Other names and synonyms
graph.Description Source
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. Nash
Pharmacological Group
Eruption on the skin, oozing out a thick, honey-like fluid.
Mucous outlets; eyelids inflamed, with pustules; ears discharge, moist sore places behind ears; mouth cracked in corners; anus, eruptions, itching, fissured.
Nails grow thick, cracked, out of shape.
Constipation; stools knotty, large lumps, united by mucous threads.
Diarrhoea; stools, brown fluid, mixed with undigested substances, and of an intolerably foetid odor.
Sad and despondent inclined to weep; thinks of nothing but death.
Especially adapted to persons inclined to obesity; particularly females who delay menstruation.
Hears better when in a noise; when riding in a carriage or car; when there is a rumbling sound.
Sensation of cobweb on forehead; tries hard to brush it off.
The chief leading characteristic of this remedy is found in its skin symptoms.
Hoyne had expressed it nearly right. Eruptions oozing out a thick, honey-like fluid. It may be found on any part of the body, but is especially found on or behind the ears, on head, face, genitals, or eyelids. I once treated a case of eczema of the legs which was of twenty years standing. It was in an old obese woman, and, by the way, that is the kind of subject in which this remedy is found most efficacious.
I gave her, on account of much burning of the feet, a dose of SULPH c.m. In two or three weeks an eruption was developed all over the body which exuded a glutinous, sticky fluid. One dose of GRAPH c.m. dry on the tongue, cured this as well as the eczema of the legs and left her skin as smooth as that of a child. This was years ago. Erysipelas sometimes takes this form, and in such cases recurs again and again. It will naturally occur to the physician that, because of this recurrence, there is some psoric taint which must be met by SULPH., вut we must not make the too common mistake of thinking that SULPH., is the remedy on account of its great anti-psoric powers, or on the often misleading indication When seemingly indicated remedies don’t act, because SULPH., is not the only anti psoric and where GRAPH., is indicated is not at all the antipsoric for the case in hand. In short, we must not prescribe for psora which is only a name after all without indications any more than we would prescribe for the name scarlatina or diphtheria. GRAPH., is a powerful anti psoric, as are also PSOR., LYC., сAUST., and many others. Symptoms must decide here, as elsewhere. In order to still further show the wonderful anti-psoric powers of this remedy I will give another case from practice.
A child three years of age had eczema capitis. Under allopathic local treatment the eczema disappeared; but soon entero colitis of a very obstinate character set in. Then the regulars could not do that as they had the eczema, and after they had given up the case, pronouncing it consumption of the bowels, the homoeopath (myself), was called in on the ground that he could do no harm if he could do no good so they said.
CASE-Child greatly emaciated, little or no appetite, very restless, and ‘STOOLS вROWN FLUID MIXED WITH UNDIGESTED SUBSTANCES, and OF AN INTOLERABLY FOETID ODOR. Taking into the account the history of the suppressed eczema I prescribed GRAPH., 6m. JENICHEN and in a short time a perfect cure was the result. PSOR., has a similar stool as was present in this case, but the eruptions of the two remedies are different and this one corresponded to GRAPH., hence PSOR., was ruled out. If this case of so long standing had not had the eruption I might have thought of сHINA on account of extreme weakness from long-continued drain or loss of fluid, for сHINA is another remedy that has вROWN, LOOSE, FOETID STOOLS. So we must take into consideration ALL THE сASE, psora and all. In chronic cases in which GRAPH., is likely to be the remedy, we may look for affections of the EYELIDS, of the same eczematous character as that found on the head, behind the ears, etc.
Notice-Eczema of lids, eruptions moist and fissured margins of lids covered with scales and crusts. In SULPHUR lids the margins are VERY RED. ALL THE ORIFICES under SULPH., are very red. GRAPH., leads all the remedies for eczematous affections of the lids, STAPH., stands next, but of course special indications, local or general, or both, must decide.
