Other names and synonyms
mag-m, magnesium muriaticum.Description Source
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashPharmacological Group
Constipation; stools knotty or lumpy, like sheep dung; crumbling at the verge of the anus.
Nervous headache, better from pressure (PULS); on wrapping the head up warmly (SIL).
Palpitation of heart when the patient is quiet, better when moving about.
Urine; pale yellow; can only be passed by bearing down with abdominal muscles; weakness of bladder.
Adapted to nervous, hysterical women inclined to spasms.
This salt of MAGNESIA seems to act differently from the MAG- с., for while the latter most characteristically produces diarrhoea, and we find it oftenest useful there, the former constipates. It has a peculiar form of constipation. The stools are hard, difficult, slow, insufficient knots, like sheep’s dung, and сRUMBLE AT THE VERGE OF THE ANUS. Sometimes can only be passed by вEARING DOWN WITH THE ABDOMINAL MUSCLES. The remedies most resembling it in this form of constipation are NAT-M., and AMM-M., and MAG-C., now that I think of it I might as well mention here another similarity between AMMONIUM MUR and which is characteristic, viz., The menstrual flow is worse at night. I forgot this when writing of MAG-C., perhaps it will be all the better remembered for this interruption, With MAG-M., menstruation is very painful, accompanied with severe cramps, which may increase to general spasms of a hysterical nature. This nervous condition, if found coupled with the peculiar constipation above described, will be a sure indication for the use of this remedy. Again it has a peculiar nervous headache, which is better from strong pressure (PULS.,) or wrapping head up warmly (SIL). This headache also is often hysterical. The spasms in connection with uterine troubles may find rival remedies in ACT-R., and сAUL., the TOOTH ENSEMBLE must decide. MAG-M., is a liver remedy, and in the some symptoms resembles MERC., notably, the tongue TAKES IMPRINT OF THE TEETH and THE worse FROM LYING ON THE RIGHT SIDE. вut the stools of this remedies are characteristically very different. Again, while MERC., is best adapted to acute affections of this organ, mAG-M., is more so to the chronic. PTELEA., liver troubles are WORSE WHILE LYING ON THE LEFT SIDE. A very peculiar symptom of MAG-M., often confirmed is :Palpitation of the heart when the patient IS QUIET, RELIEVED when moving about.
Children сANNOT DIGEST MILK during dentition (SEP).
Nervous headache, better from pressure (PULS); on wrapping the head up warmly (SIL).
Palpitation of heart when the patient is quiet, better when moving about.
Urine; pale yellow; can only be passed by bearing down with abdominal muscles; weakness of bladder.
Adapted to nervous, hysterical women inclined to spasms.
This salt of MAGNESIA seems to act differently from the MAG- с., for while the latter most characteristically produces diarrhoea, and we find it oftenest useful there, the former constipates. It has a peculiar form of constipation. The stools are hard, difficult, slow, insufficient knots, like sheep’s dung, and сRUMBLE AT THE VERGE OF THE ANUS. Sometimes can only be passed by вEARING DOWN WITH THE ABDOMINAL MUSCLES. The remedies most resembling it in this form of constipation are NAT-M., and AMM-M., and MAG-C., now that I think of it I might as well mention here another similarity between AMMONIUM MUR and which is characteristic, viz., The menstrual flow is worse at night. I forgot this when writing of MAG-C., perhaps it will be all the better remembered for this interruption, With MAG-M., menstruation is very painful, accompanied with severe cramps, which may increase to general spasms of a hysterical nature. This nervous condition, if found coupled with the peculiar constipation above described, will be a sure indication for the use of this remedy. Again it has a peculiar nervous headache, which is better from strong pressure (PULS.,) or wrapping head up warmly (SIL). This headache also is often hysterical. The spasms in connection with uterine troubles may find rival remedies in ACT-R., and сAUL., the TOOTH ENSEMBLE must decide. MAG-M., is a liver remedy, and in the some symptoms resembles MERC., notably, the tongue TAKES IMPRINT OF THE TEETH and THE worse FROM LYING ON THE RIGHT SIDE. вut the stools of this remedies are characteristically very different. Again, while MERC., is best adapted to acute affections of this organ, mAG-M., is more so to the chronic. PTELEA., liver troubles are WORSE WHILE LYING ON THE LEFT SIDE. A very peculiar symptom of MAG-M., often confirmed is :Palpitation of the heart when the patient IS QUIET, RELIEVED when moving about.
Children сANNOT DIGEST MILK during dentition (SEP).