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Калий броматум

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Нозологии
  4. Психика и сознание
  5. Голова, лицо и уши
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  8. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  9. Мочеполовая система
  10. Характеристика растения
  11. Органы грудной клетки
  12. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  13. Конечности и позвоночник
  14. Нервная система
  15. Сон
  16. Общие симптомы
  17. Лихорадка
  18. Кожа
  19. Тип пациента и конституция
  20. Диф. диагностика
  21. Аналоги по действию
  22. Входит в состав
  23. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

kali-br, Kali bromatum, бромистый калий гомеопатия, калиум броматум.

Источник описания

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Potassium вromide. K. вr.
 For general effects and experiments with the crude drug, see Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 5, p. 264.
 We need provings, particularly with the higher potencies, to bring out the finer characteristics of the drug.


 - Melancholy and loss of memory ; Affection of mind at climacteric period, Wesselhoeft, N. E. M. G., vol. 8, p. 520 ; Incipient basilar meningitis, Hale’s Sympt. p. 117 ; Diphtheria, Noack, ehme’s Therap., p. 44 ; Diabetes mellitus (2 cases), вegbie, Hale’s Therap., сholera infantum (157 cases reported cured), сaro., Hale’s Therap. Polypus of rectum, Helmuth, в. J. H., vol. 29, p. 745 ; Nymphomania, Hale, N. A. J. H., vol. 13, p. 212 ; Ovarian enlargement, Hughes, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 793 ; Ovarian cyst, вlack, Trans. World’s Hom. сonium, 1876, p. 763 ; Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 244 ; Menstrual disorders, сowley, Trans. H. M. S. Pa., 1876, p. 439 ; Puerperal eclampsia, Woodbury, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 193 ; сapillary bronchitis, вlakelock, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 11 ; Epilepsy, menstrual or hysterical (15 cases), Locock, N. A. J. H., vol. 13, p. 210 ; Epilepsy, сook, в. J. H., vol. 24, p. 330 ; (3 cases), Hubbell, N. E. M. G., vol. 3, p. 94 ; (3 cases), Neidhard, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1881, p. 354.

