Другие названия и синонимы
mag-m, Magnesia muriatica, Магния хлорид гомеопатический, магнезиум хлоратум, магниум муриатикум, magnesium muriaticum, магнезиум муриатикум, магний хлоратум.Источник описания
700 Red Line Symptoms - J.W. HutchinsonФармакологическая группа
471. сonstipation; stools hard and knotty like sheep’s dung, or crumbling as if burst, especially in puny, rachitic children, with enlarged abdomen, or in infants during dentition.
472. Indigestion of children during dentition; milk causes pain in stomach and passes undigested.
472. Indigestion of children during dentition; milk causes pain in stomach and passes undigested.