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Moschus moschiferus

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Nosology
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Appetite and food preferences
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Plant characteristics
  10. Chest organs
  11. Cardiovascular system
  12. Limbs and spine
  13. Nervous system
  14. Sleep
  15. Fever
  16. Common symptoms
  17. Skin
  18. Patient type and constitution
  19. Dif. diagnostics
  20. Analogs by action
  21. Included in the composition
  22. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Additional facts

 Musk Deer. Moschina.
 The dried secretion from the musk sac of Moschus Moschiferous, a native of сentral Asia.
 Provings by Hahnemann, Gross and Stapf (Mat. Medorrhinum Pura., vol. 1, p. 316).


 - Epistaxis, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 413 ; Incontinence of urine, Young, Hahn. Mo., vol. 6, p. 172 ; Urinary disorders, Young, Hahn. Mo.,.
 Vol. 6, p. 172 ; Impotence with diabetes, Young, Hahn. Mo., vol. 6, p. 171 ; сroup, Müller, Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 762 ; Spasms of larynx, Kafka, Rück. Kl.
 Erf., vol. 5, p. 782 ; Asthma, Frank (2 cases), N. A. J. H., vol. 9, p. 253 ; Asthma Millari, Müller, Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 782 ; Threatened paralysis of lungs,.
 Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 753 ; Palpitation of heart, вoyce, Hahn. Mo., vol. 10, p. 459 ; Hughes, Pharmacodyn., p. 557 ; Heart affection (angina pectoris), Moore, Org., vol. 1, p. 357 ; Hysteria,.
 Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 287 ; Hughes, Pharmacodyn., p. 557 ; сonvulsions, Dittrich, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 286 ; Spasms, вethmann, Nenning, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 582 ; Typhoid.
 Fever, Kurz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 753.