Психика и сознание

 Unconscious of what is occurring around them ; cannot recognize, nor be comforted by their friends.
 Loss of memory.
 Memory absolutely destroyed ; anemia ; emaciation.
 Loss of memory, despondency, inability to concentrate mind on any object ; constant worry, fears to see people or to be spoken to ; vertigo, with falling, worse from stooping ; failure of mental and bodily strength ; pricking sensation all over body, palpitation ; constantly busy, tying his shoes, fumbling in his pockets, picking threads, etc. θ Mental derangement.
 Loss of memory, forgets how to talk, absentmindedness.
 Loss of memory ; had to be told the word before he could speak it. θ Amnesic aphasia.
 Single words forgotten ; syllables are dropped.
 Inability to express oneself.
 Mentally dull, torpid ; perception slow, answers slowly.
 Imagines he is singled out as an object of divine wrath ; extreme drowsiness.
 Imagines she is a devil ; cannot sleep ; fears to be alone.
 Positive delusions of various kinds.
 Delusions during and after delirium tremens.
 In first stage with horrid illusions, flushed face, red eyes, and hard and quick pulse. θ Delirium tremens.
 Frightful imaginings at night (in pregnant women during latter months), they are under impression that they have committed, or about to commit, some great crime and cruelty, such as murdering their children or husbands.
 Hallucinations of sight and sound, with or without mania, precede brain and paralytic symptoms.
 Delirium, with delusions ; thinks he is pursued ; will be poisoned ; is selected for divine vengeance ; that her child is dead, etc.
 Delirium tremens, in first or irritative stage ; face flushed ; eyes red ; delirium active ; horrid illusions ; hard, quick pulse.
 Puerperal mania.
 Acute mania, with fulness of bloodvessels of brain.
 Insanity ; manner excited, rambling.
 Feels as if he would go out of his mind.
 She is very fretful, crying at trifles, constantly brooding over loss of a daughter ; almost crazy ; from fretting, loss of rest and want of nourishment, is seized with nervous dysentery.
 Hands constantly busy ; all sorts of fearful delusions ; walks the room groaning, bemoaning his fate ; full of fear ; unsteady.
 Fits of uncontrollable weeping and profound melancholic delusions.
 Feeling of lightness and exhilaration in place of heaviness and depression.
 Depressed ; low-spirited ; has nervous anxiety.
 Remarkably depressed, well marked amnesic aphasia.
 Deep depression, with painful delusions, with persistent sleeplessness, and dread of impending destruction of all near to her.
 Great despondency ; feel as if they should go out of their minds .
 Profound melancholic depression, with religious delusions and feeling of moral deficiency ; frequent shedding of tears, low-spirited and childish, giving way to her feelings ; profound indifference and almost disgust for life. θ Melancholia.
 Profound melancholy, from anemia.
 Great despondency, with insanity, a feeling of moral deficiency, or a religious delusion, from anemia.
 Melancholy, with delusions ; often childish ; fits of uncontrollable weeping.
 Night terrors of children (not from indigestion), with screaming, unconsciousness of what is occurring around them ; cannot recognize, nor be comforted by their friends ; sometimes followed by squinting.
 Apathetic, indifferent.
 Timid, suspicious, full of fear.
 Much concerned about health ; complains without cause ; restless and trembling in evening ; low-spirited, with great and uncontrollable sensation of fear and anxiety ; thinks she is becoming deranged ; change of life.
 So sensitive and irritable of mind she cannot give her music lessons ; very thought of piano breaks her down, makes her shake all over, and then cry with fear and apprehension that she is losing her mind ; cries easily ; so easily confused that she cannot say what she wishes to ; least thing worries her ; makes her utterly miserable to be looked at or spoken to ; fears to see people ; always depressed and low-spirited ; memory weak and unreliable. θ Melancholia.
 Overtaxed brain.
 Congestive paralysis approaching apoplexy ; lay unconscious for twenty-four hours ; flushed face ; feeble pulse, contracted and non-reacting pupils ; followed by vertigo and mental weakness.
 Heaviness, confusion ; slow speech, staggers a if drunk.
 Dizziness, noises in ear ; nervous excitement ; sleepless.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Vertigo. Palpitation, nausea, even unconsciousness ; memory growing weak ; as if ground gave away ; staggering gait ; confusion and heat of head, drowsiness, stupor ; fainting and nausea followed by sound sleep.
 Confusion of head.
 Migraine, with flushed face, throbbing temples, injected conjunctiva, photophobia and much congestion of brain.
 Constrictive sensation in brain as if too tight, with a feeling of anesthesia of brain.
 Headache in right frontal protuberance ; sleepy.
 Severe, throbbing aching pains in occipital region, extending down as far as dorsal region ; cannot sit up or walk or shake head without feeling.
 Violent headache, particularly in occiput.