GRAPH., is one of our best anal remedies. We have given the kind of loose stool characteristic of the drug. This is, however, exceptional, for it generally tends to constipation instead of diarrhoea. The STOOLS are KNOTTY and LARGE, the lumps sometimes UNITED by MUCOUS THREADS and mucus often follows the stool. There is often eczema around the anus, and it is one of our best remedies for FISSURA ANI. There is in these cases apt to be much pain after stool, and much soreness in anus on wiping it. Now if all this should occur in subjects of this tendency to sticky eruptions, we should not hesitate to give GRAPH., with expectations of success.
Another very characteristic calling for this remedy is found in the NAILS. вoth finger and toe nails become thick, grow out of shape. Never forget GRAPH., when you find this state of nails present, Again, GRAPH., has cracks or fissures in the ends of the fingers (SARSAPARILLA), nipples, labial commissures, of anus, and between toes (PETR.,)It is one of our best remedies for WENS found in persons of herpetic dyscrasia. Old, hard cicatrices soften up and go away under its action, especially those left by abscesses of the mammae. Lumps in the breast of suspicious appearance also go away under the action of this remedy. In menstrual troubles it resembles PULS., but there are plenty of points to differentiate them. In temperament it resembles сALC., but in GRAPH., the menses are mostly scanty and delayed, in сALC., too soon and too profuse; GRAPH., cures complaints of many kinds when you have present two things:
1st. The peculiar tendency to obesity.
2nd. The characteristic glutinous eruptions.
Mucous outlets; eyelids inflamed, with pustules; ears discharge, moist sore places behind ears; mouth cracked in corners; anus, eruptions, itching, fissured.
Nails grow thick, cracked, out of shape.
Constipation; stools knotty, large lumps, united by mucous threads.
Diarrhoea; stools, brown fluid, mixed with undigested substances, and of an intolerably foetid odor.
Sad and despondent inclined to weep; thinks of nothing but death.
Especially adapted to persons inclined to obesity; particularly females who delay menstruation.
Hears better when in a noise; when riding in a carriage or car; when there is a rumbling sound.
Sensation of cobweb on forehead; tries hard to brush it off.
The chief leading characteristic of this remedy is found in its skin symptoms.
Hoyne had expressed it nearly right. Eruptions oozing out a thick, honey-like fluid. It may be found on any part of the body, but is especially found on or behind the ears, on head, face, genitals, or eyelids. I once treated a case of eczema of the legs which was of twenty years standing. It was in an old obese woman, and, by the way, that is the kind of subject in which this remedy is found most efficacious.
I gave her, on account of much burning of the feet, a dose of SULPH c.m. In two or three weeks an eruption was developed all over the body which exuded a glutinous, sticky fluid. One dose of GRAPH c.m. dry on the tongue, cured this as well as the eczema of the legs and left her skin as smooth as that of a child. This was years ago. Erysipelas sometimes takes this form, and in such cases recurs again and again. It will naturally occur to the physician that, because of this recurrence, there is some psoric taint which must be met by SULPH., вut we must not make the too common mistake of thinking that SULPH., is the remedy on account of its great anti-psoric powers, or on the often misleading indication When seemingly indicated remedies don’t act, because SULPH., is not the only anti psoric and where GRAPH., is indicated is not at all the antipsoric for the case in hand. In short, we must not prescribe for psora which is only a name after all without indications any more than we would prescribe for the name scarlatina or diphtheria. GRAPH., is a powerful anti psoric, as are also PSOR., LYC., сAUST., and many others. Symptoms must decide here, as elsewhere. In order to still further show the wonderful anti-psoric powers of this remedy I will give another case from practice.
A child three years of age had eczema capitis. Under allopathic local treatment the eczema disappeared; but soon entero colitis of a very obstinate character set in. Then the regulars could not do that as they had the eczema, and after they had given up the case, pronouncing it consumption of the bowels, the homoeopath (myself), was called in on the ground that he could do no harm if he could do no good so they said.