 Great anxiety with palpitation of heart ; feeling of anxious expectancy.
 Hypochondriacal anxiety and ill humor.
 Scolding ; keeps it up till her lips turn blue, eyes stare, and she falls down fainting.
 Great dread of death, with paleness of face, fainting ; talks only of approaching death.
 Hypochondriacal complaints having their origin in sexual system.
 Complains without knowing what ails him, with anguish, palpitation, etc.
 Tearful vexation and peevishness, with violent quarrelling, even to most extreme malice and rage.
 Great bustling, during which everything falls out of his hand from weakness.
 Thoughtlessness, with foolish gestures and complaints of pain.
 Sudden loss of memory, with complete inability to collect his senses.
 Great tendency to get frightened, trembling, palpitation, of heart, and dread of death.
 Sensation as if she was falling from a height, with stupefaction.
 Sensation as if he was turned about so rapidly that he perceives current of air produced by motion.
 Hysteria : globus hystericus ; nervous excitement of heart ; simulating tetanic spasms ; spasms with fainting ; crying one moment and the next bursts out in uncontrollable laughter ; coldness and faintness ; insensibility ; scolding until she falls unconscious.
 Complains of pain all over body without locating it in any particular place ; depression and ill feeling even unto fainting ; sudden rush of blood to head, with staring eyes, closed set jaws, followed by rapid confused talking, deathly paleness of face, profuse sweat about head. θ Hysteria.
 Before attack constriction of throat, great restlessness, oppression of chest, impatience, and intolerance of bedcovers ; attacks occur every half or every hour and last about fifteen minutes, during which she remains entirely conscious ; suddenly becomes rigid, distortion of eyes, twitching of face, contraction of fingers ; respiration becomes suspended, the throat swells, mouth is opened, head retracted and body tossed about in her violent efforts to get air ; attacks end with belching and twitching of various parts, followed by crawling sensation in arms ; during the attacks bends herself backwards and cries out now it is over, now my breath is gone. θ Spasms.
 Face pale and anxious ; extraordinary prostration and vertigo ; indescribable pain in limbs and entire inability to move arms and legs ; skin dry ; all secretions and excretions suppressed ; lies stretched out in bed, motionless, with arms tightly held to sides ; after several minutes, distortion of eyes, slight twitchings around nose and mouth, head repeatedly and rapidly drawn downward and backward, ala nasi at one time contracted, then expanded ; after a deep inspiration respiration ceases for one half to two minutes, then thorax is alternately violently contracted and expanded, during which several short and rapid respirations occur and pulse beat becomes irregular ; clonic cramps in abdominal muscles, recti abdominus being elevated and depressed like the motions of a snake ; all the muscular movements are in a certain direction, either from above downward or in opposite direction ; finally similar convulsive movements in extremities, fingers and toes first affected, then parts near trunk ; paroxysm lasts five to six minutes, with consciousness and loss of sensation ; epistaxis ; stitches in sides of chest ; severe retching ; involuntary nodding of head ; neither pinching, sticking nor shaking makes the least impression upon her ; pulse 65 ; pupils dilated, fixed ; menses absent ; whole attack lasts forty-eight hours and is followed by an intermission of ten to fifteen minutes.
 Convulsions : tetanic spasms ; in consequence of albuminuria in fifth week of an attack of scarlet fever ; from uremic poisoning.
 Paroxysms set in at night, or in open air, with pulmonary spasms, or succeeded by headache. θ Syncope.
 Purely neuralgic pains or functional disorders, arising from taking cold.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo : as soon as head is moved ; on moving eyelids, better in open air ; on stooping, going off on rising ; accompanied by a kind of loathing ; with nausea ; vomiting, desire for black coffee and to lie down ; with staring eyes and sort of spasm in mouth, preventing speech, though he sees and hears everything ; with sudden fainting ; with violent rush of blood to head, better in open air ; with stupefaction ; congestion of blood to head ; fits of tetanus and fainting ; dimness of sight.
 Compressing headache, especially right over root of nose.
 Tension in back part of head and neck, with nausea, worse in evening, when sitting in room and when becoming cold, better in open air and when getting warm.
 Aching pain in head, with coldness as from cold poultices.
 Congestion of blood to head, heaviness of head.
 Headache with nausea, compelling one to lie down.
 Stupefying, compressing headache, mostly in forehead, with nausea in evening, worse when moving head and in room, better in open air.
 Hysterical headache with fainting spasms and sense of constriction of chest, chilliness all over, inclination to involuntary stools and copious flow of colorless urine ; great restlessness of lower extremities, pressive headache as if from a heavy weight in head ; sensation in right temple as if a cord was frequently drawn and tightened as if to cut head in two ; pain as if a nail was pressed in occiput, of which point pierces brain ; worse in room, better in fresh air.
 Attacks of sudden blindness ; dimness of vision.
 Eyes turned upwards, fixed and glistening.
 Pressing, itching, biting in eyes.
 Rushing in ears as from a strong wind, or as from a wing of a bird.
 Detonation in ears (r.) like report of a cannon, accompanied by discharge of a few drops of blood.
 Hardness of hearing ; nervous deafness.
 Nosebleed ; spasmodic jerking of muscles.
 Crawling in point of nose.
 Earthy, pale complexion.
 Pale face, with perspiration.
 Redness of right cheek without heat, with paleness of left, which feels hot.
 Heat in face without redness, and dimness of sight.
 Tension in facial muscles, as if too short.
 Movement of lower jaw as if chewing.
 Peeling off of lips.

Mouth and throat

 Mouth and throat dry and hot ; bitter, putrid taste ; great thirst.
 Sudden sensation in upper part of larynx as if it closed upon the breath.
 Sudden sensation of constriction in larynx and trachea as from vapors of sulphur.
 Spasmus glottidis.
 Spasmodic constriction of larynx and chest, especially when feeling cold. θ Asthma.
 Hysterical cases, with impending paralysis of pneumogastric. θ Asthma thymicum.
 Laryngismus stridulus in nervous women and children.
 Often useful in last stage of croup when all sorts of remedies have been useful in vain.

Appetite and food preferences

 Great desire for beer or brandy.
 Aversion to food ; the sight of it makes her sick ; eructations ; vomiting ; pressive, burning pains and distension of stomach.
 Sits down to her meals and faints dead away from the little extra amount of food taken into stomach.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Heartburn with palpitation.
 Eructations with hot saliva in mouth.
 Spasmodic nervous hiccough, especially if occurring in hysterical subjects.
 Nausea when thinking of food.
 Sudden nausea as from pit of stomach ; umbilicus being drawn in.
 Vomiting of food, then subsequent vomiting and more and more vomiting.
 Sensation of fulness and oppression in pit of stomach with qualmishness, worse from eating.
 Hematemesis ; becomes pulseless, collapsed.
 Persistent troubles of digestive functions in susceptible hysterical subjects, with palpitation of heart, dyspnoea and prostration ; is afraid to lie down for fear of death.
 Excessive distension of abdomen, with pinching pains.
 Great tympanitis in hysterical women, with fainting.
 Incarcerated flatus.
 Sensation as if everything in abdomen was constricted, compelling one to move about, cannot do any work, or remain quiet anywhere.
 Hysterical, abdominal spasms.
 Stools soft, smell sweetish.
 Involuntary loose stools during sleep.
 Copious, watery, nightly diarrhoea, with great tympanitis.
 Stitches in anus, extending to bladder.

Urogenital system

 Urine : clear as water and very copious ; scanty, thick like yeast.
 Burning in urethra, with great nervous excitability.
 Urine during day normal in appearance, but at night dark red, very offensive and depositing a mucous sediment on standing. θ Incontinence of urine.
 ^^ Insatiable thirst, great emaciation, constipation, clammy mouth, frequent discharge of large quantities of urine containing sugar. θ Impotence.
 Violent sexual excitement, with intolerable titillation in genitals.
 Erection, with desire to urinate.
 Involuntary emissions : painful ; without erections.
 Impotence. Occasioned by a cold, preceding diabetes mellitus.
 Violent sexual desire.
 Menses : too early and too profuse, with drawing pain ; with intolerable titillation in genitals ; great disposition to faint.
 Drawing and dragging towards genitals ; feeling as if menses would appear.

Plant characteristics

 She complains much, but of nothing in particular. θ Pregnancy.

Chest organs

 Difficult respiration.
 Spasm of diaphragm.
 Asthma in hysteric individuals and in children.
 Oppression of chest and suffocative fits as from vapors of sulphur, commencing with desire to cough and getting worse until one despairs of getting over paroxysms. θ Asthma.
 Spasms of larynx during whooping cough ; long crowing inspiration as in laryngismus stridulus, followed by several normal respirations, when crowing recurred, accompanied by anxiety and restlessness.
 Spasms of glottis or bronchi ; spasmodic contraction of respiratory organs threatening suffocation during croup.
 Sudden constriction of larynx as from fumes of sulphur, accompanied by spasmodic twitching and movements of arms and legs or by tetanic rigidity of body. θ Asthma.
 Severe, dry cough, worse in morning and pain under l. breast on coughing.
 Last stage when expectoration has nearly ceased ; spasmodic cough, with vertigo and constriction of chest and trachea. θ Pertussis.
 Tightness of chest ; is obliged to take a deeper breath.
 Violent spasms of chest, in which it seems she must almost die ; turns blue in face and foams at mouth.
 Hysterical spasms of chest ; nervous, suffocative constriction, especially on becoming cold.
 A kind of cramp in lung, beginning with an inclination to cough, gradually increasing, making desperate.
 Gnawing pain in chest, with a sense of suffocation.
 Paralysis of lungs, when there is loud rattling of mucus and the patient is restless ; especially indicated after typhoid fever ; pulse grows less and less strong, and finally patient goes into a syncope.
 Soreness of thorax under arms, when pressing on it.