 Brain irritated, face flushed, pupils dilated, eyes sunken ; rolls head ; awakes now and then screaming ; extremities cold. θ сholera infantum.
 Reflex cerebral irritation, with active congestion in children during teething, cholera infantum, or scarlet fever ; first stage of hydrocephaloid from cholera infantum.
 Flushed face, throbbing of carotids and temporals, suffusion of eyes ; feeling of fulness of head.
 Headache, with dizziness ; staggering as if intoxicated, stupefaction ; sopor ; muscular weakness ; anesthesia of pharynx and velum palati and external skin ; sight weakened and hearing impaired ; gastralgia ; vomiting ; colic ; constipation. θ Alcoholism.
 Active congestion, or first stage of inflammation, before effusion has occurred.
 Acute congestions or inflammatory diseases of brain.
 Incipient basilar meningitis ; severe headache, nearly all the time ; worse at night ; would play a few minutes, then lay head down on chair or other support and cry with headache ; weak, emaciated, dull, heavy eyed ; no appetite ; sleep disturbed by groans, grinding of teeth, starting up frightened ; terrible headache ; tongue clean ; pulse 90 to 100, quick and wiry ; constipation ; scanty urine ; too much heat about head.
 Anemia of brain from loss of fluids ; constant drowsiness ; coma ; pupils dilated, eyes sunken, eyeballs moving in every direction without taking any notice ; feet and hands blue and cold ; pulse imperceptible. θ Hydrocephalus.
 Bad results from overtaxing brain ; especially with grief or anxiety ; nervousness.
 Violent headache, from concussion of brain.
 Mercurial headache.
 Drooping of head ; cannot hold it erect.
 Scalp feels tight, brain numb, confused ; difficult walking.
 Vision dim, pupils dilated ; with heavy lids and invincible drowsiness.
 Eyes sunken, lustreless ; gaze fixed.
 Eyeballs moving in every direction.
 Dilated pupils and sunken eyes. θ сholera infantum.
 Pupils dilated, contract sluggishly, vertigo and confusion of head ; pupils contracted.
 Vessels of fundus enlarged ; conjunctiva congested.
 Eyes suffused.
 Squinting ; after night terrors of children.
 Ringing in ears.
 Roaring in ears at night synchronous with pulse.
 Sounds echo in ears ; headache.
 Hardness of hearing.
 Smell impaired.
 Thick mucus and yellow scabs in nostrils.
 Erythematous swelling of nose.
 Expression : pale, but otherwise appeared as one drunk, with hallucinations, etc. ; wearied, anxious ; dull, stupefied ; imbecile.
 Expressionless face ; incipient softening of brain.
 Complexion yellow, cachectic.
 Face flushed.
 Acne on face in young fleshy people of gross habits.
 Papular rash.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Odontitis in children.
 Difficult dentition of children.
 Vomiting and diarrhoea of teething children.
 Tongue : red, dry, enlarged ; red, later dry and brown ; white, with languor and sleepiness ; pale and cold.
 White tongue. θ Dyspepsia.
 Tongue red and tender ; gums spongy. θ Diabetes.
 Fetid breath ; a peculiar sickening odor ; tongue white.
 Saliva profuse, with fetid breath.
 Suppressed salivation in teething children.
 Anesthesia of mouth, throat and pharynx ; chronic alcoholism.
 Dysphagia of liquids (in infants) ; can swallow only solids.
 Uvula and fauces congested, then oedematous.
 Dryness of throat.
 Face very red, throat swollen ; pulse 150 ; impossible to move head ; submaxillary glands swollen and painful, especially on right side ; tonsils swollen and purple ; very thick exudate, covering tonsils and uvula ; distinct, crooked line of demarcation between healthy and affected part ; mouth dry, hot ; anxiety ; excitement alternating with comatose somnolence. θ Diphtheria.
 Diphtheritis with quick pulse ; fever ; dry tongue ; offensive breath ; highly injected and dusky red fauces ; patches of wash leather exudation on tonsils or pharynx.
 After parturition voice changed, whispering.
 Hoarseness, extremely painful and disagreeable.
 Aphasia, from embolism of middle cerebral artery.
 Hyperesthesia of laryngeal nerves.
 Loss of sensibility.
 Chronic catarrh with purulent slate colored sputa.
 Follicular and catarrhal laryngitis.
 Laryngismus stridulus, uncomplicated, from neurosis or reflex irritation.
 Spasmodic, dry croup, occurring suddenly in night ; from reflex irritation, teething, worms, not catarrhal.
 Spasmodic croup ; in earlier stages when child appears well in daytime ; at night is agitated, face flushed, suffused and bloodshot eyes ; after several hours he sleeps, breathing easily and naturally, but soon awakens in a paroxysm ; hyperesthesia of laryngeal nerves followed at later stage by natural reaction ; loss of sensibility in larynx ; exudation of whitish, firm texture, affecting trachea and bronchi ; harsh, painful voice, with hoarseness ; hacking cough with dulness and confusion of head ; wakes suddenly from sound sleep with sensation of suffocation, with peculiar ringing, dry, brassy cough and hurried breathing. θ сroup.
 Membranous croup, with whitish exudation.
 Torpid cases with copious purulent expectoration. θ вronchitis.
 Infantile capillary bronchitis with severe dyspnoea, throwing arms wildly about ; spasmodic action of muscles, opisthotonos.

