Other names and synonyms
merc-i-f, hg2i2 homeopathy.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Proto-iodide of Mercury.
Throat affections, with greatly swollen glands and characteristic coating of tongue. Worse, right side. сhancre; induration remains long time. Swollen inguinal glands, large and hard. Mammary tumors, with tendency to much warm perspiration and gastric disturbances.
Throat affections, with greatly swollen glands and characteristic coating of tongue. Worse, right side. сhancre; induration remains long time. Swollen inguinal glands, large and hard. Mammary tumors, with tendency to much warm perspiration and gastric disturbances.
Mouth and throat
Coated thickly; yellow at the base. Tip and edges may be red and take imprint of teeth.
Lacunar tonsillitis. When only the superficial part of the tonsil is involved. сheesy exudates with offensive breath. Swelling begins on right side. Small ulcers on posterior pharynx. Easily detached patches on inflamed pharynx and fauces; worse on right tonsil; much tenacious mucus. Sensation of a lump. сonstant inclination to swallow.
Lacunar tonsillitis. When only the superficial part of the tonsil is involved. сheesy exudates with offensive breath. Swelling begins on right side. Small ulcers on posterior pharynx. Easily detached patches on inflamed pharynx and fauces; worse on right tonsil; much tenacious mucus. Sensation of a lump. сonstant inclination to swallow.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Plum iod (in mammary tumors).
Method of drug use and dosage
Second trituration.