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Onosmodium virginianum

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Reasons
  6. Mental
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Appetite and food preferences
  10. Gastrointestinal tract
  11. Urogenital system
  12. Chest organs
  13. Cardiovascular system
  14. Limbs and spine
  15. Common symptoms
  16. Skin
  17. Sleep
  18. Fever
  19. Analogs by action
  20. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Onosmodium virginianum. False Gromwell (or Gromell). N. O. вoraginaceae. Tincture of entire fresh plant, including root.


 Amblyopia. вladder, irritation of. вreasts, affections of; atrophy of. сolour-blindness. Debility. Diarrhoea. Diplopia. Eyes, affections of. Headache. Locomotor ataxy. Ménière s disease. Neurasthenia. Nose, dryness of. Paralysis. Pregnancy, sickness of. Presbyopia. Seminal emissions. Sexual atony, desire lost. Spine, congestion of. Throat, sore; dry. Urethra, irritation of. Uterus; cramps in; prolapse of.

Typical features

 Onosmodium v., a member of an American branch of the вorage family closely resembling the вritish Onosma, was proved in material doses by W. E. Green, of Arkansas (H. M., June 1885). Its common name is False Gromwell ; the real Gromwell being another вorage, Lithospermum. The most remarkable feature of Green s striking proving is the want of power of concentration or co-ordination produced by the drug. This appears in inability to concentrate thought; to focus eyes; to co-ordinate muscles; to judge the height of impedimenta on stepping. It also appears in vertigo and sensations of numbness and general muscular prostration. Next to the paretic symptoms come neuralgic pains. These are mostly of a dull, heavy aching character, and affect cervical and spinal nerves and pelvic organs-eyes; occiput; eyes to occiput; sacrum-these are the chief centres of pain; throat, bowels, breasts, heart, and limbs being also affected, the left side of the body more than the right. Feeling of tension in the eyes, as from straining them to read small print, and desires to have things far off to look at them, show the paralysing effect on the internal eye muscles, and give one of the keynotes of the drug s action. Onos. has probably cured more cases of headache associated with eye-strain than any other remedy since it was proved. E. S. Norton published several illustrative cases (N. A. J. H., i. 792): (1) Miss с., 23, suffering three years from headache. Pain especially in occiput, which feels sore and stiff, often extending down spine, which was somewhat sensitive to touch. Dull, aching pain left side of head, occasionally with darting pain through eyes. Aching in eyes, stiff, strained feeling in them if she read more than a little, left worst. Headache when up and around. сonstant sexual irritation, accompanied by severe erections that were also by undressing and lying on the back. A leading symptom of Onos. is dryness: of nose; of mouth; of throat. With this there is a great thirst for cold water, which. Yingling had an interesting experience in the case of a woman to whom he gave Onos. for dryness of the nose and throat. Not only did it cure this, but it also restored the breasts, which were diminutive and almost absent, to their normal size. Yingling s results were obtained mostly from the c.m. attenuation; he had no results from the Ø, and not marked from 30. Soreness and stiffness are the frequent symptoms of Onos. In the occiput there is pressure upward; and the pains may go from the eye backward. With a laryngeal cough there is gluey expectoration. H. F. Ivens cured a case of headache of ten years duration, which illustrates the modality From cold drinks; from eating; from undressing and lying on back. The headache is an exception to this last, for it is From sleep, but only temporarily (headache).

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Myosotis: Heliot., Symph. (botan. In uterine misplacement, Heliot., Helonias, Lil. t., Sep., Nat. m., &c. Disorder of vision, Lil. t. (astigmatism), Pic. ac. (myopia), Nat. sul. (myopia). Ocular headache, Gels. (Gels. more right; Onos. more left), Lil. t., Spig., Rut., вapt.


 Eye-strain. Sexual excess.


 Talkative, but in a disconnected way. Irritable. Irresolute. Minutes seem like hours. Feeling as if something terrible was going to happen and that she was powerless to help it. Fear: To look down lest she might fall down stairs; that he might fall into a fire when walking by it, and in spite of all his will-power he did stagger into the fire. Wants to think and not move, and thinks until she forgets everything and where she is. Writes very fast, but cannot keep pace with thoughts, omits words and letters, cannot concentrate his thoughts on the subject. Listless and apathetic. Forgetful; that he is reading, and he drops the book in vague and listless thought.