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Taste : foul ; salty ; lost.
 Difficult speech ; action of tongue ; disordered ; slow and difficult after waking ; stammering.
 Loss of appetite ; tongue white ; languor.
 Thirst intense with dry mouth.
 Children, from time of birth, can swallow solids with ease, yet choke every time they try to drink.
 Troublesome pressure at stomach after dinner ; lassitude.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Repeated retching and emesis ; sick and giddy.
 Hysterical women who vomit their food after each meal, especially if subjected to exciting emotions.
 Vomiting : with intense thirst ; when ganglionic system is affected ; of drunkards after a debauch ; in whooping cough ; of meconium.
 Chronic morning vomiting of drunkards.
 Weakness of stomach ; dyspepsia.
 Anorexia, foul breath, white tongue, involving edges as well as dorsum, and not necessarily furred ; great languor ; violent headache ; loathing ; vomiturition or vomiting of mucus ; saltish taste in mouth ; vomiting of drunkards after debauch ; troublesome pressure at stomach after dinner.
 Enlargement of liver and spleen.
 Small tumor in region of spleen.
 Sensation as if bowels were falling out.
 Internal coldness of abdomen.
 Abdomen sunken, almost stuck to vertebral column. θ сholera infantum.
 Abdominal spasms, walls retracted, convulsive motions of eyes and limbs ; frequent, green, watery stools. θ Summer complaint.
 Colic in young children ; walls of belly are retracted and hard, while intestines can be seen at one spot contracted into a hard lump, of size of a small orange, and contraction can be seen through abdominal wall to travel from one part of intestines to another ; attacks frequent and excruciating, unconnected with diarrhoea or constipation, but often associated with an aphthous condition of mouth.
 Periodic colic in infants, occurring about 5 P. M.
 Flatulent colic in children and hysterical women.
 Ascites of hepatic or splenic origin.
 Painless diarrhoea, with great chilliness, even in a hot room ; fifteen or twenty passages in twenty-four hours ; burning in chest ; internal coldness of abdomen ; pulse frequent and weak ; urine scanty, dribbling of a few drops in beginning ; at every stool, sensation as if bowels were falling out ; restless and shaky as if from palsy.
 Stools. Watery (like rice water) ; painless.
 Frequent, green, watery discharges, with violent abdominal spasms, during which abdomen gets hard ; thrush in mouth ; convulsive motions of eyes and limbs.
 Bloody muco-purulent diarrhoea, with intense thirst, vomiting, eyes sunken, pupils dilated, skin corrugated and spotted blue, body cold, tongue red and dry, pulse imperceptible, urine suppressed.
 Cerebral irritation during cholera infantum ; pupils dilated, eyes sunken, eyeballs moving in every direction without taking any notice ; feet and hands blue and cold ; pulse imperceptible.
 Cholera infantum, with reflex cerebral irritation of brain, before effusion.
 Cholera infantum, sudden in onset, attended by great prostration, cold hands and feet, hot head, dilated pupils, rolling of eyes and head, starts, jactitation, spasms, watery, very offensive stools, vomiting of all drinks and intense thirst ; nervous and vascular excitement.
 Great prostration, coldness of surface and symptoms of hydrocephaloid. θ сholera infantum.
 Asiatic cholera, first stage, vomiting, cramps, rice water discharges ; restores secretion of urine.
 Constipation ; stools very dry, hard and infrequent.
 Retention of meconium, with vomiting of all food and obstinate constipation.
 During stool. Sensation as if bowels were falling out ; dribbling of urine.
 Spasmodic stricture of sphincter ani.
 Constant diarrhoea and more or less tenesmus, and passage of much blood ; on making efforts to expel, protrusion of several elongated bodies, resembling earthworms in shape, but of much more brilliant red color ; they presented a soft, vascular, shreddy appearance, bearing some resemblance to sarcomatous growths ; with this expulsion there was always a yellow, very fetid discharge ; feces flattened ; flatulent distension of bowels ; patient pale and sickly looking. θ Polypus of rectum.
 Blind, intensely painful varices with black stools.
 Pain in hemorrhoids, fissure of rectum, and painful growths.