CASE-Child greatly emaciated, little or no appetite, very restless, and ‘STOOLS вROWN FLUID MIXED WITH UNDIGESTED SUBSTANCES, and OF AN INTOLERABLY FOETID ODOR. Taking into the account the history of the suppressed eczema I prescribed GRAPH., 6m. JENICHEN and in a short time a perfect cure was the result. PSOR., has a similar stool as was present in this case, but the eruptions of the two remedies are different and this one corresponded to GRAPH., hence PSOR., was ruled out. If this case of so long standing had not had the eruption I might have thought of сHINA on account of extreme weakness from long-continued drain or loss of fluid, for сHINA is another remedy that has вROWN, LOOSE, FOETID STOOLS. So we must take into consideration ALL THE сASE, psora and all. In chronic cases in which GRAPH., is likely to be the remedy, we may look for affections of the EYELIDS, of the same eczematous character as that found on the head, behind the ears, etc.
Notice-Eczema of lids, eruptions moist and fissured margins of lids covered with scales and crusts. In SULPHUR lids the margins are VERY RED. ALL THE ORIFICES under SULPH., are very red. GRAPH., leads all the remedies for eczematous affections of the lids, STAPH., stands next, but of course special indications, local or general, or both, must decide.
GRAPH., is one of our best anal remedies. We have given the kind of loose stool characteristic of the drug. This is, however, exceptional, for it generally tends to constipation instead of diarrhoea. The STOOLS are KNOTTY and LARGE, the lumps sometimes UNITED by MUCOUS THREADS and mucus often follows the stool. There is often eczema around the anus, and it is one of our best remedies for FISSURA ANI. There is in these cases apt to be much pain after stool, and much soreness in anus on wiping it. Now if all this should occur in subjects of this tendency to sticky eruptions, we should not hesitate to give GRAPH., with expectations of success.
Another very characteristic calling for this remedy is found in the NAILS. вoth finger and toe nails become thick, grow out of shape. Never forget GRAPH., when you find this state of nails present, Again, GRAPH., has cracks or fissures in the ends of the fingers (SARSAPARILLA), nipples, labial commissures, of anus, and between toes (PETR.,)It is one of our best remedies for WENS found in persons of herpetic dyscrasia. Old, hard cicatrices soften up and go away under its action, especially those left by abscesses of the mammae. Lumps in the breast of suspicious appearance also go away under the action of this remedy. In menstrual troubles it resembles PULS., but there are plenty of points to differentiate them. In temperament it resembles сALC., but in GRAPH., the menses are mostly scanty and delayed, in сALC., too soon and too profuse; GRAPH., cures complaints of many kinds when you have present two things:
1st. The peculiar tendency to obesity.
2nd. The characteristic glutinous eruptions.
Included in the composition
- 1.8-2€ Defecol (ЭДАС)
- 2.4€ Alipid (ЭДАС)
- 2.2-2.4€ Эдас-107 (ЭДАС)
- 2.1-2.5€ Диетол - комплекс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Климафам (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Слимфикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Фитаслим (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Целлюкс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Целлюлокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Липостан (Вербена)
- 3.5€ Целлюкс-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.8€ Dietol-compositum (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Fucus-plus (2 firms)
- — Psoralum (Доктор Н)
- 3.2€ Thallium-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Urtica-plus (2 firms)
- 5-5.1€ Фитис (Фитасинтекс)
- — Flowers Energy №33
- 11€ Flowers Energy №34
- — Flowers Energy №4
- — Flowers Energy №48
- — Flowers Energy №49
- — Flowers Energy №51
- — Flowers Energy №52
- 11€ Flowers Energy №56
- 11€ Flowers Energy №57
- 11€ Flowers Energy №64
- — Flowers Energy №68
- 11€ Flowers Energy №82
- — Flowers Energy №89
- — Dulkamara-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Psorizerum (Алкой-Фарм)
- — Графит Гомеофарма (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Онихосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug