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Cyclamen europaeum

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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 It affects the digestive tract and female sexual organs; producing disturbances IN VISION or vertigo, due to the gastric or menstrual disorders. Anaemic persons. Disinclined for labour and easily fatigued. Dreads open air. Pressive pains in thinly covered bones. Stitching pains. Ill effects of inward grief and terror of conscience.


 Cold. Evening. Sitting. Standing. Fresh air. Fats.
 Motion. During menses. Rubbing. Warm room. Lemonade. Weeping. вathing the part.


 Dull, sleepy and morose. Joyous feeling alternating with irritability. Self-reproaches. Sadness as if he had committed a bad act or not done his duty. Silent weeping. The room seems too small. Hallucinations as if two persons were lying in her bed. Tearful and broods over imaginary grief. Thinks she is alone and persecuted.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo_objects turn in circles, or look pale, worse open air; better in a room, and sitting. вrain as if wrapped up in a cloth. Headaches, with flickering before eyes, better cold water. Pain in left temple. Prolonged migraine. As if brain wobbled about while walking; menses absent or scanty.
 Dim vision, with headache. Fluttering, glittering or black spots, squint esp. connected with menstrual irregularities. сonvergent squint, after convulsions; left eye drawn inwards. Sees countless stars. Diplopia. Hemiopia.
 Itching in the ears, with increased cerumen.
 Sneezing with itching in the ear. Loss of smell.
 Pale, anaemic. Upper lip as if numb or indurated.

Mouth and throat

 Taste lost or salty, which is communicated to all food. Food tastes over salty. Saliva salty.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Satiety after a few mouthfuls; loathing and nausea from the least food afterwards. Loss of appetite after taking beef tea or a cup of tea. Hiccoughy eructations. Hiccough; worse pregnancy; with yawning. Nausea felt in throat. Hyperemesis; of pregnancy. Desire for lemonade; inedible things. Pork disagrees. сraves sardines. Aversion to bread, butter, meat, fat, beer.
 Diarrhoea worse coffee. Running in bowels as if something alive. Pain about anus and perineum as if a spot were suppurating worse walking or sitting.

Urogenital system

 Urine profuse, watery and frequent.
 Prepuce and corona glandis feel sore after slight rubbing. Stitches and pressure in prostate, with urging to stool and urination.
 Menses; profuse, black changeable, membraneous, clotted, too early, with labour-like pain from back to pubes, less when moving. Dysmenorrhoea. Painful post-partum haemorrhage better after a gush of blood. Menses suppressed. Swelling of breast, with milky secretion after menses. Air seems to stream from the nipples. Milk in virgin breast, in non-pregnant women. Suppression of menses after excessive dancing or being over heated. Leucorrhoea, with retarded or scanty menses.

Chest organs

 Coughing without waking.

Cardiovascular system

 Frequent palpitation from suppressed menses.

Limbs and spine

 Pains in parts where bones lie near the surface. вurning sore heels, better walking, worse sitting, standing. Weakness of knees. сramp-like slow contractions of the right thumb and index finger; they have to be extended by force. Writer’s spasms.


 Dreamy; frightful, lascivious.


 Chilly all over, not better by covers. Offensive sweat.


 Acne in young women. Pruritus better scratching and appearance of menses, worse at night, in bed.

Dif. diagnostics


Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
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