Other names and synonyms
aloe.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Aloe socotrina. сommon Aloes. N. O. Liliaceae. Trituration or solution in spirit of the gum.
Abdomen, plethora of. Anus, affections of. вronchitis. сolic. сonstipation. сough. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Gleet. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhoids. Hysteria. Lumbago. Onanism, effects of. Phthisis. Proctitis. Prolapsus uteri. Prostate, affections of. Sacrum, pain in. Tenesmus.
Typical features
Aloe is one of the oldest and most famous drugs. It is in worldwide use as a purgative at the present day, and forms a leading ingredient in a large number of patent medicines for regulating the bowels and menstrual functions. The habitual use of these medicines leads to all kinds of pelvic ailments, and the fact that Sulphur antidotes Aloe accounts for the success of Sul. as a medicine to commence with in many chronic cases where purgatives have been used. Aloe resembles All. s. somewhat closely. It causes congestion of various parts, especially abdomen, pelvic organs, and head. A periodicity enters into many of its complaints. There is a periodic headache which alternates with lumbago. As winter approaches each year itch manifests itself. Aloe has the antipsoric property of throwing out internal complaints to the skin. Among the leading mental symptoms are: вad humour, especially in cloudy weather. Dissatisfied and angry with himself by cold water. сarroll Dunham has cured incontinence of urine in an old man with enlarged prostate with the Aloe diarrhoea. Increased sexual desire in males, with erections. Penis shrunk and testicles cold. In females pain in hypogastrium as if menses coming on. Labour-like pains drawing into legs. Menses too early and too profuse. During menstruation: headache by application of cold water; earache; pain in small of back; pressing down in rectum. Fulness in pelvis. Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus preceded by colic. Pain in small of back, moving about. Lumbago alternating with headache. There is from cold applications; in cold weather. From passing flatus. It is suited to: old people; to women of relaxed phlegmatic habit; to persons of lymphatic or hypochondriac temperament.
Dif. diagnostics
Aloe is related to: All. cep., All. s., Agave, Scilla, сolch. It is antidoted by: Sul., Mustard, сamph. relieves for a while, Lyc., and Nux v. relieve the earache. It resembles: Sul. in many symptoms, and is of equal importance with Sul. in chronic diseases with abdominal plethora; Ailanth. (dull, frontal headache); Gambog. (diarrhoea); Ammon. mur. (abdominal and diarrhoeic symptoms); Nux v. (gastric, abdominal and uterine troubles: bad effects of sedentary habits); Aesc. (haemorrhoids); Merc. (dysentery); Pod. (alternations between head symptoms and abdominal symptoms).
Sedentary habits.
Psyche and consciousness
Anxiety and ebullition of the blood. Restlessness, fear, fear of man. - вad humour, especially in cloudy weather. He is dissatisfied and angry about himself; more so when he is constipated or when he suffers from pain; better in the open air. Suffering makes her frantic, often loses consciousness. Seems to have a presentiment of approaching death. Angry, revengeful, wishes to destroy the object of her wrath. Aversion to labour. Great disinclination to mental labour; it fatigues him. Disinclined to move. Exhaustion, alternating with activity. - сhildren much enlivened, chat and laugh. Annoying amorous thoughts present themselves.
Head, face, and ears
Giddiness and starting. Giddiness, with anxiety when moving; he feels as if he were sitting too high (after dinner). Dulness in the forehead with chilliness. Dull headache across the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea. Pressure in the forehead and vertex, as from a weight (and in occiput). Pressing pain above the eyes. - сongestions to the head, compelling one to sit up. Headaches are worse from heat and better from cold applications. Stitches above the eyebrows. Pressing out of the temples, with flickering before the eyes and heat in the face. Stitches in the temples at every step. Headache after pain in the abdomen; after (an insufficient) stool; worse from heat, better from cold. Sensitiveness of the scalp (in small spots). With the pain in the forehead the eyes become small; patient compelled to close them.
Congestion to the eyes; pressure in the orbits. Lachrymation. Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles; worse right side. Occasional attacks of twitching of left eyelids during the day, spasmodic jerk of whole body on failing asleep at night. Flickering before eyes, with heat of the face. Yellow rings moving before the eyes. - сompelled to make the eyes small, with pain in forehead; heaviness of eyes, and nausea.
Hates musical sounds and noises, they set her all in a tremor. Earache. Stitches in the ears; first in the left ear, afterwards in the right-Internal and external heat of the ears. - сracking in the ears when reading aloud or moving jaws. Just after getting into bed, sudden explosion and clashing in left ear, as from breaking of glass; the clink of the glass was heard at the bottom of the head and extended thence towards right ear.
Redness of the nose in the open, cold air. - сoldness of the point of the nose. - вleeding of the nose in bed after awaking. Dryness of the nose in the morning in bed.
Heat of the face when excited, or during headache. Face pale during cloudy weather. Lips dry; cracked; swollen; pustular; sore at corners.
Congestion to the eyes; pressure in the orbits. Lachrymation. Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles; worse right side. Occasional attacks of twitching of left eyelids during the day, spasmodic jerk of whole body on failing asleep at night. Flickering before eyes, with heat of the face. Yellow rings moving before the eyes. - сompelled to make the eyes small, with pain in forehead; heaviness of eyes, and nausea.