Cardiovascular system

 Hysteric palpitations, or when nervous or muscular energy of heart is weakened by great mental exertion, anxiety or emotions.
 Palpitation of heart ; dyspnoea ; prostration ; nervousness ; says I shall die, I know I shall die. θ Dyspnoea.
 Nervous palpitation of heart, with copious, watery urine.
 Sensation of trembling around heart, with constriction in whole chest, almost suffocation ; felt continually obliged to take a breath ; pulse 88, respiration oppressed ; arcus senilis, not very marked. θ Heart affection.
 Pulse : full and accelerated, with ebullitions.
 Great want of blood, with weak pulse and fainting.
 Prostration followed by threatened collapse. θ Angina.

Limbs and spine

 Restlessness in lower extremities, must move them all the time.
 Sensation of coldness on tibia.
 Aching pains in upper and lower limbs.
 Lies stretched out in bed, motionless, arms tightly held to sides, during spasms.
 Cannot lie in one position, parts on which one lies feel sprained.
 Desire to lie down.
 Must lie down : headache and nausea.
 Afraid to lie down for fear of death from dyspnoea.
 Stooping : vertigo .
 Rising : vertigo goes off.
 Bends backwards : during spasms.
 Motion : of head, vertigo ; of eyelids, vertigo of head, headache and nausea.
 Must move about : constriction of abdomen ; limbs restless.
 Inability to move arms and legs : from pain.
 Pressure : on thorax, soreness under arms.
 Neither pinching, sticking nor shaking makes the least impression upon her in spasm.
 Scratching : causes bleeding of pimples.

Nervous system

 Inflammatory diseases complicated with great nervous hyperesthesia and subdelirium ; coma vigil ; subsultus and fibrillary palpitations.
 Very nervous, tremulous, restless.


 Sleepiness in daytime.
 Sleeplessness : from over excitability ; of hysterical persons ; after chloral.
 Cannot lie at night in one position, because the parts on which one lies feel as if dislocated and sprained.
 Sleep uneasy, wakes every half hour and throws off covering, feels too hot, yet does not perspire.
 Restless nights, full of dreams of strife and effort.
 Morning : severe dry cough.
 Day : urine normal ; sleepiness.
 Evening : tension in head.
 Night : urine dark red ; syncope sets in ; cannot lie in one position.
 In bed : burning heat.
 When getting warm : tension in head .
 When sitting in room : tension in head.
 Open air : vertigo ; tension in head ; headache, with nausea ; pain as if a nail was pressed in occiput ; syncope sets in.
 When becoming cold : tension in back part of head.
 Inclination to uncover.


 Sensation as if cold air was blowing on him, especially on uncovered parts.
 Chilliness over whole body.
 Chill with shivering, spreading from scalp over body.
 Feeling of coldness ; wants to be near fire.
 External coldness, with internal heat.
 One cheek pale and hot, the other red and cold ; one hand burning hot and pale, the other cold and red.
 Burning heat in face, with eruption of pimples.
 Burning heat in evening, in bed, frequently on right side, with restlessness and inclination to uncover.
 Clammy perspiration in morning, smelling of musk.
 Impending paralysis of lungs, pulse becoming slower and slower, cough ceases and mucus cannot be expectorated ; in swallowing fluids roll audibly down throat, and stool and urine pass involuntarily. θ Typhoid fever.
 Weak action of heart ; intermitting spasms, during which there may occur loss of consciousness. θ Typhoid.
 Paroxysms last five to six minutes.
 Alternately : thorax violently contracted and expanded.
 Every half hour : wakes and throws off covering.
 Attacks of spasms : every half or every hour, last about fifteen minutes.
 Nightly : copious, watery diarrhoea.
 Whole spasm lasts forty-eight hours ; followed by intermission of ten to fifteen minutes.
 In fifth week of an attack of scarlet fever : convulsions.
 Right : sensation in temple as if a cord were drawn and tightened ; detonation in ear like report of cannon ; redness of cheek without heat ; burning heat frequently only on side.
 Left : paleness of cheek which feels hot ; pain under breast ; pimples on upper arm.
 From above downward, or opposite direction : all muscular movements.

