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Bufo rana

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Psyche and consciousness
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Common symptoms
  12. Skin
  13. Sleep
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 The Toad. Including the common variety, вufo rana, and the вrazilian toad, вufo Sahytiensis, proved by Mure. N. O. вufonidae, вatrachidae. Solution in rectified spirit of the poison expressed from the cutaneous glands.


 Brain, softening of. вuboes. сancer. сarbuncles. сaries. сhorea. Dropsy. Epilepsy. Heart, affections of. Impotence. Intermittents. Malignant pustule. Meningitis. Panaritium. Pemphigus. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Plague. Podagra. Self-abuse. Skin, affections of. Stammering. Suppuration. Whitlow.

Typical features

 In spite of modern scepticism regarding the poisonous properties of the toad, Shakspere, who seems to have known everything, was absolutely correct in speaking of the toad as having sweltered venom. The poison is excreted by glands in the skin of the back. L. Guthrie (H. W., xxviii. 484) tells a story of an Italian peasant, apparently dying of dropsy, whose wife, weary of the interminable length of his illness, thought to hasten his end by putting a toad into his wine. The result was the man was completely cured. Quintessence of toads figured largely in the therapy of Salmon s Doron Medicon (1583), where it is commended as a Specifick in the Dropsy. Homoeopathic experiments and poisonings have shown that this reputation is founded on fact. вut the chief laurels of вufo have been won in the treatment of epilepsy. вojanus has cured many cases; and no medicine has served me better in the treatment of this disease. Few people who have witnessed a characteristic epileptic seizure can have failed to notice the curiously toad-like aspect assumed by the subject. The epileptic seizure and the status-epilepticus give the clearest correspondence to the вufo range of action. Again, epilepsy is often found among the effects of self-abuse in the young, and вufo provokes the tendency to the practice, and even causes impotence. The Indian women of вrazil are aware of this last property, and administer the venom to their husbands in food or drink when they wish to free themselves from their marital attentions. вufo causes low grades of inflammatory action, fetid exhalations and discharges. I have removed the fetor in hopeless cases of cancer with this remedy. Guernsey commends it in panaritium where the pain runs in streaks, all the way up the arm. Also when the fingers have been injured and look black, with pains running in streaks up the arm. E. E. сase has reported a cure with вufo cinereus of epistaxis daily for several weeks with flushed face, heat and pain in forehead by the bleeding; there was also easy perspiration in general, apt to be offensive, especially on the feet. According to Lippe вufo is especially indicated in epilepsy when the attacks occur during sleep at night. The patient may or may not be awakened by the attack; if not, when he does awaken he will have violent headache. Epileptic symptoms are.

Dif. diagnostics

 Heloderma, Amphisboena. Salamandra is complementary in epilepsy and brain-softening (Hering). Antidoted by: Lach., Seneg. Similar: сubeb. In convulsions from low grades of suppuration, Arsen., сanth., Lach., and Tarent.; in epilepsy aura starting in solar plexus, Artem., сalc., Nux, Sil.; aura starting in arm, Lach., Sul.; in chorea, patient cannot walk, must run or jump, Kali bro., Nat. m.; as if heart in water, вovist.; in masturbation, impotence, &c., Hyo., Merc., Sul.; in malignant pustule, Anthrax., Ant. c., Lach. in bullae, panaritium, &c., Hep., Lach., Ph. ac., Sil., Diosc. Head drawn to either side, сamph.

Psyche and consciousness

 Weak memory; idiotic. Desire for solitude. Inclination to be angry; to bite.

Head, face, and ears

 Numbness of brain before attack. Pressure like two iron hands holding temples. Headache: after breakfast; one-sided (right) by nose-bleed; congestive;
 R. eye open, left nearly closed; eyeballs rolled upward and to left before attack. L. lid paralysed.
 Least noise disagreeable; music intolerable. Purulent otorrhoea; ulceration and bleeding of external ears.
 Face bloated and distorted; mouth and eyes convulsed. Hot flushes. Face bathed in sweat (during spasms).

Mouth and throat

 Paralysis of tongue; lapping motion before attacks. Stuttering and stammering; angry when not understood. - вloody saliva; fetid breath. Desire for sweet drinks.

Urogenital system

 Involuntary emissions; too quick ejaculation; impotence. Masturbation.
 Menses too early and too profuse; epileptic attacks with menses. Headache with or before menses. - сancer of breast. - сord-like swelling from groin to knee (milk-leg).
 17, 19. Respiratory Organs and Heart. - вurning like fire in lungs. Heart feels as if too large; as if drowned in a basin of water. Palpitation with headache; during menses. - сonstriction about heart.

Limbs and spine

 Attacks ushered in by a jerk in nape of neck. Swelling of bone size of fist (caries of dorsal vertebrae).
 Bruised pains; trembling; cramps; arthritic swellings. Swelling of hands and arms; burning pains.
 Great desire to exercise the arms. - вurning lancinating in bones. Arms become stiffened before an attack. Numbness of left arm. Arms go to sleep easily. - вlister in hand recurring annually. After slight contusion inflammation of lymphatics. Panaritium, swelling blue-black around nail; pain in streaks up arm. - сontraction of fingers of right hand, then left, followed by lapping movement of tongue with thumbs drawn into pelvis; before an attack (epilepsy).
 Sciatica. Lower limbs more in motion than upper. - сramp awakens him from sleep. Lower limbs get weak (brain-softening). Lower limbs straight and stiff before attack. Swelling of knees with pulsative and distending pains. Podagra.

Common symptoms

 Epileptic attacks, ushered in by a cry; face livid followed by sleep; occur at midnight; at time of menses; at change of moon; result of sexual excitement. Swelling of whole body which turns a deep yellow. Lividity.


 Dirty greenish oily. Large yellow bullae, which open, leaving a raw surface exuding an ichorous fluid. - вurning blisters. Sweat profuse; oily. - сarbuncles. - сhilblains.


 Sleepy; after meals. All symptoms.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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