Мочеполовая система

 Pain in region of kidneys extending in direction of ascending colon ; afterwards copious urine.
 Spasmodic affection of neck of bladder.
 Neuralgia of neck of bladder.
 Abnormal irritability of urinary passages.
 Diminution of sensibility of urethra.
 Urine : profuse with thirst ; with abundance of phosphates ; copious, pale ; scanty, even suppressed in collapse ; scanty, dribbling a few drops at beginning of every stool.
 Incontinence of urine.
 Nocturnal involuntary emissions of urine.
 Suppression of urine. θ сholera infantum.
 Emaciation ; paleness ; skin cold and dry ; pulse rapid and feeble ; tongue red and tender ; gums spongy and bleeding ; thirst excessive ; appetite voracius ; bowels constipated ; urine pale, frequent, large quantity, of high density, and loaded with sugar ; liver tumid and tender. θ Diabetes mellitus.
 Sensual and lascivious fancies and dreams.
 Excessive sexual desire, with constant erections at night.
 Diminution of sexual desire ; lessened even to impotence.
 Erections at night ; backache ; uncontrollable fidgettiness.
 Impotence with melancholy, loss of memory ; nervous prostration ; epilepsy.
 Effects of sexual excesses, such as impotency, paralysis and spasms from exhaustion of spinal cord.
 Frequent pollutions from ardent imagination.
 Seminal emissions, with depressed spirits, dull thought, backache, staggering gait and great weakness.
 Nocturnal emissions, with amorous dreams and erections.
 Spermatorrhoea, before paralytic symptoms have set in ; erections normal but teasing and persistent, with nocturnal emissions and nervous disturbances growing out of unsatisfied sexual desire.
 Chordee, during gonorrhoea.
 Sterility from excessive sexual indulgence.
 Abolition of all sexual feeling during coition.
 Aversion to coition ; menses scanty.
 Enlargement of uterus after parturition, with abnormal discharges.
 Subinvolution of uterus.
 Induration of uterus ; enlargement of uterus (after parturition), with abnormal discharges.
 Uterine fibroids.
 Ovarian neuralgia from ungratified sexual desire ; nervous unrest.
 Neuralgia of ovaries ; pain, swelling, tenderness of left ovary ; diminution of sexual desire.
 Epilepsy from ovarian irritation.
 Large tumor, smooth and tense in hypogastric and right iliac region ; tumor slightly tender when pressed, and there is indistinct fluctuation ; measurement of abdomen taken in a line with crests of ilium shows an increase in size of ten inches ; urine scanty and frequent calls to pass it. θ Ovarian cystic tumor.
 Abdomen large but not tense ; on palpation, well defined, elastic tumor, yielding indistinct fluctuation, in left iliac region, here also movements are felt as in quickening. θ Ovarian enlargement.
 Ovarian cystic tumor, after tapping.
 Metrorrhagia from reflex irritation, or of nervous origin.
 Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, nymphomania and menstrual epilepsy ; nervous symptoms led to its use.
 Menorrhagia from ovarian irritation caused by strong sexual desire.
 Flooding, especially in young women.
 Erotomania, a few days after menses.
 Before menses : headache.
 During menses : epileptic spasms, nymphomania, itching burning and excitement in vulva, pudenda and clitoris, After menses : headache, insomnia and heat in genitals.
 Epileptic attacks at or near menstrual periods.
 Scanty menstruation, in fleshy women.
 Change of life. Restless, must be on the move ; sleepless ; trembling ; flushings of face and much congestion of blood to head ; palpitation of heart ; menorrhagia.
 Voluptuous itching, tingling and irritation in external genital organs.
 Pruritus of genitals, arising from irritation of uterus, or ovaries, or any hyperesthesia of veins of that location ; sexual excitement intense, often actual nymphomania.

Характеристика растения

 Nymphomania during puerperal state.
 Puerperal mania, attended by ferocious or erotic delirium.
 Frightful imaginings in pregnant women, usually caused by engorged condition of brain.
 Frightful imaginings at night, labors under impression that she has committed, or is about to commit, some great crime or cruelty, as the murder of her children or husband. θ Pregnancy.
 Morning sickness and vomiting during pregnancy.
 Constant hacking cough during pregnancy ; irresistible desire to urinate, but no flow except with urging and difficulty.
 Nervous cough during pregnancy, threatening abortion ; the cough dry, hard and almost incessant.
 Convulsions during labor.
 Enlarged uterus.

Органы грудной клетки

 Breath hot and hurried.
 Breathlessness, nervous headache and want of sleep.
 Asthma of nervous origin.
 Spasmodic asthma, with dry, nervous, spasmodic cough, great tightness of breathing.
 Spasmodic asthma of children ; great dyspnoea, lividity of face ; no sleep, urine suppressed, general oedema.
 Severe dyspnoea, tossing arms about wildly ; spasmodic action of muscles, throwing child into a state of opisthotonos. θ сapillary bronchitis.
 Paroxysmal, dry cough.
 Dry, fatiguing cough at intervals of two or three hours, with difficult respiration, followed by vomiting of mucus and food, worse at night and when lying down ; tightness of chest when breathing.
 Weak, nervous children, arouse with a dry, spasmodic cough, which greatly frightens them, causing them to cry out in terror.
 Hacking cough with dulness and confusion of head.
 Dry cough, due to reflex action from stomach, intestines, or uterus.
 Nervous, dry, hysterical cough of women, especially if pregnant.
 Whooping cough, with spasmodic, dry cough ; spasm of glottis ; with convulsions.
 Burning in chest.
 Pneumonia in drunkards.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Feeble, intermitting action of heart ; so nervous she must be busy and walk ; slow and small pulse ; heart’s beats wanting in energy, and its sounds distant and feeble ; action of heart slow and fluttering.
 Cardiac neuroses from spinal or uterine irritation.
 Pulse : accelerated, later slower ; slow, small, weak ; rapid and weak ; 100, weak ; 50, small and feeble ; 40 skin cold, clammy ; imperceptible with coldness and collapse.
 Vascular bruit de souffle.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Tabes dorsalis from sexual excesses.
 Backache ; tired lameness of legs. θ Seminal emissions.
 Trembling of hands during voluntary motion ; or, as in delirium tremens.
 Hands and fingers in constant action ; busy twitching of fingers.
 Cannot stand erect ; legs weak.
 Unsteady gait ; frequently taken for a drunken man.
 Gait staggering, uncertain ; looks to see if legs are really moving ; feels as if his legs were all over sidewalk. θ Locomotor ataxia.
 Loss of sensibility ; pinching or burning causes no pain. θ Locomotor ataxia.
 Legs and feet cold and blue ; on being touched leave white impress of fingers for more than twenty-five seconds. θ сholera infantum.
 Difficulty of holding head erect.
 Stooping : vertigo.
 Lying down : cough.
 Cannot sit, or walk, or shake head without feeling worse of headache.
 Cannot stand erect.
 Straightening out in bed during spasm.
 Restless, must be on the move.
 Impossible to move head on account of swollen throat.
 Difficult walking.
 Touch : leaves white impress of fingers.
 Pressure : tumor slightly tender.
 Pinching : causes no pain.