Common symptoms

 As if she was falling from a height ; as if he was turned about so rapidly that he perceives the current of air produced by the motion ; coldness as if from cold poultices on head ; headache as if from a heavy weight ; as if a cord was frequently drawn and tightened as if to cut head in two ; as if a nail was pressed in occiput, of which point pierces brain ; rushing in ears as from a strong wind or as from wing of a bird ; facial muscles as if too short ; movement of lower jaw as if chewing ; nausea as if from pit of stomach ; as if everything in abdomen was constricted ; as if menses would appear ; as if larynx suddenly closed upon breath ; constriction in throat as from vapors of sulphur ; parts on which one lies feel as if dislocated and sprained ; as if cold air was blowing on him.
 Pain : under left breast ; all over body.
 Indescribable pain : in limbs.
 Stitches : in anus to bladder ; in sides of chest.
 Pinching pains : in abdomen.
 Gnawing pain : in chest.
 Cramp : in lung ; in abdominal muscles.
 Aching pain : in head ; in upper and lower limbs.
 Drawing pains : during menses.
 Compressing pain : in head over root of nose.
 Pressive, burning pains : in stomach.
 Burning : in urethra.
 Soreness : of thorax under arms.
 Heat : in face ; in throat.
 Dryness : of throat.
 Constriction : of chest ; of larynx and trachea ; of throat.
 Drawing and dragging : towards genitals.
 Tightness : of chest.
 Tension : in back part of head and neck ; in facial muscles.
 Heaviness : of head.
 Fulness : in pit of stomach.
 Oppression : in pit of stomach ; of chest.
 Restlessness : in lower extremities.
 Trembling : around heart.
 Crawling : in point of nose ; in arms.
 Intolerable titillation : in genitals.
 Pressing, itching, biting : in eyes.
 Coldness : in head ; on tibia.
 Purely nervous diseases ; hysteria.


 Coldness of skin, with much nervous trembling and frequent fainting.
 Eruption of pimples, with burning heat in face.
 Pimples on dorsum of foot, between toes, on shoulders and l. upper arm, bleeding after scratching.
 Herpes with excessive burning.
 Mercurial and venereal herpes.

Patient type and constitution

 Suitable to spoiled sensitive natures and hysteric women.
 Child, at. 3 ; subject to attacks lasting from five to ten days ; urinary disorders.
 Boy, at. 5 ; pale but strong, during termination of an attack of whooping cough ; spasms of larynx.
 Girl, at. 13 ; delicate, slender, menses not yet appeared, had diarrhoea for which сhamomilla and Rheum were given ; spasms.
 Girl, at. 16 ; suffering from amenorrhoea and beginning chlorosis ; threatened paralysis of lungs during typhoid fever.
 Girl, at. 17 ; weak, menstruated but once, a year ago ; during her twelfth year had spasms resulting from fright, relieved by Ignat. ; spasms returned three days ago after vexation and were accompanied by retching and vomiting of bile, for which сhamomilla Was prescribed ; spasms.
 Man, at. 40 ; lawyer, has been dyspeptic ; incontinence of urine.
 Man, at. 43 ; married ; diabetes with impotency.
 Woman, at. 72 ; heart affection.
 Old lady ; palpitation of heart.

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidoted by : сamphor, сoffea.
 It antidotes : headache of Therid.
 Compare : Ambra, Asafoetida, сamphor., сastor., Nux mosch. (neuralgic pains and functional disorders from taking cold), Ammonium, Ignat., Magn. mur., Valer.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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