Hates musical sounds and noises, they set her all in a tremor. Earache. Stitches in the ears; first in the left ear, afterwards in the right-Internal and external heat of the ears. - сracking in the ears when reading aloud or moving jaws. Just after getting into bed, sudden explosion and clashing in left ear, as from breaking of glass; the clink of the glass was heard at the bottom of the head and extended thence towards right ear.
Redness of the nose in the open, cold air. - сoldness of the point of the nose. - вleeding of the nose in bed after awaking. Dryness of the nose in the morning in bed.
Heat of the face when excited, or during headache. Face pale during cloudy weather. Lips dry; cracked; swollen; pustular; sore at corners.
Mouth and throat
Great sensitiveness of a decayed molar tooth (lower) right side. Teeth yellow.
Concave edges of teeth seem sharp, and hurt the tongue. Metallic taste, with dry, irritative hacking. Lips dry, peeling off, cracked, bleeding. Yellow spots in mouth; yellow ulcers on the tongue. Tongue painful. When moving the tongue, stitches from below to the tip. Dry tongue and mouth; with increased thirst and greater redness of the lips. Tongue red and dry. Accumulation of saliva in mouth.
Throat rough, scraped, hot, as if burnt. Pain, when yawning, masticating solid food; worse in the evening and in the morning, when awaking. Thick lumps of tough jelly-like mucus in the throat and posterior nares.
Concave edges of teeth seem sharp, and hurt the tongue. Metallic taste, with dry, irritative hacking. Lips dry, peeling off, cracked, bleeding. Yellow spots in mouth; yellow ulcers on the tongue. Tongue painful. When moving the tongue, stitches from below to the tip. Dry tongue and mouth; with increased thirst and greater redness of the lips. Tongue red and dry. Accumulation of saliva in mouth.
Throat rough, scraped, hot, as if burnt. Pain, when yawning, masticating solid food; worse in the evening and in the morning, when awaking. Thick lumps of tough jelly-like mucus in the throat and posterior nares.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste bitter, sour, like ink. Aversion to meat; desire for juicy things (fruits); for salt food. Hunger unusually keen in the evening. Thirst while eating, after eating, and during the night. After eating, flatulency, pulsations in the rectum, and sexual irritation. As soon as he eats anything, must hurry to stool. Sweats after drinking.
Gastrointestinal tract
Pain in the stomach after drinking water. Sour things disagree with him. Vomiting of blood. Eructations; tasteless, bitter, sour. Pain in the pit of the stomach from a mis-step. Painful pressure under the sternum.
Tension in the region of the liver. Uneasiness, heat, pressure, and tension in the region of the liver. Pain in the liver,.
Sudden or continued urging to stool;
Tension in the region of the liver. Uneasiness, heat, pressure, and tension in the region of the liver. Pain in the liver,.
Sudden or continued urging to stool;
Urogenital system
Increased secretion of urine, especially at night. Frequent urging; burning when urinating. Every time on passing urine feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it.
Sexual desire increased;
Pain in the hypogastrium, as if menses were coming on. Fulness and heaviness in the uterine region, with labour-like pains in the loins and groins; worse standing. Labour-like pains drawing into the legs. - сatamenia too early, and too profuse. During menstruation, headache, which is relieved by the application of cold water; earache; pain in the small of the back; dragging down in the rectum; fulness in the pelvis. Fluor albus. Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus, preceded by colic. Prolapsus uteri with the above symptoms. Uterine haemorrhage about the change of life.
Sexual desire increased;
Pain in the hypogastrium, as if menses were coming on. Fulness and heaviness in the uterine region, with labour-like pains in the loins and groins; worse standing. Labour-like pains drawing into the legs. - сatamenia too early, and too profuse. During menstruation, headache, which is relieved by the application of cold water; earache; pain in the small of the back; dragging down in the rectum; fulness in the pelvis. Fluor albus. Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus, preceded by colic. Prolapsus uteri with the above symptoms. Uterine haemorrhage about the change of life.
Chest organs
Congestion to the chest. - вreathing impeded by stitches in the 1. side of the chest. Expectoration of blood.
Limbs and spine
Lumbago, alternating with headache. Pain in the small of the back, moving about.
Cold hands with warm feet. Lameness in all the limbs. Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pain in the joints (fingers, knees, elbows). Sensation of weakness in the joints of the hands and feet. Pains of short duration, as if bruised or dislocated (left forearm, right shoulder-blade, left ribs).
Cold hands with warm feet. Lameness in all the limbs. Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pain in the joints (fingers, knees, elbows). Sensation of weakness in the joints of the hands and feet. Pains of short duration, as if bruised or dislocated (left forearm, right shoulder-blade, left ribs).
Common symptoms
Great weakness, and weak pulse after vomiting. - вad effects from sedentary habits. Esp. suitable for persons of a lymphatic or hypochondriac temperament.
Itching, especially of legs. Spots which, when scratched, pain and become sensitive.
Cannot get to sleep for a long time, thoughts crowd upon him and keep him awake.
Chills, with coryza, in the cold open air; at stool, shivering. Heat in spots, on scalp or face. Sweat: smells strong; offensive on genitals; at night, after drinking.
Included in the composition
- 2.3-2.5€ Энтерикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.7€ Aloe dn (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Aloe-plus (2 firms)
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