Head, face, and ears

 Fulness, eating and sleep. Heaviness. Lightness. Frontal pain: over eyes; by sleep, but returned soon after waking. Occipito-frontal pain in morning on waking. Dull, heavy pain pressing upward in occiput, with dizziness.
 Pain in and over left eye. Feeling in eyes as if she had lost much sleep. Feeling of tension, as when straining eyes to read small print. Desire to keep eyes wide open. Feeling as if eyes were very wide open, and feels as if he wanted to look at objects far away; distant objects look large; it is disagreeable to look at near objects, tense, drawing and tired feeling in ocular muscles. Optic disc hyperaemic. Retinal vessels engorged,.
 Fulness in ears. Hearing impaired. Singing as from Quinine.
 Dryness of nose; with feeling as from taking cold. Pain in nasal bones. Sneezing much in morning; and left side of nose and left eye seem affected; on first getting up.
 Face flushed least motion or excitement; with of headache; with full feeling. Pain in right malar bone, with numbness.

Mouth and throat

 Dryness of mouth; and of lips, without thirst; cold water, with scanty saliva. - сlammy, sticky, feeling in mouth. - вitter, clammy taste.
 Whitish, sticky discharge from posterior nares, causing constant hawking. Raw scraping in throat. Soreness: lasting longer on left side; it hurts to swallow or speak; momentarily drinking, with scraping. - сonstriction of pharynx when swallowing. Stuffed feeling in posterior nares. Dryness: in pharynx and posterior nares; in pharynx, with soreness. Throat perfectly dry and stiff. All symptoms by cold drinks and eating.

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite increased. Hunger after siesta; nervous, all day. Appetite and thirst diminished. Thirst for cold drinks, of ten. Distaste for water.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Eructations: after eating; nauseous. Nausea: with bitter, clammy taste; in morning, as in pregnancy.
 Distended feeling; removing clothing; with griping and grumbling. - сolic: bending backward; below navel; in lower part, undressing or lying on back; in lower part, as from ice-water. Uneasy in hypogastrium, as if diarrhoea would come on. Soreness in hypogastrium.
 Stool: shining, bloody, and stringy, with tenesmus; yellow, mushy; hurrying him out of bed in morning.

Urogenital system

 Burning in male urethra, with itching. Pain in prostatic urethra before and after micturition. Seldom any desire to urinate. Micturition frequent, scanty. Urine: scanty, high-coloured, very acid, sp. gr. high, also of balsamic odour and heavily loaded with urea.
 Cold feeling in glans. Desire diminished.
 Desire destroyed. Itching of vulva, undressing and lying on back; bearing down. Soreness in uterine region,.

Chest organs

 Voice husky. Hacking cough, with tough sticky, white expectoration. Laryngeal cough, drinking cold water, with expectoration of whitish, sticky phlegm.
 Soreness of chest. Aching in breasts,.

Cardiovascular system

 Pain in heart, causing apprehension of death. Pain in region of apex. Oppression of heart. Depressed feeling in heart as if it would stop beating. Action rapid, pulse full and strong. Pulse: rapid; irregular and weak; and slow. With every third or fourth beat the diastole is prolonged almost to intermittence.

Limbs and spine

 Pain: in neck; in a (linear) spot in left scapular region; in lumbar region; over crest of left ilium; in lumbar region in morning on waking, about noon; low down when walking; across lumbar region, with stiffness; bearing down in lumbar region. Sore, lame feeling in lumbar region. Tired feeling in lower part of back.
 Weariness: of legs, knees, and hands, with numbness; of arms and hands.
 Trembling of arms and hands. Aching in biceps, elbows, and wrists. Numbness of left forearm. She cannot write nor use the hands well in eating, because she cannot properly co-ordinate the movements. Shooting in joints of left fingers. Pains in joints of fingers.
 Staggering. Disturbance of gait, with sensation of insecurity in the step. The sidewalk seems too high, which causes him to step very high, this jars him and.

Common symptoms

 Tremulousness from least exertion. Nervous, trembling feeling, as from hunger. Nervous and shaky feeling that physically and mentally unfits her for any duty. Muscles feel unsteady and treacherous. Inability to lie on left side. General distress and full feeling. Light feeling, somewhat like that caused by chloroform. Weakness: in morning, with stiffness; with aching, stretching, gaping, and disagreeable feeling.


 Formication in calves.


 Sleeplessness. Sleep: uneasy and interrupted; restless and waking early. Dreams many, varied.


 Every day about twelve or one o clock feeling as if I would have a chill. Flushed feeling over whole body. No perspiration in very warm weather.

Analogs by action

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