Нервная система

 The thought of something to be done makes her shake all over.
 Nervous, restless ; cannot sit still, but must move about or otherwise occupy oneself ; often suits nervous women.
 Restlessness, fitfullness of motion, with giddiness.
 Almost constant twitching of fingers and a busy occupation of them in matters of no importance.
 Nervous irritability caused by severe illness or death of some dear friend, or loss of property or reputation ; constant fretting ; will not eat, cannot sleep, is very irritable ; pulse quick, tongue coated ; fetid breath.
 Restlessness and sleeplessness due to worry and grief.
 Nervous excitement, irritation and congestion of cerebral meninges, with mania.
 Hysterical spinal irritation.
 Reflex excitability.
 Languor, disinclined to talk, or use mind or work, indifferent, sleepy ; by strong effort of will can act as usual.
 Trembling sensation through body.
 Mercurial trembling.
 Symptoms from affection of vasomotor nerves : occasional sudden paroxysmal feeling of numbness ; pins and needles ; deadness and weakness ; indescribable feeling of something wrong ; feeling of largeness, or as if limbs were swollen ; aching, uneasiness or actual pain not very severe ; feeling of coldness, occasionally obvious fact of coldness ; sudden weakness ; paralyzed feeling ; unable to retain grasp of an object, hastily putting it down, or allowing it to fall ; muscles do not respond readily to will ; co-ordination of movement defective ; writing or needlework have to be discontinued ; rubs the limbs by, as it would seem, an almost instinctive impulse ; sensations allied to cramp, or actual cramp, with varying amounts of pain.
 General delirium, hallucination, fancies about being persecuted ; ataxia ; as in general paralysis.
 Gait : unsteady, reeling, as if drunk ; staggering ; false steps frequent ; with rolling and staggering ; as one walks with locomotor ataxia ; looks too see if legs are really moving.
 Weakness of extensors of legs and feet.
 Weakness of muscles of arms.
 Incoordination of muscles ; nervous weakness, even paralysis of motion and numbness.
 Great difficulty in getting and keeping right word, although right idea is present to mind. θ Anemia of frontal lobe of brain.
 Amnesic aphasia.
 Anesthesia, particularly of gums, pharynx and genitalia.
 Spasms : from fright, anger and other emotional causes, occurring in plethoric, nervous persons, or in women at time of menses ; during parturition ; from sexual excitement or excessive venery ; too great reflex excitability, sleeplessness ; during teething, whooping cough, or laryngismus stridulus ; from вright’s disease.
 Neuroses involving brain, accompanied by convulsions.
 At intervals of seven, ten and fifteen days, is attacked, usually at 4 A. M., with spasms ; straightens out in bed and makes the noise peculiar to this disease ; face almost immediately becomes livid, and unless temples and face are rubbed during fit, dark purple spots remain for two or three days ; livid ring about eyes ; after from one to three minutes, muscles relax and she goes into a comatose sleep, in which she remains several hours, feels languid on awaking ; head aches, and has a severe pain always at pit of stomach, and sometimes nausea, eats nothing for twenty-four hours, and then feels nearly as well as usual. θ Epilepsy.
 Mental hebetude, slowness of expression, failure of memory ; confusion and heat of head, great vertigo ; dull, stupefied expression ; languor in extremities, whole mind and body given up to lassitude. θ Epilepsy.
 At each menstrual period one severe convulsion ; falling while at work ; stupid and prostrated remainder of day.
 Attacks at new moon, regularly at 2 A. M. ; nausea, trembling in bowels ; eyes staring and wide open ; jerking of left foot and then of arms ; then deep sleep ; complete unconsciousness, but no foaming at mouth ; urine involuntary. θ Epilepsy.
 No foaming at mouth ; headache after attacks ; menses deficient, with prolapsus uteri ; undoubted heredity. θ Epilepsy.
 Fits as often as once a fortnight, and at times twice a week. θ Epilepsy.
 Fit each month, usually a day or two before menses.
 Frequent and violent convulsive seizures ; epileptiform attacks, dependent on presence of a tumor or other coarse organic lesion of brain, are usually suspended ; attacks especially occurring during daytime ; grand mal rather than petit mal.
 Epilepsy when attacks are attended or caused by unmistakable congestion of brain ; epilepsy of recent character, and not dependent on constitutional causes ; congenital and syphilitic epilepsy greatly modified.
 Epilepsy from cerebral congestion, with vascular fulness of retina.
 Epilepsy from tuberculosis.
 Acts like a crazy person ; enfeebling of mental power ; trembling of hands ; gait unsteady, irregular, staggering, as if drunk ; eruption on lower extremities, generally on calves of legs, spotted yellow, indurated base, thick, yellow scabs. θ сhorea.
 Tongue protruded with a jerk ; muscles of face, right arm and legs in constant jactitation, quite violent. θ сhorea.
 Unable to dress herself or work, could hardly speak ; face, arm and leg of right side affected. θ сhorea.
 Very violent chorea from fright.
 Paralysis agitans.


