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Другие названия и синонимы

lil-t, Lilium tigrinum, лилия тигровая гомеопатия, лилиум ланцифолиум, lilium lancifolium.

Источник описания

Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. Nash

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты


 Great bearing down, as if pelvic contents would press out through the vagina; better by pressing up with the hand and sitting down (SEPIA crosses the legs).
 Sensation of constriction in heart with uterine troubles.
 Frequent desire for stool and urine with uterine displacements, tenesmus.
 Tormented about her salvation.
 Listless, yet does not want to sit still, restless, yet does not want to walk, hurried manner, desire to do something, yet no ambition, imperative duties, inability to perform them.
 Depression of spirits: disposition to weep, aversion to food, indifferent about anything being done for her.
 LIL-T., is one of the remedies that closely resembles SEPIA in its action on the uterine organs. This symptom, for instance, ‘WEIGHT, WITH FEELING AS IF THE PELVIC сONTENTS WOULD PASS OUT THROUGH VAGINA IF NOT PREVENTED вY PRESSURE WITH THE HAND (pressing up against the vulva, LIL-T.,) or by sitting down. There is no remedy that is more efficacious for uterine displacements than LIL-T., The persistent bearing down feeling in the uterine region of LIL- T., is attended with a feeling as if the pelvic viscera, indeed the whole abdominal contents were dragged downward, even from the chest and shoulders, towards the vagina.
 The choice between LIL-T., and SEPIA, might not always be easy. The SEPIA case is more likely to be a chronic one. On the other hand, the LIL-T., case is more intense, painful and distressing. The SEPIA cachexia, of course, would decide easily in favor, if it is markedly present. There is more urinary irritation, or frequent desire to urinate, with LIL-T.,; indeed this is sometimes so severe as to make one think of сANTHARIS,Again, rectal irritation and distress is often found in conjunction with the urinary, in this respect reminding one of MERC -C.,CAPS., or NUX-V.,.
 With the uterine we often have quite an array of very severe heart symptoms. There are sharp quick pains, and much fluttering of the heart. This remedy also has in a marked degree the great characteristic symptom of сACTUS G.,, SENSATION AS IF THE HEART WERE сONSTRICTED OR HELD вY AN IRON вAND, This symptom, associated with the many other heart symptoms, has sometimes led to a prescription of сACTUS, when LIL-T., was the remedy and VICE-VERSA. The uterine symptoms are sometimes masked so as to be over-looked for the time by the violence of the heart symptoms. All these heart, urinary, and rectal symptoms seem to be mainly reflex, while the real trouble is centered in the uterus and its appendages.
 The mind is also very markedly affected under LIL-T., here it may resemble PULS., for tearfulness; doubts her salvation, like VERAT., sULPH., and LYCOPODIUM and a constant HURRIED feeling, as if IMPERATIVE duties with utter inability to perform them. See ARGENTUM NITRICUM.

Аналоги по действию

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Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Доступно только при использовании PRO аккаунта
Модератор контента: Васин А.С.

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