reading, or writing. Again, Weakness or loss of memory. Again, Fitful mood, changing from deepest sorrow to frolicsome behavior; now grave, now gay. Again, Absence of mind, cannot think; has to collect his thoughts before he can answer simple questions. Many more symptoms appear among the provings that show the action of this drug upon the brain. The effect upon the brain, while producing a sleepiness and dulness almost equal to that of OPIUM, is of an entirely different character, the OPIUM being seemingly due to fullness of the blood-vessels and pressure, while that of NUX MOSCHATA seems to be a benumbing of the very nerve substance itself. It is interesting to notice the sleepiness of OPIUM, NUX MOS. and TARTAR EMETIC, and to study these drugs in comparison. Opium and TARTAR EMETIC are often remedies for pneumonia, but the concomitant symptoms are very different. OPIUM and NUX VOM. in typhoid fever, but the choice, notwithstanding this symptom of stupor common to both, is not at all difficult. All three of these remedies in bowel complaints of children have this symptom in common,, but it is not hard to choose between them. Another very characteristic symptom of this remedy is EXCESSIVE DRYNESS OF THE MOUTH. Mouth so dry that the tongue sticks to the roof, yet no thirst. THE TONGUE, LIPS AND THROAT ARE ALL DRY. Of course, there are other remedies having this dryness without thirst, such as APIS, PULSATILLA and LACHESIS, but in this respect NUX MOSCHATA is the strongest. Then again NUX MOSCHATA is greatly troubled with flatulence. The abdomen is enormously distended, especially after meals. There are two remedies which have pain and distress in the stomach IMMEDIATELY after eating, even when the patient is still at the table. They are NUX MOS. and KALI вICHROMICUM. With NUX VOMICA and ANACARDIUM the pain comes on an hour or two after eating. With NUX MOS., everything they eat seems to turn to wind (KALI сARB., IODINE,) and fills the stomach and abdomen so full as to cause pressure upon all of the organs of the chest and abdomen. Again there is diarrhoea with this remedy. It is very efficacious in cholera infantum, when the above mentioned sensorial symptoms are present. I once had a very severe case of typhoid fever of the NERVOUS STUPIDA variety. On account of the stupidity, the yellow watery diarrhoea, and rumbling and bloating of the abdomen, I thought surely PHOSPHORIC ACID must help; but it did not. I finally discovered the excessive dryness of the mouth which had escaped my attention before. This completed the picture for NUX MOSCHATA. Under the action of the 200th potency, the patient rapidly improved unto complete recovery. So we must watch out when the seemingly indicated remedy does not cure, for it may not be SULPHUR, OPIUM, LAUROCERASUS or PSORINUM that will have to be given, as we said when curing on OPIUM and SULPHUR; but we have not, no matter what the seemings, chosen the homoeopathic remedy at all, and, as in this case, some symptom may appear that will change the prescription entirely.
 Now we will notice in detail the mind and sensorium symptoms that we have given, by way of comparison. I will add to the comparison made between this remedy and ANTIMONIUM TART. and OPIUM, APIS MELLIFICA, which has soporous sleep; but it is interrupted by PIERCING SCREAMS, especially in brain diseases, where the sopor is generally found. None of the other remedies have these screams (cri encephalique) so prominently. Vanishing of thought while talking, reading or writing may find their similar under сAMPHOR, сANNABIS INDICA and LACHESIS. Loss of memory under many remedies, but notably under ANACARDIUM, LYCOPODIUM, вRYONIA ALB., SULPHUR and NATRUM MURIATICUM. The fitful, changing moods and disposition is found under ACONITE, iGNATIA, сROCUS and PLATINA. Absence of mind, ANACARDIUM, KREOSOTE, LACHESIS, NATRUM MUR. and MERCURIUS. I notice that those remedies that are oftenest similar to NUX MOSCHATA in its mind and other symptoms are often found among the so-called hysteric remedies. And why not. For NUX MOSCHATA is one of our best in this hydra-headed complaint. Taking together all of the symptoms we have been over, and adding to them that other one, easy fainting, where can you find a more complete general picture of the average hysteric. I will not use more space here for this remedy, but recommend to every careful student, and practitioner, who does not already understand it, a careful study of this certainly valuable drug. That it has not received the use in practice that it should is due, I have no doubt, to the fact that it is used so frequently in foods, that many think it cannot be much of a remedy.

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Natura Pharma
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