 Sleepiness ; deep sleep, often broken by a start, though waking is very difficult ; confused dreams.
 Sleepy ; drops asleep in his chair ; if aroused falls right asleep again ; during day.
 Sleepless ; restless ; can only calm herself by incessant occupation.
 Sleeplessness : especially in anemic patients, or nervous persons who are exhausted but irritated ; from overfulness of cerebral bloodvessels ; during convalescence from acute diseases ; in case of mercurial poisoning ; accompanying mental anxiety, hysteria, pregnancy and general nervous irritability.
 Deep, profound and quiet slumber.
 Profound and yet disturbed sleep, always awakens with a mental struggle, not knowing at first where he was or what had become of him.
 Grinding of teeth during sleep, with moans and cries.
 Night terrors of children ; grinding teeth in sleep, moans, cries ; horrible dreams.
 Somnambulism in children.
 Awakes from a profound sleep, not knowing where he is.
 Waking with severe headache in a child.
 During day : sleepy.
 Evening : restless and trembling.
 Night : frightful imaginings ; headache.

Общие симптомы

 Hot room : chilliness.
 High temperature : itching.
 Paroxysms of numbness ; feels as if needles were pricking him.
 Parts feel as if growing large, swollen.
 Loss of sensibility ; body generally, also fauces, larynx, urethra, etc.
 Feels as if he would go out of his mind ; staggers as if drunk ; as if ground gave way ; brain, as if too tight ; as if bowels were falling out ; restless and shaky as if from palsy ; feels as if legs were all over sidewalk, as if limbs were swollen ; as if in a furnace.
 Pain : in right frontal protuberance ; in hemorrhoids ; in region of kidneys, extending in direction of descending colon ; in left ovary.
 Excruciating colic.
 Violent pain : in head, particularly in occiput.
 Terrible headache.
 Intensely painful varices with black stools.
 Neuralgia : of neck of bladder.
 Severe, throbbing, aching pains ; in occipital region.
 Throbbing : in temples ; in carotids and temporals.
 Colic : in children.
 Pricking sensation : all over body.
 Hoarseness : extremely painful.
 Tingling : in external genital organs.
 Burning : in chest ; in vulva.
 Heat : in genitals.
 Confusion : of head.
 Fulness : of head.
 Pressure : at stomach.
 Tight feeling : in scalp.
 Tightness : of chest when breathing.
 Constrictive sensation : in brain.
 Sensation of suffocation.
 Dryness : of throat.
 Lameness : of legs.
 Jerking : in left foot and then of arms.
 Trembling sensation : through body ; in bowels.
 Itching : in external genital organs.
 Internal coldness : of abdomen.
 Diminishes reflex excitability of nervous centres ; the functions of organic life are not disturbed.
 Great weakness of muscles.
 Muscles irritated, rendered incoordinate and then paralyzed.
 It is supposed to cause contraction of capillaries.
 Sedative effect upon action of heart.
 Septicemia, lethargy, brain and spinal symptoms ; multiple abscesses.
 Swelling of lymphatic glands.
 Sebaceous cysts.
 Diseased organs are in hypertrophic condition.
 ** It removes pathological deposits of fatty matter only, while the iodide removes normal adipose matter.
 Emaciation ; decrease of temperature ; pallor.
 Lowers temperature, with coldness of extremities, hands and wrists icy cold and wet, cerebral irritation, in cholera infantum.


 Body cold ; skin corrugated and mottled.
 Shivering with cold and cold skin, although child was covered with mustard plasters.
 Chilliness and general feeling of coldness, more pronounced about extremities. θ Ague.
 Heat, like cold stage, not very strongly marked.
 Heat in face and fugitive flushings here and there.
 Head hot, feels as if in a furnace, with coldness and chills.
 Sweat abundant and viscid, all over body ; unusually long lasting and exhausting. θ Ague.
 Quotidian ague.
 Symptoms recur pronounced 5 P. M. ; periodic colic in infants.
 At intervals of two or three hours : dry, fatiguing cough.
 For several hours : comatose sleep.
 At every stool : sensation as if bowels would fall out.
 In 24 hours, fifteen or twenty passages.
 At times : fits twice a week.
 At intervals of seven, ten and fifteen days, is attacked, usually at 4 A. M., with spasms.
 Every fortnight : fits.
 Attacks at new moon : regularly at 2 A. M.
 During menses : epileptic spasms.
 After menses : headache ; insomnia ; heat in genitals.
 At each menstrual attack ; one severe convulsion.
 In winter : slightly elevated, smooth, red patches like urticaria.
 Right : headache in frontal protuberance ; submaxillary glands swollen and painful ; large tumor in iliac region ; muscles of arm in constant jactitation ; chorea affecting arm and leg.
 Left : tenderness of ovary ; jerking in foot.


 Skin cold, blue, spotted, corrugated. θ сholera infantum.
 Moist eczema of legs with pityriasis of scalp.
 Moist eruptions.
 Slightly elevated, smooth, red patches, like urticaria, but with hardened bases, like erythema nodosum ; itching at night in bed and in a high temperature ; appear in winter.
 Acne simplex and indurata ; bluish red, pustular, worse on face and chest ; especially in lymphatic constitutions.
 Acne on face and shoulders ; centre becomes depressed ; leave scars.
 Rose colored mammilated eruption on lower extremities ; sometimes pustules in centre of patches that become umbilicated, exuding a creamy moisture and forming thick, yellow scabs.
 Eruption of small boils in successive crops, mostly on face and trunk, with troublesome itching.
 Large, indolent, painful pustules ; boils.
 Long lasting scrofulous ulcerations.
 Syphilitic psoriasis.

Тип пациента и конституция

 Acts more satisfactorily in children than in adults.
 Especially adapted to large persons inclined to obesity.
 Child, at. 3 ; threatened inflammation of brain.
 Girl, at. 5, delicate, thin, complaining for several weeks ; incipient basilar meningitis.
 Child, at. 8, lymphatic temperament, disposed to frequent sore throats ; diphtheria.
 Girl, at. 16, menses appeared at 13 without any influence upon the disease, animal magnetism and electricity benefited for a short time ; epilepsy.
 Young lady, of robust habit and sanguine temperament, usually modest and retiring ; nymphomania.
 Young woman, single, seamstress ; epilepsy.
 Woman, at. 19, stout, healthy looking, began to menstruate at 14 years of age ; epilepsy.
 Woman, at. 20, dwarfish appearance, suffering eight years ; polypus of rectum.
 Woman, at. 25, single, teacher of music ; melancholia.
 Woman, at. 30 ; threatened inflammation of brain.
 Lady, at. 32, unmarried, dark hair, healthy appearance, subject to severe cutting pains in hypogastrium and headaches ; ovarian cyst.
 Woman, at. 38, married ; ovarian enlargement.
 Woman, at. 52, change of life ; affection of mind.
 Man, at. 65, weekly attacks for ten years ; epilepsy.

Диф. диагностика

 Antidoted by vegetable acids, oleaginous remedies, сamphora, Nux vomica, Zincum. It antidotes lead poisoning.
 Compatible : after Acon. and Spongia ; after Eugenia jambos in acne.
 Compare : Ambra, Am. brom., вellad. (but this drug is sthenic), сamphora (cholera collapse), Gelsem., Hyosc., Natr. mur. (mind), Stramon., Zincum.

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